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1976924 No.1976924 [Reply] [Original]

>Why do poorfags not understand budgeting or passive income?

How in this era are people so ignorant that they can't look up something on the internet?

People can become millonaires off of 50k/yr and passive income, and yet everyone is upto their fucking eyeballs in debt.

Lets say your having problems with your health. People instinctively know to either 1) Go to the doctor to get it fixed or 2) Go online and look up how to try to narrow down the issue and help themselves, but with finances everyone seems fucking lost. Why can't they just apply the same logic, sit down and talk to an expert or research themselves?

Is it all an orchestrated scam by banks and other institutions to keep modern day slavery in motion?

>> No.1976927

These kinds of things despite the meme name, required work, time, and money. Most people either lack these or fail to commit them. Then people get slammed by ads, pressured into children, and other related shit which leads to more spending and less time learning.

Budgeting really should be taught in schools.

>> No.1976929

>People can become millonaires off of 50k/yr and passive income, and yet everyone is upto their fucking eyeballs in debt.
>implying most people get 50k/y

Also yes, its plausible but investing isnt bulletproof

>> No.1976968
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Many people just dont give much of a fuck about money and budgeting
they just enjoy life the best way they can before going 6 deep

>> No.1976974

But Census puts the median household income at 47k-52k for like the past 20 years.

I just don't understand how shit like THIS happens


> 50%~ GEN X have NO retirement.
> 28% BABY BOOMERS have NO retirement.

Is it all conspiracy? Are ((they)) distracting and suppressing info? Why are they not teaching more about personal finance in school?

We all already know the answers....hyper-consumerism and such.... I'm just venting.

>> No.1976986

Key word is "household" which implies a family.

>Is it all conspiracy? Are ((they)) distracting and suppressing info? Why are they not teaching more about personal finance in school?

Oh fuck off it's easily explained that most people choose to live in the moment and do not think about the long term. Most people want shit now, not later. I don't subscribe to that, but hey these people help keep my portfolio growing so I'm not complaining.

Is it really hard for you to understand that most people lack discipline? It really shouldn't come as this much of a surprise to you.

>> No.1976992

The biggest scam is keeping people in 50-100k employment and feeding them the "millionaire retirement" line

That's the TRUE scam, and even educated people with sensible spending patterns fall for it.

Don't start a business. It's too hard. Too risky. Keep working 40 hours a week (for my business), live frugally, put your money into investments and pray 2008 never happens again wiping away 10 years of your work. Le compound interest will set you free!

Good goy

>> No.1976993

>tfw your country's average annual wage is like 9k
Just FUCK my SHIT up dude
I'm almost a qualified translator after 5 years of studies and I'm probably gonna earn less than that lmao.
t. Poland, almost first world but not in wages

>> No.1977023

>Studying to be a translator
Jesus christ

Youd earn more by becoming a plumber and moving inside europe

>> No.1977031

Well said. I wanna retire when I'm 30, not 60/70 when my dick is broken and I have hip problems.

>> No.1977038

It's a respected major REEEEEEEEEEE
>Youd earn more by becoming a plumber and moving inside europe
And then I'd have to deal with foreigners' disdain for hurr durr inferior Poles stealing our jerbs.
I checked and I can do fairly profitable community interpreting in Britain though.

>> No.1977090

You got it. Its all a ruse op. School teaches u how to be a fucking robot. I had to teach myself to ballance a checkbook with google. Folks always say save money but have little or no savings. Also there is little left to save and then it is btfo by inflation.

We are told retirement wilk be handled by a safe 401k.

Lolwut.... trust my life savings and retirement to a stock market with 0 control over it and shit growth. Just.... no....

Add to that the 10% with the means and motivation to become rich are screached at by the other 90% trying to pull us down and deter us while everythibg we have been tought is ass backwards and its no wonder.

Punching a clock is easier than making a fundemental change and flipping your life upside down in the hopes of riches.

This better fucking be worth it.

>> No.1977094

No shit. I use a budget daily but i have yet to rewuire the date of the 2nd world war or calculate the volume of a cylinder or conjugate verbs in fuckibg spanish.

School over basic junior high level reading and wrighting was a 15 year fuckibg waste of time.

>> No.1977099

what's the "million retirement" line? I don't understand your post.

>> No.1977100

Pfff. Pack your shit and move man. Unless that is a liveable wage there

>> No.1977107

31. Metal plate and 8 screws in my foot. Dick works okay i guess but a lifetime of overtime gave me a recedieng hairline and ive been getting more white hair on my head and beard since 28.

