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20680236 No.20680236 [Reply] [Original]

Is the hate on billionaires justified?

>> No.20680375
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no it’s a bunch of lazy entitled retards complaining about people who deserve the money they have because of the problems they have solved for humanity. They can spend their money however they please, and many exorbitantly rich people are humanitarians, even though they don’t need to. Nobody’s stopping you from making your bag but unfortunately many people aren’t patient enough to stop spending their entire paycheck as soon as they get it.

>> No.20680410


>> No.20680422


>> No.20680427

They push globohomo politics on society at large to their bags while reducing the quality of life and security for us and our children. They are very simply put, completely evil.

>> No.20680429

The mindset behind the people posting on social media like in pic related baffles me. Do they genuinely believe that those men are literally sitting on that much money in pure cash? Isn’t most of that wealth overwhelmingly tied up in shares of their companies?

>> No.20680496
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>> No.20680525

>Is the hate on billionaires justified?
Never. Work hard and join them.

>> No.20680531

If there's a chance for me to get free money I don't give one shit about whether it's "justified" or not.

I guarantee you they don't fucking care if someone got hurt when they made money

>> No.20680545

Yes and no.
All of them? Hell no.
Most of them? Probably.

Technically most all of the ills the government has is due to the super rich buying it and creating its own rules.. thus the current landscape of normal people suffering and fighting and the rich who already have everything gathering loads more.
This should make people pissed off.

But many billionaires do great work.
So its not them, its the system.

t. Self made businessman who isnt stupid enough to deny life is a game of luck first, and ability and hardwork 2nd.

>> No.20680584

Who cares if it's justified? Commies are too much pussies to ever lynch them anyway so talk is pointless. Remember the last time a commie tried to assassinate one of them? Yes me neither.

>> No.20680651
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so by this logic, if there was a race between two people it would be fair for one person to have a 50 year head start?

>> No.20680678

everything is out there but people who control the media, as in jewish kikes, don't show the truth, they just show the TOP 10 BILLIONAIRES LETS GO SO NUMBER ONE IT'S OBVIOUSLY MARK ZUCKERBURG WHO OWNS THE SITE YOU'RE ON

so naturally everyone is like oh yeah that guy sure. People are retarded

>> No.20680731

brainlet tier analogy anon

>> No.20680739

he didn't say a thing about fairness or advantages/disadvantages at all, i wonder what the fuck you read but it's not the post you replied to

>> No.20680930

Not really, the money billionaires have is not income, it's basically a big piggy bank.
If you took all their money and redistributed it, it would be something you could only do once.
..and the money the people get from this redistribution wouldn't be that much, more or less 0.3 billion people in the US, so everyone would get around 2K$, in a one time payment.

Of course there would be adverse affects of this, most of the money billionaires have is tied up in stocks - which in turn is ownership. The ownership could then fall outside of American control, this would cause a permanent loss on tax revenues, not to mention the potential capital flight, as no one wants to give everything they have to the great fairness mob.

>> No.20680965

Funny how such a retarded post calls in the word "logic". Look up false equivalence and open a fucking book

>> No.20681038

I didn’t say that. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg weren’t born billionaires. Their families were well off, but not exceptionally so. What they did was provide a service (Microsoft & Facebook) that solved an existing problem. You could do the same as they if you sacrificed your life to your work too, but you won’t because you’re here and not working.

>> No.20681070

Yeah this is the only response thats worth a damn.

Lol not really man. You have to factor in what the anon above alluded to, which is that the government shuffles trillions to billion dollar corporations. Then you add that to money multimillionaires and billionaires make doing nothing but collecting interest off their assets.
In essence "more socialism" is basically a neccessity at this point, the jury is in. Whether any of us like or not, the fact is that Yang was right. And with automation its going to only get much worse.

>> No.20681087

Yes, most of them probably think that. Not all of them, but the masses who have strong opinions don't have any idea how this shit works.

