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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19858475 No.19858475 [Reply] [Original]

I read a comment on buttcoin that got me thinking..

"Buying tokens is not investing. Funding manufacturing to create beanie babies is investing, not buying the beanie babies."

I think almost all of crypto is selling to a greater fool (the beanie baby), especially bitcoin as there is no clear well defined use of case. You also don't get to call yourself a store of value... That property takes a long time to emerge.

Vechain is probably the closest to funding manufacturing to create a product. (producing the beanie baby)

Owning vet gnereates the vtho companies will use to increase their profits or decrease their costs.

The product will vary.. Medical apps, food tracing, general product authenticity, games... The list goe on. But the "manufacturing" of those products is vtho

I really do think that vtho will be highly sought after very soon, and owning the production of those is a pretty comfy place to be.

Anyway that's my shower thought for today.