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20708410 No.20708410 [Reply] [Original]

What's the meaning of life?

>> No.20708417

to use energy

>> No.20708479


>> No.20708572

why did the chicken cross the road
to get to the other side

all life lives to use an energy gradient
the point of life is to use energy
life creates life to use more energy
life evolves and competes to use energy

all systems in the universe go from high energy state to low
life tries to go from low energy state to high energy state

the meaning of life is to use as much energy as possible , that is why the TV cucks tell you not to use any

>> No.20708622

It's just a dream, a point of observation, a Rorschach ink blot, and a dissolving vapor as you pass from this state to the next.
What do YOU think the meaning is?

>> No.20708637

buying link

>> No.20708687
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Get ready for a worthless thread full of midwit pseuds like >>20708572
>>20708622 pushing their capacities to reason to the absolute limit

>> No.20708728

Human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself We are creatures that should not exist by natural law... We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, that accretion of sensory experience and feelings, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everbody's nobody... I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction - one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.

>> No.20708745
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to kill yourself

>> No.20708781

The meaning of life is to make more life

>> No.20708835

the universe trying to understand itself, sadly we are too young form of a life to make conceptions at this level

>> No.20708862

To increase entropy

>> No.20708878
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As doomy as this is, I can't argue it and have come reluctantly to similar conclusion. We appear to be just smart enough to create our own special hell.

Happy Sunday everybody.

>> No.20708894

no it can't be, it is a logical paradox
this (but to increase entropy means just to use up the energy gradient)

>> No.20708913

Let me check a 2000 year-old book written by a bunch of schizos that was later adopted and appended by whites to control the world.

>> No.20708922
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to sneedpost

>> No.20708948

this plus to make BTC

>> No.20708960

The abolition of suffering in all sentient beings across the universe. Ideally, erasing all suffering in the universe retroactively as well, via time travel bullshit.

>> No.20708994

based and zappfepilled . This is definitely the runnerup if abolition of suffering proves to be impossible.

>> No.20709023

yes unironically
schizos are based you retard

>> No.20709050


>> No.20709314

Animating ideals.

>> No.20709379


>> No.20709442

Jesus Christ

>> No.20709449

To escape duality

>> No.20710285

To live forever, obviously.

>> No.20710353
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>> No.20710420

to fuck over as many people as possible. the more people you can lie to, enslave, abuse, or beat the better. start a company with the main goal of hurting people mentally for money and you'll be a billionaire overnight.

>> No.20710426


>> No.20710471

>fornicate with women
>acquire currency

>> No.20710868

>Get ready for a worthless thread full of midwit pseuds like
yo' won faggot

>> No.20710920


We are the actualization of God trying to understand himself, and so the universe is built in a way to teach us what God is and how to become closer and more alike God.

Our consciousness is set in a karmic cycle until we achieve this goal, we will all inevitably do so over many lifetimes. But the universe is still young and has a long way to go.

>> No.20711017

>Our consciousness is set in a karmic cycle until we achieve this goal
How to escape?
this is too painful

>> No.20711193

The Truth manifested itself by creating the universe, I think it just got bored in eternity and wanted some entertainment. And became self aware in us. But the Truth also created falsehoods, which keep us distracted and is the cause of all of our suffering.

>> No.20711234
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>> No.20711244

To have offspring

>> No.20711266

This guy gets it. Anyone who doesn't accept this is weak IMO.


>> No.20711315

I just wanna be peaceful and happy

>> No.20711335
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The meaning of your life, comes in serving your Tyrant. Fill your wallet with CID tokens, join crypt-id everything, and join your Tyrant's growing army of loyal henchmen. In service to your Tyrant, your life has meaning, if at least as a tool to advance your Tyrant's plans for world domination.

>> No.20711546
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The ego was a mistake, individualism was a mistake. The illusion of self-importance and having worth was an evolutionary mistake. The digital age only exacerbated this mistake, the mistake will correct itself through self-destruction which is currently unfolding right now.

The program is too flawless to allow such a mistake to go on for so long. This is all just a brief experiment, out of boredom.

>> No.20711634


Woah, woah, woah.. Look fuckstick I’m incredibly busy, so why don’t you get the hell out of here before I snap your dick off and jam it into your ass.

First, take a big step back... And literally, FUCK YOUR OWN FACE! I don't know what kind of pan-pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull here Jack, but Asia is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again! Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an ungodly fucking firestorm upon you! You're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I'm talking Scorched Earth, Motherfucker! I Will Massacre You! I WILL FUCK YOU UP!

>> No.20711659

>women upset

>> No.20711834


We live in a universe in which all organic life is a rare and utterly insignificant epiphenomenon, meaningless on the scale of the majestic and eternal movements of stars and galaxies. It is only to the animals it has produced that organic life has any importance, but it is the whole of life to them.

We organisms live in a hostile world. The meanest bug lives (unconsciously, we assume) in constant fear of predators, and scuttles for safety when it senses danger. Birds, those tiny and pretty descendants of minuscule dinosaurs, live only by constant vigilance, and even so domesticated and stupefied creatures as chickens will be thrown into panic by the shadow of a hawk flying high above them. The rabbit survives because he is perpetually afraid and flees at the first suspicion of hostile intent. Wolves explore a region cautiously before attacking their prey. The human genus is not at all different, except that it has by intelligence obtained the ability to destroy most of its non-human enemies, and is menaced chiefly by predators of its own genus, often of the same species.

There is only one supreme law of life: the survival of the fittest, with its corollary, the extermination (or, through a hazardous compassion, subjugation) of the unfit. The Athenian envoys at Melos stated an obvious truth:

"Of the gods we believe, and of men we know, that the strong do what they will, and the weak suffer what they must."

The only possible error in that dictum will come from incorrect estimates of strength.

>> No.20711849
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>> No.20711913
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Quit saying shit like that

>> No.20712061

edge level: ???