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20260764 No.20260764 [Reply] [Original]

Hey anons, I was wondering, do you guys actually believe in a future in cryptos or just use it to make money? I was just wondering the more I read into this the more fascinated I am by this stuff. It really does seem like a real threat to banks, big tech and other industries. Obviously most of this board talks about crypto but I am just wondering, do you think there will be an actual use case for this or is this just a fad?

>> No.20260833

Yeah, tons of use cases. I'm here because of the tech first and the money second. Way I see it I'm just trying to get my bags cheap so I can actually use and stake the stuff later on. Check out a book called The Fourth Industrial Revolution if you wanna get into it.
Or just check out www.opensea.io

>> No.20260873

i think there are some great projects, but they will all fail because the population are a bunch of pussies and they will shame and avoid anyone who uses crypto if the government tell them to (and they will)

>> No.20260910

cryptos are digital collectibles with no intrinsic value

>> No.20260912

I definitely will, thanks

>> No.20260935

Really? I have had a lot of my normal friends asking me about crypto recently. Honestly, with the FED printing so much money out of thin air, it seems like normal people are starting to wake up. One of the biggest on ramps I have seen for normal people getting into crypto is actually the PI network. I had my jock cousin actually bring it up out of nowhere at a party and asked me if i wanted to be in his mining circle.

>> No.20260949

Not at all. 99% of projects will fail. Anything remotely successful will just get implemented privately by companies internally. Imagining thinking big tech is gonna buy your shitcoin that can dump 30% in one day, we're all delusional. This is just a game of musical chairs, make sure you cash out into that disgusting fiat before the music stops

>> No.20260993

Yeah, I do see this as being a huge ass alt coin bubble right now, but surly solid coins like BTC, ETH and LTC will be around for the long run. I actually dont buy many of the shit coins posted here on Biz but try to do some DD before hand. So, in way, I feel like we are still at the ground level on this industry... but there is a little part of me that is screaming that I have put a shit ton of my capital into a fad.

>> No.20261030

Money brought me here first, but choosing the right coins meant research which showed me the tech is pretty cool. Gonna change the way work is done, lead to a lot of automation, and create a new class of millionaires similar to the tech boom

>> No.20261094

>but there is a little part of me that is screaming that I have put a shit ton of my capital into a fad.

Hindsight is 20/20. I'm in the same boat with only holding BTC, ETH and LINK. I do sometime get XMR but that is used for actually shopping with. It is interesting tech but it's been flooded with get rich quick scams

>> No.20261162

Fucking right? Right now I hold a majority in ETH and BTC, but I do also have a couple alt coins like nexo. I found this one to be really interesting because I have actually seen someone actually use there crypto as collateral and get fiat from that. That really blew my mind and say that the token is more like a security than a crypto. It was kinda cool thinking that this could be a real challenger to what the big banks do for loans. I really hope that it is something that will work out, but honestly I feel like it can swing ether way, a coin flip. I really want this to work because I really want crypto to work because I hate what banks and big tech have done to us, but it feels like its going to be a huge uphill battle.

>> No.20261308

Yeah with what we know today I'd probably sell my car to buy BTC at $100, but people probably did stuff like that with Bitconnect and got burned hard.

Nexo seems interesting, might read the whitepaper. I'm looking at PMGT as it is an interesting concept of gold backed crypto which is made by an actual precious metals mint. XMR is good because it actually has a practical use rather than reinventing the wheel.
Crypto seems to be a fight on two fronts, first you got the banks and second all the scams and get rich quick shenanigans

>> No.20261502

I was not around on /biz/ when bitconnect went down. Was there a lot of shilling for that coin at the time? The scams I am not really to worried about, its kind of feels like the tech bubble, there was a lot of bullshit but picking the right ones made you a winner, now the question is which one are the winners? I will have to look into PMGT, right now, if I want to get some exposure to precious metals, I have been using PAX Gold.

>> No.20261629
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It is the centripetal liberty to the centrifugal tyranny. The follow up to the founding fathers dream, itself revisited by the original hackers community and now expanding accordingly. Crypto is the new incarnation of the Bill of Rights and the first and second amendments.
Thus, it's both maximally successful and pitifully squalid.

