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20373027 No.20373027 [Reply] [Original]

I just turned 21 today and I have $40k in crypto (link, btc, eth) and no other money to my name.
I currently study law and work part-time.

Is it stupid to be all-in in crypto in my current situation? Should I pull out some money from it and invest it in something more stable?

I feel stressed imagining my entire networth dumping overnight.

>> No.20373103

Make sure you ask on a Himalayan dog sniffing critiquers forum

>> No.20373112

fuck you frogposter FUCK YOU

>> No.20373119

nigga you 21, if you somehow managed to lose every last cent of it, you could make it back in like 2 years. take some risks but don't be a retard

the greatest leverage is time, because every human's got a finite supply and there's no way to add to it. You're starting early, you're gonna make it.

40,000 starting, if you add just $250 a week to that and get a dogshit 5% rate of return, you're a millionaire by 50. $300 a week and 8%? $2.3 million

>> No.20373127

>invest it in something more stable?
Where have you been the last three months? Bitcoin and Ethereum have been as solid as a rock.

>> No.20373238


That said, maybe from here on in start split 2:1 crypto:Boomer stock/rocks. Silver might actually be poised for a 10-year rocket that will be extremely profitable, not crypto profitable but certainly more stable

>> No.20373262

As a person who has been in the market for 4.5 years, being all in crypto is okay I guess. The problem is you are going to get taxed hard on crypto, while with stocks you get taxed hard too, but at least the government is actively rigging the market for bulls. You catch what I am saying?

Anyway, that's the only difference.l between the two assets. You don't have the brrr machine in. You just gotta believe in the potential like any other investment

>> No.20373280

>time is finite bro
>also if you don’t make it until you’re 50 that’s ok you’re on the right track
shut the fuck up

>> No.20373283

Zoom out.

>> No.20373295

>I feel stressed imagining my entire networth dumping overnight.
This is do or die or you are ngmi (unless you start your own law firm).

>> No.20373322

You're into crypto and study law. How come you haven't bought kleros (pnk) yet? Go fix that!

>> No.20373347
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>reading is hard hur

I'm pointing out that it's mathematically impossible not to make it with even the bare minimum contributions and Boomer mutual fund tier returns, you retarded poor fuck. Time is the greatest leverage and there is nothing better than starting to accumulate early.

Whereas you at 33 with your $5k stack of shitcoins are never going to make it and should kill yourself

>> No.20373355
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>> No.20373751

21 and 40k? Must be American

>> No.20374001

Nah Im from central europoor

>> No.20374023

I guess, but how about investing into precious metals now like this guy said?>>20373238

>> No.20374491

And then zoom right back in again, and wallah, solid as a rock.

>> No.20374510

>avoid taxes by creating a taxable event
Really makes you think

>> No.20374569

Why are you investing in BTC? Afaik theres no reason left for it to increase in value. All in on LINK