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2006737 No.2006737 [Reply] [Original]

The more money I make the more I realize:

>"friends" are a distraction and a meme
>girlfriends are a distraction, meme and waste of money
>wives and children are a catastrophy
Can we all agree on this?

>> No.2006738


>> No.2006753

"Birds of some feather flock together"

Success and making use of the own potential certainly changes people.
I am avoiding most of my former friends, because the majority is still stuck in their routine and small worldview - not even attempting to improve themselves

>> No.2006759
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You fucking kike, go back to pol and post some blacked pics you evil semitic spawn of satan

>> No.2006764

>I am avoiding most of my former friends, because the majority is still stuck in their routine and small worldview - not even attempting to improve themselves
I had noticed the same and eventually got disgusted by it.

>> No.2006766

>Wives and children are a catastrophe
>"Why is our country getting taken over by African Americans? I just don't understand."

>> No.2006771

let the wagecucks procreate.

>> No.2006774

Fuck off kike

>> No.2006783

My friends add pleasure to my life and many of them bring along sets of financial opportunities that they want to collaborate on.

My girlfriends have always been sources of enjoyment, though sometimes a distraction.

A wife is a partner who probably has a complimentary personality, skillset, and resources that she brings to the table. Kids are who I'm going to leave my legacy to.

The sad part is that I don't even think you're some edgy 16 year old OP, I've met enough grown ass adults who think like you do unironically not to just write you off as some edgy kid.

>> No.2006787

I'm starting to feel this. I told all my plebian friends about ETH when it was 15 a pop and now they're still poor working dead end jobs while I'm making 100k a year from my regular job and even more from cyptos

They're just sitting at home playing video games and drinking all night long. The only time they have money is to spend on stupid festivals full of degenerates

>> No.2006789


Fuck the haters.. This exactly

Everyone else will leech off you and want you to make money for them.

Honestly though.. You didn't imply any of this but:

love makes you weak, complacent.

Hate makes you strong, hate keeps you up at night perfecting yourself while everyone else smokes weed and stays poor.

>tips fedora

>> No.2006795

Festival fags are the worst though honestly

What a waste

>> No.2006797

>"friends" are a distraction and a meme

>> No.2006798

I'm poor, but I agree

>> No.2006806

You don't have more money, you just have more in crypto paper profits that will soon dip 50%. Stop talking like a big shot gambler

>> No.2006807

I sense great pain in you my child. What's on your mind?

>> No.2006810

you must be extremely fun to hang out with OP

>> No.2006812
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Pic related

>> No.2006836





I wish I wish

>> No.2007532


>> No.2007538

whats the point of living if you dont have family and children?

>> No.2007545

money you absolute imbecile, weren't you paying attention?

>> No.2007549

How many very rich people don't have any children at all? Excluding the extremely young of course. Even Zuckerberg has a missus and kid now.

>> No.2007551

there is such thing as a quality of life you know...

but to concede to your point, you have to avoid SOME people..

>> No.2007552

dopamine secretions in your brain
oculus rift

should I go on?

>> No.2007553

Enough with this meme

Reproducing is immoral

>> No.2007556

I never had real friends anyway.

>> No.2007562

Money is a means to achieve certain goals. OP literally doesnt want friends, girlfriend, wife, children. What is else there to achieve? Buy expensive houses and luxury cars? Just sit by yourself in your mansion and drive around in ferrari aimlessly? Whats the point of all that wealth when you have no one to share it with?

>> No.2007569


>> No.2007570

Not everything is about houses and cars you shallow fuck.

>> No.2007575

>oculus rift
so instead of going out and experiencing real things you instead wear some helmet and experience 'reality' ?

>dopamine, drugs, orgasms
you get get that with regular 9 to 5

>> No.2007578

It sounds like some pyramid scheme of existential angst.

>What's the point in life unless I have children.
>What's the point in my children's life unless they have children
>What's the point in my children's children's life unless they have children
>What's the point in my children's children's children's life unless they have children

Repeat until humans go extinct.

>> No.2007579

what is it about then?

>> No.2007593

You can do anything you want. You are free. Want to write and make a movie? Do it. Want to travel everywhere and see everything? Do it. Want to start an orphanage to help abandoned children? Do it.

Nothing would be stopping you.

>> No.2007595
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>> No.2007619

If you want to help others then fair enough, but just living for your enjoyment alone? I dont know how sad a person must be to think that way.

>> No.2007627

The more money you make the more greedy you become. Greed is a deadly sin. Greed will corrupt you. You'll just end up a greedy old miser, alone with your money.

>> No.2007628

Money affords you the opportunity to pursue creative, emotional, and intellectual satisfaction. It's almost certainly not what OP was referring to, but that is a huge benefit to being loaded.

>> No.2007641

Better than forcing someone to exist because you're selfish and need to cure your loneliness, or worse yet, justify your wealth.

