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20623136 No.20623136 [Reply] [Original]

Seems like marriage is like gambling your entire net worth, only there is a 60% chance that you loose half of all assets and income in divorce. There is zero financial incentive for a male to get married in 2020.

>> No.20624068

Don't get married. Have family + kids anyway. Simple

>> No.20624150

Not marrying won't save you.
Live alone without having kids is the only option if you are afraid you can't satisfy a woman for life

>> No.20624172

just stay away from university educated roasties with weak or absent fathers and you have the best chance of success

>> No.20624208

There is less and less incentive to marry every day. You aren't guaranteed exclusive sexual access, or kids, or help around the house, and the probability of getting cucked and/or divorce raped is getting higher every day.

>> No.20624668

Is storing your wealth in crypto a valid way to hedge against getting divorce-raped? Assuming you don't ever tell your roastie or anyone else about it, of course

>> No.20624702

I'd say a mix of cash, precious metal and bitcoin. You can store all three of those in a safe deposit box and empty it out if you think you're going to be in trouble.

>> No.20624703

explain anon i had an eerie feeling reading this. GF double major in finance and biology and educated but with relatively weak father.

>> No.20624728

This was his 3rd marriage.
And he picked a woman who wanted to be on real housewives.
At that point im going to suggest he was probably the issue.

>> No.20624836

Make her sign a prenup, brainlets.

>> No.20624912

even those aren't ironclad

>> No.20624955


>> No.20624982

Can you be more specific?

You fucked up HARD, anon.
Women with debt are just anchors.

>> No.20625069

Not the same anon

He probably means most college grads are lefty socialists. Chances are women with a degree see no wrong in stealing from a divorce.

A woman with weak father has a habit of disrespecting the man she should respect the most. Why should she respect her husband?

>> No.20625116

Burgers will never realise how the law jew fucked them.

>> No.20625155

If you have millions of dollars you just put it all in crypto and then leave the country. America fucking blows anymore so it's no real loss leaving this shithole.

>> No.20625208

People like you are the reason it's only getting worse.

>> No.20625234

State marriage laws usually preempts any prenuptial agreement .
A judge can simply ignore the private contract

>> No.20625374

Women are to blame for every single problem in the world right now, and nothing I do or say can change anything.

>> No.20625390

https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/prenups-can-get-thrown-out-if-they-are-unfair-48729#:~:text=The judge may throw the,it without proper legal representation.&text=The judge that presides over,under duress of any type.

>The judge may throw the prenuptial out when one person signs it without proper legal representation.

>The judge that presides over a divorce between couples that have a prenuptial will check over all the necessary provisions, the signing and if either was under duress of any type.

So, essentially, it's entirely up to the judge's preference of both parties as to whether or not the wife can take anything and everything from her husband?...
Of course it's that ambiguous.
I'm glad this was brought to my attention. Looks like I'm never getting legally married.

>> No.20625417

Weak parental figure = Daddy issues = she is likely to get arroused by agressive and protective traits in general = She is +50% likely to cuck you with a nigger.

>> No.20625421

>I can do nothing to find any adequate solutions to problems that exist in the world.
We don't need you anyway.
You look pitifully demoralized, anon.

>> No.20625561

You must have very strong jewdar.

>> No.20625646

I just fly around the world and knock up foreign women, make them think I'm sticking around so they give birth, and then peace out.

I have 8 kids now. I support the ones in poor countries without welfare. None of the women actually know who I am or where I am from.

>> No.20625712

Letting women vote was a fucking massive mistake, but obviously the mistakes were made long before it got to that point in the first place.
>“I don’t know. Something went wrong.” -Karamakate, Embrace of the Serpent

>> No.20625765

Oh and I'm never going to stop, btw.

The other anon is right. Women are the cause of all western ailments. Feminism is a disease. I refuse to play their rigged kafkaesque game.

So I will shotgun my genetics worldwide. Do you know how nice it is seeing a cute 19 year old with a round belly, knowing it's yours and knowing she can't destroy you no matter how hard she tries? These walking wombs are learning their place as breeding meat and life long mothers at my feet.

Waiting for covid to be over so I can get back to breeding.

>> No.20625801

This. If my wife even considered being on a show like that I'd dump her in a heartbeat. Anything that gay Jew Andy makes is poison

>> No.20625917

Step 1) live in a country without the death penalty
Step 2) Kill your wife if she gets out of line

There is no step 3. Enjoy.

>> No.20626095

how his working out for you? im thinking i wanna do this, not memeing

>> No.20626221

You have to get married before you make your fortune.

>> No.20626349

That’s really dysgenic and retarded youre subhuman and your kids going to be dysfunctional broken slaves

>> No.20626514

it worked for genghis khan you nit wit. As far as being dysfunctional the majority of successful people come from broken homes. Pampering children makes the weak

>> No.20626538

>implying you aren't the one arousing your wife by being aggressive and protective

>> No.20626656

Cheating is always more dangerous anon

>> No.20626727

If by successful people you mean blacks.

