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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20482036 No.20482036 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz/. I sink 100% of my paycheck into crypto. Should I be holding any cash? I feel like Im an idiot for investing every dollar I get but I cant help it. I live at home so I can afford to invest 100%. I just dont know if its smart to maybe withhold 10% of my paycheck as a backup.

>> No.20482069

I had 10k to tide me through months of unemployment, but I got so bored from not working I hit up /biz/ and sunk it all into crypto and Silver. I just send ETH to my coinbase and fuck it back into the bank if I'm ever SOL

>> No.20482119

In my country you can pay for nearly everything with Bitcoin (Asia is so far beyond the states in this) so why even bother with cash?
I keep my monthly expenses in stable coins and the rest in various alts, converting to BTC for payments if they don’t accept something else.
Bought some apples today from a local vendor who accepted ETH

>> No.20482148

I took just enough profits to at least get me through a month of no income even though I still have neetbux from unemployment coming in. Just enough for shit hits the fan expenses or something like that. But yeah the rest of my money goes into Link.

>> No.20482233

I get no neetbux sadly. I am up right now. Ive been sinking everything into RLC for the last 2 weeks. Im gonna cash in 1k RLC and sink it into link.

>> No.20482287

Hey you still got a paycheck. I'd unironically rather have not lost my job considering unemployment took 4 months to clear and I had no income to dump into the market when it tanked. I'd be much better off if my entire industry didn't collapse due to covid restrictions. Godspeed anon

>> No.20482319

Which Asian country are you in?
I lived in China last year, and no one used bitcoin. I also never saw any signs for it in Cambodia, or Japan...

>> No.20482345

singapore for sure

>> No.20482360

Some stores in Japan accept Bitcoin, they were supposed to have a wider implementation. but I guess after the crash in 2017 that changed. Was also in Singapore 2018 and didn't see anything

>> No.20482428

>I live at home
D-don't we all?
Except homeless people, I guess.
I tried living in the office once, but they told me I couldn't after a couple of weeks. That was a bummer.

>> No.20482478


>> No.20482504
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I'm 90% crypto/silver and 10% cash
Pretty fucking comfy ngl

>> No.20482912
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