Dont out it off man. You could be 60/70 at 30. Im losing weight just so i can fucking walk descent.

Good luck brother

>> No.1977111

Make 50-100k and let money rot ina bank. U can easily retire a millionair but its fucking meaningless these days

>> No.1977112

This is not something they teach in public schools. Either your family teaches you, or you learn later in life.

>> No.1977166

Why would having $1m be meaningless? If you can achieve that fairly early in life, you're golden.

>> No.1977393
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>A failed education system that will spend weeks teaching the quadratic fucking equation but maybe one day teaching about financial literacy.
>socialist policy that incentivizes financial irresponsibility
>Bad parenting that softens children and causes...
>A growing sense of entitlement
>Lack of drive to learn basic financial literacy.
>Teen pregnancy, moving out of mom's house too early, buying shit you don't need with money you don't have, etc., etc.

Once you realize how simple it is to just be responsible with your money, you realize how much you hate paying taxes to subsidize these people's stupidity.

>> No.1977468
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How do we end this epidemic anon? I mean some of my mates changed from being socialist faggots once they started paying tax but its not enough. How can we encourage personal responsibility?

>> No.1977482

Even if you do follow proper budgeting and passive income strategies you still are going to get fleeced by the banks.

YOU literally cannot win. All YOU can do is not lose so hard.

>> No.1977505

Get your plunger ready and buy a ticket to UK

>> No.1977515

Snag a job with quad graphics. Just recently moved into poland

>> No.1977517
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>Tfw I have every single trait of an unsuccessful person

>> No.1977594

>massive cutbacks in spending, taxes, regulation, etc
>massive reform in entitlements so as to encourage rise from lower to mid class instead of keeping the poor dependent. (getting a better job sometimes means losing out on free gibs, so people are incentivized to fail)
>total removal of public funding for college, which is literally the poor giving money to the (soon to be) rich
>remove minn wage and allow poor nigs access to jobs worth less than $7/hr, so they can get on the job training and learn skills

>school choice, voucher system
>gas all teachers unions
>stop giving money to schools who go over budget yet have worse test scores
>allow free market to decide
>shitty public schools with shitty teachers that act as daycare for poor niggers die
>private schools pop up all over, must show parents how good they are if to survive, and actually teach basic finance

actually encouraging social responsibility
>bring back religion, or at least moral values in the household (even during segregation, single motherhood rates among nigs was drastically lower than today, bc of shitty values and democrats feeding them the notion da white man is responsible for all their troubles)
>remove age restriction on birth control, because kids will be kids anyway, might as well have easy access to it.
>need strong family unit, which is discouraged by current socialist policies
>replace welfare with private charity, which is helped when people come together as a community

the solution is too difficult. just invest against the american economy, which is surely to collapse even worse than it did in 08.

>> No.1977618

Wait..what the fuck? How can I become a millionaire making 50k/year? I make about 75k a year now before taxes. Explain please.

>> No.1977671

hes exaggerating but if you invest smart, set up a good retirement plan, or are lucky enough to work for an employee-owned company, you can set yourself up for life by age 40. not many have access to passive income such as getting paid rent by tenants, but free cash flow through stocks, dividends, bonds, etc adds up over time. most poor people have no source of cash other than their job. just invest part of your paycheck. i have direct deposit and pull out at least 10%
>not keeping a journal

>> No.1977707

Even more scary was a fact I read in the WSJ a few months back conducted by Pew Research Center I believe. They polled Americans on what if a crisis happened:
Could you come up with $500 cash in 30 days.
60% of Americans couldn't.

>> No.1977764

explain how

>> No.1977766

its bait.

>> No.1977830

> save $900/month
> invest into something yielding a 3% return
> do this for 45 years
> congrats you're a millionaire

>> No.1977837

I've tried it, but I feel like a faggot every time I do it even though my dad taught me to keep one since I was 9.

>> No.1977860

>something yielding a 3% return

So not the US economy then?

>> No.1977874

Well, if you look at inflation youd die poor being a millionaire in 70 years. Not meaningless i guess but that 1 million isnt a magic nunber these days

>> No.1977875

U cant with uncle sam and his fucking handouts

>> No.1977910

the only thing you should wonder is in this nation of good goy consumerists how r u pathetic enough to not run a good business

>> No.1977933

>>Why do poorfags not understand budgeting

Budgeting requires discipline, responsibility, and self control.

Now you know why 'merican niggers are poor savers. Even the ones who make good money.

>> No.1978179

What is your professions senpai?

