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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 877 KB, 643x713, god dev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20744265 No.20744265 [Reply] [Original]

The clock is ticking anons

>> No.20744969

What's a make it stack on this?

>> No.20745049

Who knows desu, just accumulate, the team could announce a cex or another partnership anytime and it'll pump violently (a partnership now puts it under more light than a few months ago in the bear market)

>> No.20745237

i put my last eth into this
hopefully it pays off

>> No.20746052


>> No.20746140

>before we moon
But it already did. This is the part where dumb people buy in and you dump those huge bags on them.

>> No.20747000

Done accumulating I can't wait for the pajeet fudders to be done too because some low IQ anons still don't do their research then whine later how we didn't shill it early

>> No.20747031

biz will but it at 10 usd.

>> No.20747048

No, it was discovered. Now it’s literally trending on Coingecko, it’s down 25% (people see that as a buy signal, which they should), and it’s about to go parabolic and melt your faggot FUD face

>> No.20747079
File: 1.35 MB, 1234x818, 1591306598824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>500% pump in 3 days
>Pajeet team
>5% circulatig supply, 95% owned by the team
>The team is dumping their tokens before abandoning their PnD scam
>CEO known for scamming
>The team claim to have been working on it for 2 years but their website was created 3 month ago
>Dev is a DAO and DAOs are obsolete
>They are using windows 10 and claim they have a partnership with Microsoft
>The token was only created to get funds in the ICO, is useless, and could be replaced by a stablecoin
>Classic pump and dump
>Shilled by team members on /biz/ who get mad when you call them pajeets
>They recently fired 2 employees involved in child trafficking
>The team is composed of scammers and pajeet weebs larping as japanese people
>Pic related is OP, a team member currently "working"

>> No.20747138
File: 56 KB, 960x1280, 1273896_539148122821231_1382816969_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CEO is a female gook

Gonna be a past for me dog