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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 302 KB, 1100x825, 57337daedd08957d568b4697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19973631 No.19973631 [Reply] [Original]

>Just learn to code and move to Silicon Valley!

>> No.19973640

chels has not even an anatomy anymore

>> No.19973651

between my booming snores and farting i could really make these soiboys lives a living hell

>> No.19973652

Can’t wait to hear my coworkers fuck

>> No.19973657
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>just learn to trade and move to Silly coin valley

>> No.19973681

Why even post this instead of working on yourself? Everyone with half a brain cell will see right through it, and the fact the best students flock there should tell you all you need to know.

That's accomodation for min wagers and tourists, honestly it's where I'd stay if I visited the us.

>> No.19973700

No disgusting public displays please.
You have to wait your turn to rent the conjugal room just like everyone else.

>> No.19973711

Had a friend who moved to California to try and make it and he lived in one of those the whole 6 months he was there. Sounded absolutely terrible the only benefit I guess is it’s easy to have sex with anyone.

>> No.19973745
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it's the bend from trying to watch tv at this fuckin angle from this slavepillow LMAO

>> No.19973747

the prices for these silicon valley hostels are way beyond minimum wage or tourist budgets

>> No.19973751
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no sex allowed

>> No.19973752

>shoes on bed

>> No.19973757


>> No.19973791

y-you arent implying that these prices are random, are you anon...

>> No.19973806


>> No.19973823

Sillcon Valley is done, most companies are moving to the midwest or Israel. Offices there are virtually a corporate embassy.

>> No.19973824

Trust me it still happens. My friend said the front desk girl would be banging a new guy every day. I guess they do it in cars.

>> No.19973920
File: 12 KB, 74x52, hms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this thing

>> No.19973996


>> No.19973998

those are all roasties. 0 of them can code.

>> No.19974010

>that pic
fucken saved

>> No.19974023

söylent concentration camp

>> No.19974034

learning to code is fine just don't move to a liberal hellscape

>> No.19974049

*learn system admin roles, scripting and get a remote job where your pay is west coast but cost of living in midwest

>> No.19974084

Can't wait to masturbate to my coworker's sex lives

>> No.19974207

Show me how to do this. Where do I start, I’m 19 and my family is insane, low iq retarded and dysfunctional so I have no support to go to college. I need to get out of here

>> No.19974328

I would bang chels in that small bunk bed

>> No.19974347

Is that where the money is at now? I have heard learning big data scientist is worth it too.

>> No.19974377

don't run away from problems and learn that we aren't born to where we're born by accident. there's a reason you were born amongs such "miserable" people. just accept and live the life you were meant to. if you ran away you'd be missing them anon. nothing wrong with becoming more than they became, but learn to understand and appreciate them still. 100% there are things you can learn from them, even if you shouldn't follow them.

>> No.19974403
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I enjoy that image

>> No.19974497

idk about where the money is but sys admin, especially in security if you can get a clearance, is not a job that can ever be outsourced or entirely handed off to automation. Some of the lower level processes in IT can and will be automated like some of the rote work you do in a NOC role, but overall we are not anywhere near a point where anything regarding security is handled by a nonhuman actor.

Sure there is money in big data. Depends on what your goals are. Can a corporate outsource to China and India for "big data engineers" anytime on the horizon that would include your career? Big data is the realm of A.I., machine learning and heavy mathematics, if that sounds like something you can do then you should.

Emancipate yourself and take out loans for a cheap local state or community college. If you're comfortable at home get any random job, start saving and use google. If you aren't the type of person who is motivated enough to use a search engine to access the infinite amount of free educational material on this subject than the field may not be for you, it is less important how you start and with what material than to start anywhere and not stop. Look into the basic certs and research them, there is also the cyber security thread on /g/ with guides.

Try to realize that you need to develop your own base level character as well. There are boundless opportunities and many free/affordable resources to pursue them, what is lacking in our society is the actual attention to put them to good use.

>> No.19974599

mutts are honorary niggers

>> No.19974765

Lol, there's no place on earth with fewer chances to have sex than a room with 12 bunk beds.