>> No.20261787

Based. Freedom is a huge reason why I believe in this shit.

>> No.20261809
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Yes. Check out my thread on this: >>20259806
Make note of all the seething shills in the thread lol

>> No.20261831

Boomers and kikes are against it. Gen X is mostly uninformed, but I'm willing to be a large portion would get on board. Eventually all Millenials and Zoomers will adopt crypto-currencies. Check out my thread: >>20259806

>> No.20261841
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>> No.20261847

Once fiat currencies collapse, crypto will be universally adopted and the value will stabilize. We won't see huge variations in the value of a respective crypto currency, unlike fiat currencies.

>> No.20261851

it's been around for ages and still has no legal use.

that should tell you something. We've got thousands of digital products that have no use whatsoever being traded for many billions of dollars total.

>> No.20261858

Which coins stand out to you? I'm liking VeChain

>> No.20261870
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>> No.20261883

>been around for ages
You’re fucking retarded

>> No.20261894

It's a gradual transition. There are a number of companies that are already accepting Bitcoin and Ethereum as forms of payment. Eventually it will become universally adopted and serve as a stable and legitimate currency that be more consistent on a global level and better represent the value of commodities and services.

>> No.20261914

dogecoin is gonna replace the us dollar

>> No.20261927

I have heard that there has been a couple of bills being pushed that would make it easy to use crypto (crypto fairness bill) but I think that one will be caught up in this bureaucracy bullshit. It is telling me something, that either we are on the ground floor of a financial revolution or we are being fucking out of our money.

>> No.20261929

Probably not. What will happen is that a number of different crypto currencies will replace all fiat currencies on a global level. Each crypto will be better suited and used for different purposes and types of transactions.

>> No.20261936

Doge = money

>> No.20261968

We're on the verge of just a revolution in general. The entire system is unsustainable and is being supported by fake ass fiat, compound interest out of thin air, and fractional reserve banking that only serves to funnel tangible wealth/resources up to the top (((0.0001%))). Once the system collapses no one is going to use paper bills that can easily be counterfeited or serve as agents to carry viruses and poisons. Digital currencies will become nearly universally adopted at that point.

>> No.20261971

1 doge will always equal 1 doge.

I also do agree that we will have many different cryptos replacing fiat. I have been looking into cosmos with the idea of bringing all the blockchains together, do you have any thoughts on the project?

>> No.20262042

I haven't looked into Cosmos yet. So far I've only familiarized myself with Chainlink, VeChain and a few others, though I don't recall the names. They all seem to have pretty good things going for them and unique niches to fill within the context of a multi-cryptocurrency system. One of the things that I like about crypto is that it completely does away with foreign exchange rates/variances in buying power, like how we see with fiat currencies. It doesn't make sense that 1,000 Mexican pesos would only allow me to purchase $45 worth of groceries. Whereas if I use 1 crypto coin in the U.S. I'd be able to get the same amount of value in groceries as if I had spent it in a foreign country.

>> No.20262129

We need decentralized currency. Cash is deliberately being phased out and the majority of transactions are electronic. This means absurd amounts of surveillance (when, where, and what did you buy)
Sounds schizo, but look at the Hong Kong protests. They tracked protestor’s subway passes. In the event of a shitty election or a shitty government, the consequences of the “wrong” actions or thought crime can be drastic (unable to buy food, unable to make payments, unable to travel, unable to lend). In America this seems far fetched, but fucked up places with fucked up economic systems desperately need something without fees, without centralization, without borders. This is only considering political issues that seem negative and drastic to some, so think about the futurism aspect.
A self driving car that performs ride shares could get paid, buy fuel/charge/repairs without pointless and slow human interaction. Multimillion (or billion) dollar transactions can happen 24/7/365 within minutes. Smart contracts could avoid expensive legality and speed up innovation. I’m still a newbie to this shit and regurgitating fucked up versions of Antonopoulos stuff I’ve learned, but this is not bullshit. Very smart and experienced people are heavily invested and interested in the tech. It’s fascinating stuff.
Normies might not buy groceries with BTC anytime soon, but the backend of heavily used applications will soon be using crypto tech. Some countries are adopting crypto because their native currency/economy is a joke.

