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File: 1.16 MB, 1800x923, Blog-cover-bzrx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20328197 No.20328197 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20328525
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Don't tell me you fomoed based on pic-related infographic, Anon? Looks like ICO_analytics messed up there. Heh. But nailing 4 out of 5 is still a pretty solid job on their part, if I do say so myself.

If you feel like recuperating some of your losses, you can jump into >>20323418 and ride it for a quick x5-x10. Easiest gains you'll ever have. Only up x2 from the public sale, too. Don't miss out!

>> No.20328930

I bought high at 30 cents but am still confident I will be able to exit with a profit this week. Volume is higher than DMG or Comp at their peaks and holders are increasing at a decent clip. Up 200 since I last checked at lunch.

I'm predicting 30 cents tomorrow with about 2.5k holders.

>> No.20329011

yeah this is obv gonna pump - unless market corrects - but not sure if it will dip below .1 before that

>> No.20329041

check the dev wallet. the team dumped. it's all on the blockchain

>> No.20329265

You have proof? This is a major product it's hard to imagine the team just dumping.

>> No.20329378

Someone just bought $40,000 worth in one transaction.

>> No.20329385
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Imagine rushing to buy new round of tokens from most hacked team in history of ethereum after thay allready did ico

>> No.20329455
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Looks like he dumped 28,000 DMG for this LOL.

>> No.20329551

Easy money buying the bottom here.

>> No.20329642

Yeah this part makes no sense, if the team was here to exit scam they'd done it after the hack

>> No.20329657

Just fud from salty retards who bought the top, sold the bottom, and expect compensation

>> No.20329703

>Just fud from salty retards who bought the top, sold the bottom, and expect compensation
team are lying

>> No.20329742

Let's pretend the team even DID dump, Sergay has been dumping on you fags for 2 years straight and it doesn't change your love for Link

>> No.20329815

team has stated it was presale buyers. you can believe them or dont

>> No.20330930


>> No.20331363

Perfect time to get in before the pump

>> No.20331635

It literally keeps dumping. Just like swap.

Uniswap is dead.

>> No.20332329

>DDOS ETH network
Is that a real thing?

>> No.20332744

how? I started buying within minutes and been buying throughout the day and I'm even.

>> No.20333825

same bro

>> No.20334634

I can't wait for medfriend's lawsuit

>> No.20334662


Team wallet shows them providing liquidity to Uniswap using tokens from existing holders. Truly the most ingenious dump of all time.

>> No.20334739

Where does it show that? Team's tokens are locked, you lying faggot pos.

>> No.20334961

COMP did bad in first 24 hours too, then mooned once cryptotwitter/ethlets fomo'd in

dont sleep on BZX

>> No.20335012

dump it 10c

>> No.20335268

Hi, bZx presaler here.

- the team didn't dump. The pool was set up and funded by a large presale group. Stop fudding.

- The Uniswap launch was a shitshow - bots bought everything then dumped instantly at massive profits. Never went to see a Uniswap launch again.

- current marketcap is about 30m,c which is fine considering they haven't launched Fulcrum 2.0. I'm not selling anything at these prices, I fully expect this to be a 100m to 300m project after relaunch and yield farming starts.

- yield farming tokemomics are extremely attractive,I have it will explode with new users like COMP did. This is a great long term hold.

- any further dumps from here, I'm buying more

>> No.20335542

What’s a good stack? I bought this earlier when I saw it dump and have not idea what it does really.

>> No.20335658

Oof. Man its okay.

>> No.20335767

It has link margin trading and deposits, I’m in

>> No.20335846

Ok according to coingecko the marketcap is now 25m - this is great accumulation territory. Also seems like the bots and presalers have finished dumping. I'm buying more here, highly recommend anyone reading this picks up a stack:


Put in wherever you feel comfortable with. Due to shilling and hype I expect the price to rise to around $0.40 - $0.50 when Fulcrum 2.0 launches in early August.

Then once new users start jumping aboard (for yield farming) I think could easily get hype enough to reach $1- $2, similar to what happened with COMP.

>> No.20336009

On and to answer your question - bZx is a defi platform for borrowing, lending, flash loans, and margin trading.

Compound is already #1 for borrowing lending and Uniswap is #1 for trading. bZx was already 1# for decentralised margin trading before the hack, and I expect it to become more important as defi grows.

The token bZx token offers government and fee sharing - people love passive income coins, which is why most big players I've spoken to are holding long term.


>> No.20336095

I bought the top. I'm financially ruined.

>> No.20336131

thank you for giving me hopium friend, I am almost having a heart attack with all that I'm down now, IM PANICKING its been dumping all day and DOESNT RECOVER EVEN FOR A BIT

>> No.20336133

It does.

>> No.20336175

Trustless margin trading alone is a huge thing, no more of Arthur and Bitmex’s antics

>> No.20336182

So what’s the make it stack for this shit

>> No.20336214
File: 83 KB, 1024x1024, 1537462319229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to confess: All I did today was fudding BZRX because I wanted to buy more. This will go crazy during next weeks. Don't sell anons

>> No.20336226

crypto is full of shenanigans like this especially at an ICO/pre-sale/unlocking. Ultimately it is a solid project comparable to aave/comp and very link friendly. It will be back up in no time

>> No.20336242

Too much hype. Glad I avoided this, when people were already shilling pre unlock knew a shitshow would occur.

>> No.20336254

thank you anon for the support

>> No.20336296

When did you buy? lol

>> No.20336373

bought on uniswap and the botters dumped all over me. I need it to go to $0.4 just to break even, is it possible? should i just sell or hold?

>> No.20336424

hold, these defi tokens have all gone mad and bzx has a unique product

>> No.20336457

thank you man, truly. i hope it all goes well in august. they said they are launching mid august but perhaps the price will keep on dumping until then?