>> No.20681134

>many people aren’t patient enough to stop spending their entire paycheck as soon as they get it.
Doesn't it matter what they are spending it on? Most people live paycheck to paycheck so it mostly goes to cost of living leaving little to accumulate a bag. Unless if your a NEET and you can afford to invest all of your Mcwagies to crypto. Which a majority for this board does.

>> No.20681141

what part am i wrong about? 500 Biillion $ would be less than 2K$ per person in America.
A lot of these money is tied up in property and stocks, if you sell them, they are sold, gone. Meaning you can't get 2K$ per person next year.

>> No.20681168

rothschilds are the top10, then it's businessman with overvalued portfolios

>> No.20681216

Maybe. It would have been almost impossible to become a billionaire without central banks pumping up asset bubbles with funny money and governments gatekeeping competition for monopolies with licenses and regulations.

>> No.20681228

Rothschilds are trillionaires, but that’s anti semitic to point out or something.

>> No.20681369

I've met people who think this. As if its in a vault like Scrooge McDuck.

>> No.20681544

Ok so again, think bigger picture.
700 billion a year on war. Amazon paying zero in federal taxes (multiply that by 1000 companies).
Bank laws and bankers, bail outs, government contracts.. it all makes a huge difference and its all controlled by the very wealthy as a means to make more money faster. Money is transfered from country and states directy into corportations bank accounts "savings" that do them nothing when they need an instant bail out.
And then you can think of steve who has 200 million in assets is making 15 million a year in stock market, 40 million in various investments that he doesnt touch, and whatever his salary is.

The game is 1000% rigged. And its rigged against really all of us.
Laws must change. Lobbying, and election laws mostly.
Here is a good fix all law..
If you're running for office you can only take money from private citizens and up to a certain amount. And every year your taxes as a poltician have to be posted to a public forum for scrutiny.
And make lobbying virtually illegal.
Etc etc. All of the sudden companies will have to start investing in People to get their way.

Who rememebrs the greatest middle clas ever?
Where a few years gets you a house a car a wife and family who dont need their own jobs..?
It was when tax rates were 90 fucking percent for the richest.
Now im not advocating for that.. but there certainly is a correlation.
Just dont fall for stupid conservatives one liners like "the rich will leave if you tax them too much!" Like theyll leave California for ohio.
Or "it will trickle down!" As if they dont reinvest directly into themselves.
Or dumbest of all "work harder kid!" As if 70% of people arent retarded, have no social skills, confidence, leverage, critical thinking, temperament, planning skills, health care availability to quit their current situation.
Well off conservatives main problem is they think other people were raised the way they were or are as smart as (some of them) are.

>> No.20681598

Is this a copypasta? If not you need to be 18 to post on this board.

>> No.20681677

It is scrooge mcduck virtually. The richest make the most money by a mile with the least work. And they compound and collect their value.

Basically this. And once again, im already rich so i dont have a dog in your poor people problems.

>> No.20681740

Imagine unironically believing that these 5 chodes are anywhere near the richest men in the world

>> No.20681766

>naming the jew
Oy vey!

>> No.20681813

>many exorbitantly rich people are humanitarians
this is for tax breaks you fucking gullible retard. coupled with a sense of megalomania they get from having money/power
i suppose you think bill gates is some kind of saint?

>> No.20681835


>> No.20681876

>solved a problem
are you fucking high?
dude, jut stfu. seriously.

>> No.20681927

How is any of what i said controversial or confusing?
Unless you watch fox news, and your world is falling apart reading what i wrote it shouldnt elicit such an emotional response.

>> No.20681932

uh, hes right you know

>> No.20682246

>fox news
This is basically the cause. People invest too much time and energy into a belief system so the sunk cost fallacy begins.
Its difficult for people to accept something they believed in and fought to defend isnt real. Happens on all sides. See libs and gender pay gap.
Though its much much more tragic on the right (like tricking conservatives into thinking joining the military is a noble enterprise)(though these are neccessary things to brainwash your people into believing).

>> No.20682426

B b b but bro
Trump definitely "reads words" and "collects information" and "consults experts" and "has relevant knowledge"!!!

