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File: 3 KB, 216x233, bnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20571550 No.20571550 [Reply] [Original]

just used uniswap first time to join liquidity pool for AMPL
fucking sucks dick having to deposit 2 tokens
fuck this 2 token shit
we're talking 2 token shit here man
we're talking 2 token shit here
we're talking 2 token shit here
if all i have is 20K LINK and i want to join liquidity pool i need to also have 20K worth of LINK in another coin? hell to the no

just went all-in BNT
BNT V2 1 token liquidity pool is going to be a game changer

>> No.20572559
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Insider here

ConsenSys and 1inch audits failed and team are waiting until the last day of July to announce V2 will be delayed.

Bancor lied about solving impermanent loss

Bancor is the most hacked crypto in history

Bancor isn't DeFi. It is centralized. The team can steal your funds at any time. They demonstrated this when they got hacked last month and stole the funds back from the hacker.

Coinbase will never list Bancor because it is a security token. The team admits this and have banned Americans from using their exchange.

Uniswap is launching their own token and will remain the AMM market leader.

Bancor was the worst ICO in history. It is down 99.9% and has many bag holders waiting to dump on you to break even.

Bancor banned me from telegram trading group and official group for saying price would go down (and it did).

Anyone expecting a V2 pump is going to be disappointed, because staking rewards won't happen until Q1 2021 (it was scheduled for nearer the end of the year, but will be pushed back because of V2 delay).

Fuck you.

>> No.20573434

Hey! Congrats you finally managed to imagine some new lies to add to your bs fud copy pasta.
> insider here
You must be a really deep double agent insider if you managed to get
>banned from the official telegram group

>> No.20573606
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>because staking rewards won't happen until Q1 2021

>> No.20573648


will burgers be able to stake?

>> No.20574236

my understanding is that they will not.
I saw a thread a few days ago where someone mentioned some community built interfaces that would allow you to do so, but I haven't been able to rediscover those.

if anyone has info on those projects I'd love to figure that out!

>> No.20575033


>> No.20575082
File: 1.99 MB, 1272x1268, daniel mr 90 cent Fudder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the fake fud. this is Daniel and he's angry because he missed his chance to buy BNT at 90 cents and now wants to FUD weak hands so he can buy cheap BNT.

There has been serious attention on V2 with two 3rd party groups (Conensys Dilligence and 1inch.exchange) doing the security audits plus a very lucrative bug bounty program. Bancor is not taking risks with the release. Even if this is delayed the way they keep announcing new tokens to the initial pool (link yesterday plus enj and ren recently) makes it clear that things are moving towards a full launch soon.

BNT is poised to become the gold standard among DEXs -- even if their protocol gets duplicated, the first mover advantage thanks to the "liquidity black hole" means that if successful anyone who want to earn rewards via pooling/ liquidity mining will be drawn towards BNT. Saying that this will be a top 20 token is no joke -- we could see this surpase BNB and possible even pave the transition from CEXs to DEXs for the ecosystem as a whole.

The more I think about it the more $50 dollars starts to seem more and more reasonable in the next couple years.

>> No.20575800

How much Money Can I expect to Get in Say a week or 1 month from staking 10k linkies?

>> No.20575820

you have mistaken me for someone else.

>> No.20575976

Fucking based bancor bull

>> No.20576107
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highly doubt that daniel.

>> No.20576360
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Depends on how big the pool is, what percentage of it you hold, the amount of trade volume going through the pool, and the liquidity provider fee assigned to the pool by the pool creator. But a 10K LINK stack staked in a Bancor V2 should be a pretty decent yield. That's a lot of LINK and the Chainlink pool will probably be the biggest and most active one on the network next to the ETH pool.

>> No.20576601

That's pretty based.
Kind of spooked by putting my Link there though. But literal free money and no loss of tokens is very tempting.

Also god damn BNT is going to pump hard.
>Make staking rewards and fee rewards
>Or watch your BNT Get slowly in flated

>> No.20576710

>highly doubt that daniel.
that's not me. i always market buy like a chad

>> No.20576899
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ok daniel.

>> No.20576993
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If you're risk averse then wait it out before locking up LINK in the pool. There's an opportunity cost with this though.

Regarding BNT itself, its the top performing DeFi token in Q2 yet still the most undervalued by price to earnings (PE) ratio, which is the key metric VCs use to evaluate investments. https://twitter.com/RyanSAdams/status/1283499638209814529?s=20

Tim Draper and Mike Novogratz know and are invested.

Sergey Nazarov gets it and blogged about Bancor V2. Wrote its likely to attract token teams and investment funds wanting to provide low risk liquidity on an AMM. Basically, this means the founder of Chainlink sees institutional finance making a big DeFi play with Bancor V2 pools. https://blog.chain.link/challenges-in-defi-how-to-bring-more-capital-and-less-risk-to-automated-market-maker-dexs/

Coinbase is exploring BNT listing.https://blog.coinbase.com/coinbase-continues-to-explore-support-for-new-digital-assets-2c5b84813fcf

BNT staking rewards coming soon after Bancor V2 release that will create extreme FOMO to buy up and lock up most of supply, building massive price pressure. Exactly what happened with SNX in late 2019: https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-staking-rewards-ad432e5d590d

DYOR though.

>> No.20577139

your shilling is suspicious as fuck. Sold 100k. Fuck you kikes you wont have my gold

>> No.20577146

>ok daniel.
is daneil a real person or is this a psyop?

>> No.20577363

Burgers won’t be able to directly use bancor, supposedly we’ll be able to use xnation. Just took a look at it and it’s similar enough to other lp’s but will there be a change once v2 is released?

>> No.20577632
File: 16 KB, 604x196, ghjtdgj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whant does this mean for Bancor. Can yearn now allow use of just one asset in pools as well?