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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20797655 No.20797655 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20797671

lmao, it's like going allin bitconnect after they exitscammed

>> No.20797687

It's even worth since bitcoin is about to rise now

>> No.20797692

imagine not understanding anything about ampl yet still posting....

>> No.20797711

How are negative rebases not super bearish?

>> No.20797714


>> No.20797726

>price lower than 1$
>coins disappear everyday for months
what's there to understand

>> No.20797731
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kek, look at this retard. i bet most ampl holders are like this they won't even know what happened to them when ampl is back below $100 million market cap

>> No.20797743

Show is starting ahahaha

>> No.20797773

found the guy from OP's post

>> No.20797818

I sold after a 10x and its thanks to retards like you guys that I make so much easy money in crypto so thanks lmao

>> No.20797836

it takes a week for negative rebases to start

>> No.20798745

i made $130k over the last 3 days but i know what you mean, it's thanks to someone out there that's probably posting on reddit or something

>> No.20798805

Bb-b-b-b-but the market cap stays the same so much money money you have after the "dump"?

>market cap dumps 50% from yesterday

>> No.20798971

I'm happy for you, I wish I could be you. I unfortunately got sold into this by somebody I respect and I do believe in the project and sincerely hope it recovers but this really hurts me. I've been posting in these threads about needing dental work and seeing AMPL crash and burn while I was asleep is honestly making me suicidal. I know I'm weak and /biz/ doesn't care but it hurts that people are so cruel. It'll take me another few years to save up an investment fund from here and I still won't be able to eat until then. I know, not my personal blog and I'm not trying to get people to feel sorry for me but I need to vent how I feel right now. I dug my grave and here I lay in it.

>> No.20798997

>Makes half a mil from AMPL
>Dumps at the top
>Watching this shitshow go to 0 now


>> No.20799012

just hold buddy. do you believe in the project or will you let anon shitposting and a little dump break your spirit?

>> No.20799033

A small consolation to people who fell for ampl: just like positive rebases, negative ones don't actually matter.

>> No.20799075

I do believe in it but I don't want to be taken advantage of anymore. I will hold through but I just needed to vent how I feel just in case it does actually crash down.

>> No.20799091


>> No.20799093

People care, quite a few anons including myself have taken time out of their day to explain why ampl is pointless bullshit. To separate these messages from the 100x larger volume of misinforming shills is wholly up to you and not something we can do anything about even if we wanted.

>> No.20799107

ampl will be fine but your mental attitude is garbage, unironically ngmi if you'll keep self-pitying yourself

>inb4 self-pity blog post reply

>> No.20799127

Yeah because of people entering the geyser it will even make them money

>> No.20799156

someone just bought half a goddamn MIL

>> No.20799196

I don't self pity myself. I grew up in complete poverty to a father that killed himself on my birthday and a crackwhore mom. I've done a lot in my life to not be them. I just really want to be able to eat man. You don't understand how painful it is to have a mouth full of rotting teeth because you were never taught proper mouth care as a child so before I could actually take care of them properly it was too late. I just want to be able to fucking eat again.

>> No.20799207

Anyone who thread the shill threads on here recently should have seen this dump coming..there's no free or easy money in this shit, unless you get in early.By the time it reaches the masses its too late

>> No.20799233
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>> No.20799234

Anyone who saw the shill threads on here recently should have seen this dump coming..there's no free or easy money in this shit, unless you get in early.By the time it reaches the masses its way too late

>> No.20799236

>I don't self pity myself.
>self-pitying blogpost

>> No.20799264

how do i sell this, the uniswap transaction is taking ages, any help?

>> No.20799271

Hope you make it bro, I'm unemployment for 4 months now, make a living out of crypto and stock

>> No.20799272

I just want to be able to eat.

>> No.20799275

>17k wallets

>> No.20799291

They played weak hands. Whales going back in.

>> No.20799305

Assuming youre a burger, why dont you travel to another country for dental work? Latin america, or southeast asia maybe?

>> No.20799366

I need a lot of work done, my last quote was for $60k. I need implants because dentures will deform my jaw too much according to 3 different dentists I've talked to and most other countries don't do implants yet.

>> No.20799375


>> No.20799400

I'm balls deep in AMPL

How much you got in?

>> No.20799411

I do too. I was a strength coach but Covid ruined my career so it's just been a really really fucking depressing last few months.

>> No.20799415

self-pitying won't help your ability to be able to eat, like, at all.

my father went to russia to get his collection of implants, buy i guess any eastern europe country will do.

>> No.20799416

>my last quote was $60k
you pushed your larp too far anon....

>> No.20799436

I hope you guys make it.

>> No.20799464

Where you from? I'm from The Netherlands

>> No.20799480

I'm not even joking. I basically need almost every tooth in my skull replaced. I wish it was a larp but it's true. I'm not self pitying, I'm obviously trying to make things better by investing my money and I don't want a fucking hand out but goddamn I don't want to suffer for the ignorance if my parents anymore.

>> No.20799525
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You got bogged

>> No.20799537
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oh jeeze people actually sold their AMPLes?
we just wanted to shitpost some pink is all... you actually bought the top and sold now? yikes...

>> No.20799540

I put my investment fund of $20k into AMPL. I'm American also. I went all in because I really do believe in it but yeah.

