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File: 1.54 MB, 1423x1402, Annotation 2020-07-01 152123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20056500 No.20056500 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many far right nazis interested in bitcoin and how do we force them out of the community?

>> No.20056532


Cringe, 80% of mining activity is in China

>> No.20056533
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>> No.20056536

Bitcoin is inherently anti-fractional reserve and thus anti-Jew by extension. If you have a problem with then I suggest you get into Ethereum

>> No.20056555


>> No.20056583

Because leftists plans always backfire. Imagine deplatforming someone you disagree with and it only ends up making them exponentially richer than they would have been otherwise.

This literally happens with every policy they try to enact, prove me wrong. Rent control, housing projects, minimum wage, etc. No matter what they try, it blows up in their face. Bitcoin is a short on commies.

>> No.20056638

you know articles like this are the reason jews were sent to gas chambers. and i say that as a person that considers being far right a mental retardation equal to being a commie. nazis are all mental midgets but the joos not making this easy.

>> No.20056655

>making it sound like Bitcoin actually has an use case

>> No.20056668
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Charlottesville really was an inconic fed photo-op huh? Every time they need to demonize "muh far right natzees", they bring out the ultra HD athmospheric torch pictures, (where all the nazi flags were brand new with folding creases in them) they took at Charlottesville.

The media is a fucking joke and all of their manufactured reality is fake and gay.

>> No.20056677
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>nazis are mental midgets but they're right though

>> No.20056687

Nazi is a kike word that they never used to describe themselves.

>> No.20056693

>agrees with the reasons why jews were sent to gas chambers
>too big of a pussy to hold an actual belief plays the epic centrist game to avoid backlash
you're the biggest pathetic retard of them all

>> No.20056695

any and all attempts at controlling human evilness by laws is futile. your welcome.

>> No.20056711

>Bitcoin is inherently anti-fractional reserve
this isn't true though, bytecorns is unironically an amazing baselayer for a fractional reserve system, and such a system could even be enforced via its own smart contract layer. think about it for 2 seconds. banks will have to hold the reserve they claim to hold, because anyone can audit the baselayer to prove they're being honest or not. likewise, you could enforce it anyway with a second layer for fractional reserve lending.

>> No.20056712


There is no real “far right” in the US, it’s basically a tiny group of larpers and controlled opp. Maybe 1% of this country is “far right” where a solid 20% are “far left” and have their tendrils in all sorts of power positions and mainstream politics.

>> No.20056720

I think you should see yourself out.

>> No.20056731

i'm just racist alright but not retarded enough to be a nazi
it's not exactly the same thing you know.

>> No.20056743

you can't (:

>> No.20056758

You will become a Nazi eventually, we all have to go through the “I’m just a racist phase”

>> No.20056783

They haven’t seen powmcoin.com yet lmao

>> No.20056818
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This is a good thing.
All crypto is a scam anyway. Once the crypto fad ends and people realize that digital tulips are worthless, then you'll have a bunch of bankrupt nazis.

>> No.20056819

it's been 40 years anon i wouldn't hold my breath. nazi ideology is retarded and their system probaly holds world record for most corrupt and callously evil regime in human history. the most sadistic evil regime probably goes to either stalin or mao hard to tell.

>> No.20056839
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>far right nazis
What makes you think we're nazi, nigger?

>> No.20056843


>thinking in terms of good and evil

Lol. Morals exist but they’re way more nuanced than that, some of these guys thought they were legit doing the best thing for their people as a whole.

>> No.20056861

You don't actually mean you, of course, but men w/ guns sent by the government to do your bidding. So, fuck off you commie boot-licker. Bitcoin was invented to circumvent the tyranny and oppression created by our current monetary and tax systems.

>> No.20056862

Unfortunately CNN, Netflix, and Twitter decide who is a Nazi in today's age so if you aren't actively protesting BLM and letting a nigger have a go at your wife sorry sweetie but you're a Nazi.

>> No.20056889


>> No.20056895

if you let others define you you get what you deserve

>> No.20056915

>Morals exist

>> No.20056925

kek because they're faggots

praising hitler on forums 24/7 but would suck a nigger's wiener just to keep their job. neonazi's unironically are the weakest of the weak, yet they dream of an arian world only double kek

>> No.20056927

i could care less what they believed the road to hell is paved with good intentions and all.
nazis caused completely unnecessary suffering by the boatloads for no real gain. that's just fucking evil. if it's not then i don't know what is.

