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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20440653 No.20440653 [Reply] [Original]

>Low Market Cap Project
$128,000 Current Market Cap

>Staking and Burning are live
Over 4,000,000 Moon burned
1.05M Moon Staked

>Project audited by two firms
Adis Begic, a blockchain security engineer based in Copenhagen, Denmark and Cryptic Ocean team.

Over $10,000 in liquidity is locked forever. The team cannot remove

>Moon Code Developer is Experienced
Ethereal is an Ethereum NFT developer (non-fungible tokens), MetaGlitch creator, and BitsForAI creator. With 120+ code contributions just this year, he is proven to be dedicated to this project.

>Contract Address

>Telegram Group


>Medium Articles

>Official Site

To all those that are going to FUD. Grow up, this project is not going anywhere, but towards future expanded growth. The team already has a long term vision, and has stayed true to their roadmap.

To the others, you will not find a project on Uniswap that has accomplished more, and still have an entry point this low. When this takes off (and it will) you won't want to miss out on those gains.

You can buy 500K Moon right now for $350, 500K Moon for $500 once it hits 1/10th of a cent, or 500K Moon for $5,000 when we eventually hit $0.01.

>> No.20440691

never buy "staking" uniswap coins that have 0 use cases, but use words like DAO DAPP DeFi

>> No.20440792

Worst shitcoin i ever invested in. So glad i sold that shit

>> No.20441023
File: 467 KB, 3032x2064, 3F0263A3-9F11-45AD-BC88-B9A08B58ABFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early investors enter with the understanding of High Risk/High Reward. You are relying on the good faith of the project and its team to deliver.

If this was all that Moon had planned, I wouldn’t invest my money with them either. Fortunately, this is just the beginning for them.

>> No.20441419

Stop trying to hand out lessons to people on biz when you invested in a shitcoin