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19833146 No.19833146 [Reply] [Original]

How do I fix low energy?

>> No.19833176


>> No.19833179

stop eating too much sugar, take fresh air, exercise, take sun, stop being in the dark, clean your room, stop smelling your farts, eat less fat, long walk or run everyday

>> No.19833182


>> No.19833185

>sleep at least 8 hours
>take vitamin d
>Make an effort be proactive
>Start a hobbie. Do it because you like it not because you have too.

>> No.19833186

best you can do is quit caffeine, get adequate consistent sleep

>> No.19833189

Stop fapping, eat well, sleep well, exercise

>> No.19833195

Just be yourself bro.

>> No.19833228

And as this anon mentioned >>19833185
> Start a hobbie. Do it because you like it not because you have too.

>> No.19833243

No fap
No sugar
No porn
sleep 8 hours
shower, clean your room.
Get out and walk.

>> No.19833255

Carnivore diet cures depression energy and cancer

>> No.19833260
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Ashwaganda and take care of your gut m8. that’s what controls your brain and your heart.

>> No.19833332
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1) Use melatonin to sleep if you need it.
2) Get fit but not gym fit, do bjj or climbing or something like that where you are more focussed on solving problems than just getting fit.
3) Either quit coffee or switch to bulletproofs
4) Fix your diet. Start you day with a smoothie made of:
-Blue and Acai Berries
-Peanut Butter
-Manuka honey
-Psyllium Husk
-Cacao nibs
-Oat milk
5) Start doing one small chore every morning so that even if you do jack shit for the rest of the day, you have done one little thing. Make sure you do that chore early in the day
6) Make "forced down time" productive. When you're boiling the water to make the bulletproof coffee, use that down time to take the bins out and clean the kitchen, even just a little bit.
7) Pay less attention to politics no matter what side you're on, it's draining and doesn't do anything for you. It's just cope and projection.
8) Buy Chainlink with every opportunity.

>> No.19833406

You're missing two more commands, Moses.

>> No.19833438

Coffee, metal, and weightlifting. Start in that order from the beginning and you should be able to find the marginal energy to work your way up.

>> No.19833537

>Just be yourself bro.
>tfw no personality

>> No.19833546

Have sex

>> No.19833557
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Maybe you have a thyroid issue from a lack of magnesium.

>> No.19833567

goddamn, off by one
everything else is based though

>> No.19833571

do blood work and check your free and total testosterone levels. many young men suffer from low t but they don’t realise it. they don’t even know they might be low t person and this is the cause of all problems

>> No.19833607

Fucking retard carbs are poison

>> No.19833641

smoke crystal meth pussy

>> No.19834612

>stop smelling your farts

>> No.19835340


do what excites you and feels good and stop doing stupid shit you don't want to do

>> No.19835354

stop jacking off

>> No.19835413

I'm not sure masturbating 5 hours a day is gonna give me much energy

>> No.19835440


keep doing it, it will balance out. Part of the problem is trying to avoid vices instead of learn from them. The way you develop discipline is to be indifferent to pain and pleasure and just live in the moment

>> No.19835581


But I like smelling my own farts and I hate doing those other things

>> No.19835605


>> No.19835620

Take a multivitamin, you dumb douche rag. And not that cheap shitty centrum shit. Try alive or rainbow for men cuz you’re a faggot. I’m telling you this not to help you, but because you’re a fucking retard who likes to suck dick while crying about having to suck dick. Just go full faggot and admit you love the taste of cheesey mcdick, esp bbc. You even love to flick your tongue on the underside, don’t you? Just admit it.

>> No.19835642

This too.
Bad thoughts, impulses, all run off the man with a plan of like rain.
But deny a man a plan and you won’t believe how hurt he becomes, how wounded.
“I have no purpose” he’ll say.

>> No.19835651


>> No.19835776

A diet where fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts are the main component. Very few carbs or meat (seafood ok).

Get up early and do 20 minutes of intense cardio 5 days a week.

Have social time every week. Meet people and plan things.