>> No.20262130

absolutely, exchange rates are bullshit. I remember when I lived in Japan, my currency was stronger but i did not make sense to me that I should have an advantage over the Yen. The idea of a currency not controlled by a central bank is really a dream come true. It feels like a great equalizer when it comes to economics.

>> No.20262143
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What did the Litecoin site mean by this?

>> No.20262148

Preach brother

>> No.20262156
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Absolutely based, freedompilled, government no longer writing historypilled, central bank no longer controlling a country's destinypilled, and sovereign-individualpilled.

>> No.20262159

Read The Bitcoin Standard

>> No.20262193

Much pilled
Very money

>> No.20262210

it means we should all get on the LTC train.

100% the idea of the government being able to watch every move we make scares the living shit out of me. I try to use best practices like using a VPN, but I know in the end it really does not matter. What really scares me is that everything we do online is tracked and our history can be tracked down and shown to the world. I should not be canceled because I did an edgy joke when i was 17, but that is the world we live in today. I like the Idea of cypto because it gives somewhat the ability to be a little anonymous

>> No.20262226

alright, its on my list to read, thanks anon.

>> No.20262234

> In America this seems far fetched
In what world is it far-fetched? Platforms and people have already been de-banked here and worldwide for wrongthink by the US government.

>> No.20262266

It truly is an equalizer. Crypto investors just need to identify the currencies that will have the most real world application (i.e. most in demand) in a multi-cryptocurrency system. Buy those, and just hodl. Fiat currencies will collapse, it's just a matter of when. Once that happens a multitude of cryptos will be adopted by the global population and the value/buying power of many of these cryptos will be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions. With that being said, if you have $100,000 or more to play with, then you can just buy the dips and flip the 100k into a greater multiple, then cash out the difference and buy real assets. There are a lot of options. Humanity will enter a golden age once fiat falls and kikes are purged from the planet.

>> No.20262274

Check out Operation Choke Point. They can pick and choose who’s on the naughty list and black list you financially. I forget the statistic, but the percentage of transactions that are digital is something like 90%

>> No.20262312
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>> No.20262321

Just said that for the “take your meds” faggots. I really would love learn even more about this shit. Everything I regurgitated I’ve read/heard within the past week. It’s incredible how oblivious the average person is to financial surveillance and the fragility of money. Not even being pretentious, I didn’t even fucking think about any of this till recently. Money machine literally go burr. It’s all based on bullshit with increasing inflation rates that could be avoided

>> No.20262325

Actually I just read your second paragraph and now I realize you are a zoomer. Self driving cars are part of the fucking problem as they will all be tracked as well. The belief in "hype" for automation without decentralization is so indicative of your generation. The fact that you are untrusting of the "government" but have no understanding of the entities that control it and their goals is an effect of the derealization of cause and effect caused by media and permastimulation abuse.

>> No.20262377
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It's funny how everyone from ancaps to communists and /pol/ to BLM all like cryptocurrencies.

>> No.20262379

I can say I don't have $100,000 to play with, so I am just going to stick with the HODL strat. Yeah, it really does seem we are on the edge of a currency reset. I don't think there has ever been a fiat currency in history that did not fail. We all know that fiat will fail, but the real question is what will be the next standard? I know lost of Austrian economist and boomers think that gold will once again be the default currency, but it just seems so out dated in this day of age.

>> No.20262380
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>> No.20262399

Lol grandpa is upset over an arbitrary example again. Sorry about your reading comprehension, maybe you should print the thread onto paper and read it again. I prefaced with “futurism” you fucking dolt. I couldn’t care less about self driving cars

>> No.20262410

I responded to your last post before reading this and if I had any doubt that you were a zoomer this completely removes any of it, and I don't mean that condescendingly.

>Just said that for the “take your meds” faggots
At least you are aware of your reason for doing so, but be aware this type of appeal to conformity of thought will absolutely affect your own thinking the more you acquiesce to it for "appearances"; it's fundamental to the decay of logical thought in younger generations. The fact is, the real reasons behind everything will have you being the one saying "take your meds" and I'm not sure your generation will ever accept it; I'm only a millennial but I don't think even mine will.

