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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 349 KB, 846x850, rare BNT pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19894824 No.19894824 [Reply] [Original]

My dearest friend, 'tis with immense pleasure that I inform you that your letter has found safe travel to my destination and landed in my hands. However, this pleasure was fated to remain short lived and bittersweet, for I must also admit to you, regardless of what distress it may cause to you, knowing you went to great trouble to pen it and deliver it to me, that I in fact declined to open it and refused to read the message contained within. Surmising your intentions, there exists no doubt in my heart regarding your sincere worries for my financial well being, but alas your attempts to convince me to modify my investment strategies shall regretfully remain futile, as my stubbornness in this matter has indeed been sealed irrevocably and no other voice shall rock its imperturbable foundations. Allow me then to reiterate my will once more, and do your best to forever remember it for no change will follow: I shan't part ways with my beloved BNT for it is my utmost belief that I have invested wisely and foresee infinite potential in its future, and therefore no other possession in this world shall change my decision, not even a mountain of gold! For my possessed BNT is indeed fated to be worth more than any other riches in the world. We shan't speak of this no more. Sincerely yours, your beloved friend.

>> No.19894856
File: 85 KB, 1300x1390, link-chainlink-the-logo-of-money-or-market-emblem-RC37P8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19894932


Yet another beloved asset of mine that I shan't not part with. Dearest friend.

>> No.19895050


Next to LINK, BNT is top kek!


>> No.19895060

LMAO at the pajeets who don't understand what it means

>> No.19895082
File: 24 KB, 320x320, rare frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19895379


Sir, I understand perfectly well the implications of the alamy stock Chainlink photo that you have shared attached to my BNT pasta letter. However, I must duly assure you that my intentions are as sincere as they were when I penned the original LINK lore not long ago. For you see, I now have but two assets that I hold dearest, BNT and LINK, and my convictions are unswerving. Now although I know you too have but the sincerest of intentions, with your bemusing quips that imply I lack full understanding, I shan't not be swayed. For I am utterly convinced. Absolutely certain. Immoveable in my persuasion. And I do implore you dear friend to DYOR. For it is highly likely that thou shall attain the same understand as I. Truly yours, your beloved friend, Rare BNT Pepe.

>> No.19895437


BNT pepe is based.

>> No.19895498

>BNT 2020 is LINK 2018

Those who know, just know.


>> No.19895677


Link Marine OGs just know.