>> No.20626745

Are women worth it anymore?

>> No.20626777

Basically this, VARIETY is the name of the game; also women are sexually attracted to pure evil (physical dominance by baked in traits like face, height - is just a variety of evil - something that you have no control over, it’s mean and thus a turn on)

>> No.20626794

Not sure if you’re serious have you been to China? Literally a crime infested sewer where you can’t even let your kid play in a park without worrying about kidnappers and people steal dogs to sell to restaurants, and that’s not true at all dumbass most of your kids probably live in fucking subsidized apartment blocks and are going to be whores and pickpocket criminal subhumans
good life outcome is determined by pedigree and intact family being properly raised by both parents

>> No.20626826

Absolutely based and redpilled

>> No.20626862

you literally dont own anything.

>> No.20626873

Still amounting to more than your non-existent kids whiteboi

>> No.20626949

Simple guys, you should always have [unknown] amounts of xmr

>> No.20626950

[citation needed]

>> No.20626978

I’m actually jewish

>> No.20626992

what does the crime rate have to do with genghis khans genetic material being spread out.


>> No.20627183

Why would you ever put yourself at the mercy of society in general and a particular woman in particular? Why would you ever promise to take care of a woman indefinitely and pay a massive penalty if the relationship ends, regardless which of you was at fault? Why would you promise to be dependent on a single woman for sexual satisfaction, effectively giving up your freedom for a promise of effectively nothing (or even something)?

Isn't marriage for weaklings?

>> No.20627261

What does the does the behaviour of a large population and the completely ammoral society they’ve manifested have to do with the savage coomer animal and his progeny which is now the stock of the entire county ? Dunno bro if you need some nerd in a lab coat to tell the rules of animal husbandry apply to humans and pedigree is a real thing not sure what to tell you

>> No.20627270
File: 161 KB, 1080x955, polliy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off kike shill.
Finding a decent wife + raising 2 or 3 kids should be the goal of every man.
You are worried about your money? Don't marry a used roastie with tons of redflags, take care of your relationship and don't fucking ever tell her you how wealthy you actually are.

>> No.20627298

...so that someone who didn’t work for it can take half with no repercussions with the trial weighed heavily in her favor.
yeah i’m just thinking you’re retarded

>> No.20627356

What real incentive does a married woman have not to cheat, besides the kind of extralegal shit that will land you in prison? Don't forget that whenever a woman is angry she has the option of taking half your shit.

All marriages are unofficially open, just only on one side. She cheats, you leave her, she gets a payout. You cheat, she leaves you... she gets a payout.

>> No.20627385

Not as bad as it seems if you choose correctly

>> No.20627420

Maybe not in amerilardistan, your women are extremely kiked

>> No.20627434

Morals unironically don't real you bluepilled faggot
They're just rules made up by elites, roasties, and religious tards to bind and subjugate bluepilled cucks like you.

>> No.20627451


>> No.20627528


>> No.20627546

It's called marry a submissive Christian woman and demand and condition her to submit to you in all life decisions
Only idiots allow their wife to divorce them. Usually because they turned a blind eye to clear red flags and never disciplined their wife in any way cuz >muh feminism

>> No.20627563

>All marriages are unofficially open, just only on one side. She cheats, you leave her, she gets a payout. You cheat, she leaves you... she gets a payout.
If she cheats and you have proof she doesn't get shit

>> No.20627566

okay retard go live in a place that can’t even maintain rule of law and basic social contracts so enlightened

>> No.20627597
File: 17 KB, 333x300, 1593562281070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was never worth it if you are not a Christian that follows God. If you are are moral relativist or a Satanic fuck, you have no foundation of values to build your family on. This absolutely leads to the wife not having a strong man to lead her, as the man needs God to lead him. Without that the wife will lose respect for the husband and will turn the children against him. Marriage is a Christian act. If you want to be pagan then by all means, find a woman and have children, just don't get married.

>> No.20627623

What real incentive does an unmarried man have to not leave the wife + kids for a younger one behind?
Marriage is a form of security for the females, who are way more risk averse than males. Good luck finding a decent female with conservative values who will be a stay at home mom without any form of security that you wont fuck her over.
Other than that, you can lower your risk of getting cheated by choosing your partner carefully, not committing to a female older than 25 and giving her some form of attention/excitement from time to time

>> No.20627645

How will you get this proof? And don't forget if you accuse her of cheating, she will make her own accusations in court, every kind of spousal abuse, you like your little daughter a little too much...

No, I'll just stay in this one thank you very much, I don't care if that's hypocritical because I'm not a faggot like you who worries about things like that

>> No.20627725

Put all of your money in a South Dakota trust. They're exempt from being touched in a divorce.

