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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19870686 No.19870686 [Reply] [Original]

What field is fun and lucrative?

>> No.19870726


Tfw history major and work as a software engineer

>> No.19870742

everything not related witch human interaction will be screwed by A.I. so we all kinda way shit tier

>> No.19870743

arts should be way higher up, especially the field of music, it's fun, very unique and not very taxing to do
also, why is engineering faggot tier

>> No.19870836

Sales should be in God Tier. If you are a great salesperson you will always have employment.

>> No.19870972

aerospace engineering should obviously be god tier, you screwed up

>> No.19870999
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>god tier

>> No.19871019

I'm a dentist. Kinda fun and moderately lucrative.

>> No.19871606

>What field is fun and lucrative?
Astronomy if you're bad at Physics. But if you're good at Physics and Astronomy then Astrophysics should be fun for you.

>> No.19871671

lol thought it sounded like ted when i read 2

>> No.19871918

faggots love to play in shit

>> No.19871942

t. OP got bullied by a chad engineer major in college

>> No.19872043

How to into sales? Never sold anything but i want to try it

>> No.19872123

Whats the best thing to sell?

>> No.19872163
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>Comp. Sci
>Mid Tier

you are objectively wrong my guy

>> No.19872200

nigger confirmed, AI has a long way to go to pass humans in mathematics

>> No.19872456

MA in Music grad here, making ~$50/h. When I finally fill my week, I'll be pulling close to $100k/yr. Music is only shit tier if the person doing it is shit tier.

>> No.19872489

If you're good at what you do you'll eventually make it. This list is dumb

>> No.19872555

>Information Technology
>Low Tier
not for long

>> No.19872589

Unironically astrology

>> No.19872606

Law school is the jewest of the tricks.
Don't fall for it.

I have an exam tomorrow, btw I should be study instead of shitposting on this mongolian board.

>> No.19872664

Thankyou Kanye! Very cool.

>> No.19872806

Stay mad. I get to travel the world on other peoples' dime, meet interesting and influential people, and at the same time I'm helping students develop an enriching, life-long, means of expression and connection.
Get good or stay mad, fren

>> No.19872840

Intelligence analyst

>> No.19872849

The one that says "faggot" in rainbow script, clearly. Somebody was so mad about how fun and lucrative it is that they selectively made fun of it.

>> No.19872916


Wow, Ted sure is as fucking retarded as the people who take him seriously.

>> No.19872925
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>my life is so fulfilling i'll prove it by seething over a random shitpost from a basking weaving forum


>> No.19872964


Erm, hello? Based department?

>> No.19872967

>software dev
>two confused looking nerdy girls, one a poojeeta
Story checks out

>> No.19872972


>> No.19873005

You shouldn't worry about it if you're starting college right now because current AI isn't that advanced, but homelanders will have a harder time picking a field that's not something to do with human interaction like you said.

>> No.19873049

I’d rather interact with a non-lobotomized Tay tier chatbot than with most of the tattooed human garbage that works in the service or retail industry. We already have the technology

>> No.19873069

>can't disprove it so calls guy with a confirmed 160 IQ retarded

>> No.19873101

I work in pharmacy. The work is mostly mundane but it is so easy and high-paying. Gotta love the American healthcare system.

>> No.19873145
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Convince me not to drop out of college

>> No.19873160

You got me but damned if I do, damned if I don't...
All I know is that music certainly doesn't belong in shit tier. It's the only fine art discipline where you can make a decent amount of money, and if you get good grades, law and med schools often favour music grads due to the work ethic, fine motor control, memory, social skills, and required rigor to complete a proper classical performance degree.

>> No.19873182

What’s your backup plan? If it’s a skilled trade, fuck college. If it’s to neet it up just to smoke dope and play video games, stay in school

>> No.19873188

Most retarded thing I’ve ever seen kinesiology is legit mouth breather tier on a lot of those degrees are the same as taking communications lmao

>> No.19873232

>Faggot Tier: engineering
seethe more

>> No.19873234

A lot of these threads forget that time is the single most important asset you can never buy back, trade for more than it's worth, or accrue any more of than you're given (theoretically speaking and not bordering on the metaphysical).

Then, only energy is worth almost as much as time. You may work in a job where you expend little time, but a lot of energy, or a lot of energy, and little time, or if you're a truly unfortunate soul then you expend both at a high level. All the while, you gain a token which you may trade against items which by all accounts once you've taken care of your basic needs, you likely don't need - and perhaps if you dug a little deeper into your own psyche you would also find you don't want it either.

Every animal on Earth is trapped in this predicament, it's the trophic cascade and it's evolved in humans to take its form in commerce and careers. Some animals work harder than others and accrue more. The problem is at it's root that if you have more time and energy, you are more likely to be able to advance your life, and the progress of humanity if you're at all interested in that, more significantly than if you have traded your time and energy for a tokenized representation of them in your youth.

That's not to say don't work, but find areas where your work will pay the most for the least expenditure in both time and energy, which you may therefore direct to other things, including the pursuit of more material goods if you wish.

Therefore, almost all of the professions in OP's post represent an inefficient trade off between energy and time in receipt for pay, even those at the top, if we also take into account the time it takes to train in these professions, and then the useful time you will have left once you have retired from them.

Here are a list of noble professions that only true /biz/ patricians should pursue:

> Kneepad connoisseur
> Shrimp farmer
> Shitcoin collector
> Buy LINK

>> No.19873238

Also being a math major is seriously cringe unless you have research potential doing 3 years the same stuff engineers do just to take some proof based classes is retarded you’re going to leave with zero vocational training

>> No.19873258


running your own businesses

>> No.19873264

That's up to YOU to make it fun.

