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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 160 KB, 1300x779, bitTARDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1996277 No.1996277 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.1996280

>inb4 click the link and get hacked

>> No.1996288

Is this real?
I don't know shit about mining hardware.

>> No.1996293
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>> No.1996294

It's being reported across the net, what the fuck

>> No.1996300

Fucking chink

They ruin everything I swear

>> No.1996304
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>> No.1996307

omggggg what this mean what this mean? my family life saving in bitcoin.

>> No.1996321
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>when history repeats itself

>> No.1996326

Ready to buy the dip boys?

>> No.1996327

Sell for USD or move to ETH idunno..

>> No.1996335
File: 38 KB, 450x495, 1492436184610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because everything always goes back after the price drops..

Buying any of that PIVX dip??

>> No.1996341

Here, you can have anything in the world you so desire. So, what do you buy?

The dip

>> No.1996355


BTC was dead anyway, the Core/Unlimited fuckery was enough to show how obsolete this shitcoin was

>> No.1996362

open source mining when? this is a blessing in disquise

>> No.1996364

Surely THIS is the time bitcoin dies, although I really did think the Chinese banning it or the BU fork would have done it, along with the stress test that everyone thought were hackers ddossing the network.

>> No.1996371

Hold it together boys, there's talk its part of the minerlink functionality, this is opt in from what I remember, if we do see a blowout on this USDT and ETH would be my picks, ETH has just pump hard though so I'd watch out there.

>> No.1996387


Ya. Stopping the production of a coin is going to kill it.

That's like saying "We've reached the limit of BTC that can be mined! It's going to go down in value now!"

Just like with gold? Stop all the production of gold! SELL SELL SELL

You tards and your inability to econ 101 is impressive.

>> No.1996389


>> No.1996393
File: 27 KB, 260x162, jihan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To reveal the truth that bitcoin is not at all decentralized if this sort of shit can happen.

70 fucking percent of bitcoin hashing power can be shut down by one fucking person

>pic related

We live in a time where virgin chink able to destroy whole financial ecosystem.

But the positive thing is, altcoin price is gonna skyrocket after this.

>> No.1996397

No one can possibly be this retarded

>> No.1996400

Are you actually retarded enough to think that mining is unnecessary?

>> No.1996402

Ethereum is going to the fucking milkyway if this coincides with the May 1st Alphabay bit.

>> No.1996403

it does, /biz/ is full of stupid /pajeet/ anyway

>> No.1996413
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>digital currency is the same as gold

>> No.1996414
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> think that mining is unnecessary

>> No.1996421


BTC is the 21 century gold standard.

If production of gold stops, the price goes up. Works the same way with BTC.

Not that big of a deal.

>> No.1996430

>BTC is the 21 century gold standard

omg you are retarded

>> No.1996436

So fucking what? Bitcoin is still going strong.

>> No.1996437
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Better than being a retarded nocoiner.

>> No.1996438
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>anyone that doesn't agree with me is a nocoiner

>> No.1996445

Because it's midnight in europe.
Early morning in Asia.
Night in USA.

Not many people aware of it yet, just wait until the news spread and people panic sell.

But then again, that's the time to buy the dip. Bitcoin have survived many things, it will survive this.

>> No.1996455

>dont know about the 51% attack

If 70% of hashing power is removed than a large mining pool can prevent other miners from completing blocks and jew all the rewards

>> No.1996456


>stating the obvious

Ya buddy, that's what I just said. Holy shit you must have been dropped as a baby.

>> No.1996462

In a way, it is. It has no inherent value and people only want it because other people want it.

Although gold does have good widespread industrial use.

>> No.1996467

Definitely bait.

>> No.1996472

>posted from computer equipment that wouldn't work without gold

>> No.1996478

It's okay anon.
I hear they have nice spots to sleep under most

>> No.1996480

A simple news search returns that some guy claimed the same thing about ant back in the summer of 2016. Why is it different this time?

>> No.1996481


> gold does have good widespread industrial use

I can't buy crack with gold though. That's where BTC has gold, silver, and fiat at the balls. BTC you can also send around the world and even to the moon. Gold, silver, and fiat come with a fee. It costs much money for gold and silver to be shipped, while fiat you're charged a wire fee that can cost around $30. BTC on the other hand can be send for much less.

>> No.1996482

I did concede that gold has good industrial use.

>> No.1996483

My bad anon,was raging from the news and started to behave like an animal

>> No.1996485

You can also make jewelry out of gold. It's a commodity.
Bitcoin is just digital fiat, except its central bank is an algorithm that follows an immutable schedule.

>> No.1996486


You question what I'm saying and result in calling it bait? Is that how you nocoiners cope?

>> No.1996487

>Bitcoin have survived many things, it will survive this
Yeah that's what I was implying. I don't think it'll drop much though. People are getting annoyed will all these "news" proclaiming that bitcoin is dead. Only hardfork can cause huge drop.

>> No.1996490

If China banned bitcoin, bitcoin would have died as well. Turns out they didn't. Same thing as right now, a bug was found and I'm sure the devs will figure out something so that all their hard work isn't destroyed. But you can let the FUD get to you and panic sell, I'll take your coins.