>> No.2007659

You should always have friends. The kind of friends you have is the trick. I left alot of my friends behind, they gave me shit when i started going back to community college at 23 because i already had an alright paying job in construction. I was taking 1 class a semester, first class was accounting, met a guy in there that traded stocks, i made friends with him and he taught me alot about stocks. i tried gettting my old friends into stocks and none of them were having it, so my friends shifted the past few years, im now 26 making a living off my investments and my old friends that i barely see think im just "lucky" but they weren't there when i was working my ass off digging ditches eating a sack lunch saving up all my money to put into stocks and then going to school after work for 3 years. they didn't see any of that, but yet they want to call me "lucky" even though when i first started going back to school they thought i was crazy.

Now i have friends that I CAN talk to about stocks I CAN bounce ideas off of, some of which have been in the game for many many more years than i have.

My girlfriend of 5 years that encouraged me to go back to school has her own business and is well off shes 2 years older than me and we both bounce ideas off of each other, we agree we should wait till we are more financialy set to have kids (living in a good neighborhood mainly)

so its not about having NO friends, its about having the right friends and trimming the fat in your life here and there.

>> No.2007669

>forcing to exist
Your parents gave you the opportunity to exist, you should be grateful to them, you should also have your own family and give same opportunities to your children.

>> No.2007670

>so instead of going out and experiencing real things you instead wear some helmet and experience 'reality' ?

Good luck experiencing loli waifu harem fucking in real.

Good luck experiencing cosmic sky battles in real life.

Good luck experiencing scary amnesia type puzzle crawlers in real life.

>you get get that with regular 9 to 5

not really

>> No.2007674

>Your parents gave you the opportunity to exist, you should be grateful to them, you should also have your own family and give same opportunities to your children.


>> No.2007697

Life is like a video game and money is the score.

>> No.2007730

The love of money i s the root of all evil. You should like money in order to live in abundance and to provide abundance to the people closest to you as well as to further the life of all life.

>not wanting to shoot your seed into some 11/10 Stacy and have that seed become a rich fucker too

Can't take it with you when you die (unless you leave it with someone, like that thing that came from your ballsack and became one of you)

Keep thinking small biz and youll always live small

>> No.2007735

>not wanting to shoot your seed into some 11/10 Stacy and have that seed become a rich fucker too

Stay retarded. Fucking normies

>> No.2007741

>caring so much about sensations

Might as well experience the (((real))) world and instead of being further absorbed in the illusion. Study some science, philososize with yourself and friends about "deep" things and wake the fuck up

>> No.2007742

That would mean having less money for me then.

>> No.2007752

no reasonable argument. Just attack character. You're a normie bro, you think just like the rest of these animals lmaooooooooooolo

>> No.2007758

I feel like everything becomes its own form of work. I read books and then faggots come long saying you have to read books by XYZ authors and read the most each year and pretend to like then and...

It gets tiring. I feel like I'm working every second of my life

>> No.2007760

You don't have to keep everything to yourself you entitled fuck. Humans are social creatures. You wouldn't have any money if no one were willing to give it to you at some point down the line. Head is so far up ur arse

>> No.2007766

Of course I don't, but why should I give money to others when I can use it for myself?

>> No.2007784

Umm not saying huge bouts of philanthropy. But if youre wealthy and keep it all for yourself you're just a kike. At least buy a jacuzzi for mum or some shit. I heavily lack empathy but Jesus Christ mane you sound like a nig nog rapper

>> No.2007790

No one ever gave me money, faggot.

I had to wageslave incredibly shitty jobs just to have enough to survive and eventually invest into business projects and crypto.

>> No.2007796

>my main man

very refreshing

everyone dont fall for the no family meme... thats the tool of our oppressors

>> No.2007829

Why would it dip?

>> No.2007839

>I read books and then faggots come long saying you have to read books by XYZ authors and read the most each year and pretend to like then and...
dis nigga been on /lit/

>> No.2008172

Reading is one of the most important things you can do when it comes to Finance and Economics.
Just make sure to mix theory and practice.

A classic example is Computer Science. There are many people who have a PhD in the field, but if you gave them a year to start a successful software company, they wouldn't even know where to start. Their applied knowledge is so lacking, that their only future is working as a wageslave inside a top tech company.

TL;DR: Do shit and the money comes a lot easier.

>> No.2008260


>> No.2008268

Weak hands (hopefully)

>> No.2008353

That's really funny because they make more and use less effort being a wageslave than you will ever make starting your shitty business.

>> No.2008364

Guess what faggot.tour slave master gave money to you. You may have earned it but it was given

>> No.2008368

at any time in history before the past 2 generations I would agree with you that a family is the ultimate source of happiness, but the current state of the world almost punishes those who reproduce. Bringing a child into this shit-hole is immoral.

>> No.2008369

Money won't love you, deal with your shit and try to convince you not to kill yourself when you lose it all to Chinese cryptocurrencies
Go back to Xanadu and end yourself, cuckrag

>> No.2008375

I'm sure most people on /biz/ are in their early 20s.