>> No.20336490

No don't sell, stay patient
Look what happened to COMP after Uniswap listing

>> No.20336519

I can't predict the future, all I know is I used bzx for margin trading LINK and ETH in December and I really liked it, then they got exploited. If they have properly integrated chainlink and checked everything else out we should be in for a good ride.

>> No.20336546

Do you guys realize this thing was sold at $0.014 back in 2018(0.000073eth) 1eth=$200

Thats over 10x straight from the start without counting the retards buying higher. I expect it to hit 0.08 in no time

>> No.20336563

yeah but this one got on uniswap and i bought the top, now i need a 4x to break even (i have around 110k tokens) is there hope?

>> No.20336579

I managed to buy 10ETH at $0.10 by spamming transactions as soon as Uniswap went live.

Didn't sell any, actually bought more at $0.15, now hodling 35k BXZR

This is my "make it" coin, feeling comfy as fuck.

>> No.20336596

I bought a few COMP at $90 and assumed I bought the top, I got to sell them for $340 a couple days later, just relax.

>> No.20336618

yeah but comp was the first one, also has huge VC backing and is the top dog in the industy.

>> No.20336621

Wtf how much was that in usd

>> No.20336650

43k, its now worth 16k, HELP ME

>> No.20336691

pumped way more than 4x tho, go for a walk or something man. Don't agonize over this or sell the bottom

>> No.20336726


>> No.20336747


>> No.20336781

Kek what was your buy price? I'd sell already and buy again at 0.1

>> No.20336800

Don’t rope yourself bro!

>> No.20336801

holy fuck why do people still live in cities in the year of our lord 2020. Cant go for a walk?

>> No.20336807

Damn, dude. I honestly feel bad for you. I hope that 43k wasn't a significant portion of your net worth. For what it's worth, I am buying at these prices because I do think it will at least 2x from here in the coming days and probably more than that in the medium term.

>> No.20336818

You only need a 3x friend

I think you're going to be fine. You already have 100k, that's my dream stack.

>> No.20336849

this shitcoin is going literally nowhere. everyone is already aware its a scam

>> No.20336859

hodl, seriously. Sucks what they did to you but there aren't many sound investment options. Just look around biz

>> No.20336879

average in here so you can experience a bit of joy before we go back to 40 cents. I'm loading up here personally
fulcrum was doing record volumes up until January. The relaunch should see the same kind of success

>> No.20336902

Decentralized margin trading will be fucking massive.

>> No.20336920

Presaler here.

Those of you who bought and lost: do not fear.

This is an incredibly hyped project behind the scenes and I wouldnt be surprised if fudders are going extra hard here so they can shill their own inferior tokens of competing platforms just because bzx had a bad start.

Please do not forget that bzx was right behind comp before it got hacked. The issue that allowed their platform to be exploited has been long fixed and they will compensate anyone who lost money during the downtime.

>> No.20336946


Haha, too true.

>> No.20336973


>> No.20337015

thanks anon!!!

>> No.20337042

it was quite a lof of my crypto holdings so thats why im freskign the fuck out FUCKIGN BOTS

>> No.20337117

Holy fuck senpai I can only imagine how hard it must be but try to calm down and think reasonably.

You fomo'd into a DeFi oco which is very volatile, presalers got it at 0.014 cents back in 2018 so it's actual trading at more than 10x!! At 0.17 right now.

In your position I'd sell asap and get back in at 0.08 to 0.1

>> No.20337127

if you invest in projects with solid fundamentals there is no need to worry. We are entering a bull and we are all gonna make it.

>> No.20337180

THANK YOU ANON! i hope when the platform launches in august it will gain traction plus when they do the liquidity farming thing and balancer pool rewards, gives me a little hope

>> No.20337190

gambling isn't the answer, if it does go down to 8 cents he should DCA, but I don't think it will

>> No.20337318

Good decision, bad luck. You’ll make it anon

>> No.20337421

ty anon, thank you to everyone on the thread giving me hope, im truly thankful of you guys, hers hoping for a good next month

>> No.20338001

Hope it doesn’t take that long. Just went all in on uniswap. Looking forward to tomorrow!

>> No.20338242

who ever needs to hear this.
1. partnered with chainlink
2. staking coming soon
3. fulcrum 2.0 launching in august

>> No.20338261


>> No.20338401

we pumpin'


>> No.20338402

they said mid to late august launch tho

>> No.20338452

financial ruined my ass, this coin barely got started, anyone who sold early needs to get their head checked

>> No.20338541

if anyone still needs to dyor:

>> No.20338592


>> No.20338601
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>> No.20338615

he's right yknow

>> No.20338622


>> No.20338771

no bully pls

>> No.20338801

its picking up guys!!!! price and volume !!

>> No.20339148
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>> No.20339320
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They offer margin trading of link. Bzxr stakers get a cut of the trading fees. You can also deposit link to be used for the margin lending and earn interest. I'm going to deposit my link and stake my bzxr and earn from margin traders in two ways

>> No.20339458
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also uses link for price data, all around very link friendly

>> No.20339678

what's the deal with the token distribution? One address holds like 86% of the tokens


>> No.20339842

Climbing steadily

If bzxr drops under $0.15 (if BTC dump) I'm going all in

>> No.20340093
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will be unlocked over time and used for different funds

>> No.20340224

i see thanks anon.
to buy the bzrx token do i go to:

then copy the contract address into uniswap? i didn't see the token on uniswap

>> No.20340241

another 6k discord p&d, when the fuck are you guys going to stop giving your money to these faggots

>> No.20340252

Please be sure you know what you are about to buy.

>> No.20340337

its not a pnd dude, it just got botted.

>> No.20340354

yes, which would be


>> No.20340638

buy now for easy 5x