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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 133 KB, 1212x1546, B58EC645-F1EC-43C5-BAFE-3A08E97A442B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20522207 No.20522207 [Reply] [Original]

>he STILL hasn’t bought Fantom

>> No.20522349

There’s still time to pass the IQ test

>> No.20522650


>> No.20522686

Retard schizo 3rd world FAGGOT


>> No.20522929


>> No.20523001

Scam. No shortage of morons in the market.

>> No.20523063

i bought chromia instead

>> No.20523266

Isn’t this the shitcoin that was being shilled like 4 months ago?

>> No.20523269

I don’t know how /biz/ hasn’t jumped on this yet. Chain link is partnered with Fantom and they still won’t buy a bag. Oh well.

>> No.20523413

it’s only up 500%

>> No.20523537

Because most of biz follow the herd and buy ChainLink bags, they can't think for themselves and see that Fantom is ChainLink before the moon. The ones who have a bag of FTM now have a high IQ

>> No.20523641

Fake internet site with transaction speed, no devs, 38 hired scammers aka "marketing dep", core dev Andre left - using ETH not FTM for his defi, chink team exit scammed, XAR called them scammers and broke all business relationship with them, lied about tps, dag, central banks etc etc. And idiots, newfags and psychos are falling for Fantom scammers hysterically spamming of biz. Sad, but the idiots have to learn.

>> No.20523663

Fake fud schizo LOSER

>> No.20523770

$2 eoy

>> No.20523798

What's fake, scammer? Don't just run away. Tell us.

>> No.20523872

60% staking. That's insane and a ponzi scheme Nothing more.

>> No.20523989

>Durrrr im a fudding schizo
Give it up pajeet

>> No.20524005

Why are you fantom scamming idiots pretending to be oldfags?

>> No.20524053

>Give it up pajeet
It's nothing to give up. If you scamming psychos manage to find enough idiots to "invest" in your scam, the the price will go up. In Fantom's case, the scam is so blatant that they deserve to loser their money.

>> No.20524099

Zoom out topkek

>> No.20524119

>the the price
>to loser their money


>> No.20524157

What's the ftm suicide & make it stack?

>> No.20524174

Idiot, I am typing super fast on the side with zero proof reading.

>> No.20524195

Failed the IQ test.
Show me where fantom gives out 60% rewards

>> No.20524220

Where did you learn English, Mumbai street shitting school? Spastic.

>> No.20524243

>Failed the IQ test
Believe me, at last two standard deviations above yours,
>60% rewards
Not rewards, staking of circulating supply. Totally retarded.

>> No.20524271

If English is your native tongue, then you write like a child.

>> No.20524279

>at last
Pajeet spotted

>> No.20524304

Pretty busy day at the call center eh, Deepak?

>> No.20524334
File: 91 KB, 610x610, F300B582-4DBE-4B76-AF36-E4500745020B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally the truth comes out. You’re an english as a second language speaker. You’re an indian scum poorfag and no one should ever listen to you. You were wrong, and you missed out on 500% gains. Now cope faggot. COPE HAHAHA

>> No.20524343

Did the schizofudder had serotonin poisoning or something?

>> No.20524352

biz will only buy at 1$. its okay

>> No.20524370
File: 194 KB, 830x738, fantom_pump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only way is UP!

>> No.20524385

Typo, idiot.

>> No.20524412

It's a scam and you're a scammer. Sad

>> No.20524436

You seem to have multiple typos in every single message you write. Desperate pajeet loser. You fudded yourself out of serious money. Good job.

>> No.20524447
File: 34 KB, 847x323, spoonfeeding sanjeev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Believe me, at last two standard deviations above yours,
maybe if you adjust for your race handicap
>Not rewards, staking of circulating supply. Totally retarded
I shouldn't need to explain why this is retarded. Pic related.

>> No.20524466

Your “fud” is proven to be fake. Go shit in a street.

