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File: 25 KB, 720x529, 106627776-1595444094848-20200721_Nova__Table_of_Eviction_Forecast_Metrics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20769813 No.20769813 [Reply] [Original]

are you ready to make america great again?

>> No.20769833

holy shit

>> No.20770180

I ditched my city apartment in May and moved in with family.

>> No.20770226
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, aa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greatest Country in the world!
>One nation under God

>> No.20770256

Holy shit nice, source?

>> No.20770324
File: 2 KB, 126x124, 1332548180804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooo why exactly won't congress pass something halting rent and mortgage payments while we're in a pandemic where they mandated all of those renters' workplaces close? Seems fucking abhorrent to me

>> No.20770332

Is this real lol? Im definitely not doing amazing, but I find it hilarious that just by virtue of being able to pay my bills I'm almost in the top half of renters from a financial standpoint.

>> No.20770394

ya basically. it's two worlds in the country at this point. my brother was probably going to be one of those people if he didn't get bailed out by my parents. crazy shit.

>> No.20770421

What are the implications bros?

>> No.20770541

Ya maybe I just dont see it because I was working in an essential service, so by only really being in contact with my coworkers I've kind of been blind to the reality. I live in a pretty shit area though (I make like $5-7k/month but like to keep my living expenses as low as possible), and people are getting shot or stabbed around here pretty much daily. Last saturday there was a point in the morning where 3 separate crimescenes for 3 entirely unrelated incidents that happened within the same hour were all intersecting each other.

Historically speaking revolutions usually don't happen until people start starving... I dont think the manpower or law enforement even exists to evict 30-50% of the renters in the US (full disclosure, Im Canadian, but its the same shit here basically). The one silver lining is that it wouldn't surprise me if it takes years for these evictions to actually be enforced.

>> No.20770628
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Because covid has a kill rate of >1%

I don't know WHY we're freaking the fuck out honestly. The biggest threat is to people over 60. Just tell Grandma to stay the fuck inside and get people back to CONSOOMING.

But whatever, this country is already a massive steaming pile of shit, so anything to watch normies squirm is fine by me. Ive got no problem going ditching all my shit and living /innawoods/ for a year or so if shit really slams the fan.

>> No.20770681

Good fucking god people have some utterly warped perceptions holy shit

I'd love if people were actually inspired to pressure their representatives to pass legislation that actually benefits them but so far people seem content with getting absolutely fucked over

>> No.20770704

Are you me

>> No.20770762

>covid has a kill rate of >1%
That has nothing to do with the other problem - the economy. Millions of people were put out of work because politicians on both sides mandated that workplaces close indefinitely. Some sectors, like entertainment, simply will not be opening until the general population feels more safe and that's not happening until there's a vaccine. Since anyone with half a brain can see that, the fact that congress can't get its shit together and pass a UBI or rent/mortgage freeze or ANYTHING ACTUALLY HELPFUL should be totally infuriating

>> No.20770880

That's CAD, 60k CAD is only like 45k USD. It also varies by location. Where I'm at its not that bad, and I'm fairly comfortable, but if I were living in Vancouver or Toronto with my current wage, I'd probably be near destitute.

>> No.20770927

I've been living debt-free and very comfortably for years on ~$10k/year (USD). I just don't understand how people make $45k and still think they aren't making a lot of money

>> No.20771057

>I've been living debt-free and very comfortably for years on ~$10k/year (USD)
You've probably been doing that while being heavily subsidized by your parents or the government...

>> No.20771105

Nah my parents only pay my cell phone bill because it's been a family plan for over a decade. I just don't lust over "nice" housing in the middle of urban areas and I take care of the things I own and know how to cook

>> No.20772003
File: 132 KB, 1600x1200, nOT_hOMELESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you ready

They are ready.

Home is where the heart is.

