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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2089279 No.2089279 [Reply] [Original]

hey /biz/

A friend of mine has been royally fucked.

His wife cheated on him, and the state he's in doesn't care about adultery when it comes to divorce. She will still be entitled to maybe half of everything he owns, even though he is the only one who has earned any money during their relationship. There's also the possibility of alimony.

He's obviously going to divorce his wife, but he also wants to secure his assets. How to make it so that his wife gets as little as possible of his money?

I was thinking of suggesting something like buying and hiding valuable metals, moving money to offshore accounts (possibly in someone else's name), or even buying bitcoin.

Any ideas, /biz/?

>> No.2089288

Kill her

>> No.2089300

dubz speak. he gets free life insurance and doesn't lose anything

>> No.2089304

Relevant answer re. this from another thread:

>You will be required to disclose assets gained during the marriage during the divorce process, under oath. You will also be required to comply with the eventual divorce decree. If you're contemplating perjury or contempt of court, don't bother: you're not as clever as your wife's lawyer, or the forensic accountant her lawyer will likely hire, who will have seen that idea before. You could land yourself in jail.

>Instead, work with your lawyer to structure whatever arguments you can that the assets should be divided closer to how you would prefer. Let your lawyer run the divorce process until you cool off enough not to shoot yourself in the foot: one of the reasons you hire a professional is to have someone with the emotional distance needed to make sound decisions.

>To be clear: you're allowed to be angry, and to feel betrayed, and to blame your wife for her decision to cheat on you. All of that is normal, and human. However, the way you're contemplating handling divorce will blow up in your face quite badly: this is not your opportunity to punish your wife. You will not get an opportunity to punish your wife. You'll need to let that go, and let a professional represent your interests.

Possibly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perjury

>> No.2089307


>> No.2089326

buy shitcoins and move abroad, problem solved

>> No.2089327

get a jew lawyer and pray for a black judge

>> No.2089333

Can't he move to another state and get the case reviewed there?

>> No.2089335

Tell him to put any money he can into BTC or another coin. Put it into a wallet and memorize the password. Tell NO ONE about this.

>> No.2089355

Dump it all into Ripple

>> No.2089372

>Go for vacation and send a ledger bomb from a deepnet vendor


>> No.2089376

>/biz/ - Buy High Sell Low

This happens with every fucking coin and stock. You call the ones in dips dead and everyone panic sells, then buy after it moons.

Fucking retards

>> No.2089386

Get the fuck out of the country.
That's the only option.
Sell everything and leave.

>> No.2089470


>getting married in current year

He was asking for it.

>> No.2089544


jew lawyer is only good at sucking away all your money

>> No.2090163


> Royally fucked

Yeah I fell down the other day. I got "royally fucked" when my face hit the concrete. Who knew that concrete was hard and at high speeds damages the body?

Your friend might as well complain that water is wet. Newsflash, most states are 50/50 divorce. That means if the man makes $100 million while the woman was getting fucked by a different man every day, she still gets $50 million in the divorce.

George Carlin was right about everything. All women are crazy, all men are stupid.

>> No.2090375
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Dump all money into crypto, put into hardware wallet, bury in woods, retrieve when the dust settles and move to 3rd world country. Disappear. Get new identity. Unironically.

>> No.2090421

Is it worth it to start a new life to secure your assets OP?
Only that matters. If you want your old life, sorry but you are cucked.
If not, go abroad, try to liquidate your assets and hide them (million ways).
Escape to switzerland if you have to.

>> No.2090467

>Is it worth it to start a new life to secure your assets?

Yes. Absolutely. Men by nature are most able and willing to pack up and leave at a moment's notice. You need less "stuff" than a woman does and less likely to become emotionally attached to inanimate objects.

Dump all cash on hand, savings etc into crypto, put on hardware wallet, and dip.

It's worth it just to spite the cheating cunt, but new life sounds exciting in itself.