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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20345390 No.20345390 [Reply] [Original]

>0 threads about Cardano on /biz/, not on Coinbase, no staking (yet), no smart contracts (yet), mostly organic growth, #6
Imagine what will happen in the coming months

>18 active threads about Chainlink, on Coinbase, shilled like crazy on /biz/ for two years, +50% in one day "organic" pumps, #9
I'm not hating on Chainlink at all, quite like it to be honest, but the irony is striking. Why does /biz/ hate Cardano so much?

>What is formal verification?
>Why Haskell?

>> No.20345541
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>Emurgo is working with Honeycomb to integrate Chainlink with Cardano

>> No.20345923

Isn't FUND like ADA but already fully launched and 300x a lower market cap. I don't get why people would buy this.

>> No.20345949

>0 threads about Cardano on /biz/
Just wait a few weeks when we enter the top 4 and do a huge x2-x3 pump...

>> No.20345971

>Why does /biz/ hate Cardano so much?
Except the Cardano Subreddit and a few holders in Twitter everybody hates Cardano, Reddit,Twitter,4chan, you name it, why?I dont fucking know

>> No.20346125

Cardano is God tier. It's going to pull an Apple. Most of the brainletd here think you only get paid in ADA when staking.. Wait untill Cross chain communication goes live. Stakers will not only get ADA but also wrapped bitcoin, litecoin, link ect

>> No.20346165

ADA is a shitcoin and you should feel bad for holding it

>> No.20346170

I want to hear about the technical tradeoffs ADA is making compared to ETH, not be shilled by a business man trying to further his own interests

what is the catch? anyone actually know anything about ADA beyond parroting what Charles is selling?

>> No.20346175
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Everything is coming together just as planned.

>> No.20346176
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In just a few months once the word is out there the orange part is gonna grow a lot trust me,people with big stacks will be a way lower %.

>> No.20346241

There are no negative technical tradeoffs for Cardano as it was build correctly using soild foundations. The only one making tradeoffs are ETH2.0 becoming significant less byzantibe resistant is just one I can think of

>> No.20346244

Cardano and Chainlink partnership would be truly God tier.
>Two types of Oracles
>Chainlink + Oracle Pools
>Formally verified contracts

It screams institutional investors and adoption.

>> No.20346276

And Cardano is very open to collaboring with other projects.

>> No.20346287
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>> No.20346298
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They aren't making any technical trade-offs, it's the opposite. They are making a time trade-off instead. Using functional programming and formal verification is to minimize fatal bugs, but it is time consuming compared to agile programming like ETH is doing.

The whole point of Cardano is to avoid things like the DAO hack on Ethereum, by getting it right the first time. See the 2 min video in OP about formal verification.

>> No.20346302

>it was build correctly using soild foundations
basically admitting you have no idea what the technical tradeoffs are, because they are sure to exist

>ETH2.0 becoming significant less byzantibe resistant is just one I can think of
and this is why I know you're a parrot: this is one of the most prominent talking points and would be one of the first things you stumble over when trying to find comparisons

just learned ADA doesn't even have smart contracts yet... which means ETH dev inertia will just get further entrenched...

>> No.20346343

here's why. everyone EVERYONE knows that cardano is going to rip an asshole right through every platform project in the space, and with the last conference gaining so much traction for Cardano, even BTC-hoarding maximalists who are hoping to become multi-billionaires with their BTC stacks (like Max Keiser & his wife Stacy, like Tone, like etc etc...) are in a manic meltdown. Since its inception people have been terrified of this project and thus have been fudding it in every way imaginable. They won't be able to stop it though.

>> No.20346370
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>just learned ADA doesn't even have smart contracts yet...
What a fag, one day your excuse will be over and that day is sooner than you think ,then you will cry

>> No.20346373

Compared to ETH, there are no tradeoffs. Compared to ETH 2.0 when ETH 2.0 is fully realized, the one making tradeoffs will be ETH 2.0. the simplest one to grasp is:
>BTC - 50% byzantine resistant
>ADA - 50% byzantine resistant
>ETH 2.0 - 25 - 33% byzantine resistant

>> No.20346452

Ok open new thread ill answer
Tried last time you asked but discussion gets murdered buy moonboys screaming at you...

>> No.20346480
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There are no ada threads because this isnt reddit and ada gets laughed at every time it gets brought up.

>> No.20346492

>it's already happening

>> No.20346498

So what happens whan ada gets smartcontracts?

