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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20579641 No.20579641 [Reply] [Original]

This is the biggest shitcoin scam being covered up right now. Whales bought this shitcoin for 10c and pumped it now they doing a mass marketing shill and you pajeets are FOMO at 1.6$. You gonna get dumped on so hard. V2 release 1st dump mark screencap this.

>> No.20579653


>> No.20579676

Even the universe knows this is some shit tier fud

>> No.20579702
File: 61 KB, 1024x798, 06e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoy getting dumped on back to 50c pajeet

>> No.20579756

Sure, dummy.

>> No.20579777

Dum dum ok...

>> No.20579796

You guys are all just brainwashed pajeets that fell into their V2 marketing bullshit enjoy becoming bag holders

>> No.20579828


>> No.20580122

All brainwashed BNT army shilling their shitcoin don't get involved BIZ youll get rekt

>> No.20580156

lmao at thinking you can fud enough on biz to have any affect on price

just be thankful you have any
it will 10x before EOY

>> No.20580173
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>> No.20580374

Lmaooo thats what they want you to think. You bought into their marketing shilling scam. People thought itll be 5$ in July lmao shit didnt even move. Dump incoming mark my words

>> No.20580393


>> No.20580512

dude you're so fucking dUM

>> No.20580616

Brainwashed Pajeets look how many of you think you're gonna make it off BNT hahahahaha. Imagine buy a coin thats up 16x times stay poorfags

>> No.20580728
File: 11 KB, 310x163, dUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just start a new thread dUM dUM

>> No.20580883

getting dumped on bro

>> No.20580979
File: 3 KB, 410x123, free money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx just bought another 4000

>> No.20581153

Enjoy getting poorfag

>> No.20581329

how crazy is it for us to buy a legitimate project instead of your copypaste uniswap shit?

>> No.20581356

Legit project thats up 1600%? Lmaooooo enjoy getting dumped on so hard thats the only way you pajeet anons will learn

>> No.20581377

the fact you keep bumping this thread when there isn't even another bancor thread, makes me think you're a shill trying to bring attention by fake fudding

>> No.20581533

Give up dum dum

>> No.20581713
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>> No.20581727

Nah just warning my fellow anons from the incoming disaster. I've always taken good care of my anon brothers that were willing to listen unlike you fomo pajeets

>> No.20581955

You missed the bottom, it's ok.
Learn to live with mistakes.
No need to be salty.
Get in now and enjoy future passive income.
Liquidity will be there where Bancor is.

>> No.20582172

Liquidity will be everywhere once Uniswap and Balancer fork BNT which they will before EOY but enjoy getting dumped on by people who are up 1600% waiting to dump you on so badly you'll shit breaks

>> No.20582362

Ok dum dum thx dum dum

>> No.20582624
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>> No.20582933

Lmao I feel sorry for all you future poorfag bagholders enjoy getting dumped on

>> No.20583446

you're getting dUm'd on

>> No.20583617


>> No.20583648

time to clean out crypto from all these scams so it can truly take off

>> No.20583836

Lmao the only scam is you getting manipulated and shilled by whales up 16x to dump on you while you FOMO in

>> No.20584135

U got dumd on, too bad

>> No.20584286

Low IQ reply

>> No.20584531

Any IQ higher and you wouldn't be able to understand it. dUM dUM.

>> No.20585106

Sure bro stay poorfag

>> No.20585669

you are loser anon. Bnt will do 10x

>> No.20585828


Hahahahah thats what they shilling you on a daily basis to believe so you will fomo buy a token that 0.10$ a while back. Imagine buying a token 16x. Go look at the graph with support levels its getting pumped and then it will dump so hard you wont manage to even sell