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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 440 KB, 2898x1914, uniswap hacked again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20499626 No.20499626 [Reply] [Original]

Earlier today we saw the exploitation of a liquidity pool on Uniswap for a wrapped version of Bitcoin created by imToken and the Tokelon DEX. The hacker utilized an attack vector on ERC777 tokens on Uniswap. The exploit allowed the attacker to drain roughly $300k worth of value due to a reentrancy attack which allowed funds to be drained in a similar fashion to what happened with The DAO back in 2016. The vulnerability was described 16mths ago but Uniswap failed to act on it. This is the 3rd time a liquidity pool has been drained on Uniswap in just a couple of months.

>> No.20499654

Fucking shit why does Israel do this

>> No.20499708
File: 214 KB, 1131x1196, 828479E6-1D81-4F5F-A766-2AFC3065CBDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit again?

>> No.20499865

defi is just one big fucking scam and no one needs it.

>> No.20499892

Oracle fail you heard it here first

>> No.20499922

Ethereum's defi is a fucking joke and MASSIVE bubble. This shit is more dangerous than ICOs and will crash so fucking hard soon

>> No.20500003

Stakenet DEX can’t get here soon enough

>> No.20500015

the absolute state

if you fucking pajeets stopped making meme coins that don't conform to the standards this literally would not happen.... stop buying fucking shitcoins

>> No.20500045

yeah a $300k exploit in a ERC777 it's all over, sell sell sell etc.

>> No.20500089

cope. solidity is trash, vitalik is to blame

>> No.20500096


>> No.20500109
File: 4 KB, 275x183, bancor bnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20500124

uniswap is for erc20 not 777

>> No.20500137

I would love to see uniswap bend the knee.

>> No.20500151
File: 66 KB, 602x924, 14B4430F-E869-4859-89AF-0D49D27AC8DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was inevitable. Uniswap is plagued with scam tokens claiming affiliation with popular DeFi projects. I literally nearly bought fake tokens that appeared to be official tokens from Curve Finance, 1inchExchange, Tornado.Cash, and dYdX. Isn't there some sort of way to vet these scam tokens? Why doesn't Uniswap do anything about it? I'm sure there many other brainlets like myself who are buying or even staking in these Uniswap scam token pools.

>> No.20500196

Chainlink will unironically kickstart the next bull run. Look at how many DeFi products are relying on the tech to either solve exploits or create new offerings

And I'm sure I'm missing some

>> No.20500231

A bunch of shitcoins all backed by the same people partnering together sucking each other’s centralized cocks and dumping on you. You deserve to stay poor fucking idiot

>> No.20500265
File: 105 KB, 1419x518, just use kleros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't there some sort of way to vet these scam tokens?
I'm glad you asked!

>> No.20500295

none of those hold real value, if you're in profit then exit before they crash

>> No.20500296


Ive only ever used coinbase, im trying to expand my horizons
What are you using and what are the charges?

>> No.20500304

it's been explained over and over that erc777 tokens are not to be used on uniswap

>> No.20500309

is Realitio using the fuckin steam logo?

>> No.20500332

>none of those hold real value
you should actually try DYOR instead of just being a pouting BTC maxi.

>> No.20500356

Bancor had a major hack in the past month or two as well???

>> No.20500388

It's called etherscan and finding the token contracts yourself... If you don't know how to do this don't use Uniswap in the first place. Stick to Coinbase

>> No.20500391


>> No.20500412

Are you BTC maximalists? Not trying to call you out, just genuinely curious to know who would have such an opinion

>> No.20500427

>major hack
the team found a vulnerability and ran it themselves.

>> No.20500429
File: 641 KB, 923x1241, 3454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bancor had a major hack in the past month or two as well???

>> No.20501073
File: 222 KB, 750x746, 1567874750338.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20501170

This article is from 3 months ago, lmao.


>> No.20501200

and yet it happens due to piss poor incompetent design. ETH is a pathetic toy

>> No.20501212

Spaghetti code. Cardano is going to slaughter ETH.
In before

>> No.20501272

And Tezos will slaughter Cardano, and Hedera will slaughter Tezos, and Polkadot will slaughter Hedera, and Avalanche will slaughter Polkadot, and the next layer one flavour of the month will slaughter Avalanche, and so on ad infinitum.

>> No.20501329

Your retarded. They just said it was a reentrancy attack. This is when A calls B and B calls A before returning back to A.

>> No.20502099

ok sir

>> No.20502180

BUIDL will fix all of this with their IDO (initial decentralised offering) platform integrated into uniswap. You’ll know that anything launched on their platform is legit and not a scam.