>> No.1996491

altcoin is just as vulnerable. No crypto is safe from this.
That's why you're all retards for shilling this house of cards bullshit.

>> No.1996502

Maybe, but this retard made and cash out 50K in the last 2 month trading crypto.

>> No.1996510

be sure to report your earnings back after it's collapse.

>> No.1996512

Couldn't be negative as I start with 3K back in February.

Right now I purely trade with profit. Even for some dumb fucking reason I lost it all, I'm still in the green.

>> No.1996519
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I know that's what you said. God damn you're fucking retarded. I'm holding both BTC and ETH but I'm not a moron like you who believes that Bitcoins price will always rise and last forever. It's not gold you dumb fuck.

>> No.1996529


Prove to me it's not gold.

You can't.

>> No.1996543

Prove to me you're not retarded.

You can't.

>> No.1996552

>The Antminers use an open-source code. The code that was pointed out is a feature to allow owners of the Antminers to be able to remotely control their miners. It is not a secret and it does not provide any kind of remote control to Bitmain for the Antminers it does not own or operate in its own mining farms.


>> No.1996559


To answer your question, I didn't answer a question with a question - like a retard would.

>> No.1996575
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How do I answer an illogical question?

>> No.1996589


Now you ask a question in response to a statement. You answer an "illogical question" simply by stating the obvious correct answer, of you simply make a gold watch with a BTC addy on the back.


>> No.1996639

is it crashing now or?

>> No.1996644

give me the quick rundown on this

>> No.1996646


>> No.1996652

Doesn't look like it.
I wonder if this is because the chinks and euros are sleeping or because nobody thinks this is a real threat.

>> No.1996658

literally nothing. some mining software has a backdoor that could be exploited by the company (but isn't atm).

the software is opensource so it can be fixed..

>> No.1996664

yeah seems like no one is taking it seriously, it's probably nothing

>> No.1996666

It can also be exploited by a man-in-the-middle attack because there is no authentication of any kind.
70% of the entire network could be shut down in an instant by one hacker with a margin long on ETH.

>> No.1996678

>can't buy crack with gold
I've never met a crack dealer in my life and I am still 110% sure they would rather take the gold

t. buying ETH

>> No.1996685

excuse me but what is FUD?

>> No.1996689

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt

>> No.1996695
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>> No.1996701

>It can also be exploited by a man-in-the-middle attack because there is no authentication of any kind.
>70% of the entire network

this would require a person to hack into each customer's network?

or just if the company's server is compromised?

nice quads

>> No.1996707

Extremely bullish. Now that bitmain has been unmasked hopefully this BU nonsense will end and we might just see segwit.

>> No.1996711

I'm no expert on hacking but I think anyone capable of spoofing the domain that the code contacts could shut down all the vulnerable miners simultaneously.

>> No.1996724

Did you guys even read the site?
>add one line to your hosts file

Still, shit like this is why I will never buy a meme coin. Any day someone can come out with something that's actually real and fuck it to death. It's only a matter of time
>muh block chain
Get out

>> No.1996742

And did you read >>1996552

They aren't going to fix it

>> No.1996747

in 10 years anon will be crying and wishing he had bought coins now instead of giving up is robot's wage to access the block-chain based web 3.0 platform

>can't afford an A.I.
>can't even afford Amazon drone delivery of rice krispy treats
>has to take nocoiner upcharge at tesla charging lounge

>> No.1996751

You can fix it yourself lol. 1 line to hosts file.

>> No.1996764

Golds price has little to do with its actual uses

>> No.1996778

You're forgetting about jewelry.
Everyone always forgets about jewelry.
Gold is pretty to look at. That's why gold has been money for a very, very long time.
Bitcoin can't be looked at. It has no physical form. You can't make jewelry out of it.

>> No.1996792

I'm not forgetting about it, it's not responsible for the past few decades price launch

>> No.1996798

I think bitcoin is pretty. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Fuck off with your precious metal normativity about beauty. If bitcoins wants to be pretty then it IS. Shitlord.

>> No.1996804


>> No.1996805


>> No.1996822
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>> No.1996830


All this means is that the BU miners get raped and the remaining miners march over the corpses, continuing to process bitcoin transactions.

>> No.1996905

but bitcoin has other practical uses that gold does not

>> No.1997024


Like buying your fav kinda crack

>> No.1997132

This is good for Bitcoin. This is also why Proof of Work is superior to PoS.

>> No.1997202
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hopefully bitcoins dips to 1- 5 dollars. i will buy it all if so

>> No.1997595
File: 84 KB, 627x485, btc.krk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds all interesting and such, but why isnt anything moving so far?
someone should have reacted by now?

>> No.1997696

ITT people who own scamcoins butt mad Bitcoin is at all time high

Keep shilling your pump and dump scams you'll be rich in no time!

>> No.1997708

>chinese make hardware with backdoors
It's not that big a surprise to be honest.

>> No.1997860

they intentionally sabotaged miners everywhere with a backdoor that can kill your mining