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20229085 No.20229085 [Reply] [Original]

Why’s the market down this time?

>> No.20230163

because supreme court said Trump has to show tax returns
however, it's unlikely that they will be shown before the election

>> No.20230254
File: 58 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would that do anything? He wasn't going to win at this point anyways. We're going to be well over 500 million dead by the time this is all over, and it's all trump's fault. Literally the biggest fucking killing in America's history was pulled of by a reality tv conman who is being blackmailed by russians holding a tape of children pissing on him.

>> No.20230281

People taking profits after the pump, fucking obviously.

Unless you're talking about stocks, in which case who gives a shit.

>> No.20230287

number go down

>> No.20230331
File: 98 KB, 855x723, 1585420321826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the people you should be blaming are the ones in pic related.

>> No.20230351

>Being emotionally affected by the market

>> No.20230385

People taking profits before Friday when the wage-cucks start putting their money in on their payday. Also to measure the actual market's desire to coom. And odds are there will be some news this weekend that will scare people into putting their hard earned USD into investments. If you feel confident that the market will see another rise over the weekend, then this is where you sell some of your bags and chill.

>> No.20230491

Right now the market is just an edged and teased little bitch and it wants to coom, it wants to coom so bad anon.
We're gonna take that clitty cage, and we're gonna take it off, and we're gonna let this little marketfag dry hump the leg of the crypto market till it cums pure sweet money for us all.

>> No.20230539
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If trump hadn't completely botched the virus response, that actually could've been true. He didn't though. He has tried to stonewall health experts every step of the way and reopened the country two weeks after closing it despite being told not to.

Not only that, but he has constantly dogwhistled to his followers that the virus is a democratic hoax which has sparked anti-mask and distancing movements among a lot of americans.

Take a look at europe. They decided to take it seriously after things got bad, and they are almost fully recovered.

>> No.20230578
File: 44 KB, 550x550, 0182c29f40e25a65808850494b57ba45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump is going to win, people are going to take votes from Sanders and give them to Kanye. Clown world

>> No.20230660

I will believe it when I see it. Trump's "landslide victory" was given to him by the electoral college, and a lot of key states that won him the electoral vote were decided by less than 100 thousand votes.

Trump isn't mysterious anymore. The people in those states know what they will get. Nothing. He hasn't done anything for them.

>> No.20230794

This. Everyone knows after four years of Trump you get nothing but talk. Personally, I will never believe in anything again, and I only kind of supported Trump, cautiously and pessimistically.

>> No.20230968

>and it's all trump's fault
how is this all trumps fault when there are millions if not billions of people who play roles in affecting the stock market. anytime anyone says its trump/obamas fault, i then judge them as dumb hive mind

>> No.20231223

>Market goes up
>Market goes down
You can't explain that

>> No.20231411
File: 350 KB, 368x450, 1593466883290.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open your eyes lad and you'll realize the truth to what is real and sell your links. Your not ready.