>> No.20056959
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Damn, 40 years later and you're still a retard who believes in fairy tales about 6 gazillion jews gassed and burned in 4 years, a feat that would be impossible even for an army in times of peace? Let me guess, you see the degeneracy and corruption all around you and still believe the good guys won WWII, right?

>> No.20056962

>implying a person is not defined by others judging their behaviors

>> No.20056969

What’s with all the reddit migrants here? Go back to your chapo trap house Facebook groups already.

>> No.20056977
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that protest was so stupid looking thanks to the tiki torches. Bunch of fucking beta cucks can't google how to make a real torch.

>> No.20056994

/biz/ turned gay since the crash

>> No.20057009

Nice projection, faggot. Commies are the ones literally kissing nigger boots in public, and here you are bitching about muh natzees. Kill yourself, cocksucker

>> No.20057022
File: 202 KB, 660x330, brit milah - rabbi sucking baby dicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take that baby dick out of your mouth Moishe and google
> Brit milah
Maybe you will rethink your position.

>> No.20057036

What a faggot response. You can’t lie to yourself.

>> No.20057050

the kind of person that has the agency to question politically correct mantras is also the kind of person to have enough agency to buy and sell crypto at a profit

>> No.20057076

How are such a retarded faggot?

>> No.20057106

i really don't care about the holocaust being real or fairy tales doesn't make nazis more or less retarded one bit.

>> No.20057135

Literally every policy by either side "backfires", except it doesn't, it plays out exactly like it was designed to. Wake up, reps and dems alike are raw dogging our nation. You have more in common with the most extreme leftist citizen than you do with any rich politician that does the bidding for their mega rich donors and these upper class assholes are laughing their way to the bank with our nations wealth.

>> No.20057139
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>why right-winters opt out of traditional services after getting censored everywhere?
gee i wonder

>> No.20057140

only simps anon only simps let others defined them or stuck on labels.

>> No.20057166

The article is fucking retarded and probably written by someone obsessed with nazis, libertarians cares about it more than nazis.

>> No.20057228

Nazi’s caused unnecessary suffering? Have you researched Weimar? What were they supposed to do let the country continue to go to shit like US does now? They fought for what they believed in and loved (their people and the rest of Europe). You can trace all of the terrible things that are happening in US and Europe directly to their defeat. They were far greater men then you will ever be.

>> No.20057248

imagine being a qnon autist waggie thinking trump is "one of us" while he gets blowjobs from 999999999 supermodels in golden suites and the assorted incels waggiecel

>> No.20057249

You said Nazis were evil though. If you take away the holohoax, there's literally nothing that would make them any more evil than Americans firebombing German cities during the war and allowing soldiers to loot and rape as they pleased whenever they "liberated" them. Also, what about Nazi Germany was corrupt? Do you not know about Weimar Germany? Nazi Germany was a utopia in comparison

>> No.20057276

theres no way to know what people want when you are forced to do as told by an unilateral power or else you are dead. commies, nazis and capitalistcels are all victims of their own idealistic delusions

>> No.20057281
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>ban you from using payment processing services if you are conservative or right wing

>> No.20057282
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Lol no, since your birth society gives you a mask to wear.

>> No.20057297

there's recordings of himmler literally admiting it. of course any proof that goes against the holoax narrative is conveniently fake or out of context because muh nazi regime was paradise on earth and that's it

>> No.20057333

The "Gradually I began to hate them" meme isn't a meme anon.The only thing you need is logic, critical thinking and time.
I'm not right wing...yet
I'm not racist ....yet
>You are here
I'm not a Nazi.... Yet
I'm not a Honkler... Yet

>> No.20057347
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>Charlottesville really was an inconic fed photo-op huh?

The feds played us good on that one, no lie

A few dozen guys with Amazon Nazi flags and tiki torches show up for their little photo op, and anyone to the right of Joe Biden is now a Nazi forever

But that's the fate of anyone who shows up to inconveniently demonstrate the fake consensus is fake. Antiwar rallies in the 60s got feds with big Communist Party banners, OWS got rekt by identity politics, every good-sized protest of any kind has plainclothes cops who'll toss something at their brother officers so the riot squad has an excuse to start smashing people.

Democracy in the age of mass media!

>> No.20057351

During the Nuremburg kangaroo court I'm sure.

>> No.20057394

you can hate joos without going full retard schizo tier asshat cringelord tho.
i hate a lot of fucking things i won't let them define my life tho. people love to hate just accept that it's part of you and move on!

