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20719561 No.20719561 [Reply] [Original]

Is this really private? If you need KYC doesn’t that defeat its purpose?

>> No.20719619

Can’t you just have two wallets tho? Say that you have no choice but to buy through exchanges, can’t you just buy your moreno coins at an exchange, send it to your 1st wallet (your public one), wait for days then send that to another wallet so the transactions are hidden? Correct me if im wrong but aren’t moreno transactions untraceable from wallet to wallet?

>> No.20719659

>aren’t moreno transactions untraceable from wallet to wallet?
That's correct, yes.

>> No.20719688


>> No.20719724

Monero uses a 5 ring signature, so 5 wallets sign every transaction.

In order to obfuscate your funds, you want to send it to yourself multiple times.

The likelihood of this being tracked can be calculated as 1/5^n where n is the number of times you sent the funds to another address.

>> No.20719988

5 wallets? Huh? I'm pretty sure that's not how transactions are hidden

>> No.20720237
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>> No.20720301

Haven't they recently upped the amount of rings?

>> No.20720648

P2P via local monero
Exchanges that don't require KYC
Get rekt elmer fudd

>> No.20720687

How viable is >>20719619 tho? Will that work as well? Asking seriously.

>> No.20720692

You can also buy XMR from exchanges that don't require KYC.

>> No.20720735

Sirs how viable is >>20719619 strat? Pls reply sirs and do the needful.

>> No.20720740

no clue what this is but I bet it’s comped as fuck based on that branding

>> No.20720759

I'm not sure what you specifically desire in terms of privacy, but yeah that would work fine.

>> No.20720771

decentralised exchanges like uniswap for eth will remove any requirement for KYC - KYC faggots will be like the red wojak with tears streaming down his face.

Government as we know it is over anyway, there's a very good chance that they are going to implode because their tax base is practically gone now that everybody is out of work.

>> No.20720813

Scam coin, it leeches off Monero's name and if you look on CoinGecko it's trading volume is under $1,000. I wonder if the guy who shills it in every Monero thread is also the creator.

>> No.20720847

> I'm not sure what you specifically desire in terms of privacy
What is this supposed to mean? Sorry, I’m not tech literate on crypto mumbo jumbo and dont really care. Just here to make money. Just bought Monero today since I saw the price charts and my instincts told me it’s going to go up.

But say I valued privacy, would my transactions still be untraceable from the initial bought monero from exchanges or did I do an oopsie and I’m traced no matter what because of that KYC?

>> No.20720862

KYC'd BTC: Your transactions are traced on chain forever and associated with your identity.

KYC'd XMR: Your transactions are completely private as soon as you take the XMR off the exchange into your own wallet.

>> No.20720882

poloniex.com no KYC needed. Buy ETH legally somewhere, use tornado.cash to anonymize it, deposit to poloniex and buy XMR. Then withdraw it and have fun anon

>> No.20720883

Shoo pajeet

>> No.20720925

You can send it to another wallet, sure.
I mean, if you need to launder money for "reasons" I would avoid the KYC exchanges.
That would eventually be a weak link.

>> No.20720928

correct but waiting a day or so helps with the anonymity

>> No.20720955

>Just bought Monero today since I saw the price charts and my instincts told me it’s going to go up.
Monero isn't as flashy as a lot of other coins but it's a solid hold, good choice.
>would my transactions still be untraceable from the initial bought monero from exchanges or did I do an oopsie and I’m traced no matter what because of that KYC?
What sets apart Monero is that all transactions are completely hidden, if you buy it at an exchange with KYC they'll know you have it, sure. But nobody can see how much Monero you have, or who you send it to. It is the bane of chain analysis companies.

>> No.20720999

>Binance:He bought 50 XMR
>Don't you mean an unknown amount of XMR
>Binance:No, he bought 50
? I'd go with Poloniex or Kucoin, like Anons are saying.

>> No.20721029

correction, as >>20720999 said an exchange will obviously know how much XMR you've obtained from them. But they can't know what amount's in your wallet.

