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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20327602 No.20327602 [Reply] [Original]

No no no no how can this be?? STOP SELLING GUYS! PleaseI really need this.

My date is in 3.5 hours and I am now down to a mere $922k portfolio. I swear she is the one but I told her I was a crypto millionaire. I CANT start this relationship on the wrong foot. I will NOT forgive you if the price doesn’t go back up for my date.

>> No.20327678

oof linkies btfo

>> No.20327762

The fact that you told some stupid roastie about your crypto to begin with just shows youll never make it even with a 922k portfolio. Might as well just send her half the stack right now you fucking imbecile.

>> No.20327787

>telling some rando thot you're a millionaire
>become not a millionaire
Just a preview.

>> No.20328752

Guys. It’s not funny. I was actually excited for once in my life.

I have been waiting for this moment for more than 3 years and I can feel the rug being pulled from under me. I have been waiting for 4 years to ask this girl out. She’s perfect. I have but one chance.

She hasn’t had a boyfriend in 18 months and seemed excited to go on a date with me. God I feel sick to my stomach. I might have to cancel and reschedule for next week hoping that link is >7.59 by then.

>> No.20328811


>> No.20329262

It’s not going back up so I just cancelled my date. She hasn’t replied yet. I’ll update you guys when she does. This sucks desu. I was really looking forward to it.

>> No.20329302
File: 34 KB, 389x388, 1262638999806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his portfolio isnt even 7 figures
>bragging about only being a 'millionaire'
literally lmaoing at your life anon, get it together.

>> No.20329520


Think I don’t feel bad about it? I feel like a fraud.

>> No.20329610

Maybe you should work on your insecurities instead of trying to cover them up with 'being a millionaire' to pick up thots lol.

>> No.20329685

Tell her its because of muhrona

>> No.20330178

>this level of autism
You're a fucking retard. Why do you have to be a millionaire for her, you simp? Just tell her that it dropped a bit, you don't have to immediately cancel the date.

>> No.20330233

I was entertained, thank you writer-anon

>> No.20330306

This. Lmao why would you want a girl if she's a golddigger?

>> No.20330530

Like I said, I refuse to start this relationship on the wrong foot. I told her just last night I was millionaire. You think she’ll believe in a 10% drop overnight? I’ll look like a damn fool.

She’s not a gold-digger. I’ve know her for 4 years. She’s the one believe me. She was genuinely happy for me when I told her last night.