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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20154032 No.20154032 [Reply] [Original]

Fellow based anons, check out Zenon Network if you haven't already.

This is next-level blockchain tech and most likely will have pretty immediate adoption and high utilization after mainnet, so its going to moon hard (current cap is around $12m). I originally learned about LINK here, so I want to do the right thing and share this one with you guys if you didn't already know about it.

It uses a state of the art dual ledger comprised of a block lattice and a meta DAG which facilitate lighting fast confirmations of transactions on chain, and they have solved a bunch of other problems currently existing on layer 1 chains related to scaling and security and decentralized apps. Quantum resistant and Byzantine fault tolerant. This is going to be a big deal. Check out the whitepaper for preliminary info in this regard, and the yellowpaper being released will be a lot more technical.


6 days and we will know the specifics about Zenon's airdrop of their service layer token, Quasar, which will be used for utilizing unikernels to run zApps. They're dropping it to ZNN token holders.

Also upcoming soon is their yellowpaper, Syrius (their new wallet), and their testnet release.

Don't fall for the pasta fud and miss this one /biz/. DYOR. We are once again all in this together and we are all going to make it! (again)

Some additional links:

>> No.20155252

What wallet are you using for the airdrop?

>> No.20155790

High IQ anon. Details related to the airdrop are going to be released in 6 days (like where the ZNN needs to be held to receive the drop), but we currently stake in the zWallet.

Masternodes run on VPS but can sync with the wallet as well.

Here is a link to Zenon wallet download from their site.

>> No.20156189

/biz/ has a chance to trojan horse Dorsey's New World Onions Order but theyre fucking blowing it

>> No.20156216

meant to say s o y

>> No.20157133
File: 201 KB, 1200x750, @jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. They actually don't have a chance to Trojan Horse it since their focus on secrecy has worked so well and this project is crazy decentralized; there are already 136 pillars and over 200 nodes.

Regardless, /biz/ does have a chance to escape wageslavery forever on this one, if they haven't already. Good luck anons.

>> No.20157331

Haven't been following this project for a few months. Any new hints that Jack Dorsey is involved?

>> No.20157676

Early RSR investor. Have a really strong feeling ZNN is a gonna be big. I’m huge on coins with strong pumpamentals—the easy to understand narratives for the retards to pump it. What’s ZNN’s elevator pitch that even the room temp IQ’s can comprehend?

>> No.20158125
File: 1.23 MB, 520x720, znn2546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A room temp IQ elevator pitch is this is going to be Nano or Antshares on steroids. Regarding the problem its going to solve, it's going to finally provide a scalable, lightning-fast layer 1 solution to make centralization no longer necessary for internet-scale applications. Something like Ethereum (current or ETH2) could never host something like Square's payment network. Lightning Network zapps could run on this. Twitter could run on this. Anything could run on this and it would be completely decentralized and still performant and highly secure. This is the fulfillment of Web3.

>> No.20158153

The elevator pitch is that it's Jack Dorsey's ETH killer "Project Bluesky"

>tHerEs nO WaY JaCK sUpPortS aN aNon cOin

Well he is. Notice how he hasn't made any mention of it since that initial tweetstorm nor has he ever named the people involved. It''s obviously an anon project