>> No.20346523

yes, fearful anons like you pull out moronic FUD every time

>> No.20346526

You come here everyday and spam "muh no smart contacts" What are you going to say in a few months when they go live? "muh you got Lucky.. Banks are gonna stop using it one day"

>> No.20346558

>They aren't making any technical trade-offs, it's the opposite. They are making a time trade-off instead
guaranteed bullshit

>The whole point of Cardano is to avoid things like the DAO hack on Ethereum
the DAO was in the application layer; the base layer holds no relevance as to what people build on top of it...

I own ADA

I know, you're a parrot who can google

here's one I can't find an answer to: Charles talks about hydra (layer 2 sharding) - what are the consequences of layer 2 sharding? It is basically just a fancy way to weasel out of layer 1 sharding and then eventually running into layer 1 bottlenecks or awful UX when using shards?

I am pretty clueless as to the details but I have some intuition (software dev but pretty unrelated to blockchain); I just need someone who isn't a retarded shill to explain to me why ADA isn't perfect, because I know it isn't

>> No.20346623


>> No.20346648

just answer here senpai, I can handle the moonboys

>> No.20346686

>I know, you're a parrot who can google
I know you're a butthurt faggot.
>what are the consequences of layer 2 sharding? It is basically just a fancy way to weasel out of layer 1 sharding and then eventually running into layer 1 bottlenecks or awful UX when using shards?
anon, here's how I know you're a dumbfuck. Hydra IS NOT sharding. Consequences of running on a DECENTRALIZED layer two is that each Hydra Head gets to keep all of the security properties of Ouroboros without the sacrifices that ETH 2.0 makes by sharding the base layer. This is why Cardano will keep 50% byzantine resistance (Just like bitcoin has) while ETH 2.0 will only be 25-33% byzantine resistant. What are the layer 1 bottlenecks that you are referring to? What makes you think that the user experience will be bad?

>> No.20346865

>I know you're a butthurt faggot.
couldn't be more calm or less butthurt desu, also don't like cocks

layer 2 solutions settle on the first layer (in the way I understand them); if the first layer is clogged your secondary layers cannot scale freely, yes/no?

and the UX part has to do with not being able to transact the native asset; presumably you have to fund the second layer in order to use it - but maybe Hydra is different? here to learn, come at me angry man

>> No.20346925

I'll never stop being amazed how people here have no idea how any of this actually works.

>> No.20346945

>Because peer reviewed process for all blockchain components is meme

Peer review methods are used to maintain quality standards, improve performance, and provide credibility but you cant predict everything that real world and time brings especially in new feald like this
Basically you submit hydra paper and ask: "can it work ,is it safe" and shit like that.
People with 0 experiance in application feald but real experts in cryptography answer your questions with yes
Congratz you got your peer reviewed paper
Years pass 10 new attack vectors noone had idea even exist back in the peer reviewed day knock on your dor
TLDR:There is no secure foundation there are only moving goals and new external threats, bottlenecks, new usecases you cant serve

>Because community is 100 bagholders
And they are praying they deliver (same as ltc 100% bagholders praying to price to go up), there is no grassroots dev movement like btc or eth

>because onchain governance is meme
So plan is when all components (shelly, gougena and so on)are out that community votes who takes next mandate
Everything is written in obscure programing language based on 35+ peer reviewed papers
Who the fuck community of cluless bagholders is going to vote tron fondation?
Onchain governence is meme and decentralisation theater, btc and eth are shitshows in this department but there is reason "core dev" status is not decided onchain
I really dont know good solution but this is not it

Shall I go on anon?

>> No.20347010

BRB thinking about allocating more towards FUND.

>> No.20347017

>anon, here's how I know you're a dumbfuck. Hydra IS NOT sharding. Consequences of running on a DECENTRALIZED layer two is that each Hydra Head gets to keep all of the security properties of Ouroboros without the sacrifices that ETH 2.0 makes by sharding the base layer. This is why Cardano will keep 50% byzantine resistance (Just like bitcoin has) while ETH 2.0 will only be 25-33% byzantine resistant. What are the layer 1 bottlenecks that you are referring to? What makes you think that the user experience will be bad?
hydra is parallel scaling also known as : FUCKING SHARDING wtf are you talking about if you name pig "duck" its stil la fucking pig
Also eth BT is asymetric you cant really compare those 2

>> No.20347143

>because onchain governance is meme
New video on that topic today, part 1. Have not watched it yet.