>> No.20627744

You're basically right, but this whole setup is stupid. Why do I as a man have to give up my freedom and ability to change my mind for a woman? This would only be a remotely acceptable arrangement if I had authority over the woman, which I don't and never will have in a society where women are legally the equals of men.

Any of you guys ITT advocating for marriage are weak and stupid.

>> No.20627751

Okay and I’ll live in a place with virtually no street crime and where I can literally leave my wallet on a bench because i live around actual civilized humans

>> No.20627799

I'll be able to live there too, unless you have an unironic no singles policy in your whole town.

>> No.20627833

incredibly based and true. i've seen this in action.

>> No.20627839

No you won’t dumbass we keep sexpat losers like you out for one you can only stay for 30 days, you’ll never learn the language and two you can’t afford to live here

>> No.20627861

How do you know I'm not from whatever shitty town you live? I could be your co-ethnic. I could be your neighbour.

>> No.20627918

Kidding aside, don't be shy and tell me where you're from. Judging by the sexpat jibe and your haughty attitude, I have no doubt that it's ironically enough, an East Asian nation with record-breaking collapsing marriage and birth rates that will fall off the earth within the next few decades.

>> No.20628019

The reason Russian females are keeping quite a lot of care about their appearance, way more than western females, is that they know their men will leave them as soon as they get fat or they will get beaten up. So yeah, legal commitment definitely has a lot of weaknesses.
But on the other hand, while men and women are legally equal, men are the dominant gender in relationships and it should always be that way. Women are like children you are raising and more than often the reason for them getting fat for example is the lack of control their partner has over them.

>> No.20628067

You’re probably Anglo scum and American the cheapest apartment is like 2k a month anyway enjoy living in CHAZ lmao

>> No.20628141

I’m joking fren nothing personal
Yeah, Sumida.

I’ve found nice places in Europe too with virtually no crime and crazy cheap tho

>> No.20628180

What countries have you gone to?

>> No.20628212


Where's that?

>> No.20628241

Its not a gamble at all. She is a financial parasite. Would you let me come live in your house, eat all your food, take out credit cards in your name and max them out on clothes and shoes? Then when I want to fuck someone I take whatever money you have left and kick you out of your own house so tyreekwan can move in? Which part of this seems attractive to you?

>> No.20628325

Maybe they have a legit cuckold fetish or something? It's the only explanation that makes sense.

>> No.20628910

The sex part

>> No.20629005


I bet you joined the military

>> No.20629006

It's not women you idiots, it's capitalists. The whole feminist bullshit movement was bankrolled by Rockefeller

>> No.20629087
File: 214 KB, 390x290, X0fpNSJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're born in the era where romantic love is one of the most toxic assets to hold, at levels which the history of mankind has never seen.
having a loving wife you trust and raising kids is super important in life though, for what other chance do we get to live for someone besides yourself.

>> No.20629148

Bru it’s always been this way. People can’t hide it now with the internet. You think the women the lived in 1950’s didn’t fuck around? Ever herd of the milk man joke?

>> No.20629303

fuck off incel
only retards like you are buying your bs

>> No.20629338
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don't know what the rest of the replies are even about

>> No.20629352

Not only marriage but even living togeather gives women power over us. In Canada 3 months of living togeather gives them common law status and access to 50% if your assets. It’s impossible to have a relationship without women having power over us in 2020 clown world. The Jews have successfully divided the sexes. The only way to restore relations between man and woman is to get rid of the Jew enabler and assert ourselves as their new masters and keep them in their cage where they belong.

>> No.20629548

What the hell are you talking about you fool? What Jew master? It's fucking white cracker ass capitalists that are the reason why things are so fucked up. They have platformed women so they can profit off their labor and spending. These stupid identity politics are all Internet propaganda spread by either stupid people that have heard it from mainstream sources or the elite themselves.

>> No.20629585
File: 91 KB, 1125x1402, suffer together.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody have this image in a non-ant format?

>> No.20629607
File: 7 KB, 181x279, 1587569831871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20629839

Depends which state you get married in as well. In CA, if you're married 10+ years you're legally obligated to give your spouse half the assets. Now when you factor in child care, alimony, and their legal fees, you'd be lucky to leave with 1/3 of your net worth. The legal system is completely biased towards women and even with hard evidence and the best jew shark lawyer, you're still not guaranteed to win.

>> No.20630052

Common law marriage will still fuck you

>> No.20630303


No, they take that too

>> No.20630719

Kek based little pepe

>> No.20630733

Not at all - but I highly recommend living together with your intended wife/husband to see if you are compatible.

If you still feel like marrying a person 4 years into a relationship, long after the initial period of infatuation has faded - you should do it, in my opinion.

>> No.20630827

You really think the losers that start these slide threads ever kept a girl long enough to need to know what common law marriage is? It's 5-7 years in most states so they're well in the clear. Their stuffed waifus don't even last that long.

>> No.20631013

>How will you get this proof?
Women are retarded when it comes to tech, it's easy.
Easy, I'll install cameras all over the house