>> No.19974847

Your bed

>> No.19974922
File: 208 KB, 1400x1400, 1996A075-9FA5-423D-8CAE-4B626DBE1F1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not living out of a camper and saving way more money than anywhere on the planet

>> No.19975000

literally built for my curved 4 incher.

>> No.19975033

I have done some math and stuff
you are not saving much
but there is a definite benefit of being able to be away from niggers

>> No.19975045

>photography is an accurate representation of reality


>> No.19975057

I mean it mostly figuratively I’m not abandoning them I’m 19 (Old enough to leave and live on my own) and desperate to make it out of this spiritual and material poverty. I just need to get a decent job/career without having to go to college, can’t afford it

>> No.19975075

you have to anyway, that thing would be burning in 5minutes

>> No.19975092

Thank you. I’m motivated, just wondering what is the best route as looking online has given me so much information I don’t know where to start. I guess I’ll look more into system admin etc as I’d eventually like to work remote. This is possible in that direction? I seem to come across endless contradicting advice online, been searching all morning

>> No.19975228

I sleep on the floor. This is our tradition and my village has been doing this for thousands of years.

>> No.19975366

Even expensive campers are built to a very poor standard. You'll have rodents and mold very quickly. You're also restricted to very temperate climates with extremely mild winters.

>> No.19975380 [DELETED] 

Just learn A skill. Learn how to clean toilets, build a tree house, fly a plane, cook a steak, something. Learn a skill.

>> No.19975420
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You are not going to start out with a remote position unless you have the skills to hack it. Being a cybsec wizard with OSCP certification and networking extremely well online may bear such a result as remote status from the start, you are either willing to put in the time for experience at the beginning to get to a remote position or you aren't. If you look for shortcuts you will get nowhere, you have to reach out to every possibility you can find. Try to get in entry level help desk while studying IT certs.

>> No.19976173

>Trust me it still happens.
Nobody has any reason to trust you, troll. I go by real world facts, I live near SF, these places are not orgy rooms in any way. They're VERY SJW-esque, they self police hardcore.

But the one thing I trust is the incels and autists on 4chan making shit up to satisfy their limp sexual fantasies, and fighting aggressively to support them. Because everyone knows that the real world is a never ending porn loop that you're not invited to. Of course.

>> No.19976227

And regions that allow long term residence with a camper. The west coast of the US is problematic - camping grounds require reservations, for short periods, and parking permanently on the beaches is either forbidden, as they're state parks, or they're extremely dangerous at night. I wouldn't park an RV or camper at Ocean Beach at night even with a large collection of handguns, shotguns, and camping in a armored van, like banks use.

>> No.19976265

You're taking to 4chan, a collective of spastics who think they can do anything just because they decided to. Look at any forum here, it's autists and incels who are larping that they can do anything better than actual professionals, whether it's investing, playing a musical instrument, or making a movie.
So yeah, they think you can get a $150k job that requires specific training, certs, and experience, because they can do anything, because Mommy said they were the most perfect little gentleman in the whole wide world. Or they're retarded poos.

>> No.19976332

>Because everyone knows that the real world is a never ending porn loop that you're not invited to.
LMAO this is what I unironically believed before i turned 30

You can, start googling for "_______ scholarship" where blank is the town or university. Can even look overseas with few problems, and start applying. People are waiting to pay you to go to their school.

>> No.19976338

What website is that?

>> No.19976468

Thanks for the advice I’m going to look into the cheapest way to get certs and just start cranking them out If I feel like I like the field. Yeah, I know I have to be down and dirty for a bit until I’m able to be remote, I’d just be happy to earn enough to leave this demon realm I’m currently in. I’ve been working in restaurants since I was 14 basically buying my own stuff so I know what it’s like to work for stuff, at least on some level
Yes, you’re right and yet here you are. I think about 10% of posters are genuine people with realistic takes and self perception but yeah... 80-90% incel, mega spergs, the mentally ill etc but that’s why I love it

>> No.19976786

>Yes, you’re right and yet here you are.
I'm here for entertainment. Period. I do not take anything on 4chan seriously.

>> No.19976845

Would be fun to live like this for a few months if you're under 25. Pretty undignified if you're older.

