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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20653230 No.20653230 [Reply] [Original]

"The code is undergoing rigorous auditing and stress-tests by Consensys Due Diligence and 1inch.exchange, as well as public bug bounty. Additional audits will be performed on the system following the launch.

I think Bancor V2 code will be among the most audited code in DeFi. Some of the best white hat hackers in the industry are trying to attack the contracts and no critical bugs have been flagged."

Also, taken from the AMA they did recently, no ciritical bugs found (which would have delayed the launch), and additional audits once V2 is live after the initial bug bounty. This means that...

Reading between the lines:
>bug bounty bonus (July 16–30)
>release V2 (capped pools) (sometime around July 31-first week of August)
>ongoing bug bounty indefinitely (no bonus)
>additional audits while V2 is live


>> No.20653384

BNT is poised to become the gold standard among DEXs -- even if their protocol gets duplicated, the first mover advantage thanks to the "liquidity black hole" means that if successful anyone who want to earn rewards via pooling/ liquidity mining will be drawn towards BNT. Saying that this will be a top 20 token is no joke -- we could see this surpase BNB and possible even pave the transition from CEXs to DEXs for the ecosystem as a whole.

The more I think about it the more $50 dollars starts to seem more and more reasonable in the next couple years.

>> No.20653433

BNT’s new tokenomics w/ high staking rewards + Bancor V2’s new pool design with mitigated impermanent loss, single asset staking and 20x liquidity amplification with Chainlink integration will cause all liquidity to flow to Bancor pools, creating a feedback loop of larger pools > lower slippage > more volume > higher rewards > more BNT demand.

BNT the top performing DeFi token in Q2 yet still the most undervalued by price to earnings (PE) ratio, which is the key metric VCs use to evaluate investment. https://twitter.com/RyanSAdams/status/1283499638209814529?s=20

Bancor’s new liquidity mining program + reflexivity scheme will allow it to grow AUM very quickly - they’re taking a page out of the Synthetix playbook. Team is also extremely hard working and the main reason for their valuation discount is their large ICO. Look past this and you have free alpha as ETH maxis continue to play them down. https://defiweekly.substack.com/p/aave-credit-lines-usdc-blacklist-79f

Tim Draper and Mike Novogratz are invested.

Sergey Nazarov gets it.

Coinbase exploring BNT listing.

>> No.20653609

Hands not even shaking! Lets fucking go v2, watch the weak hand which sold cry full of regrets soon

>> No.20654202

why is it dumping??