>> No.20262444

If fiat money crashes then crypto will be worthless. How much ETH will a loaf of bread cost if fiat crashes? Probably zero because there's no reason to sell something people need for some digits on a screen.

>> No.20262467
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Gold can be lost, destroyed and counterfeited. Plus it has real value when used in electronics, so we can't use it as a currency. Crypto is the future.

>> No.20262480

The value will be determined by the limited amount of ETH in circulation and the demand for it.

>> No.20262482

Not upset at the example, merely identifying some telltale signs of failed logic endemic to zoomers; no need to take it personally. Even among those willing to learn about some big societal lies among zoomers they are adamantly opposed to the rest of the redpill due to oversocialization based on tech. I'm only ten years older than you and it's difficult to describe the severity of damage wrought by tech on your generation, even though it is apparent in mine. The difference is a whole order of magnitude.

>> No.20262498

Why would it be worthless? If fiat crashes would it not be in the best interest of the market move to a currency that hold some value and is not controlled by the people that crashed fiat? We are already seeing some retailers accepting crypto as payment (i.e. microsoft and the Dallas Mavericks with Bit pay). We already have a case study with Venezuela, with sellers taken BTC and Reserve as payment.

>> No.20262532

>your generation
> I'm only a millennial but I don't think even mine will.
You sound insufferable. You’re obsessed with my age (which you don’t know), and the vernacular of my ANONYMOUS comment. Only classic rock fags and aspies cling to “my generation” thought patterns. I literally had to google the ages for zoomer/millennial and guess what pal, I’m technically a millennial too.

>> No.20262538

I agree with you 100%, its just that the boomers have control of the financial system right now, if fiat crashes before they die off I am sure that they will pick gold as a currency before crypro.

>> No.20262552

>failed logic endemic
>damage wrought by tech
Get help

>> No.20262563

>If fiat money crashes then crypto will be worthless
Checked and not based. Cryptos like Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin are standalone assets and are valuable on their own like gold or silver. Money is ultimately based on faith and confidence. Historically people went back to accepting precious metals if fiat collapsed, but now we also have the people's money (cryptos) alongside god's money (gold and silver).

>> No.20262579

>god’s money

>> No.20262580

Anon, I do have to ask, what crypto do you see being the future standard? Or do you think there will be multiple cryptos that can all be used in the future?

>> No.20262598

IMO, multiple, but BTC (big trans cock) will reign supreme.

>> No.20262600

Smooth brain.

>> No.20262634

>"Really?!?" Said the shill

>> No.20262658

Again you're taking this so personally for no reason and making completely unfounded and untrue ad-hominems.

>Get help
Would be funny if this weren't so predictable that I already called you would be the one telling people to "take meds"

>> No.20262661

I do have a feeling that BTC will be the leader, but the miner fee is really harsh, I do think that will have a negative impact on mass adoption of crypto. Low key that I is why I am really bullish on LTC, it has the same idea as Bitcoin but is a faction of the cost. I also am really excited for Eth 2.0 because gas prices right now are scaring a lot of people away.

>> No.20262705

LTC:BTC::silver:gold isn't just a baseless meme

>> No.20262729

>Eth 2.0
Being PoS is such a fundamental flaw for the intended purposes I don't think it's redeemable.

>> No.20262747
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>fiat is about to collapse! Any day now... any day..... t.nukelet
Dollars are backed by the full faith of nuclear Armageddon, what are your linkies backed by?

>> No.20262758

I think it's real and will replace fiat and all that BUT the time frame for this is so long that it's hardly a remarkable investment for those reasons. Speculation IS the entire reason to buy for the next 15+ years.

>> No.20262777

why is that? Wouldn't proof of stake lower the gas cost? DESU I' not really sure on that, from the stuff I have read up on, it would bring the cost down significantly.

>> No.20262837

cool, looks like my comment was edited, thanks jannies.

>> No.20262881

I think security is a bigger concern than fees.


>> No.20262910
