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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20619306 No.20619306 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20619350


>> No.20619363

still crabbing

>> No.20619376

WHERE ARE THE PROFITS I WAS PROMISED?????????????????????????????


>> No.20619386

We're here, anon. Next week will be huuuuuuuuge!

>> No.20619435

>Only 20k NOKs in the green
Fucking scam.

>> No.20619460

Slowly getting angry at lazy devs.

>> No.20619576

It sucks when I see shittokens like sta do a 3x and we're still crabbing. Just need to rest assured that this will eventually have its time

>> No.20619749
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>lazy anon

did u see the fucking code they just released for the bug bounty? it’s a beast.

>> No.20619891

I feel like my window of getting rich with crypto is getting smaller every single day don't really care about amount of work i just want to see some gains.

>> No.20619904
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>> No.20619930

You still got time fren, our last hope to make it is the next bullrun with a new ATH for BTC

>> No.20619947

i mean it's already up 7x from $0.20

but still BNT has one of the lowest PE ratios when compared to other Defi projects (most undervalued when looking at earnings)

>> No.20620099
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yea ok but it’s just weird to say lazy when clearly a fuck ton of work went into this code. if you’re feeling impatient maybe go chase the latest gem pumps or re bases. id just feel bad for u if this shit suddenly blasted off the fucking launch pad again while you got caught out without your bnt bag.

>> No.20620252
File: 121 KB, 1617x927, DE09E1C0-79ED-48B4-B373-53E106949D86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On the daily chart BNT is seeing short term consolidation, but zooming out on the macro trend shows BNT remains on a strong bullish trajectory to blast through a $2 target. Once BNT breaks this key level it could accelerate on a steeper upward trajectory. Weekly positive stoch movement has significantly more positive price action compared to negative. This has been the dominant trend for the last several stoch cycles, and evidence shows the trend will continue.

>> No.20620320
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sry, meant to post this BNT chart with the TA above.

>> No.20620358




>> No.20620502

says who?

wait until v2 launch.
even if delayed $2 is inevitable

>> No.20620528
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soon BNT goes full LEND

>> No.20620902

True now its just a patience game

>> No.20620983

My man

>> No.20621126

Hello fren. Feels like a $1.56 stablecoin, but I know this is the calm before the glorious storm.

>> No.20621485
File: 349 KB, 846x850, B_ased_NT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH has finally awoken. Up 15% this week. Its going to keep pumping and as soon as it slows down money is going to leave and enter back into alts. When this happens is when you should pay close attention to which ones first and hardest. These will be the ones that are going to pump the hardest long term in the coming bull run.
i fully expect BNT to be among them, especially because the timing will likely coincide with v2 launch.

>> No.20622007

Yeah, the ETH bump has been nice. Kind of a shock getting the notice on my phone yesterday and today. But I'm sitting comfy with the BNT stack. Just being patient knowing good things come to those who wait.

>> No.20622167

can we hit $25?

>> No.20622254

BNT holder here myself.’

Seems people are moaning in their tg about the gas fees at the mo.

Also, some up himself cunt called AC the somee seeker bring all self important about partnerships and bringing celebs in. Bancor denying the partnership. Been an interesting chat to watch

>> No.20622291
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If Bancor V2 can lock up a few hundred million dollars before the end of the year and the BNT staking rewards roll out in a bull market, yes.

>> No.20622332


in response to u anon

>> No.20622381

ethereum gas fees suck in general. feels like 2017 all over again. when is vitalik going to fix this?

>> No.20622582

Phase 0 that they are talking about releasing doesn't address scaling so...some later phase probably maybe.

>> No.20622620

what, whats the deal with partnerships? do you have links?

>> No.20622731

Defi bullrun is over. Smart money traded for btc and eth today. All oldfags know that btc and eth lead the way. After that we get a new altcoin bullrun. The defi bullrun will now correct. Screencap this.

>> No.20623319
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Shit, put half my ETH into defi projects and watching my ETH fly hurts. Why didn't you post this last week!?

>> No.20623386

It is just the 2nd day. Do what feels right.

>> No.20623552

Does anyone have a good link that explains how in v2 you can stake without splitting your stack 50/50 into a pair of coins? I want to understand how they solved the problem

>> No.20623671


Yeah smart money traded to BTC/ETH to enjoy a pump on their stack but they will move back to defi after btc/eth stabilize.

>> No.20624055

there's a few artciles on their blog that go into it.
The gist is that the BNT pool acts to balance all the others. And this is maintained by incentivizing arbitrage opportunities

>> No.20624431


>> No.20624661
File: 282 KB, 780x960, 8E2C1927-23CA-4008-8B46-D02726C09644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this exactly. honestly this feels like just the beginning of what’s gonna be a massive run up for alts, particularly the core defi coins that kicked off this bull run (bnt was the first). this is going to be 2017 on steroids. $10 bnt this year is on track.

>> No.20624870

Defi tokens will replace vapoware shittokens there's not other alternative.

>> No.20624904


>> No.20625240

shit dumped hard

>> No.20625446

The absolute state of /biz/. This dumped 3.7% and everyone is drinking tears of bankruptcy.

Some of you anons have clearly never seen what happens to alts when BTC or ETH move up. Ratios tank then normalize once the moves are done.

>> No.20626038

That’s the most Jewish meme I’ve ever seen on /biz/. Holy shit you fucking Semites are evil

>> No.20626806

Bancor will easily reach $100 by the end of 2021.

>> No.20627499


>> No.20627675

whens V2 dropping

>> No.20627750

July 31st

>> No.20627990

just bought a bag, if this dumps next week then fuck you

>> No.20628068

if this dumps next week i'll eat my own dick on live TV

>> No.20628432

How about you google their fucking blog.
holy shit every time i start to feel bullish retards like this make me feel like it's already over.

>> No.20628456

you're not going to make it either way so who cares. just sell now.

>> No.20628484
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when 90 cent?

>> No.20628590

i would literally mortage my house if we dipped that much

>> No.20628630

Bnt mooon