>> No.20057406

>show trials after losing a war
ah yes seems trustworthy

>> No.20057420

You are either half jew or married a jew before you started getting pilled? Which is it? This is a safe space. We will judge you but at least we could then see where you are coming from and the convo can be more honest.

>> No.20057554
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Can we let this thread die already?
There's no way to make an honest discussion with people who married their beliefs to death (doesn't matter if left, center, or right)

>> No.20057665

What defines your life is what you believe is right or wrong. What you are willing to fight against and what you can tolerate.
Hating Jews for being Jews is beyond retardation.
Hating Jews for actively trying to subvert and destroy everything you hold dear while they pursue only the benefit of their kind it's only logical.

>> No.20057682

>far right nazis
Bastards, I tell ya. Only center left nazis are acceptable.

>> No.20057803

Agreed. They're crazy and will never see the light no matter what evidence is presented to them. They will just move the bar for what constitutes valid evidence if it goes against their ideas meanwhile they post the most rediculous clown world photoshops of things with zero evidence to back their point on how ze Jews are evil. Your standard for what constitutes valid evidence works both ways. Not just for the holocaust but also your conspiracies about jews. They're all hypocrites. This thread can die now. Remember sage goes in all fields.

>> No.20057919

Why would we ever want to get rid of these upstanding moral individuals who are pillars of our society?

The people we should be getting rid of are obviously the hedonistic left and the various groups that support them both publicly and privately

>> No.20057984
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>> No.20058029

>leftist buzzwords if you don't like open borders or antifa

>> No.20058054

Nazism is a far-left ideology. It literally means "National Socialist". It advocates for things like a governmental repossession and redistribution of wealth, and social reforms like population control and eugenics. I really wish conservatives would finally push back against the "Nazis are right-wing" bullshit, because it's about as far from the truth as you can get.

>> No.20058341

If you want to put immigrants in concentration camps and are against anti-fascists, then you are a literal fascist. Its not that hard to comprehend.

>> No.20058392
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>> No.20058496
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Not loving Jewish ponzi fiat = neo nazi money made by Japanese man Nakamoto nigamato.
That article was probably written by a Jew, for a Jew or paid for by Jews because they realise now the average nigger cattle has a smart phone and anime nazis keep posting redpills on Nosebook and Shitter about “conspiracy theories” they can’t keep the show rolling which goes something like this
>print money
>import nigger cattle
>make life hard so nigger cattle argue
>debase the currency until it crashes call it a recession then repeat.
Fuck the Jews
Fuck niggers
Fuck trannies

>> No.20058518

Good argument, libtard. Go back to sucking Marx's unwashed pinko dick.

>> No.20058537

like i said hating them for whatever reason is okay so long you don't adopt a retarded cuck ideology and use your hatred as an excuse.

just accept that you hate things and that's okay

>> No.20058569

it's the same for the far left, they're getting interested too. eventually everybody will

>> No.20058613

Why do far right extremists idolize a closeted gay man with a micropenis? One with a contradictory ideology that would brand him as a subhuman for having neither blue eyes or vlinde hair

>> No.20058665

Op you glow bro.

>> No.20058675
File: 1.17 MB, 2560x1920, Prisoners'_Uniforms_with_Red_Triangles_of_Political_Prisoners_-_Museum_Exhibit_-_Dachau_Concentration_Camp_Site_-_Dachau_-_Bavaria_-_Germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nazis still allowed private property and companies to operate.
The also specifically targeted Communists and Labor Unionists. They arrested them and send them to concentration camps, along with Jews, Polish, etc.

Go read an History book crayon muncher.

>> No.20058713

Better question. Why is it now that white advocacy groups are using bit coin its time to regulate and tax, but when it was being used to buy cp, hitmen and drugs on the dark web no one batted an eye?

>> No.20058714

>jews and their 6 trillions

>> No.20058723
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>u joooooooooooo noooooo

>> No.20058737

Are you implying they dont have just as much right to be in bitcoin as whiny ass does?

you need to go back.

>> No.20058787

I hope the author knows that bitcoin was born inside a group of libertarians and not rights

>> No.20058949

Based and redpilled.

>> No.20058987

You sure love your Jewish fairy tales, eh, gay man?

>> No.20059234
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>Why are there so many far right nazis interested in bitcoin and how do we force them out of the community?

>> No.20059274

I want to torture and murder niggers and kikes. In minecraft. But seriously, fuck all leftist bitches

>> No.20059476

shut up kike

>> No.20059514

>implying that strawmen are not created in order to forcibly define groups using modern propaganda techniques

>> No.20059552

Ah kikes and wooden doors aren't chamber doors, kike. They anal never called themselves nazi either, only kikes did.