>> No.19873286

Checked and kaczynskipilled
t. 70 IQ subhuman

>> No.19873356

Is agronomy shit tier then?

>> No.19873378

I started in sales with no experience selling furniture, of all things, in 2009. Someone took a shot on me because I dressed and spoke confidently in the interview. I made less than $30K my first year. By year three I was making six figures. I currently make $170K plus bonuses as a Sales VP, but I have salespeople on my team making $130K+ in an industry nobody would suspect.

Start selling anything
Work harder and be harder on yourself than anyone else
Be unafraid of rejection and use it as a learning experience when you miss an opportunity
Steal techniques from other salespeople
Have integrity and look out for others

I started with selling product, learned to sell myself, and have never since not gotten a job offer that I wanted. I've taught everyone from Doctors to normal joes how to sell and helped them make money. Every day I know if I've won or lost. Sometimes the hours suck, but I don't want to kill myself like Docs because I am always on call or have to worry about my six figure job being phased out because building business relationships will always matter. I love sales

>> No.19873420

My cousin did a Ba in math. Lmao. Wound up working for nsa looking at satellite images. Makes about 70k/yr.

>> No.19873558

That’s because your cousin was actually smart and probably had research potential too if he wanted, a lot of math majors are actually retarded and would be lucky to get a teaching job

>> No.19873562

>Start selling anything
>Steal techniques from other salespeople
>Have integrity

>> No.19873596
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G.O.D. tier for me it is.

>> No.19873632

Stealing techniques is a way of saying "be observant and be a sponge" without being cliche'.

Also I am not advocating selling something that is illegal, immoral, or unethical, but rather just not being afraid to sell something that is not glamorous. I made more money selling furniture than people with "higher status" than me. It was "easy" work with great pay.

>> No.19873803

Enjoy being on the front line in the new age of genetically modified bioweapons. F

>> No.19873893

Unless you got a full scholarship to your conservatory an MA puts you in a shit ton of debt

>> No.19873942

What books should I read to get better at sales?

>> No.19873975

Are you actually in the music industry?

>> No.19873993
File: 12 KB, 304x325, At+least+this+show+sort+of+is+based+off+of+_5c9598d836180a411a5f8f2232619a12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only mathematicians i know work as teachers

>> No.19874211

it's the grindy autistic way into a licensed white collar profession with a fat salary without needing any social skills; free of any sjw, niggers, kikes, or retards and you deal with real world shit by not being part of social problems. It's up there with the doctors, lawyers, and other engineers, but what sets it apart from the former is the lack of any female presence.

>> No.19874250

lmao@ the engineers in here trying to defend their meme job. fuck off

>> No.19874413

In the event of biological warfare the front line is everywhere. What I will enjoy is being the first one to get access to treatment and protective equipment.

>> No.19874464

I can't believe how lame they made his end are all the great scenes he had
Actually cucked

>> No.19874523

Lucrative? Any that involves bowing to your jew overlords

>> No.19874588
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>also, why is engineering faggot tier
/sci/ meme

>> No.19874873

I don't read much in terms of sales books. That's why I advocate watching and "stealing" from talented mentors. Reading books alone just won't suffice. You need to read, watch, apply, fail, read again, watch some more, fail again, improve, lose your way, then remember what you forgot.

Sales is mostly mental and positivity is a big piece of that. Not the annoying, naive positivity, but a mix of individualism, accountability, and confidence so my suggestions may be unorthodox. Assuming all that and depending what type of sales you are in, anything by Zig Ziglar is a good place to start. "Go for No", "The Sales Leaders Playbook", "How to Win Friends and Influence People", "Think and Grow Rich", "The Energy Bus", are all good reads. That said you will not be a top tier seller without extreme natural talent or, more likely, repetition.

>> No.19874891


>> No.19874996

if you are attractive and personable you will always have employment, salesperson is the easiest career with those qualities. also being a woman.

>> No.19875138

Eh. I'm not sold on this

>> No.19875150

Some of the best salespeople I have ever met were far from attractive and not necessarily personable by nature. They learned to turn it on and off on the floor. That said, I agree with the remainder of your point that attractive people have it easier. It's called the halo effect.

>> No.19875163

How does one get in that role? Seems cool

>> No.19875170

Funny. That said, sales is definitely not for everyone

>> No.19875329
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>running your own businesses
It's above all of the jobs in OP image.

>> No.19875453

In the U.S at least, join Army or airforce and have good enough test scores to get an Intel job. Really isn't hard, I did mediocre on SATs and could get any army job I wanted. Get security clearance and then get out after 3 years, jobs starting at 70k. No college needed but you now have GI bill to pay for any degree you want.

>> No.19875564

>What field is fun and lucrative?
Have you tried dropping out of college only to smoke weed and coom all day while working minimum wage and living in moms basement with zero sense of direction or purpose?

>> No.19875629

How do i know if sales is for me without quitting my dayjob and wasting my time?

>> No.19875688

I couldn’t believe it either

>> No.19875761

You're impervious to ai but doesn't it get boring looking at peoples teeth for a living

>> No.19875800
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>arguing over which wagie job to get
you hate to see it

>> No.19875837

At least 70% of entrepreneurs fail, some estimates place it at 90-95%

>> No.19875838


>> No.19875854

yes. It was better than geology but ultimately unfulfilling so eventually I became an engineer.

>> No.19876408


>> No.19876739

tfw you're a 'low tier' business & economics major getting paid $150k/year to play golf with clients

>> No.19876944

You need the piece of paper they give you at the end

>> No.19876997

sounds like cope to me

>> No.19877060

Is joining a fraternity beneficiary if you’re only interested for more financial gain?

>> No.19877098

https://gumroad.com/a/391476339 based department is coming for you

>> No.19877779
