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20646244 No.20646244 [Reply] [Original]

US can only chose one. Either you print dollars to hold stonks from obliteration and it lose it's status as a reserve currency, or you stop the printer and enter to a multiyear economic depression with biggest crash in history of stonks. Which way?

>> No.20646259

why not both?

>> No.20646291

are you living under a rock? pay attention to our comptroller. the dollar will be digital and eventually we will see negative interest rates

>> No.20646310

Let me explain it to to you once again.

money printer brrrrr = inflation + stocks pump. Money printer broke = stable dollar + depression + stocks down

Youcan only chose one.

>> No.20646337

>and eventually we will see negative interest rates
and.. isn't it just proves mypoint?

>> No.20646408

what would he choose?

>> No.20646478

They have clearly chosen stocks. And it is the correct choice.

They need to keep this thing afloat until the switch to crypto can be finalized.

>> No.20646516

>And it is the correct choice.
but american world hegemony holds on a dollar as a reserve currency.

>> No.20646533

regan era thinking. we've moved far beyond that. It's not an issue.

>> No.20646630

Why not keep the money printer going until a loaf of bread costs $1000 and most niggers are priced out of food?

>> No.20646674

They already chose. The inflation target has been abandoned in order to prevent deflation. Stimulus round 2 is about to be adopted. Mnuchin on CNBC last night literally said there could be another stimulus after that if needed, so he is messaging to the market makers that they should stay bullish because printer will most definitely be going brrr.
I'm buying stocks right now...silver and gold miners. I would also advise you pick up some physical metals before they can't be found. I don't think this is the collapse though, because other currencies will be doing it...we're in a race to the bottom of sorts. So the relative strength of the dollar may move, but not be catastrophic, but the real value will definitely take a hit because there is no way to hide this much inflation.
The short is I don't think dollar collapse is happening, but bigger inflation than we've seen in a long time is on the way meaning those with their money parked in assets will fare better, while those sitting in cash to pick up discount assets on a crash may never find the dip and instead have a bit of their buying power stolen.
If you have an adjustable rate mortgage, the time to refi to a fixed rate was yesterday.

>> No.20646675

checked and that’s a man

>> No.20646755

Do you think other fiat currencies are in a better position? This is a global problem and all governments will be dealing with it similarly. If the US is doing the same thing as everyone else, why would the dollar be penalized more than other fiat currencies? The answer: it wouldn't. So the dollar isn't in danger right now, but like all other fiats, it's about to see a lot more inflation than it's seen in a while. I'm not talking meme hyperinflation, but I'm talking about inflation high enough that it's going to be impacting the way people operate. Plan accordingly.

>> No.20646916

> It's not an issue

>> No.20647223

The market has decoupled from the economy. Both inflation and depression is possible.

>> No.20647229

Stonks are just numbers. The angry unemployed armed mob ramped up by the election craze will be very real. US will spiral into civil war and break apart by 2022 at this rate. And it is a good thing.

>> No.20647351

You realize that this is insanity, right? The average person is going see themselves lose everything they've worked for. You think the riots have been bad so far? We're going to see some real fucking shit

>> No.20647403
File: 103 KB, 1076x811, AMPL3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehemm, you mean Ampleforth, the world's first elastic synthetic commodity, and the new decentralized federal reserve?

>> No.20647484

It's going to be both. We're going to have hyperinflation AND stonk crash

>> No.20647565
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i wonder if the next stim is already priced in, as everyone and their grandma on robinhood is expecting a rally, surely the market is irrational.

>> No.20647619


t. 4chan economics expert

>> No.20647899

Explain in your own words.

>> No.20648232

No. 4chan is not real life. These are the same normies who think they're making money in a savings account. People believe their CPI inflation numbers, they measure their money against consumer products that have been made de facto cheaper through outsourcing and don't see the dollar losing value under the curtain. They will just blame evil landlords and ask for more debt financing options when they see housing prices go up.

>> No.20648330

I think you underestimate the inertia that psychology provides. People aren't just going to wake up. They are going to be applying confirmation bias to everything in order to convince themselves nothing bad is happening. They will only recognize that which they are forced to. I remember going through this in 2008-2010 thinking shit was about to collapse and it didn't. If you bet against the central banks, you are going to lose. Bet with them. They are inflating assets. If you aren't in assets, you are losing money. Plain and simple. That doesn't mean that everything will be awesome. We are definitely going to be going through trying times, but doom doesn't play out the way you think it will. We are on a steady descent with some turbulence.

>> No.20649181

I am more convinced than ever in this truth. The crash we are currently stairing down the barrel of will undo the world.

>> No.20649215

What about gold?

>> No.20649268

>I don’t understand the Eurodollar market
>shit, I don’t understand the notion of a reserve currency
Everyone wants dollars. Everyone

>> No.20649293


Still, I wouldn't mind popping my rod into that man.

>> No.20649365

I think normies notice when things move fast enough.
>hey, wan't ham 15% cheaper a month ago?
This can be played off as
>well.. we are in a pandemic and all
for a while. But there are limits. And those limits approach exponentially (slowly at first, then quickly) once someone's out of a job and can't afford to feed their family.
>Bet with them
It just seems like everything is high risk these days. Sure, they're being inflated, but are there limits to how much? I keep hearing about how kids on Robinhood are making a killing. This is the classing shoe-shine boy indicator.

> People believe their CPI inflation numbers,
My normie mom has noticed food price inflation. Normies have a sense that things aren't right because things are changing too quickly.

>> No.20649493

Money printer go brrr at 40% capacity to reduce the severity of the crash while allowing it to happen partially.

>> No.20649668

Yeah, but countries go through crises with high inflation and don't collapse. People deal with only what they deal with. If prices shoot up 15%, people start thinking about how to deal with a 15% increase in prices and the smarter ones anticipate another 15%. They don't start thinking of collapse. They take what comes and the smarter take a little bit more, but most of them aren't thinking about things beyond that. lots of countries dealt with 10%+ inflation. It sucks, but it's not the end.

I'm not saying to bet with the central banks by going out and buying TSLA. That *MAY* work out, but you are right, it could crash too. But well placed equities in industries that aren't going to collapse will be a good bet because the central banks will be inflating. So if you don't own something, even if it's risky, you are going to get hosed through no fault of your own. That's just the reality of it. My suggestion is to find good equities and precious metals as a hedge. 1 oz of silver will always be 1 oz of silver regardless of spot. It's not an investment, it's insurance. You buy it for a disaster, not for selling later for fiat. The rest, you need to find the least risky assets, because the only hedge against inflation are assets. That's one of the problems of this policy is that it pushes people into riskier and riskier assets seeking a return (or just a "return"). But that provides support against a crash as well...and even if there is a crash, as long as they are providing liquidity, it will be shortlived like the last one. I don't know. I'm in crypto, PMs and Silver and Gold miner stocks. Gold and silver look to go on a run meaning mining companies just got more profitable, including the ones with higher extraction costs.
Everything IS high risk these days. I'm just trying to find the lowest of the high risk plays. You still need your money to work for you or you will be working for your money.

>> No.20649767

The FED has told the public specifically what to buy. I’m not going to spoon feed anyone but look at their statements regarding the purchases of corporate bonds