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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20426529 No.20426529[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We really shut down the economy over the flu

>> No.20426547

Boomers did because they're actually liable to die from it.

>> No.20426568

If you’re below 50 it’s safer than the flu

>> No.20426575

Yeah it was always this. Who do you think runs the economy? The people that would get violently ill and possibly die if the shit gets them

>> No.20426631

What happens to Link and DEFI if the economy turns great depression 2.0?

>> No.20426670

You can thank the Imperial College model for that

>> No.20426722

Fuck off. My lung capacity is fucked and I’m only 26.

>> No.20426748

go back to /pol/ or /x/ you dumb faggot. every other western country is back to normal because they dealt with the virus intelligently. even fucking italy which was a hell hole for awhile. USA is shit

>> No.20426767


>> No.20426817

I literally smoked gnarly ass shit from side cans from the age 15-17, weed every day from 17-21, vape every day, and I caught chink flu and barely anything happened. My 93 year old grandma caught it and she was barely sick for a day. Get shit on weakling

>> No.20426840
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I have it.

It's basically a gamble what the virus does to you, and of course I have pink wojak luck. It fucking sucks hardcore and I'm reading articles about how it can fuck up people's bodies permanently while wheezing 90 bpm fucking sitting on the sofa and sleeping 14 hours a day.

Everyone else I know is asymptomatic.

I'm just about done with this shit.

>> No.20426870

Hope you recover soon fren

>> No.20426906
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Try reddit. Brainlet soi guzzlers fit in better there.

>> No.20426923
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>> No.20426931

I work in a covid ICU in one of the most affected states, definitely not just he flu.

>> No.20426983

gtfo ccp shills

>> No.20427011

what are you taking for it?

>> No.20427021
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>gtfo ccp shills

>> No.20427297

just wear a mask schizoids.

>> No.20427321
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>china bad
They're the good guys, idiot.

>> No.20427361

lol my 28 year old friend died stupid fuck

>> No.20427439
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>> No.20427489

>he says on an anonymous image board
>with only a sample size of the worst of cases

Sure pal

>> No.20427503

Plenty of 20-30 year olds with no prior medical history but okay.

>> No.20427565

God speed friend

>> No.20427606


>> No.20427720

>heh try reddit
Damn you killed him bro hes dead man how will he recover from that

>> No.20427752

It's genetic. Jews and blacks are getting demolished by this while most whites don't even know they have it.

>> No.20427773

Imagine being such a redditor that you side with China because of some shit you saw on a crypto scamming forum.

>> No.20427889

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.20428010

Over in the UK, the gov is lying big time about the numbers. People who died of other causes being put down as COVID. Gov figures reporting 45k deaths but NHS figures standing at 29k. Those under 60 have a 0.85% chance of dying, its severly statistically skewed when you're 75 + and have significant underlying issues.

Also, if you're a healthy 0-39 year old and you contract covid, here in the UK you have a 0.013% chance of dying, same as the flu.

Stats all come from NHS website daily data dumps

>> No.20428364

Sweden never locked down and it's confirmed now that they developed herd immunity without a lot of deaths.

USA went full retard and locked down hard, ruined the economy and now some states are locking down again. Government inefficiency in a nutshell.

>> No.20428413

I caught it and almost died (38 y-o)
This thing definately ain't no joke

>> No.20428495

Take your meds schizo

>> No.20428725


>> No.20428762

The lack of reporting on these "dying" people is incredible the media can literally say anything and people will believe it. The media is far more powerful than armies.

>> No.20428867

No it's not, retard

>> No.20428941

I wonder if in these cases the test gives a false reading that you have covid but you actually only have a normal cold or flu

>> No.20428965


>> No.20429089
File: 525 KB, 1898x1801, corona is a hemephage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is correct. The disease is a hemephage and seems designed to kill people with sickle cells much more efficiently. The perfect tool for clearing out Africa for your colonial adventures. Too bad for China they lost containment while it was in Beta.

>> No.20429135

Shut the fuck up and start buying.

>> No.20429251

Corporations are in for a reckoning while neets get free shit? Sounds like a win to me.

>> No.20429552

Sweden actually did lockdown. They just didn't do it officially via the government because people there are intelligent and just stayed home themselves. lol

>> No.20429633

That’s a double negative boomer

>> No.20429959

$1k eoy

>> No.20430004

Large corporations are growing stronger from this, while small business are dying.

>> No.20430033

I blame gen-zombie. Jews/Politicians wouldn't be so ridiculous if this generation also wasn't so ridiculously shallow and pathetic.
Just like Minecraft... it wouldn't have caught on back in the 2000s.

>> No.20430074

Minecraft is a good game, I don't see what's wrong with it. If it came out in the 2000s people still would have thought it was cool.

>> No.20430126

It would have barely made over 50k in sales. Definitely wouldn't have exploded or even had such great free marketing through the community and YouTube.

>> No.20430146

Yeah, that's true. YouTube probably helped it spread a ton.

>> No.20430166

right wingers should be held responsible for killing thousands and destroying the economy

>> No.20430183

you forgot the part where you are still fucked up after it and what it will do to your body in the long term. nice try tho!

>> No.20430195
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*checks notes* Anon I...

>> No.20430200

sweden did a partial shut down. holy fuck the people in this thread are misinformed fucks. can you guys read?

>> No.20430226

>rest of the world
>back to normal
Im an Ausfag and I can tell you shits fucked here, and about to get worse, Im buying puts.

Also, I blame BLM and the left for the US state.

>> No.20430232

Yeah I’m in the Australian state that’s still locked down. Pretty pissed, I just want to lift but the gyms are staying closed for at least another month.

>> No.20430242

thankfully the fat idiots in middle America are going to die in much higher numbers. the problem solves itself!