>> No.20524528

It’s been adjusted to 15% rewards after an onchain governance vote. Keep trying pajeet. Go invest in curry coin or something no one cares what indians have to say.

>> No.20524641

2019 scam

>> No.20524805
File: 234 KB, 1280x720, 19AC0F16-C348-483D-8050-7DDD0396EBB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20525197
File: 102 KB, 902x532, 2432434323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I shouldn't need to explain why this is retarded. Pic related.
>t. moron. Can hardly communicate in his own native tongue.

>> No.20525216

>You fudded yourself out of serious money
Only morons are running after scams and PnDs

>> No.20525268

Thanks for that irrelevant image of your own tweet.
However will you cope next?

>> No.20525270

Staking rewards were changed and you can stake/unstake anytime you want

And there was no dump as the stakes got released

>> No.20525279

wow I'm actually going to be rich

>> No.20525326

Where are your central banks, scammer?
Whole chink team, where are they?
Why did your business partner, xar, call Fantom a scam?
Where is your 300 000 tps, dag with smart contracts?
Who the hell will use DEFI on a crashed fork of Ethereum virtual machine, with joke Ethereum Classic as colletarale. How can you idiots wiht zero devs, just a giant marketing dep, compete with ETH, the largest and by far best dev community in crypto plus this: https://entethalliance.org/eea-members/

Why did you fantom scammers have a fake internet site pushing your fake transaction speed data?

>> No.20525345

Did not read.
Take pills.

>> No.20525351
File: 87 KB, 769x600, Annotation 2020-02-15 10113412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you fantom scammers lie about your partnerships? Pic.

>> No.20525395 [DELETED] 

Fantom Nexus is a completely separate entity from the Fantom Foundation retard.

>> No.20525463
File: 106 KB, 504x453, Screenshot_20200720-132840_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Smith how are you??? You know we doxxed you right? You're literally a fat Indian lmao nobody is going to listen to you considering you're wrong every single time you make up some lie.

Pic related is literally the fantom schizo lol

>> No.20525565

5 tps

>> No.20525632

>Sam Smith how are you??? You know we doxxed you right?
Delusional. Answer the questions, Fantom scammer >>20525326

>> No.20525969

The Devs are working

Just check discord btw your source is from February

Even if it's a shit government Afghanistan is on board already with real news from there site.

The evm is just a bridge to the fvm which is in developing and will be released this year. Nobody is talking that this will use the crappy evm forever , only you

Xar is a shithole, they didn't communicate since months and then calling fantom the who doesn't say anything etc. Just dyor

>> No.20526026

100k suicide. 300k make it

>> No.20526202
File: 1.81 MB, 1334x750, FD9A4DB5-F40E-4200-A941-4A671180996E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you are missing a zero on these numbers.

>> No.20526283

Kill yourself

>> No.20526432
File: 99 KB, 760x706, Annotation 2020-02-15 101134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Devs are working
You have no devs

You have to buy services from a Russian, Moscow based, blockchain company, while you liars are presenting them as your own devs. Scam.

>Even if it's a shit government Afghanistan is on board already with real news from there site.
Half a year after mainnet. Since it's all scam and corruption, you have ZERO to show for, right? You can not even produce anything documenting that you have started.

>> No.20526549
File: 44 KB, 1280x589, 20200711_082255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a 750k stack, will I make it?

>> No.20526873

>Xar is a shithole
You Fantom scammers were rambling on about central banks for months, due to xar and now when they call out your scam, they are suddenly a "shithole"? And that you lost xar is not even reflected in the price, indicating clearly that your "investors" are newfags and idiotic gamblers.

Why are you fantom scammers lying about being oldfags?

>> No.20526950

6 million posts by this id.
I know your game schizo, see you at the party.

>> No.20527287
File: 16 KB, 640x360, gettyimages-652384168-640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Six million you say?

>> No.20527334
File: 10 KB, 192x167, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he STILL hasn’t realised it only has 5 tps

>> No.20527994

>18 posts by this ID