Yeah just making money and ignoring everything else can be fun for a while but do you really think you're going to be content with sitting alone in your room for the next 50-70 years straight with nobody in your life?

>> No.2008387

this thread is sad. the more money i make the more i realize that i wish i had friends, or better yet, a girlfriend to share it with. money is cool and will always make me feel better but it won't buy true happiness

>> No.2008401

let me tell you that your sole purpose on this earth is to be a provider and take care of people.
once you lose the ability to provide you will be just another bum in "their" eyes
this is the truth. men didn't go to wars because woman are weak and can't hold a rifle. they did because they committed themselves to society and other people.

im not against the idea of having kids, but i won't have kids when the wife can just claim child support at any given time with no particular reason

>> No.2008406

Why should I give a fuck if other people see me as a "bum"?

>> No.2008411

>Why should I give a fuck if other people see me as a "bum"?
because that makes you a disposable utility that can be replaced at every given moment

>> No.2008417

What disposable utility? People are going to kick me out of the home I own? They're going to stop selling me food at the grocery store? The utility company will shut down their services?

>> No.2008429

True happiness in the society that we live in is a meme. No matter what you have, you're trained to always be wanting something else. Learn to be content with what you already have and the rest will play out as it should

>> No.2008437

The more time I spend in nature the more I realise
>money is a meme
>success is a meme
>posting my neuro circular feedback logic on a Scandinavian knitting foreign is a meme
Can we all agree on this?

>> No.2008441

good luck being able to spend time in nature when you're starving to death because you don't have enough money to eat

>> No.2008442

and once you actually make a decent amount of money you realize money is just a meme. so you buy a nice home, you buy the stupid shit you always wanted but you dont really need, you pay off all your debts, you put away enough money in savings/investments that you don't really need to care about money. then what? sure, its nice, but if youre an unhappy person with a normal middle class income youre probably going to be pretty unhappy with a big income. of course, you'd rather have more money than less, everyone would. but if you think money alone is going to make you happy or satisfied you're in a for hard awakening if you ever get there.

>> No.2008444

>kill animal
>eat it

There are two kinds of people that live out in the middle of nowhere; the very poor and the very rich.

>> No.2008447

>get rabies

>> No.2008454

Yeah that's what I said you just phrased differently. Not going to argue because you understand. Life is a symptom of the universe we advance life so that the universe at some point may converge. On a more fundamental level what I am trying to express is difficult to put into words, especially short phrases, without sounding like a wacko.

Good job bro, just do what you do

>> No.2008457

>People are going to kick me out of the home I own?
quite literally yes.
i suggest you educate yourself on the law abit. especially family law

>> No.2008459

What family?

>> No.2008464

Didn't read your entire post but I'm on a tangent. Your customers have your money, they give money to you.

Have fun running your shit drop shit whatever business when its only about you getting money

>> No.2008467


>> No.2008468

Why would I get married in the first place?

>> No.2008476

>African Americans
AA's have been stagnant for the past several decades... do you mean the south American hopping and tunneling across the border anon?

>> No.2008489

>pulling life out of the ether is an okay thing to do
>humans shouldn't enjoy one last twilight and go extinct
are you okay?

>> No.2008503

This holy shit

>> No.2008514

You wouldn't. Yet.
Life sucks you dry, then you start doing stupid shit like marrying someone because they look hot and forgetting that appearance is the soul of deception.
what are you doing here anti-natalists this isn't /lit/

>> No.2008538

Threads like these are why I keep reading /biz/. More of this and less cryptotalk pls

>> No.2008548

Just chasing a buck is a very shallow and empty life, anon. Money is important, but unless you make 100M+, its not going to make YOU important, if that's what you're after

>> No.2008566

not being able to give her nosebleeding orgasms like jamal is a great reason

>> No.2008603

My dreams can't be completed on a measly 50k a year. I need billions to even think of attacking my life purpose.

>> No.2008648

Dont forget POWs fags

>> No.2008802

You forgot:
>"money" is a distraction and a meme

>> No.2008818

And whats that.

>> No.2009061

well said -- a part of me hopes OP is just trying to be edgy but if not, it's really just sad someone would think this way

>> No.2009183

ETH shills everywhere. Not even subtle.

>> No.2009196

>Autism circle jerk justification thread #6969696969 in full swing

>> No.2009302

here is your (you)

>> No.2009319

And you type like a roastie

>> No.2009324

I don't think you know what those two words mean if you think they're the same.

>> No.2009456

>your sole purpose on this earth is to be a provider and take care of people
kiss my ass
I feel much better with no purpose than this fucking bullshit

>> No.2010071

Only if your white amirite?

>> No.2010105
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>> No.2010131


Until alimony and child support. When your best friend fcks your gf and the neighbor next door fcks your wife. Your wife divorces you and takes your house along with the 401k.

Real stories that have happened to real people. It's not being edgy, it's just knowing reality.

>> No.2010139

Your parents didnt turn you into a worthless NEET wanker. YOu did that to yourself.