>> No.20347191

>you cant predict everything that real world and time brings especially in new feald like this
suspected as much, but all else equal, it still seems sensible (stronger guarantees for things that operate within the realm of what we currently know)

and I assume I'm correct in understanding that even if the protocol is developed using formal verification, there is no inherent mechanism in ADA to ensure smart contract developers do the same (if such a thing is even possible)?

>And they are praying they deliver (same as ltc 100% bagholders praying to price to go up), there is no grassroots dev movement like btc or eth
the dev inertia seems to be a pretty crucial thing to be missing; I guess climate might change if smart contracts land before ETH can scale properly

>I really dont know good solution but this is not it
I semi-like the way ETH does it because the ethos among prominent ETH devs seems pretty on point - but ye that doesn't come without compromises either, so I'm with you on not knowing the solution

thanks for the take

>> No.20347307

>there is no inherent mechanism in ADA to ensure smart contract developers do the same
Not ensured, that I know of. But Plutus is basically Haskell, so they have the option to do it. Hopefully the really important smart contracts will use it. They most likely will to be attractive. I believe it's also compatible with Quick Check

>> No.20347365

Because just like Trump’s election killed /pol/, crypto has killed /biz/. Unironically better crypto discussion on plebbit. This place is overrun with pajeets and people chasing pajeet pumps. If Cardano actually was vaporware, there would be 8 threads right now shilling it.

>> No.20347487

>suspected as much, but all else equal, it still seems sensible (stronger guarantees for things that operate within the realm of what we currently know)
Yes i dont argue good clean fondation is not good i just arguing its not enough
>I guess climate might change if smart contracts land before ETH can scale properly
This one I doubt because they diched evm connectors...and everyone in space today just thinkering around solidity, tolls are 30x better than 5 years ago and vyper is in pipeline

I dunno i acually like cardano i just think begholders dont realise how simmilar this systems are regarding limitations they inherently possess and they fall for "THE TECH MEME"

You are dev you know how things in opensource space are developed, listening to last eth devcall there are 7 eth teams and whoopin 30 non eth teams (other projects line near) all working on solving crossharding.
Once they solve it everything will scale, but only some things like eth will have user and dev base

>> No.20347512

Having sad all this cardano will pump alot more in 2020 than eth because of newfags fomoing, staking and cb hype so there is no need to be defensive over bags..

>> No.20347542

>and I assume I'm correct in understanding that even if the protocol is developed using formal verification, there is no inherent mechanism in ADA to ensure smart contract developers do the same (if such a thing is even possible)?
Ofc it is not but you could argue you can make it easyer to not do fuckup like sc fuckup during DAO hack
Having sad that solidity is 10x better today than than but still not perfect

>> No.20347693

who gives a fuck about chainlink centralized kyc oracles. a partnership with them adds nothing to cardano.

>> No.20347748

>This one I doubt because they diched evm connectors...and everyone in space today just thinkering around solidity, tolls are 30x better than 5 years ago and vyper is in pipeline
this is the kind of insight I'm interested in

>i just think begholders dont realise how simmilar this systems are regarding limitations they inherently possess and they fall for "THE TECH MEME"
so much this lmao; it's just too blatant that they hear the sales pitch from Charles and run off parroting how ADA is literal perfection without understanding why

I currently don't really have interest in understanding blockchain beyond investing, and from that perspective just being told "ADA is the best thing ever" by an army of no-tech shills is just not enough for me to buy a lot - sucks that it's so hard to find any serious comparisons/discussions when googling

>listening to last eth devcall there are 7 eth teams and whoopin 30 non eth teams (other projects line near) all working on solving crossharding.
sounds based as fuck

currently doing 90/10 ETH/ADA split, think I'll stick to that ratio

>> No.20347837

If you are only concerned with investing and not the tech, then 10% is not enough exposure to ADA. Regardless of tech, ADA is going to pump a lot more short term than ETH.

>> No.20347851
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no dumbfuck, it is NOT sharding
>partition the ledger into different shards
>shards are operated by different subsets of the global nodes
>each transation only has to go to one of the shards and be handled there
>storage & throughput have some slightly better properties because now a transation only lives in one part of the ledger
>latency gets worse, as shards have to add some additional steps to coordinate with each other
>you only get moderate improvement because you still need to implement against worst-case guarantees, although you can divide tasks among different subsets of nodes

