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20137216 No.20137216 [Reply] [Original]

>mainnet incoming
>staking included
>WEF contribution
>on the Baseline steering committee
>the whole crypto space thinks it got cease and desist‘ but it didn’t

do 5 minutes of research and you will scratch your head how this went so far under the radar for so long. remember how hyped it was before the c&d order that got fully dropped ?

i heavily shilled link, i heavily fudded link and i was shilling UBT for months here even before the chico video and a ton after. biz, this is an extremely good opportunity to make gains, even in the worst case this go 10x with that kind of marketcap and the caliber of a product they are building. it’s one of the quite builders out there that went unnoticed for far too long

>> No.20137264

>Keep Truckin' partnership
>mentioned by DHL blockchain logistics report in 2018

There's more

>> No.20137346
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there is much more indeed, but noones seems to know atm. at least so far. quite builder that received no love for a while, just like unibright was completely under the radar

>> No.20137436
File: 3.52 MB, 1125x2436, B4DBE8EB-64AF-4039-B0C2-1255F8728A20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shipchain thread? on my reddit? i’m trying to accumulate here... shut up people will flock in anyways when mainnet and staking is announced. can not be long now. i’m actually early on this one for once since literally the whole crypto space is convinced it got fucked by regulators when it had like a billion dollar ICO and a cease and desist order. but they just have been building in the complete dark. honestly could explode any day now. i think chico gets it too

>> No.20137505

this. im pretty sure it will pay off hard to once again think for yourself. perfect project to accumulate while it is completely ignored for years. the order book is so empty tho it takes a while if you dont want to push the price too much

>> No.20137594

hope so anon. surprised there are even other holders on here. patience will pay off man. we might be whales soon ;)

>> No.20137644

there are some anons that want to start shilling and waking up others. combine with mainnet and staking this should get attention.

>> No.20137944

What's the best non-pozzed exchange to buy this? I see it's on hitbtc but fuck using that noise.

>> No.20137998

i'd say uniswap and idex are fine to use, although annoying, but if this was on a better exchange it wouldnt be so cheap

>> No.20138004

IDEX or Uniswap

>> No.20138325

What's a make it stack, 100k?

>> No.20138427

if this starts to really perform at some point, probably upwards of 100k should get you somewhere yes. the supply is actually lower than what cmc says, the top wallet is locked. its around 300mil i think. you can imagine what even a few hundred million market cap means which is easily achieveable imo but it sounds deluded now

>> No.20138451

if you want to buy, be warned of the slippage it’s incredibly illiquid and bots frontrun all the limit buys

>> No.20138458
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>> No.20138492

people bought the ICO at 32 cents lol. incredible to think its trading at 1-2 cents now when they have actually built and delivered a product but the sentiment went to shit after a pointless cease and desist order. but many many have been burned badly by the price dropping i guess.

>> No.20139014

So a few hundred million mcap would be like a 100x.

So this fucker might hit $1.50? What kind of timeframe are we talking about? If mainframe is so amazing why does no one give a shit (and in fact the price seems to have shit the bed the last couple months).

>> No.20139853

why not? it has huge partnerships and the ICO was a a billion or something. it literally just got forgotten because of the regulation disaster and a long bearmarket. people think its dead or a scam but mainnet is dropping soon and they are involved with baseline. timeframe wise i would think we immediately lift as soon as mainnet comes but the way it is under the radar now im not sure. patience is key with this imo. just grab a small bag and let it sit

>> No.20140110
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wait for Baseline shill along will mainnet will do 10x from here

>> No.20140340

cant find the chico snippet where he talks about it but he holds a little bag or something as far as i know

>> No.20140633

he briefly touched it here, and again on a long hr video too (more of a chit-chat video than a short research-based one like this), but was looking to test the demo before talking deeply, which didnt happen yet though


>> No.20140666

Was interested in 2017. Almost bought.

Did they ever win their legal battle in South Carolina or was it Tennessee?

>> No.20141093

yes they did, too late though. everyone lost interest because of this

>> No.20141136

im so conflicted on this. it looks like a no brainer to me but at the same time no one else seems to see it. but then again it was the same with unibright, 0 attention before chico shilled it and it was included in baseline

>> No.20141198

I am still on the fence over whether to buy a bag for the same reason. Chico shilled it, it pumped like 400% and now has shit down back to the pre pump level. I mean, is that it for the coin? Not sure why the coin would bleed out back to baseline given what Chico said about the coin and the main net launch round the corner.

>> No.20142136

im sure many long time bagholders that holded for a long time saw it as an opportunity to dump because they bought at 32 cents and got burned but couldnt sell because liquidity was 0. also chicos fanbase didnt buy on anything but his shill, so they lose patience after 2 weeks

>> No.20142200

If Chicos fanbase are so fucking dumb, why should I give a shit what he has to say about anything?

>> No.20142209

>defi is fucking everywhere, normies still dont know what metamask is
>tons of new protocols coming out
>literally printing free money just by putting up liquidity
>I know, I'll buy a meme supply chain coin surely every company in the world will buy my specific protocol

some people are beyond saving

>> No.20142353

I sold the last exit pump. This shit died a long time ago. They closed up their telegram and are just doing enough work not to get sued. No liquidity. Nothing except "hype". This isn't 2017.

>> No.20142418

> literally printing free money just by putting up liquidity

Can you explain this part to a brainlet?

Sitting on 25k linkies and trying to figure out if I can earn more from them

>> No.20142559

yeah they are contributing to baseline and a WEF paper because they are just trying to do as much as neccessary to not get sued, makes sense. building a product for years just to avoid being sued. youre a good example of a brainlet biz user. logic must be one of your weak spots

>> No.20142585

dont bother, it will go bust soon. defi is the new buzzword and a bubble that will pop. yield farming works until it doesnt and you lose TONS very fast. stick to your linkies youll make it just from the 25k

>> No.20142626

because he himself is not stupid at all and finds good projects most of the time. just don’t be one of the people that buy his suggestions and sell 2 weeks after because it hasn’t mooned yet. jesus christ

>> No.20143040

Got me a respectable stack that I’ve accumulated over the past year. It has been a no brainer investment for me. 32 cent private sale, aggressive product and business development, and still below 2 cents.