>> No.20060073


>> No.20060102

ah the fabled unicorn

>> No.20060112
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>> No.20060132

>Bitcoin is inherently anti-fractional reserve and thus anti-Jew by extension.
>Bitcoin is a short on commies.

holy shit i've never thought about it quite like this before, this is actually super based. everybody trading in their life savings of jew money for btc destroys any plot jews have. it would make chinks rich but we'd be free again, for a little bit anyways.

>> No.20060139
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I wonder who is behind this post???

>> No.20060169

Jews live to associate greed with neo-nazis even though Jews are the biggest greedy fuckers and lovers of money.

The evil corporate executive is portrayed as a white man in the West even though 50% of them are Jews.

>> No.20060184

lmao it was the same way with slavery

>> No.20060221

imagine when the normies make the realization that 50% of slave owners were jewish, and todays corps execs are 50% jewish and are weaponzing the same people they enslaved in the past. would they cancel themselves?

>> No.20060239

No because a Mark Zuckerberg is always going to be a white guy and not a Jew to normies. When it’s convenient

>> No.20060356

I like how That ash is flowing around

>> No.20060432



>> No.20060464

Due to demonitzation , it's insane that the polticians are banning cash and then ban people from wrongthink on digital payments.

I don't like fucking nazis but if you push for a cashless society you should not ever ban people using that digital system, that's even more dangerous and worse than retarded nazis.

>> No.20060489

"Did Jews dominate the slave trade? Not according to scholars that have closely examined the question. Several studies of the Jewish role in the slave trade were conducted in the 1990s. One of them, by John Jay’s Faber, compared available data on Jewish slave ownership and trading activity in British territories in the 18th century to that of the wider population. Faber concludes that the claim of Jewish domination is false and that the Jewish role in slavery was “exceedingly limited.” According to Faber, British Jews were always in the minority of investors in slaving operations and were not known to have been among the primary owners of slave fleets. Faber found that, with few exceptions, Jews were minor figures in brokering the sale of slaves upon their arrival in the Americas, and given the urban-dwelling propensity of most American Jews, few accumulated large rural properties and plantations where slave labor was most concentrated. According to Faber, Jews were more likely than non-Jews to own slaves, but on average they owned fewer of them. Other studies, by Harold Brackman and Saul Friedman, reached similar conclusions. In a 1994 article in the New York Review of Books, David Brion Davis, an emeritus professor of history at Yale University and author of an award-winning trilogy of books about slavery, noted that Jews were one of countless religious and ethnic groups around the world to participate in the slave trade: The participants in the Atlantic slave system included Arabs, Berbers, scores of African ethnic groups, Italians, Portuguese, Spaniards, Dutch, Jews, Germans, Swedes, French, English, Danes, white Americans, Native Americans, and even thousands of New World blacks who had been emancipated or were descended from freed slaves but who then became slaveholding farmers or planters themselves." cont

>> No.20060513

"Davis went on to note that in the American South in 1830 there were “120 Jews among the 45,000 slaveholders owning twenty or more slaves and only twenty Jews among the 12,000 slaveholders owning fifty or more slaves.”

>> No.20060636

What do they define as a jew? Only those that explicitly and openly practiced religious judaism?

>> No.20060939

JIDF gang hows it going rabbi

>> No.20061017

Fuck off nazi sympathizer. Anyone who is a nazi or defends them should be banned from society.

>> No.20061038

just wait until they find out about Monero

>> No.20061130
File: 168 KB, 400x600, evola being based again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really were though. Go read 'Myth of the 20th Century', then read Evola's 'Fascism Viewed from the Right', and you'll see that there was a lot of what they were doing that was intellectually descended from the same existential angst that people claim they were in revolt against.

>> No.20061278

I can't buy myth of the 20th century Amazon flagged it as antisemitism and delisted it

>> No.20061292


>> No.20061336

Ostara Press is probably the only publishing house making copies anymore. See if you can't find a distributor that carries their books. Generally controversial writers (and I mean actually controversial writers, not shit like Marx or Nietzsche) don't have more than one or two publishers moving their works. Most of Evola's catalogue is through Inner Traditions.

>> No.20061417

We welcome them with open arms you intollerant niggertranny.

>> No.20061447

If you want a really controversial book I recommend that 'they' don't want you to read I recommend Germany Must Perish! By Theodore Kaufman. Amazon doesn't sell it.

