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20668994 No.20668994 [Reply] [Original]

Will ampl be used as a stable coin in the real world like RSR wants to?

>> No.20669030

what's an RSR? I only know Ampls

>> No.20669077

Rsr basically got fucked, every penny of that marketcap is going to pour into AMPL, the project will collapse.
Aside from that they have 0 working product and are just selling a vaporware.

>> No.20669151

It is funny how AMPLbros claim it isn't a stablecoin but then claim it is going to replace all the stablecoins

>> No.20669204

You're a fucking idiot. The coin is currently in market cap discovery, so it is currently not a stablecoin. Once it stabilizes it will function as a stablecoin.

>> No.20669261

I got out of RSR so I am now ethically allowed to tell you all what a shitcoin it is but the fact that AMPLfags NEED to spam every RSR thread to shitpost how much better AMPL is should tell you enough

>> No.20669307

AMPL #1 CMC EOY. All screencapped.
Since i started in crypto in 2012 not a single shitcoin aimed to surpass marketcap of BTC. That should tell you something.

>> No.20669508

>Once it stabilizes it will function as a stablecoin
Go say that in a typical AMPL thread and see what people say

>> No.20669548

I hold AMPL, but people thinking that it will surpass btc are fucking retards. For one thing, it will reach $1 well before it gets that big and therefore will lose momentum

>> No.20669673

>comparing ampl to garbage rsr

>> No.20669930

"Big" relative to BTC, not to AMPL. It will be above $1 for years, long after it has surpassed BTC.

>> No.20670318

Why would it? You think hype will last that long? Eventually people will be afraid to invest because they know it will crash hard someday and no one wants to get caught

>> No.20670454

normies want stability, not a coin that fluctuates.
expecting third worlders to understand ampl vs understanding RSR.

>> No.20670483

If the price equalizes would rebases still occur?

>> No.20670543

no. if it stayed at 1 dollar no rebases

>> No.20670572

No, because Ample does very poorly as a stablecoin (it's not stable in the slightest and never will be more stable than, say, bitcoin even)

>> No.20670603

Why does everything have to be a competition with you children

>> No.20670652

Who cares just take advantage of this shit it’s making me baggies of more shitcoins rn

>> No.20670659

It will never be a stablecoin. It has no more means to be a stablecoin than bitcoin does.

>> No.20670676

That makes it a pyramid scheme which I'm not interested in

>> No.20670682
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>the state of biz

>> No.20670713

Literally every asset besides physical gold and apparently, ampleforth, is a pyramid scheme

>> No.20670785

its a stableish coin, or it will be when we're done COOOOOMPOUNDING

>> No.20670786

Am I wrong? I have seen it stated dozens of times. I have also seen it stated that it will replace other stablecoins, so one has to be wrong, and AMPL sure as shit doesn't look like it will be stable anytime in the near future. I hold both AMPL and RSR, but I know AMPL is a short to medium term hold, whereas RSR will probably give consistent gains for a long time

>> No.20670829

I've been reading these shitty threads all day and not once have I seen someone say it isn't meant to be a stablecoin. That's literally the entire purpose of it, why it functions the way it does, and why we're making gains.

>> No.20670869

AMPL is created by ex google employees and people who understand maths and economics
RSR can barely convince people living in hyperinflation to adopt it

>> No.20670878

>sell crypto profits into AMPL, before rebase
>get a free 10%
>rebuy crypto you sold later on a dip
How is this legal

>> No.20670917

Could you convince someone living in hyperinflation to adopt you?

>> No.20670946

If you've been in crypto since 2012, you must have made a lot of bad moves if you're still on /biz.

>> No.20671039

>all day
I have been reading them for weeks, I am not just talking out of my ass

You understand that if you get 10% more tokens, the price of each token drops by 10% right? You aren't making money directly from the rebase, you are making money because people are buying when they see a lower price

>> No.20671299

>t. retard

>> No.20671319

is it time to sell already?

>> No.20672001

Ampl will never be a stable coin. When it stabilises everyone will dump and the game begins again. Any normies that are in at this point will shit themselves and never touch it again.

>> No.20672098
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>64 ETH
>2 BTC
I don't give a shit about your vagina measuring contests about ampl v rsr
why not hold both?

>> No.20672155

AMPL is a scam. Here's why:

If coin drops below a dollar the coin starts doing negative rebases.

So current holders of AMPL need people to keep buying in order for rebases to go in their favor.

Think of it as a person who gets money for recruiting other people into their MLM scam

>rinse and repeat until the new buyers get burned and the ones at the top reap the benefits
>Rebase goes brrrr

>> No.20672251

How is this difficult to understand.
AMPL will be used in money markets
RSR will be used by people

>> No.20672368
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>> No.20672391
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Checkd and, you got shook out with your weak hands. Cuz you listened to FUD and BTFO nigger