>> No.20721031

Could they check the orderbooks? Or at the very least, see you put in 1BTC, then watch as your account goes to 0BTC to [unknown amount] of XMR, and deduce you bought 1BTC's worth at market?

>> No.20721109

I bought most of my BTC with a LocalBitcoin/LocalMonero like website when I was still fairly green. Would recommend, but the ideas ITT are good too

>> No.20721198

Uh, well, I think so? Not sure. If somebody was interested enough to try and deduce that, though, I don't think the amount of Monero you ordered would be very relevant to them.

>> No.20721204

Spoken from the perspective of a holder, not a user. Having your money usage tracked is far worse. And as a holder you should be happy that if you ever cash out, binance will vouch for you when the government asks if you got those xmr dealing drugs.

>> No.20721481

There will always be weakest “links” in the underground world when they decide to money launder or transact their ill-gotten wealth with mainstream society even with fiat. And fiat is totally anonymous as it gets. That’s what fall guys and pawns are for. If you’re a crimelord, you will have guys at the forefront taking the fall while you will have operations behind the shadows. That’s how it’s always been from the Mafia to Al Capone to Pablo Escobar.

>> No.20721495

how so?

>> No.20721622

An XMR thread? Wow. How much to make it? So under priced. Unfortunately the wallet is clunky and buggy. Anti virus will flag it and automatically vault it without even telling you. Normies installing a wallet is not going to happen. I even almost gave up. Oh ya and the 5 straight days to synch. Very cool tech though.

>> No.20721683

or you can just use subaddresses

>> No.20721740

If you just want to invest, you can have cold wallets like Exodus. Doesn’t have the autistic large block sizes of the original wallet that you download all of it. But if your purpose is total anonymity and illicit purposes like tax evasion, then yeah, you’ll need to download the original wallet, wait for days to sync and be sire to buy and sell your coins that doesn’t do KYC.

>> No.20721743

One of Monero's weaknesses, unfortunately. I believe that there's been progress to try and improve the user experience with wallets over time, but privacy > convenience.

>> No.20721846

if i open a second metamask wallet using the same account, will that wallet be linked to my public wallet? ie, i have a wallet that i just send eth to from the on ramp, that can obviously be seen, if i make a second wallet and send xmr to there is there anything linking that wallet to me?

>> No.20721929

I get your point, but not buying a privacy coin usually associated to money launder, drug, CP etc on a KYC exchange is already a good starting point.

>> No.20721949

I use to use monerujo and now use cake wallet and I can safely say that these fulfill the requirements of being normie proof (especially cake wallet) undoubtedly. Especially when using their in-house nodes it's pretty fucking seamless.

The GUI however, isn't the same experience.

>> No.20722649

Very wrong and bad advice. (The correct advice is: trust the wallet software, it warns you about scenarios that risk deanonymization.) For one thing, the ring size is 11. And there aren't multiple wallets signing any transaction, the wallet creating a transaction picks outputs to include in their ring without any external input.

But the main problem is that your understanding of how a deanonymization attempt would work is basically backwards. When you withdraw from a KYC exchange, the government knows that you control the resulting output(s). Then in the following hours, days, and indefinitely into the future but with decreasing frequency, transactions from other anons around the globe will include those output(s) as an input to their ring. The government has to consider whether each of these transactions is actually you. If they have additional privileged information about some of these other transactions, they could possibly eliminate them as being you, or they could eliminate some inputs as known decoys to identify transactions that are more probable to be you. To definitively identify which transaction is actually you moving funds, they would need to know that all 10 other inputs to the ring are decoys. But that's not 1/11, it just depends on the number of inputs they know are decoys which happened to end up in your ring.

Here's a recent discussion on why churning is a bad idea:

>> No.20722729

So the real issue is outside eyes knowing you have XMR in the first place. The second its off an exchange no one is gonna be able to trace your transactions, so there's no need to do the wallet shuffle unless you're up to something REEEAL bad and want the added peace of mind.