layer 2 solutions (offchain protocols)
>separate protocol on top of the base protocol
>group of participants (stake pool operators) agrees to extract a substate of the blockchain ledger, and take it off chain, and now run a mini-ledger of this substate among themselves - independently of the blockchain
>at some point, if at least one party wants to terminate operations on the mini-ledger, the state that the mini-ledger is in is then moved back to the blockchain ledger, and re-integrated into the general ledger
>the most general term for this is multi party state channels
>retain safety (any cheating in mini-ledger will have no bad effects)
>liveness (only need to guarantee that all transactions are processsed in the mini-ledger if there is no cheating)
>latency is low because you don't have to communicate in a full-fledged consensus protocol, but consensys is very easy to achieve
>throughput is high because what happens in the mini-ledger stays in the min-ledger
>storage requirement is low because if you do it right you may delete the whole transaction history before you re-integrate it into the ledger

a suite of protocols for different multi-party state channels

>> No.20347870

I acually agree with this think ada will have better q4 but i suck at specualtion so...

>> No.20347932

technical tradeoffs were development time and delays during the initial attempt at implementation

>> No.20347957

that's just speculation on your end

crypto is risky enough as it is; I don't need to compound my risk exposure by buying unproven cryptos - ETH has all the dev inertia and is the defacto smart contract platform; until that narrative changes in I'll primarily hold that

>> No.20347983


>> No.20348001

>Cool, parallel scaling is not sharding because its parallel scaling using l2 the post


>> No.20348097
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>show me where the base layer is ever sharded
>show me where the base layer is not uniform across all stake pools
that's right, you can't. at least you won't make the same mistake in your future cardano FUD questing

>> No.20348147

Only you can determine your risk appetite. It's just very possible ETH could crab through most of the rest of the year and maybe get a modest bump due to Phase 0 while ADA does a 2-3x. Could even see the Phase 0 bump disappear when people realize that Phase 0 does not address scaling at all. So when Phase 0 drops and gas prices are still nuts and congestion is still the same as it was, gonna be some doomers playing that up. Long term, ETH is a safe hold, but it may not perform all that well short of a bull run taking off in earnest.

>> No.20348327

ye been concerned with the crabbing too but that is not necessarily bad (ETH has less exposure to up/down swings)

ADA already pumped significantly (got in before then thank god) in anticipation of Shelley - is there really any compelling reason it will 2-3x from here before phase 0 hits (meaning it might just be better to hold ETH now)?

I do agree that phase 0 may fizzle out (for the same reasons you mention) and we just eternally crab, but on the other hand I think staking will dry up supply significantly (and drive more people to buy in order to stake themselves)

>> No.20348377

>is there really any compelling reason it will 2-3x from here before phase 0 hits
Smart Contracts (Goguen)
Early voting mechanism (Voltaire)

>> No.20348693

As another anon pointed out:
>With the cold staking from Coinbase Vault agreement announced, Coinbase listing after main net seems probable
>Staking rewards going live on August 18
>The surprising speed at which Goguen actually does go to test net and then main net bringing smart contracts
>$20MM fund dedicated to developing dapps with a focus on defi

We can discuss whether Cardano has long term viability or not and whether Ethereum will retain the crown, but short term, there's enough impetus to pump a significant amount more compared to ETH. I believe ADA is going to pump far before we know whether Cardano is going to be able to sustain significant development.

But I understand risk appetite. There are some things that I have held in the past that I would be glued to my phone. That's miserable. I would not advise anyone take on more risk than they are comfortable with. For me personally, I see ADA as very little short term risk. It's not a fly by night pump and dump like most of the shit shilled here. It has a legitimate value proposition and the unknowns are less about the product itself and more about ability to gain traction. I feel like I could exit happily long before that question is decided while still gaining the short term gains. I have my exit strategy in place and plan to stake 60% long term while have taken back my initial investment and some gains at laddered points.

>> No.20348758

didn't know any of those things were happening

guess that could justify a 2-3x :/

it was a simpler time when ETH wasn't ultra delayed, fuck me

>> No.20348819

thanks for the take - might look to shift the ratio a bit further in ADA favor and see where we're at by EOY with releases in both projects

>> No.20348847

>Why does /biz/ hate Cardano so much?
Maybe this is something you should be asking yourself, not us.

>> No.20349681


>> No.20349979
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IOHK currently uploading all Summit videos to youtube:

>> No.20350150

Joe Saz and Tone Vays Told me that Ada was a shitcoin and only bitcoin matters?

Why are bitcoin Maximalist so hateful about this?

>> No.20350355

They don't like innovation that threaten bitcoin's usefulness. Bitcoin is incredibly slow to do basic changes because it has to.

>> No.20350915
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great organic growth there