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19960612 No.19960612 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you listen?

>> No.19960794

Because this prediction is still unrealized and there's more historical counter-precedent than precedent for it?

>> No.19960931


On the 8th of June, when this post was made, the Dow was 27,500 points. It has now sunk to 25,015, while gold is $50 higher.

>> No.19960938

>historical counter-precedent

What are you referring to anon?

>> No.19960962

You can check historical gold price vs real yield and see that it usually just barely rises at the beginning of an increased yield period and then crabs or falls regardless of the rate, and otherwise just doesn't do shit. Only a couple times was it different.

>> No.19961017


Gold goes up when real yields go down, that is an inviolable historical fact.

>> No.19961049

Wow, gold increased a whole 2.3% over one month! Impressive! Maybe it will even reach 2013 prices in more months! Wow such gains! Oh wait.
>muh 2018
Gold price CRASHED in 2018. Its peak was no better than in 2016 or 2014, which is a fraction of what it was in 2012-2013. Notice how that doesn't even remotely align with the statements in OP.

>> No.19961084

but my junior silver miner is till worth shit all.

>> No.19961160 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 2560x1440, newmont.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Wow, gold increased a whole 2.3% over one month

Do you mean gold? Or gold miners? Because they accomplish very different things.

1) If you bought gold in late 2018, it appreciated from $1200 to $1650 from that time until March. It then dropped only 10% in the March sell-off, which means that you could have sold it, bought the stock market at the bottom, and made a fortune. It was the only thing which remained stable during the crash.

2) If you bought gold miners at the bottom in March, you are up by 100, 200, often even 300%. Newmont Mining is an enormous large-cap, and even that is up 300% off the lows; many low-caps are up far more than that. Far better than buying useless cruises and airlines, which are now plummeting.

>Gold price CRASHED in 2018.

You are utterly ignorant. 2018 is when gold began its present rise, when people realized that the Fed had lied to the world, and could not possibly let yields rise. Letting them rise to 3% crashed the market from 26,500 to 22,500, before they were forced to re-start Q. E. again. Since then, gold has gone up from $1200 to $1770. Go and look at any chart of gold to verify what I say.

>> No.19961206
File: 210 KB, 2560x1440, gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Wow, gold increased a whole 2.3% over one month

Do you mean gold? Or gold miners? Because they accomplish very different things.

1) If you bought gold in late 2018, it appreciated from $1200 to $1650 from that time until March. It then dropped only 10% in the March sell-off, which means that you could have sold it, bought the stock market at the bottom, and made a fortune. It was the only thing which remained stable during the crash.

2) If you bought gold miners at the bottom in March, you are up by 100, 200, often even 300%. Newmont Mining is an enormous large-cap, and even that is up 100% off the lows. Far better than buying useless cruises and airlines, which are now plummeting.

>Gold price CRASHED in 2018.

You are completely ignorant. 2018 is when gold began its present rise, when people realized that the Fed had lied to the world, and could not possibly let yields rise. Letting them rise to 3% crashed the market from 26,500 to 22,500, before they were forced to re-start Q. E. again. Since then, gold has gone up from $1200 to $1770. Go and look at any chart of gold to verify what I say.


Fortuna Silver Mines up 150% off the March lows. No idea what miners you are buying.

>> No.19961244

the fed can just switch to a digital currency based off blockchain data, and continue doing what it usually does

>> No.19961283

At least the gains in gold matter because they are real unlike bitcon.

>> No.19961540

>off the March lows
like 90% of the stock market is up significantly off the "March lows" thats why they are lows

>> No.19961656
File: 137 KB, 2560x1440, vizslacarnival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The difference between having bought a gold or silver stock and having bought a worthless mainstream stock is that the gold or silver stocks have not only gone up 200 or 300% off the lows, but have only risen and continued to rise, whereas the mainstream stocks have not only underperformed the miners, but are now plummeting, and trapping many people in.

>> No.19961965

what silver/gold miners should i pour my money into

>> No.19962165

DRD gold.
I recommended this stock when it was $6. Then again when it was $9. Then $12, then $15. It just won't stop going up, and its paying fat dividends the entire way.

>> No.19962701


GDX, GDXJ, SIL, SILJ indices are the safest bets to make, if you don't know about the mining industry.