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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20612954 No.20612954 [Reply] [Original]

I don’t understand... this coin has lost like 60-70% of its value and yet its marketcap is only 30% from an ATH?!

Can someone please for god sake try to help me understand what’s going on? Every week that goes by, this thing is up more towards the top 10 even though it seems like it’s doing terrible. Am I not seeing something?

>> No.20613024
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Jezus it has been all over so many times... The coin adjusts it's supply according to price. It aims to be $1. If the price is higher, everyone gets more coins as an incentive to sell thus lowering the price. That's why yes, it is indeed supposed to dump. So yes the price of 1 coin went down a lot, but there are also many, many more coins of that price. That's why price doesn't really matter with AMPL.

If you fell for any of the fud congratulations, you just missed the one truly great top 5 crypto entry point of the year

>> No.20613044

Ok so, even if it’s marketcap based only, If it’s really that great of a crypto... $320 mil isn’t that bad of an entry then right?

>> No.20613056

Experience a rebase. Then you get it.

>> No.20613060

We’ve been trying to explain for a month now. Just get in.

>> No.20613094

Watch the chart and make a choice. I got in at 10 mc so I can't really say. It's been dipping post rebase while pumping before the rebase for the past couple of days so it's very volatile right now. It dumped abit this morning though.

>> No.20613139

right now is pretty allright. You just have to realize at this point the straight green line easy x 10 has already happened, so you will need to commit t o the idea of holing through dips, fud etc. But anyway, it hasn't been listed as collateral on major defi platforms yet (and that's what it's made for), and it's not on either coinbase or binance yet and considering the jump it has made and insane uniswap volume, it most likely will. So there's still huge upside

Honestly, I sold off a big chunk of mine today because it allowed me to (finally) finish up my 32 ETH stack, but bascially I'll continue to buy more as long as it's under 2,-

>> No.20613189

Heh.i wanted 32 eth as well, but didn't want pay cash. I ended up with hundreds from ampls antics.

>> No.20613197

the point is to take as many rebases with you as possible, and we are still pretty early at only 10.9k addresses