>> No.1978217 [DELETED] 

What he really means:

>stop giving money to poor blacks and instead give it to poor whites like me

>stop making education accessible because those people are taking my jobs

actually encouraging social responsibility
>make my beliefs the state-mandated believes
>prosecute anyone who has different believes
>my religion is the only right religion
>except, legalize weed because YOLO

You suck, anon.

>just invest against the american economy, which is surely to collapse even worse than it did in 08
The American economy recovered all the losses of the 08 crash within 16 months, and has been on a seven year bull run since then.

You suck, anon. And you're stupid.

>> No.1978221

What he really means:

>stop giving money to poor blacks and instead give it to poor whites like me

>stop making education accessible because those people are taking my jobs

actually encouraging social responsibility
>make my beliefs the state-mandated beliefs
>prosecute anyone who has different beliefs
>my religion is the only right religion
>except, legalize weed because YOLO

You suck, anon.

>just invest against the american economy, which is surely to collapse even worse than it did in 08
The American economy recovered all the losses of the 08 crash within 16 months, and has been on a seven year bull run since then.

You suck, anon. And you're stupid.

>> No.1978275 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1978300

I make 14.5k a year doing minimum wage part time work...should I invest in Poland real estate?

>> No.1978333 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1978336

Grew up on the oil field. Drilling and pulling them back out for repairs. Bucking hay bales. Slew of shit factory and other jobs. Last 6 years i been running equipment. Probably here till i die since its the best pay and easiest work i will find unless i retire early

>> No.1978674


I haven't had less than $500 since I was 14. My lowest since was $1500, which was because I just withdrew 3k to buy a car. And I'm born-poor lived-poor hyper-poorfag who has been barely employed the whole time.

The issue with burgerstanis is that as soon as they get any money at all, they spend it. Doesn't matter on what. Clothes shopping binge, eating out 24/7, new furnature, new gadget, other shit. They're retards.

My parents always lived paycheck to paycheck. I thought, a paycheck every week, all you need to do to ensure you never have to live like that again is to work one extra week's equivalent in overtime, but keep your spending the same. Keep the money in the bank. Use it to even out your bank account fluctuations.

Fuck, my bank account keeps going up and I don't even know what to do with the money. And I don't make that much. I can't think of anything I want to buy.

>get online job in america
>move to poland
>live like a king
>unfortunately, you have to live in poland

>> No.1978687

That little "infographic" you posted is horse shit.

>> No.1978706

Poland is unironically a pretty good place to live. The standard of living is comparable to first world in big cities, just the wages aren't. It's also very, very safe; I believe it was ranked the safest travel destination in Europe since most of our criminals/white trash emigrated to the UK. Literally.
There is also pretty much no political correctness tyranny, I'd say the freedom of speech is greater than in Western Europe (don't know how it compares to America). Female Poles are famously attractive and from my observation so are many young males where I live (including yours truly). So if you're a grill come here and invest in me.

>> No.1978716


I've tried multiple ways of earning passive income (ebooks, youtube, ebay, etc)

They all fucking failed miserably. Shit isn't easy kiddo

>> No.1978721

>if you're a grill come here and invest in me

How big is your ponos in american units?

>> No.1978728
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Its not even just poorfags. I grew up in a solid middle class family in an "excellent" school district. I have a brother who is about the same age as me, has had similar employment history as me, lived in the same areas and has always earned about the same wages as me. With both of us around 30 years old, he is dead broke and I have around $350,000 net worth.

Whats the difference? All of his decisions revolve around feeling good right here right now, mine revolve around being loaded as fuck when I'm 40. He was dating a jewess in college though, so he might have the jew-curse. Point being, dont be a degenerate if you want to be wealthy.

>> No.1978735

" ranked the safest travel destination in Europe" what world do you fucking live in? Lmfao, go re check your facts bud!

>> No.1978748
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I've been saving my money in the (((bank))). I have little faith in the American (((economy))).

>> No.1978770


If everyone becomes millionaires via passive income and 50k, then nobody will be millionaires.

We need piss-poor people in society to give our wealth meaning.

>> No.1978836

>If everyone becomes millionaires via passive income and 50k,

>thinking the average normie even understands passive income as something other than .05% interest on a (((bank))) savings account

I think we're safe, mate-o. There will always be poorfags. Even if you give them every tool to lift themselves up, they will find a way to fail.

>> No.1978843

Bad idea, my moneys safe in the caymans!

>> No.1979294

retirement is just a fast-lane towards alzheimer's

>> No.1979545

>y-you suck anon

ha ha

>The American economy recovered all the losses of the 08 crash within 16 months, and has been on a seven year bull run since then.

an unfounded bull run. what caused the housing crisis was never fixed. GDP is anemic. stocks are massively overvalued. this isn't controversial stuff, but thats enough free advice for now.