>> No.19976850
File: 1.42 MB, 1584x1688, podschwitz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how'd this place do during social distancing months?

>> No.19976885

her stillborn child, she never stopped carrying it around

>> No.19976931

>I go by real world facts
interesting, i’m excited to hear these facts
>I live near SF
oh it’s somebody who doesn’t fucking know what they’re talking about

>> No.19977048

What the fuck is going on here?

>> No.19977167

Juden trying to squeeze as many rentcucks into a small space as they can under the guise of quirky accommodation.

>> No.19977260


LOL. Cry harder, you big fucking baby.

>> No.19977367

What reason do I have to believe you over that anon?

>> No.19978285
File: 871 KB, 1920x1080, 1589670328080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The West is finished.
There is not a single nation left in Western Europe or North America that has retained more than 70% of its indigenous population. Not one. There will be a 30 year economic and political death spiral resulting in mass poverty and authoritarianims from both ends of the spectrum and by 2050 the only functioning and prosperous nation with a western constituition and political system left in the world will be Japan which is very ironic when you consider their history.

>> No.19978315

This looks like fucking HELL.

>> No.19978394

College drop out cop. If you are a real software engineer in silicon valley you make like $500k on average. Other areas of the country you can easily make 200-300k. What college drop outs don't realize when they look at stats is that jobs that require a college degree pay much more than the base salary. As a software engineer you usually get more from your stock incentives than your salary, then you get a bonus, employ stock purchase plan discounts, etc. Basically the career just prints money.

>> No.19978416
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my first thought too

>> No.19978436

looks comfy desu
how are you going to brap though

>> No.19978527
File: 369 KB, 653x438, concerned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're VERY SJW-esque, they self police hardcore

>> No.19979285

I'd chose storage unit.


>> No.19979331


Where do you make babies living in Cali coder concentration camp?

>> No.19979773

based, too bad they installed security cameras after this

>> No.19980058
File: 242 KB, 2560x1440, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cant really tell power's going to my unit unless youre looking closely

>> No.19980096

>she catches you sniffing the peloton seat

>> No.19980466

>"So, Anon. What is your place like?"


>> No.19980689

do americans really? are they all children?

>> No.19980753

>North America that has retained more than 70% of its indigenous population

>> No.19980762
File: 55 KB, 1024x584, 1_1jdVO5P3i_5djq34kuKxAw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>millennial filth loves paying to live like niggers on a slave ship
cracks... sips

>> No.19980788
File: 249 KB, 1422x1286, 1593312716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19980790

all those futurist anime about Japan inexplicably being one of the top world powers will come true....

>> No.19980966

Lol. Couples living in cuck pods. Why even live?

>> No.19981064

I'd invite a fuck buddy over and smash her like there's no tomorrow. "AW YEAH AW FUCK YEAH YEAH YEAH IM GONNA COOOOOOOMM!!!"

>> No.19981088

I can just visualize Sarah riding cowgirl so that all the pod dwellers peering through the safety wires can appreciate the orgasmic pulsing of her spread anus

>> No.19981306

I know this is hours late but why would I lie about that? My friend told me that’s what it was like and I believe him. At the end of the day, I don’t really care either way if it is or isn’t like that and you shouldn’t either.

>> No.19981609

>bulltards in one pic

>> No.19982174

Golden. Saved anon

>> No.19983153

50/night minimum

>> No.19983238

wtf that's not even cheap

>> No.19983366

You think it's bad now? Just wait till the rapefugees start moving in.

>> No.19983374


>> No.19983392

>There is not a single nation left in Western Europe or North America that has retained more than 70% of its indigenous population
Do some research before posting such horse shit. Also hope you aren't implying indigenous people of North America are white.

>> No.19983681

>I know it's expensive and I'm literally in a bunk bed but I'm paying for the experience. I love this place it's always buzzing with life. The community is so strong haha. I feel so connected haha. Sharon don't fucking touch my laptop again. Anyway I was saying, It's like so ALIVE in here haha. Oh God Jeremy is doing his shitty stand up comedy again. Anyway you should totally come down. You should get the bed next to mine it's empty after we voted Amina out for farting in her sleep. It's only 1200 dollars a month ;) You are a coder, right?