>> No.20682503

Dont laugh motherfucker. 40% of the voters in the country sincerely believe he can tie his own shoes. This is a sobering lesson in humanity that now of us can ever ever forget.

>> No.20682577

No. They don’t have that much in cash but in stock in their own companies. They can’t do anything with that money as it belongs to the companies. These people need basic lessons on economics before there’s a dildo revolution.

>> No.20682755

It was neither confusing nor controversial. Almost a decade ago I would have agreed with everything you wrote. It's like reading something I wrote when I was younger. Same for >>20682246

>> No.20682772

Yes, but most people hate them for the wrong reasons, and they did work hard and smart
Most people don't understand how the Fed pumps money into their pockets at the expense of everyone else, or how the government assigns massive contracts and tax cuts to them
And they always ignore the trillionare lineages that dictate this policies and much worse stuff, who founded and own the institutions that pumped this public figures into stardom

>> No.20682809

Actually a man named Timothy owns owns 800 trillion dollars worth of assets.

You won't find this anywhere because he's so rich he controls everything and so no one will out him. In fact he's so rich that's it's impossible to prove without resorting to deranged mind games.

This is how you sound

>> No.20682972

Can't imagine how it must feel when you invest all your profits into your country or pay 50% of your money just so some lazy niggers on instagram complain about you

>> No.20682984

In a capitalist society there is no reason anyone should have more than $10 million dollars. With that much you can pretty much never work a day in your life, and still have enough money (not even taking into account passive income) to do whatever you want. Money provides very little additional motivation to work at that point. Would bezos work any less harder if he had 1 billion vs 100 billion? Would society be any worse off if these people had 1/10th or 1/100th their wealth? There would be no difference in their contributions except those billions of dollars could have been taxed or otherwise used to better benefit the public.

The other argument is how much you can attribute innovation to these people? Facebook was a stolen idea to begin with, and how much of amazon's success can you really attribute soley to bezos? If it was the next guy in line, Amazon would probably be in a very similar place. Being in the right place at the right time is not a good reason to allow someone to accumulate so much wealth in a capitalist society, you want to encourage productivity and innovation, not luck.

>> No.20683039

> Nobody’s stopping you from making your bag
Yes there is. I have to continue my stable full time job which takes away my entire life's hours and energy just so that I can get money to stay alive to continue to wage slave.

>but unfortunately many people aren’t patient enough to stop spending their entire paycheck as soon as they get it.
I've been saving up for years now. Is there a way to convert this into a money maker? I don't have enough to buy real estate, and dividends are a shitty 4% return every quarter.

>mAkE a BuSsInEsS
Like I said, full time job takes all my time and energy.

>> No.20683122


That's the thing, These billionaires are rich mostly from corporate socialist policies (government tax cuts, grants, fed money printing) all paid for by either taxing people doing actual work, or the "hidden tax" of money printing which mostly taxes people with dollar denominated income / savings, instead of the rich who mostly own assets. And so the hidden tax of money printing benefits them at the expense of people who work for a living.

>> No.20683152

Cool lets here your arguement to how thats wrong.

>> No.20683180
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>> No.20683222


All billionaires are jews or rich because of jews period. Epstien raped babies and got away with it they killed a judges son and husband, they got a lawyer to do it. Let that sink in

>> No.20683228

>have time to shitpost
>"oh no i dont possibly have any time that i could spend building a website or starting my own business, every waking hour i have is consumed by my work"

>> No.20683240

You literally have the Investopedia article in that image with the calculated wealth of the Rotshchild family, Investopedia is respectable and mainstream
Plenty of old European banking families have more wealth than the top rankers of the Forbes list
You sound like the kind of amerimutt that doesn't know that there's other media aside MSNBC/Fox

>> No.20683251

They're only rich because of central bankers, and these guys aren't even the real rich folks, they're just the rodeo clowns meant to distract the normies so they think they know what a rich guy is.

>> No.20683292
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