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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2076386 No.2076386 [Reply] [Original]

>manager talks to me before I finish my morning coffee

>> No.2076397


suck a feminine penis, you faggot

>> No.2076405

>he needs drugs to function

>> No.2076408

Finish your fucking coffee, and if they don't like you taking time off from jumping at manager's commands in order to take your work approved fucking stimulant then you have bigger issues. Such as not being an alpha who FINISHES THEIR COFFEE FIRST AND THE HELL WITH THE REST OF YOU.

>> No.2076483

This irks me

>> No.2076492



>> No.2076505
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Please Anons, do NOT address me until I've had my coffee. Thank you.

>> No.2076511

>manager talks to me before I finish my morning coffee
>maintain a simple convo
>wait until she leaves and go back to trading crypto while I burn the clock

wow so hard.

>> No.2076518
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>He doesn't drink coffee immediately after waking up

9am meetings are cancer but everyone else is in the same boat. Chances are your manager needs the bean as much as you do

>> No.2076522

Why are you not taking Vyvanse? I thought all of us biznessmen were on that shit.

>> No.2076524

I can't even get out of bed without a coffee, that's why I have an espresso machine beside my bed.

>> No.2076541
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I can't even wake up without coffee, that's why I have an alarm-clock-triggered coffee IV stuck into my left arm

do NOT talk to me when that alarm-clock pops
or you gon' hafta say hello to ma glocks

>> No.2076553

Coffee in the morning, exercise in the afternoon, and alcohol at night seem to be just as effective for me tbqh.

>> No.2076580

I think green tea is a better source of caffeine. Desu senpai. Also take l-theanine if drinking caffeine

>> No.2076648

Heard about it, probably should look into it.

>> No.2076665
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>> No.2076679
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>> No.2076796

>owns crypto
>still working a job
... wot

>> No.2076938

Just more fuel for the rocket, hombre.

>> No.2076955

I thiank u are probably a hjomosex.

Plz stop it with the dicks... they need a rest, slut.

>> No.2076968

what is this "manager"

>> No.2077039

Controlled doses of caffine pills + L-theanine masterrace, a little melatonin at night if Im not tired like normal

>> No.2077121
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>lmao before I've had my morning coffee I can't EVEN XDDDDDDDDDDD

I loathe the human trash that perpetuates this normalfag meme with the burning anger of a thousand suns
This is an ironic thread but even then I can't help but feel the surge of rage I get every time I see another disgusting normalfag going "DUDE LMAO COFFEE", as if being unable to function without caffeine was something that occurred in normally functioning humans who haven't destroyed their body with addiction

>> No.2077150

Haha, man, SOMEONE hasn't had their coffee yet!! XD

>> No.2077306
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>> No.2077322


> not telling your manager you'll be right there when you finish your coffee

This is why.

>> No.2077454

>expecting me to read this thread before I've had my cup of joe

>> No.2077816

UH OH, looks like SOMEONE has a case of the MONDAYS ~!~!~~!!

>> No.2077836
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I'm liking this fresh meme.

What's it called?

>> No.2078121

I will stick your post on my door.

>> No.2078139
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>> No.2078322

I'm a mailman I get paid 50k a year to walk and will be 60k in a few years with a 40k pension. Find a easy job for fun and more coin money.