>> No.20061671

Just wait for a dApp for crowdfunding for right wing causes and groups. Can’t deplatform then.

>> No.20061719

This article is total bullshit, 9 out of 10 autistic neo-nazis prefer link.

>> No.20061736

Evola flip flopped on religion and politics throughout his career. He's unreliable when trying to learn about what National Socialism was all about.

>> No.20061796

>banks will have to hold the reserve they claim to hold, because anyone can audit the baselayer to prove they're being honest or not.

So anti fractional reserve? :)

>> No.20061803


>> No.20061807

No shit Julius wasn't a nazi, the party gradually grew to hate him for being an Italian academic that didn't 'get' their brand of purity. And as much as Rosenberg wanted to attribute something magic and mythical to being 'aryan', racial heritage was never a critical part of being in the priestly caste of the older societies the germans wanted to LARP as. Its not like Evola really cared about economic systems anyway.

>> No.20061937

If you have to ask why then you are part of the problem.

>> No.20061972

Stick to reading Harry Potter. Those grand wizards can't actually kill you.

>> No.20062012

This, how much do you want to bet a lot of neonazis shun PMs because they associate it with kikes lmao

>> No.20062657
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You know it's true in your heart OP.

>> No.20062735
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Nazi sympathizer?My family escaped the nazi party , they would not have been able to do that in a cashless society where the enemies of the current status quo are demonetized.

Hell they barely were able to leave without even being able to sell anything , but at least converting some cash to jewelry to resell.

Fuck nazis and fuck statist cucks like you that believe the state should be giving more power for a good cause.

The nazis and the soviets also believed they were giving power to their governments for a good causes to remove dangerous enemies of society.
I won't deny that nazis and commies are dangerous scum that should not be giving power in a society , but no one and i mean no one should have the power to demonetize anyone in a society that keeps putting bans on cash.

In burgerland and europe cops can literally steal your cash


So they force people into digital payments and then they ban people for wrongthink?

How can you be so retarded to hate nazis and support this type of shit?Imagine if the nazi party had this power and enforced it in conquered nations , no such thing as partisans or resistant movements would have ever been possible due to demonetization of enemies.

wake the fuck up retarded bluepilled normie.

>> No.20062843
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>> No.20063194
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>far right nazis

lol, you mean those guys were were lefties in comparison to conservatives and capitalists, both culturally and economically?

>> No.20064360

Thanks just withdrew all my LOKI from Kucoin
Will be holding for a long fucking time

>> No.20064527
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staying away from anything with black in it, only leads to misery

>> No.20064795

>OWS got rekt by identity politics
where do i read more?

>> No.20064819

If you read the comments on the article in OP apparently most readers think the guardian is trash too

>> No.20064845

why are there so many leftists and how do we welcome them into the community? decentralization is not automatic

>> No.20064866

Alt right nazis angry they are being outed as alt right nazis. Shocking.

>> No.20065040
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>where do i read more?

Just any account of the events. You had guys trying to organize and get shit done and suddenly there'd be this shrieking brigade of lunatics showing up, demanding that "disprivileged voices" be "elevated" and all the privileged white guys take a back seat and thus every attempt to organize anything turned into this shrieking Oppression Olympics with groups of trans-disabled genderqueer otherkin black atheist Muslims screaming at each other how they're the biggest victim, and absolutely nothing getting done. Every attempt to do anything was instantly neutralized by Identity Politics lunatics until everyone was thoroughly demoralized.

And then, of course, this happened in the media right afterward -- suddenly all the corporate media was full of RACISM this and PRIVILEGE that. Because identity politics keeps the poor all fighting each other instead of fighting the rich.

>> No.20065068

Imagine caring about nazis owning bitcoin, and im not even white

>> No.20065211

Yow this shit is funny as hell.

>> No.20066019

>What were they supposed to do let the country continue to go to shit like US does now?
pull their shit together like they did post ww2

>> No.20066056

unnecessary being the key word. allies bombing german cities targeted industrial bases because world wars are won be economies and logistics.

germans were high on ethnic cleansing and eugenics and all sort of sketchy shit which was completely unnecessary for their strategic goals.

>> No.20066096

either that or they got a bit paranoid and see nazis under every bush.

look i'm not saying i like anything the jews are doing in the public and in politics and monetary policy. but they can only sell what people are buying. the solution does not have to be shooting them in the head you can just turn away from the screeching joo and do your own thing.

>> No.20066225
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Zihshbit whonrzt whusttint harghbernwndert narbhensftenst toths.