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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19982602 No.19982602 [Reply] [Original]

You may now FOMO

>> No.19982619

FUD'ders approaching in 3...2....1

>> No.19982669

Pls don’t post about this yet I’m not done accumulating.

>> No.19982679


>> No.19982688

First and only airdrop coming up in 72hrs


>> No.19982718

Yeah boiiii

>> No.19982722

Devs can't even properly do an airdrop. Stay away from this one.

>> No.19982766

Actually they changed plans when they realised they had heaps of bot submissions to receive the airdrop. They didn’t want OG holders to get ripped so adjusted the drop. What more could you ask for?


>> No.19982772


>> No.19982791

Dumped this morning for more LOKI and comfy staking. Thanks for the free millions in 2022.

>> No.19982841
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>> No.19983518

Stop. Not done accumulating z.z

>> No.19984110

The way they’re doing it is actually great. Pajeets are locked out and I get 1500 mrdn. There’ll be fomo buying to rank up between now and the airdrop.

>> No.19984118

Bad luck, you had a full fortnight>>19982679

>> No.19984157


>> No.19985096

Pasting my write-up from the other thread to aware anons:

Right biz I am going to redpill you on why you should be at LEAST 1 ETH into Meridian Network. If you read this and the MC is under $1m and you still don't buy there is no saving you, you should fucking kys.

First off, we start with the current circulating supply of 5m MRDN. Now MRDN has a deflationary nature;'10% of tokens burned with each transaction between wallets' understand that this increases scarcity, an important factor that increases the value of 1 MRDN.

Next up is the staking and reward model which is fantastic but simple. You stake your MRDN to earn interest and when others unstake, you also receive more MRDN. This decreases the sell side pressure, as it directly incentivises you to hold on to your MRDN and use them as they are intended to be. Again, this increases the value of 1 MRDN.

The staking and token burn rate are flexible, so the incentive to stake is more than it is to sell. For the third fucking time, this increase value.

Now. The big problem is who the fuck would want a token for staking when no one gives a shit about the actual network? I answer you with this:

Stakers will be able to vote for reward schemes, incentives and future Dapps. The first two, again, will result in the increased value of 1 MRDN as it is in everyones interest who stakes to earn more, collectivising the stakers as a network.

To finish with; stakers will be able to vote on future Dapps. Now I don't know about you but when the main dev behind Meridian Network was also behind Shrimp Farm (which gotso big it clogged the fucking ETH network) I want to be in for it.

>> No.19985108

I will now go on to what Meridian Network is up to in the coming days/weeks and dispel the common FUD you see on the project.

As you may have heard. The token is due for a 1:1 swap to the new token LOCK. This is solely for contract purposes, the supply and circulating supply will remain the same. However there has been slight rumblings from the dev that the total supply may be lowered, NOT the circulating supply.

The litepaper which will give more detail into the points above and is coming before the end of this month.

There are 2 new exchange listings.

There is a small, controlled airdrop to holders that is well balanced. This is to reward early investors in a fair manner and decreases the TOTAL supply by 750,000 tokens. That is a significant chunk.

Addresses holding between 2,500 and 10,000 MRDN tokens will receive 250 MRDN tokens.

10,001 and 25,000 MRDN tokens will receive 500 MRDN tokens.
25,001 and 50,000 MRDN tokens will receive 750 MRDN tokens.
50,001 and 75,000 MRDN tokens will receive 1,000 MRDN tokens.
75,001 MRDN tokens will receive 1,500 MRDN tokens.

Fair and controlled, the way it should be done.

The website is due to be updated thoroughly in the coming days.

I'm sure there is more but I cba to go through anymore.

>> No.19985116

Now for the FUD:

Most common FUD is with the disclaimer.

Yes it doesn't read particulary well and creates an air of scam by referring to the token as FUN and a social experiment. But, understand in its current form, it essentially is a social experiment in game theory regarding the flexible staking rewards/burns and how it effects the value of a community. THIS WILL NOT BE THE DISCLAIMER IN THE FUTURE. These are devs with a vision, they are not law experts, they are simply trying to cover their backs with the law and get the network off the ground, as we all know the sue first nature and the governments heavy handed approach to crypto. This was written, albeit hastily and poorly, but I can forgive them and the team have taken this into consideration and are in the process of updating it.

>> No.19985127

Next piece of common FUD is with the code. Keen eyed anons may notice this in the following lines of code:

mapping (address => uint256) public balances;
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) public allowed;
string public constant name = "Meridian Network";
string public constant symbol = "LOCK";
uint8 public constant decimals = 18;

uint256 _totalSupply = 20000000 * (10 ** 18);
uint256 public totalBurned = 0;

WHAT?! The supply is changing to a total of 20m tokens, whilst our tokens are only being swapped 1:1 meaning the team increase there holdings to 15M?! THEY WILL DUMP ON US WAHHHHHHHHHH!

What they have failed to see in the upgrade contract is this code:

contract MeridianUpgrade{
using SafeMath for uint;

ERC20 public oldToken;
ERC20 public newToken;
uint public CONVERSION_PERCENT=200; //200%, percentage of new tokens you receive from putting in old tokens
constructor(address tokenAddr1,address tokenAddr2) public{

200%, so a 1:2 swap which will make the team and community token split remain the same after the swap. But this isn't 1:1 like they said, right anon? Oh wait, I already asked the devs this and they explained that these variables currrently in the code are, of course, going to change to make the swap 1:1. IT'S JUST BETA CODE FOR CHRISTS SAKE. Actually understand we have code to look at and ask devs about in a fucking microcap of sub $500k!

>> No.19985136

Another piece of retarded FUD is:


It is the single most retarded piece of FUD I have ever heard.

I'll give you two reasons why:

1. Who the fuck wants to reveal who they are this early, open themselves up to death threats from sick fucks etc. when their main priority is to get the network up and running.

2. Their code is up for everyone to see, who gives a fuck who they are as long as the code does what it is supposed to?

SATOSHI NAKAMOTO ring a bell you retards?

>> No.19985144


>> No.19985281

it just keeps going up.

>> No.19985316

Based, welcome to the 50k gmi club

>> No.19985760

We’re all going to make it