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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19797165 No.19797165 [Reply] [Original]

By 2030, the human population will remove itself from society, away from NPC's. These humans will not have the right to travel on paved roads or use any means of public transportation. These humans will not have access to any state or government issued assistance. These humans will not purchase goods from retail stores. These humans won't have a right to property "ownership". Many other hardships await these humans but they will survive and decentralized cryptocurrency will be the backbone of their socio-economics.

>> No.19797782


>> No.19797886


>> No.19797888
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It is fine to invest in the system that will bring forth the mark for now. There is still money to be made. A time will come when every humanoid in developed regions will be forced to make a decision. Keep your (((luxuries))) and consumer lifestyle, or produce and be a part of the resistance.

>> No.19797905

Is it possible to invest in wagecages? As far as I know they don't literally exist yet, only metaphorically and only in meme patent filings.

I want to own a piece of the cage.

>> No.19797908
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Self-aware wagies will join the movement in good time. There are only an estimated 25-30 million users of cryptocurrency.

>> No.19797966
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Investing in any sort of asset with autonomous industry in mind will lead to your piece of the cage. But when the cage finally manifests, your profits should have already been converted into physical resources. Unless you are an NPC.

>> No.19797979

so this is only marginally biz related, but what kind of population control system should be in place by 2025 ? the planet is about to die and the overpopulation is not helping us

>> No.19798253
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Observe China. Information flow will be fragmented to the point where an individual will no longer trust anyone, not even themselves. By 2025, the majority of the population will be groomed and broken, ready to accept vaccinations and other violations of freedom. Your every movement will be recorded and logged. Straying away from your assigned schedule or affiliating with "undesirables" will result in a negative effect on your social score. The population will be in fear from a myriad of red flag events, but not quite ready to take the mark. The control system will be more or less the same as it is today.

>> No.19798563
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My point in this is that we are investing into a system that is meant to keep us down. So long as there is internet, there is crypto - (((they))) realized this in 2017 and are now adopting/furthering their control of it. Thankfully, there is a portion of this space that is decentralized. Without decentralization, every soul would be forced to become an NPC.