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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2059060 No.2059060 [Reply] [Original]

This thread goes out to all those people who want a career, a job, more people on their LinkedIn, or just want to bullshit about their new and old work life.

Feel free to post resources or infographs. All income levels welcome.

(I don't know if this thread will be welcome, but every other board is just NEETs complaining that they can't get a job shitposting all day.)

>> No.2059112
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How many Anons have had luck with Monster?

The way I see it, it can be a bit of a double-edged sword. Being the biggest jobs search engine site on the Internet you would think that it'd be easy to land a job just by putting your resume on it and calling it a day, but is that really any better than clicking on an interesting search result and filling out the online application on a company's own site?

>pimp out Monster profile and upload resume
>expect some company's HR to filter through limitless resumes just to get to yours
>remain jobless


>fill out job application on company's site since there is an open position
>upload resume and make yourself out to be the best candidate
>get personal email from company's HR saying a job position is available after applying for that same one

I'm wondering if playing the numbers games is of any consequence once you reach that point. Anybody ever have to do hiring for a company that can give some insight into this weird phenomenon?

>> No.2059139

Monster is a scam. I've filled out tons of applications but all it does is force me to apply for a job through some companies website and then once I fill out everything they ask for they don't even bother letting me know if I was rejected or not they just keep sending me emails like 'sorry you didn't get the job bucko but here's the posting for that same job so we can run I in your face

AT&T is the worst offender of this

>> No.2060210

What's the etiquette on calling the company? Obviously if you can call the right people and show some interest that improves your chances drastically, but there's no point in calling front desk or the bottom rung of a department.

Also when does it cross the line from "eager and takes initiative" to "ugh desperate much?"

>> No.2060222

>find the emails of high level people through guerilla research
>create the perfect charismatic video resume/audition
>get a guaranteed interview

>> No.2060229

trips of truth.

I haven't applied any of this shit yet, but a book I read said that you basically have to sell yourself as you would any product, so that basically means tailored pitches that show your "value" in dollar terms. Literally be able to say: "I will generate/save your company xxxx amount of dollars and here's my research into your business that shows how"

>> No.2060262


Ahh yes perfection, charisma and video editing skillz.

>> No.2060274
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Nice post senpai, there should be a employment networking general thread!

Any tips increasing your chances to get into an interview? Like sending the employers emails asking if they saw my application and such? What gives?

>> No.2060298

Glassdoor is where it's at. Fuck Monster. That and LinkedIn jobs. Join professional organizations, attend events, even webinars. Get spammed daily by various vendors, sales. If you are paying half attention you'll grow your network quick. Keep in touch at least once twice a year with those worth it and like posts/announcements on linkedin. Don't go endorsing all over. Makes you look like a whore and reeks of desperation.

>> No.2060302

Ive never heard of a video resume

>> No.2060310

90% landing a job is knowing someone and not fucking it up in an interview. Be prepared, prep like an exam. Know as much about the company possible but don't be a douche about it and act smug. Nothing worse than interviewing someone who doesn't have a clue about the business, the basic operations or management structure right from the company website.

>> No.2060327


indeed.. im a little worried about the networking side of things.. im gonna do my masters in international tax law next year and my uni is supposedly well connected with the big 4 - 80% of the people get hired right off the bat.

i've been trying to get an internship (para legal etc) for the last 2 years (at least 20 applications that were taylored for that specific company and position) with no success

i really hope this trend doesnt continue once i graduate as a master..

how do i into networking?

>> No.2060383

Join tax associations. Most have membership fees but it's worth it for networking. Go to events, sign up for newsletters, webinars, etc.. get involved as much as possible (not much when new). When you meet be honest and look for mentors. Kiss a little ass, ask for advice and get contacts. Don't pressure but keep in touch. In a year you'll have a small base that will def increase your chances for a good job. Once employeed expense membership fees and attend as many events possible, volunteer, contribute on LinkedIn groups, etc... In another year you'll be a regular and your network base will be much larger. You'll land better and better jobs. As soon as you get a job start thinking about moving on in 1-1.5 years, but in a good way. Leave on good terms for opportunities and keep in touch. Moved from staff to manager, to director to corp officer in 5 years, busy and stressful but tripled my salary, nearly quad calculating bonuses. Early 30s.

>> No.2060420


aight, will do. thanks for the tips buddy

i guess it all comes down to effort really

>> No.2060425

ugh, change the title to Unemployment and Neetworking and it will be /biz/ related

>> No.2060430


have a (you) for that bant senpai

>> No.2060433

That's exactly what they will think, it's like creating clickbait and your market is employers

Put yourself in their shoes, do they wanna read another fucking resume or do they want a HIGH ENERGY video resume that's funny and to the point

>> No.2060465

It is hard to keep it up but the sooner the better. Better to be grinding in pressure now than when you are in 40s and aging. In 10 years I'll be in a position to do what I want making 350-500k with much less effort. Investments and savings will lead to an early retirement in mid 50s doing light consulting/speaking engagements for whatever. Others do it, why cant I? Or you? Most experts, thought leaders, etc... are just driven , nothing more. Once you get to know mentors and leaders the gloss wears off quick and you see how easy it is if you just try. But you have to try , not always easy to stay motivated. If you get up high enough it gets easier in a sense but pressure/responsibility increases. Focus on leading others by not being a douche, focus on trying to make everyone around you and under you better than you and you'll get lifted quickly. It's almost opposite what you think but it's real and works.

>> No.2061778


Unless you know the person you're calling, it's not a good idea. People don't really like to be taken aback like that, an interview is something that needs to be prepared on both sides. You're most likely to come off as weird. Sending a spontaneous email to introduce yourself and request a phone contact is ok though.

>> No.2061797


Honestly, the video resume thing is kind of risky. It looks quite weird, I had people give me the URL of websites they made about themselves, I never hired a single one of them. It just comes off as cocky and usually it's poorly made. It doesn't even really come across as innovative because the core of the resume remains the same, the only difference is I need to make additional efforts to read it.

Also, it's nice to show your skills in video editing and marketing but it's not really relevant to all jobs. If I am looking for a financial director I don't really want someone to do the work on windows movie maker

>> No.2061965

What's a high paying part-time job with a regular schedule?

I'm looking to supplement what I'm doing now so I can rework my business.

>> No.2062716


ah yes, a quirky and original video resume...


>> No.2062728

also, finally a good /biz/ thread. what this place should be about.