>> No.20772158

Where the fuck do you live that 10k a year is enough to survive? Even in Central pa I was looking at 600/month minimum for rent plus utilities. If you add on food, insurance, car costs, wifi and cell phone service i don't see how you could make ends meat anywhere reasonably

>> No.20772197

>implying these people are actually going to be evicted
>implying rentchads aren't just living rent free
Sorry mortgage cucks

>> No.20772260

I can't wait for this shit to totally collapse.

>> No.20772364

Don’t bother. These pol fags infiltrate any thread related to the pandemic. Only a complete retard latches onto the death rate when discussing the current state of things

>> No.20772903

The City Failed

>> No.20773754

republication states are the ones facing evictions


>> No.20773983

Haha soup kitchens go brrrrrr

>> No.20774177

I thought NV would be the worst hit, because the casinos got rekt.
I also thought tx and fl would be the least effected because they fought the hardest to stay open.

>> No.20774292

haha, yeah “republican” states. let’s just call it a day and not look at any other correlations between this map and statistical groups.

>> No.20774511

How can I make money from this?

>> No.20774622

So from what I understand there are 2 options:
1. Almost half of America is kicked out of their houses. Homelessness rises but mostly results in mass migration of people out of cities back to living with their relatives. Housing crisis 12.0 starts, protests and riots become much more common.

2. Government forgives rent and mortgage payments. Makes certain people very angry. Causes the government to go into even more colossal debt. Brrrrrrrrr starts up again. Small housing crisis 4.0 starts, riots and protests decrease in frequency.

>> No.20774716

60% of West Virginians are about to get their delinquent asses bounced to the kerb?
I smell cheap property coming

>> No.20774851

So will this drop rents or will the landlords raise them to make up for it? I have been paying my rent but my complex is being neglected. I'd like to move when my lease is up in December.

>> No.20774948

Actually wait, how the fuck has the economy recovered when 50% of people can't pay their rent?
No fucking way is this shit going to last.

>> No.20775060

just wait a couple of months and get some cheap real estate

>> No.20775796

September is when it gets interesting

>> No.20775856

I would kill myself if I didn't own a house. Imagine having 1/4th of your income just vanish.

>> No.20776227

okay, redneck states that have terrible education systems which also happen to be republican states

>> No.20776281

one nation under usury, with death and misery for all

>> No.20776526

Based boomers, destroyed their country.

>> No.20776668


which ones? are you sure it isn't just a lot of basketball americans dragging down the scores?

>> No.20777008
File: 158 KB, 1920x1116, 2004-2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much all shit deep red states.

Georgia is republican now but may swing with governor, congress (local), and president. FL is in a similar situation as Ohio.

I was basing this off governor and state senate but if you want to base it off Presidental elections for since 2004 then pic related

>> No.20777168

I want to know how governments became infested with bureaucrat faggots who make all these senseless laws to shut down peoples' livelihoods over the flu.

The bureaucratic incompetence here is so extreme that it almost looks like it's intentional. Like a really bad parody of HOA management.

>> No.20777193

state congress not state senate*

seems to me like dem republican state don't feel so good mr. president.

>> No.20777233

Cope harder

>> No.20777351

Yeah, when most people think of Las Vegas, they only think of the strip and the wild party culture.
They don't realize it's a city where people live, and most of the time those people just want some peace and quiet.
The Las Vegas metropolitan area is actually made up of Las Vegas proper, and Henderson.
The home ownership rate in Henderson is higher than the national average. So you're going to see less renter evictions.

>> No.20777390
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>> No.20777434
File: 964 KB, 1600x1018, BE8BB378-F4DD-4C8B-AA84-2F600129806D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20777483

i wonder why all of the several depictions of this map that ive seen about the rent is always in weird abstract formats using boxes that are all the same instead of a regular density map

>> No.20777516

I keep forgetting about all those minorities in WY, WV, AK, OK, TN, KY, WV, IN, SD, IA

or does that not fit your narrative?

>> No.20777548

They don't want to show it's mostly an urbanite issue.

>> No.20777577

I am not the one trying to cope. I am just stating the obvious. The burden of proof lays on others to refute me so to tell me to cope means that you don't have any proof otherwise?