>> No.1979601

OP here, Lets hope housing market crashes again. I'm looking to fucking buy soon.

It's probably just becuse of my inexperience but to me it just seems like theres free money out there for the taking.

I'm about to buy my 2nd home on 25k/yr (just got bumped to 42k 3 months ago)

My first was 147.5k and its on track to make me 8k equity a year and after about 10years, it'll make me a measly 12k profit. Grab 5-8 and your set, boom net worth of 1mil+ , gets too hectic? Get a management company

Or stocks, invest in the whole market make 5-8% consistently on your money....dont even have to look at it.

Do wagecucks and poorfags have tunnel vision? How do they actively ignore all the advice out there on tv, news, internet?

>> No.1979621

If only you gents could take your money with you to the afterlife. Fuck being rich when you're 40. I want to do shit in my 20's

>> No.1979653

not everyone is rich enough or willing to invest that much money into a single property, plus at least in my experience theres fierce competition when you bid on foreclosures, and its a lot harder to back out quick if things go south.

but the problem is most people own no sources of income besides their job. I truly believe the education system was designed to keep people poor debt slaves. plus its easier to follow a crowd than do your own research.

>> No.1979811 [DELETED] 
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>what caused the housing crisis was never fixed.
You mean, expect by the thousands of new banking regulations that will ensure it never happens again?

Stop being stupid.

>GDP is anemic

Stop being stupid.

>stocks are massively overvalued
Yeah, faggots like you have been saying this every year since 2010. How's poverty working out for you, kid?

Stop being stupid.

Bonus tip of the day: Do you know why faggots like you are always either fascists or socialists?

>Fascist: "Glorious Leader, gimme free stuff plox."

>Socialist: "Glorious Party, gimme free stuff plox."

Anon, you would have had more value as aborted medical tissue that you will in your entire pathetic life.

>> No.1979812
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>what caused the housing crisis was never fixed.
You mean, except by the thousands of new banking regulations that will ensure it never happens again?

Stop being stupid.

>GDP is anemic

Stop being stupid.

>stocks are massively overvalued
Yeah, faggots like you have been saying this every year since 2010. How's poverty working out for you, kid?

Stop being stupid.

Bonus tip of the day: Do you know why faggots like you are always either fascists or socialists?

>Fascist: "Glorious Leader, gimme free stuff plox."

>Socialist: "Glorious Party, gimme free stuff plox."

Anon, you would have had more value as aborted medical tissue that you will in your entire pathetic life.

>> No.1979817

or "be a cuck and you'll make more money, goy!"

>> No.1980504

lol wtf is wrong with you. Regulations and handouts ensured it did happen. How can you be that delusional?

What did they say that made you jump to 'fascist or socialist', literally the opposite - at what point did they ask for anything?

>> No.1980748

no point in arguing against someone with no reading comprehension

>> No.1980780

Not sure if this is a thread-worthy question so I'll ask here:
What online-only bank gives me the best interest rates possible in a savings account?

>> No.1980789
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>> No.1980818

You're fucking retarded
Go back to /r/socialism and bitch about the truth why don't you
Grade-school-tier ad hominem attacks are for pussies, like yourself
Grow up and make a real argument, kid

Also what the fuck is this fascism leads to free stuff? If people want a fucking job they're qualified for that's not being a socialist kike and just wanting gibs, that's wanting a job to work at so you can buy things.

>> No.1980848
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>People can become millonaires off of 50k/yr and passive income

just start your own business lol bro XD its easy lmao XD

>> No.1981213
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I just want all these debt and wageslave sheep to keep on spending and consuming in order to boost my investment portfolio.

>> No.1981232

I would like to make passive income but I am not educated and don't know how to invest properly. I know enough to know that if you don't understand how to play the market, investing is a good way to lose a lot of money really fast. It also doesn't help that /biz/ gets spammed all the time by ponzi scheme shitcoins which are overtly trying to fucking rip me off.

It's a doggy doggy world out there, o'pee, and if you don't know what you're doing you will get fucked.

>> No.1981248

the fact that the successful one is female and unsuccessful is male is something I find EXTREMELY triggering

>> No.1981279

Keep a journal how? What kind of things are you logging in it? just every day activities or like ideas and shit

>> No.1981317

if they did understand they wouldn't be poor
what kind of stupid question is this?

