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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 80 KB, 399x399, dmg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19906412 No.19906412 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19906967


HB & BN this week

CB 29

>> No.19906984
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>> No.19907010

Pissed I bought at the pre saw hype but live and learn. I’m in profit now :)

>> No.19907149
File: 80 KB, 796x304, Bildschirmfoto 2020-06-24 um 16.05.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big (!) partnership presentation next week

3 big exchange listings in the next 10 days

Presentation of new asset holdings next 15 days

Dividend (!!) off excess loans for all DMG holder presented very soon

>> No.19907166

DMG + Bancor devs already in talk!

Next step:
Bancor + Link + DMG + Coinbase
Unstoppable moon

>> No.19907268
File: 3.28 MB, 640x480, 1540356365_7cac6a33b79d1c91.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold 9% of my linkies to get in dmg at 50 cents, should've sold all my linkies reeeeeeeeeeeee but i'm happy still

>> No.19907284

Where do guys see this coin going in the next 2 years? $15?$50?$100?

>> No.19907308
File: 91 KB, 925x609, Adobe_20200624_125053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once we break 1 dollar this will be a HEX level moon mission and no glows will commit mass cuckicide.

*Released at peak of defi bull run- Check
*Private sale passwird released only to linkies to harness their weaponised autism- check
*CIA market maker- Check
*Literally glowing knowingly- Check
*No business like glow business- Check

When you know, you know.

>> No.19907318

10 cents if you buy them 20$ if you won't.

>> No.19907319

I sold 4% and I felt terrible doing just that. Havent sold them for 2 years. Although dmg mooning doesn't hurt.

>> No.19907330
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>> No.19907341


Unironically, this will go 10$ till end of next week. I figure it will be worth much more (maybe around 50ish?) till EOY, but for now 10-20$

>> No.19907365

What does COMP do better?

>> No.19907400


>> No.19907401

the fact that you say it 4 times in caps does not make it true pajot (a pajeet from Bangladesh)

>> No.19907426


the COMP shills are just delusional bagholders that bought at top and now reee

>> No.19907553

DMG is not even listed on coinmarketcap yet, only 24m market cap as of now, imagine what happens with listing on CMC plus listing on a big exchange or multiple exchanges the next days plus new partnership next week. Brainmelting moon

>> No.19907775

If i have link on a ledger. Do i need to convert my link before i can buy dmg?

>> No.19907817

it's going to pull a matic

>> No.19907837

i mean it as last year's matic, when it had the huge x10 run, all we need is a good exchange listing, hopefully binance will come soon since this has been shilled like nothing in a short time

>> No.19907842
File: 258 KB, 677x674, bobo-bane-mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coin backed up by the CIA
Crashing this coin... with no survivors.

>> No.19907845

I just bought a micro bag of 150 dmg. What do i do with it? Just hold?

>> No.19907850
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Jaku niku kyō shoku:

Get in boys

>> No.19907880

I will shoot you then throw you out the plane no questions asked

>> No.19907882


move to your preferred eth/token wallet (like metamask) and hold it tight. do not sell below 250m market cap

>> No.19907942

Ok im gonna just hold it on my ledger. If you faggets dump on me im gonna... Im... Im gonna.. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.19908008

Just bought more thx

>> No.19908075

i was a retard and fucked up, can someone send me gas? it's to buy more so it'll pump your bags. i don't have friends to ask.

>> No.19908104

where is it on aave???

>> No.19908129

look at all those beautiful green IDs

>> No.19908131

How much do you think this will be worth?

>> No.19908135

$20 is only a 500m marketcap

>> No.19908164


this might actually go up to 50$ which would be a 1b market cap just like COMP just easily reached.
actually DMM is the better project plus incredible partnerships already confirmed by the partners (see twitter of CHAINLINK, HUOBI, TIM DRAPER, COINBASE, .... )

>> No.19908231

how can i eran money with this token is there any farming ?

>> No.19908276

Tbh OP is right
If you miss out on this shit you literally hate money

>> No.19908339

where do I get it?

>> No.19908373

Here: https://uniswap.exchange/swap?inputCurrency=0xed91879919b71bb6905f23af0a68d231ecf87b14
Now pump my bags faggit

>> No.19908481

This is a legit project that is being pumped and soon dumped. It's a governance token, so unless you're super interested in making decisions for dmg and have the funds to actually have enough to qualify to make decisions.. this is going back to 60 cents within a few hours. This token has no economic value itself. See yall at the drop

>> No.19908501

DMG holders receive any excess revenue generated by the DAO, stop lying

>> No.19908537

Doesn't it being a governence token mean that you can decide to give yourself more money? Aside of it already paying out excess revenue.

>> No.19908588

Yeah if you own 50k wrapped up in it. I can guess from the holders on etherscan that maybe 50 people actually have enough to make decisions that would affect dmgs protocol

>> No.19908608

i own 150 dmg so im pretty much a whale, you know nothing

>> No.19908638

this token will still define the value of the projects in terms of the market and the idea behind holding houses and flats as assets will catapult the market cap 1b+, this project is big and an absolute steal at 24m market cap

>> No.19908661

This is a classic PND. Nice work to all who got in on the ground floor.