>> No.20430256
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>I'm not seeing enough masks in this thread

>> No.20430284
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>> No.20430299

the biggest 3 covid countries in the world are all right wing governments. the sole reason US response was dogshit was because of Trump and right wingers saying it was "just a flu"
fuck your stupid state retard shit. all the people in those states making it worse are right wingers who think wearing a mask = communism

>> No.20430319

We should have doxed and killed as many sjws/tumblrinas as we could get our hands on.
I blame the boomers and millenials for being such limp-dicked idiots and allowing zombie/zoomer culture to roam free.

>> No.20430324


Lmfao look at this hard pivot. Well sonny it originated in, and was covered up by, a far left government in China. And then was let into the United States by far left states like Washington and NY, who refused to take proper precautions. Thanks a lot, faggot.

>> No.20430372

proof or you're full of shit. i havent ever worn a mask, been in crowds, and hardly even wash my hands and im perfectly fine. it's just all in your head

>> No.20430389

>Government inefficiency in a nutshell.
Marxist malicious intent in a nutshell. Ftfy.

>> No.20430409

First off, the liberals blocked trump when he tried to stop travel from China. Remember that whole thing? Calling him racist when he was ontop of this shit? Then the fucking libs call him crazy and start a smear campaign when he said hydroxychloroquine can help fight covid, then a couple months later the same fucktard libs say hydroxychloroquine helps fight covid. Majority of the states/counties with the highest reported numbers are liberal controlled. Coincidence? I think not. Covid ain't shit.

>> No.20430437

OK fuck you we need to kill ALL the liberal sjw zoomers, they are far too dumb to live.

>> No.20430456

you keep ignoring the people who are spreading it and who ignored it for months retard
you know why NY got hit hardest? because its a huge international hotspot for tourism and is densely populated
and they got it under control far faster than the US despite it being the first place it spread

>> No.20430487

The economy doesn't actually exist.

>> No.20430494
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>> No.20430516

small business is getting 75% of their fucking payroll in gibs. My bosses are richer than ever and giving us days off for free after lockdown has been listed.

>> No.20430524
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Fuck off Chang

>> No.20430537


You're ignoring the fact that 8/10 of the most mortal states are ran by Democrats you fucking dogshit brained faggot. Your premise falls apart right from the start, these people STARTED Covid in the United States when everyone was aware of the potential threat of its spread.

They will remain the most death-ridden states in the union. I don't think Texas is going to have COVID patients stay in nursing homes.

>> No.20430556

Why are Thailand, Vietnam, Sweden and Belarus doing fine?

>> No.20430645
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>TFW the chicoms were developing a bioweapon to genocide niggers but couldn't keep it contained in their own lab

>> No.20430705
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Stop sucking dick faggot

>> No.20430776

based freedom painting

>> No.20430875
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Ameritards can’t do basic math or pick up a book. All they do is stuff their faces with fast foods and browse social media all day believing every larp. No wonder they can’t think for themselves.

>> No.20430957
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>> No.20430998

most of the states hit hardest have huge cities, high international travelers and are densely populated
hardest hit states are california and new york
this has nothing to do with the fact they're left leaning
right wingers in those cities exacerbate the problem by not following rules and not wearing masks
who do you think the retards in this video voted for? the people telling you to wear masks or the people who ignored it?

no shit states in the middle of nowhere don't have high community spread, because no-one fucking goes there and they never leave their home towns

>> No.20431136

Kek, that’s what you get for living in pozzedbourne faggot.

>> No.20431225
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>right wingers in those cities exacerbate the problem by not following rules and not wearing masks who do you think the retards in this video voted for? the people telling you to wear masks or the people who ignored it?

>> No.20431252
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>the biggest 3 covid countries in the world are all right wing governments. the sole reason US response was dogshit was because of Trump and right wingers saying it was "just a flu"
>fuck your stupid state retard shit. all the people in those states making it worse are right wingers who think wearing a mask = communism

>> No.20431276
File: 6 KB, 218x250, 1594227092041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back to /pol/ or /x/ you dumb faggot. every other western country is back to normal because they dealt with the virus intelligently. even fucking italy which was a hell hole for awhile. USA is shit

>> No.20431396

just wear a mask and shaddup.

>> No.20431414
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>> No.20431469
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It’s ogre

>> No.20431530
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>16 deaths in a city of 2.5 million

>> No.20431638

Lel. Im broke. I ride public transit to buy groceries. I sometimes forget to wear my mask. I lift weights and bike ride 1hr30ms 5 times a week. I'm 27 and I hope boomers die off so I can have a job when I graduate this Fall when shit hits the fan and the recession begins. Fucking boomers fucked everything up.

>> No.20431701


>> No.20431728

Based and basedpilled

>> No.20431739
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I don't think it's even so much that much of a conscious thing. Boomers are just ignorant. I was talking to my boomer parents about this the other day and my mother brings up the "mass graves in NYC", this was a MSM lie that did the rounds back in March - it was a misrepresentation of the reality, using 'dramatic' looking drone footage. The MSM has been churning out shit like this for months, to boomers who don't know any better. Same mother was telling me about "insecam hacking" because of recent news articles on this - I remember telling her about how these stories are fake news fucking 8 years ago! This is the way many boomer minds work, and then you have super-spreaders of fear and hysteria online as well. Constant 'speculative' fearmongering by online news, constant coverage of numbers taken out of context, etc. and who will pay? The young.

>> No.20432006
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It was to be expected eventually. I mean, now that their part of the Aral Sea is dried up, the Uzbeks are coming down with bubonic plague now that the Soveit's biowarfare island is no longer an island.

I recommend bathing the entire country in an ocean of silent, white light, so that the righteous and the unrighteous might be consumed in that holy fire.