>> No.20799561


>> No.20799562

post pic of your teeth
>inb4 you're british

>> No.20799571

this, kek, i fudded all day and i'll buy more tomorrow after the rebase

>> No.20799596

America is fukt up at the moment, dollar is collapsing, I bet Civil War isn't far from now

>> No.20799609

>$20k into AMPL
literally aready made it, you can stop crying now

>> No.20799632

I have an appointment tomorrow for two extractions, I'll ask for my x-rays so you can see the 7 abscesses I have under my teeth

>> No.20799638

I'm all-in with my saving too, just because I believe in this

>> No.20799681

post teeth pic

>> No.20799694

Hope you will do well in the future man

How old are you?

>> No.20799705

Thanks Netherlands bro. I just needed a little support, I wasn't trying to get anyone to pity me. I've never been able to invest and the ride is making me bipolar.

>> No.20799764
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>> No.20799783

I will shill this till the dirt

I don't care, if I lose all, I need something to believe in, this is the only project that is out there with big potential

>> No.20799808
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Other side

>> No.20799843

Good luck man hope you will make it and able to fix this

>> No.20799871

Imagine the smell

>> No.20799889

i remember you from other threads
here's hoping you get the money for the surgeries

>> No.20799910

Sorry anon. Am praying for you.

>> No.20799940

it's called brush and floss, motherfucker. use them

>> No.20799943

ah fuck man, those do kinda look bad
i hope we all make it

>> No.20799952

i'm sorry man, the healthcare system is why the US is a third world shithole country. where i live you visit the dentist twice a year as a child even if you're poor, because it's free. now your mouth is rotting because muh freedom

>> No.20799979

It does indeed smell. I cover the holes with a mixture of dental wax and clove powder to get rid of the scent. I had an abscess pop in one of my bottom teeth the other day that smelt ungodly.

Thanks brother, I'm still learning about cycles and shit but AMPL has shot my nerves over the last few days. What a fucking ride man.

>> No.20800106

If you really want to learn stuff about the market, you should read these books:

- Manias, Panics and Crashes
A History of Financial Crises (Charles P. Kindleberger)

- The Black Swan (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)

- Antifragile (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)

- The Tipping Point (Malcolm Gladwell)

- Sapiens (Yuval Noah Harari)

>> No.20800301

how many amps do you have

>> No.20800337

Weighted average, if the price tanks low enough it can be less than a week.

>> No.20800390

I have 20k. I know it's a make-it stack assuming AMPL makes it.

Thanks again man, I screenshotted this and will look them up today. I'm glad I posted here. I feel like a bitch but I just needed some support. Fixing my mouth is one of the only things I get emotional about.

>> No.20800646

I just wish the tooth guy makes it. Good luck anon.

>> No.20800837


>> No.20800882

Do you have a higher income? There might be a program for you if you are low income. Sorry anon. Healthcare in us is totally fucked up.

>> No.20800915

so they basically just made $7 grand in 10 minutes. whats your point?

>> No.20801010

No, his teeth are rotting because he never fucking took care of them

>> No.20801052

I was self employed as a strength coach and have been out of a job since early March. Self employment benefits have been whats getting be through but I haven't been able to contribute to my savings at all even with my normal spending habits way way down. I've had a really rough few months and decided to come to biz for investment advice and didn't realize how horrible people on this board were until a few days ago with AMPL threads. I come from /fit/ where the sentiment there is everyone wants you to make it, and it's the complete opposite here most of the time.

>> No.20801072

>everyone wants you to make it
KEK what a delusion

>> No.20801081

I didn't understand how because I grew up dumpster diving in extreme poverty. Once I understand the importance of tooth care when I was like 13 it was already too late, I've been staving off decay since then but every dentist I've ever seen has said it's only a matter of time due to the amount of work before they have to come out.

>> No.20801122

Believe what you want but I started browsing fit when I was 19 and it made me a better person.

>> No.20801155

How did this Even happen, anon?

>> No.20801196

fit is based
homo, but based

>> No.20801217

I miss KC.

>> No.20801218

not brushing his teeth.

>> No.20801256

by that logic he lost $18k within 15 minutes after buying in. my point was the irony of people trying to catch the falling knife while this ponzi collapses

>> No.20801305


>> No.20801449

I posted about it above, but I grew up in the streets basically to a crackwhore mom and a dad that killed himself on my birthday while I was sleeping next to him. They did not teach me how to take care of myself and I had to figure it out on my own. I didn't understand the importance of tooth care until all of my adult teeth had started rotting and at that point it was too late. I stopped eating sugar and brush and floss twice a day and have been, but my dad also had genetically shitty teeth so I was basically fucked the second they started rotting.

>> No.20801494

No it smells like rotting teeth and abscess pus, very different. I wish it smelt like onions.

>> No.20801510

oh nonono just hold buddy, we come in waves

>> No.20801637

what... ? lol

>> No.20801708
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tfw I've been drinking irn bru since I can remember, haven't been to a dentist in 5 years and teeth are still fine. blessed genetics.

that really sucks tho anon, I hope you find financial freedom and be in a better place.

Go all in on RSR

>> No.20801851

people who sold RSR for AMP I have only 3 words for you. YOU FUCKED UP! thanks for the cheap RSR

>> No.20801907

well this aged like milk

>> No.20802021

how much ampl do you have?

>> No.20802216

>paying over $1 for a coin that's pegged to $1

>> No.20802402


>> No.20803443

you are hard working and sensible anon. You will make it.

>> No.20804233

>being indian