>> No.19908712 [DELETED] 

Low level fudder. Your one of those who fudded a lot of people off on Saturday. Anyone who has done food research will know they'll be getting 6% on their tokens, profit is being shared. This has the most legit and high level team in crypto. Poor retards like you see golden opportunity instead of grabbing it you make 20% foot from selling it and start fudding. See your life? This is why you are poor .

>> No.19908770

just got 100
Will I make it?

>> No.19908788

how does 2k-5k$ sound?

>> No.19908795

thanks, pajeet

>> No.19908812

I made it
I've been here since the first threads
Thanks biz

>> No.19908820

Low level fudders like you Your one of those who fudded a lot of people off their tokens on Saturday. Anyone who has done research on DMG will know they'll be getting 6% on their tokens, profit is being shared, this is about the mostbkegit project in crypto, with high level team. Poor retards like you see golden opportunity instead of grabbing it you make 20% profit from selling it and start fudding. See your life? This is why you are poor. Isn't so clear this will hit $5-$10 in no time? Its hanst even done 2x yet from final public sale price of 0.56 cent. Use your common sense and dive in Idiots.

>> No.19908824

Sold half my linkies and all of my more pointless coins like Tezos to put into DMG. My thought is if DMG moons I wont give a fuck about losing these other coins and can just buy back in anyway

>> No.19908830

should be over 1$ already . way too many are selling for 100% already

>> No.19908850

Weak fud
U get votes and also excess profits
500k usd market buy tokens
Burn tokens
Wash rince repeat
U've been btfo'd by reverse jeets
We won

>> No.19908893

>Anyone who has done research on DMG will know they'll be getting 6% on their tokens,
Retard. It's only if your stack is big enough. People with less than 5k can't even dream of getting these. I'm in DMG too but STOP SPREADING FALSE INFORMATION YOU NIGGER

>> No.19908971

You literally have no clue what you're talking about. Excess revenue will be used to buy DMG and burn it so it rises the price of the token, every holder benefits

>> No.19909007

Yeah OK see you at 0.4

>> No.19909013

Even if I hold only 500 dmg?

>> No.19909039
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>> No.19909047

he literally just explained it you literal mouthbreather

>> No.19909083

God please no

>> No.19909093

lmao all the FUD
what do you think will happen then?


>> No.19909182
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Dumping up

>> No.19909181
File: 20 KB, 508x158, Bildschirmfoto 2020-06-24 um 17.36.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19909225

Newfag here, literally my first week in crypto. I'm holding DMG, LINK, RSR, and TRB. What should I swap the TRB into?

>> No.19909234

Its a governance token and the 6 percent is not guaranteed. Did you get 6 percent yet? Has anyone?? A governance token! You need to own 50 thousand dollars worth or more for a vote to mean anything. If you have less than 50k that means you own less than 1 percent. You're votes will be invalid. This token is a legit project but the pump is not realistic.. this will settle at 40 cents

>> No.19909265

swap trb and dmg for relevant. Not yet though, lose a little bit more on dmg in the next hour then follow my advice

>> No.19909283

your obvious fudding attempts only make me more bullish anon

>> No.19909307

I sold my RSR @ 200% and my LCX @ 400% and put it all in DMG. Best /biz/ shill in a long time.

>> No.19909312


lmao recommending a literal scam only to be found on uniswap with 300k market cap

>> No.19909380

Got in later than I'd like to but feels like its still early. Only 2x so far, that piece of shit Comp did like a 5 or 6x in a few days, so no reason this shouldnt do at least that with the announcements and new exchanges soon

>> No.19909392

Thanks fren, I'm holding the RSR but I'll wait for the DMG to dip and stack. I'm at 150% on the TRB, should have dumped it at 9 :(

>> No.19909455

its literally dumping as we speak. let that sink in.

>> No.19909498

is your monitor upside down anon?

>> No.19909559

shut the fuck up, if i were you i would sell everything right now.

>> No.19909601

lmao you stupid brainlet faggot

>> No.19909667

hahaha cope harder fagget, im gonna buy more

>> No.19909714

I bought the dip to 40 cents yesterday or the day before. Whats this about 6 percent? Do I have to stake it and vote? How do I get it?

>> No.19909781


>> No.19910494

How low will this dip go, where is the support? I want to get the most when I pull the trigger.

>> No.19911137

aaaand back to 0,60

>> No.19911602

Its over

>> No.19911649

LITERALLY what the fuck ru fudders talking about its at .90 looking like its primed to shoot up again lmao

>> No.19913258

How do i connect a ledger hardware wallet to mesa.eth?

It wants to scan a pic how can i change it to a code?

>> No.19913349

You need to make a pic of your passphrase and post it here

>> No.19914760
File: 138 KB, 978x1120, DMGxSERGEY34242432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfiest hodl ever. See you at 3 zimbabwe dollars.

>> No.19915991

where to buy? I love this meme

>> No.19916037

here fagget