>> No.19835779

"No sugar" is the worst meme. Sugar will give you energy. The only problem is all the other ways you are probably fucked up. Pufas and bad gut bacteria are fucking you. Stop eating vegetable oils and clean your gut out with charcoal and/or carrots and maybe even antibiotics.

>> No.19835832

You fucking retard.

>> No.19835976

With a clean gut and not too much fat in the diet, sugar won't cause bad reactions as long as you have enough micro nutrients. It's good clean energy.

>> No.19835986
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Meditate or get prescribed adderall and live with fake energy for a few years.

>> No.19836037

ok boomer

>> No.19836107

get a girlfriend. i was fatigued and depressed every single day for 6 years. i drank more water, weightlifted, tried different diets, took supplements, picked up new hobbies and I could never shake my fatigue and depression. I hadn't realized how much I wanted to just wake up next to a woman I love and caress her and be caressed. a few months later I went back to my old church and found a girl I knew back in high school and 4 years later she became my wife. every day is a joy with her. some of us are just physiologically wired to require a relationship with the opposite sex more than others. call me a simp but she genuinely saved me from the agony of life

>> No.19836134


Sugar is fine if it's naturally occurring from fruit. And a small amount of fruit juice is fine.

All other sugars and processed carbs are not good for you. Tons of data to support this belief.

>> No.19836150


The human body was not designed to have processed sugars and carbs. It's like putting diesel gas into a regular engine.

>> No.19836165

You’re a simp.

>> No.19836220

Vitamin D. A lot of people are deficient and they don't even know it. Take at least 2000 IU a day.

>> No.19836263 [DELETED] 

Actually though best thing is b vitamins. They to get them without any silicon or titanium dioxide in the pill.

Fruit is good because it has stuff that suppresses gut bacteria to stop it feeding off the sugar. The problem with (((processed))) foods is the vegetable oil and emulsifiers. You've got a toxic sludge but sugar gets the blame every time.

That's just stupid and obviously wrong.

>> No.19836286

>>19833146 (OP)
Actually though best thing is b vitamins. They to get them without any silicon or titanium dioxide in the pill.

Fruit is good because it has stuff that suppresses gut bacteria to stop it feeding off the sugar. The problem with processed foods is the vegetable oil and emulsifiers. You've got a toxic sludge but sugar gets the blame every time.

That's just stupid and obviously wrong.

>> No.19836331

ZMA before bed
vit d in the morning
10 min stretching in the morning
10 min meditate
water throughout the day
no processed foods
strength training with cardio 3x week
multi vit if you really have a shit diet.
250mg test e/e3d

WALA. it’s not that hard anon

>> No.19836377

i was low on iron and started taking iron and it made the fatigue go away. drink OJ with it to help absorption

>> No.19836443

Human physiology evolved on a diet containing very little refined sugar. It's very rare in nature. Today in some countries people consume around 150 pounds (70kg) per year. An insane amount. Our bodies are not designed to have that much. It's been linked to cancer and alzheimer's along with the obvious obesity and diabeetus. So yeah, a few grams here and there won't hurt, but it's best to avoid it as a daily staple.

>> No.19836528
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Sugars are the basic fuel for most life including humans. "Refined" sugar is still sugar. Unsaturated vegetable oils are not the same as saturated oils.

>> No.19836542
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what happens after a few years?

>> No.19836633

You're confusing glucose with sugar-rich foods. Glucose is the main energy source of most life yes, but it goes through a process before it gets used by cells. Pumping a huge amount into your bloodstream at once will cause problems if you do it frequently.

>> No.19836980

I have very low energy now, thank you

>> No.19837022

that's fake shit though

>> No.19837543

Nothing. Meditation is COMPLETELY useless. You're better off using the time to exercise, which has proven benefits unlike meditation.

>> No.19837876

Good sleep and dopamine fasting for like a week

>> No.19837914

Pills cannot replace the sun.

>> No.19838544


so sayeth the unenlightened faggot.

6-10 min daily is god mode

>> No.19838558
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I got myself proper curtains and bed so now I sleep comfy in absolute darkness. Make a world of a difference.

>> No.19838685

Test hgh Adderall