>> No.1981337

>why do poorfags not understand passive income?
mostly because I don't know how to start. Don't know how to buy bitcoins or beans or any other currency, don't know how to watch the prices. I know the basics of selling it when it's at a higher buy rate than what you bought it at to make money (buying it for five bucks selling for six or seven). I just have no clue on how to start.

>> No.1981388

>passive income
that shit doesn't exists. you either risk your money in which case it's an investment not passive income, or you work for your income or take legal risks. you won't get money for nothing. obviously working hard for a short while and receiving income for longer time instead of one time payment is not in any way a passive income.

>> No.1981394

There's a risk in investing in the whole market...

>> No.1981420

How do you ensure you don't lose money on the property?

>> No.1981428

It's amazing that as soon as you guys are faced with someone who refutes your arguments with facts, you retreat into this "who me?" shell like defensive little children.

This isn't /pol/ or the /pol/ lobby, faggots. On /biz/ we insist on reasoned arguments supported by objective evidence.

You have to go back.

>> No.1982380

>You have to go back
Nice argument you got there

See the thing is I would treat you a lot more seriously if your posts and argument points had a bit more substance with a point -to- argue rather than a view-point-based statement followed up by "Stop being stupid"
You are not providing evidence, you are providing nothing of value and instead assume people know what the fuck you're talking about

>>GDP is anemic

>Stop being stupid

Present a point motherfucker and we can start talking.

Also reddit spacing
I'll help you out and save you some typing

>> No.1982390

You do not have a chance at beating the average return for the market and all assets have a tendency to deflate over time as they are utilized.

Can you time the market better than a bank?

>> No.1982396

This, can't take it to the grave.

Also getting 50k/year isn't as easy/simple as you make it sound.

>> No.1982404

Just buy Vanguard then, you fucking pussy.

>> No.1982474

>Present a point motherfucker and we can start talking.
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were both retarded AND blind. See, I posted a graph that directly refutes your statement that GDP is anemic, and actually shows that GDP growth has been steady and sustained for the last several years.

I've already offered factual rebuttals for every point. But you're so fucking stupid you think all opinions have equal merit, regardless of whether they're true or not. For example, your mother not drowning you at birth. That was a bad decision, and its supported by the fact that every post you've made in this thread has been 100% wrong.

Had I know you were both handicapped and illiterate, I wouldn't have wasted my time. Now that I know you're dumb, incapable of reading, and a waste of life, I'll just filter you out of my sight for good.

You. Have. To. Go. Back.

>> No.1982795
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>> No.1982888


>> No.1982897
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>he took the bait
>he's this asspained

>> No.1982957

Real returns over 45 years for a balanced portfolio of US and international equities exceed 3%.

>> No.1982974


>> No.1982995


Its easy being young and poor. When you get into you late twenties, that old whore biology comes around the corner and start slowly draining the vitality that lets you go on partying by night and eating ramen noodles by day. If you dont do any investing before that, you will realize sooner or later that you expended you most vigerous lifeforce on getting high and chasing shallow cunts, rather than building something for yourself and your family. That is time and effort you will never, ever, get back.

>> No.1983001


(Did I use that right?)

>> No.1983064

Oh it's the old "Someone just make me look stupid so I'll pretend I was trolling all along" ploy?

Great job, kid. You realize you're the stupid one either way, right?

>> No.1983094

50k for 2 adults and 1-3 kids

think about it

>> No.1983571

>People can become millonaires off of 50k/yr and passive income, and yet everyone is upto their fucking eyeballs in debt.

Because people will pay off (1) a mortgage and (2) a car before thinking about investing

Depending on where they are in the world, they might be 45, 50, 55 before the house is finally paid off, THEN they think about retirement

TBQH, a house is a retirement asset for many

>> No.1983669

Do you realize that in order to generate a significant passive income you need money to begin with, don't you?

>> No.1983740

There's a decent amount of resources out there teaching you how to save your money, but there's a multi-billion dollar industry dedicated to teaching you how to spend your money right now.

>> No.1984282
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>> No.1984424

Why do 80% of polish women who move to UK get married to non-western immigrants? WTF are the men doing?

>> No.1985177

^the only anons worth listening to in this thread.

>> No.1985189

You can't take it to the grave, but you can leave it for your kids and wife.

>> No.1985193

Probably the simplest explanation. Since I get all my entertainment from the net(60 a month), would be reading at a library if I didn't have the net, my entertainment budget is zero.
Meanwhile, there's a massive alcohol and food culture based around having a good time right now and enjoying life. You can't really argue with it, because these things are nice. The only reason why moneyfags are against it is because they realize the true cost of alcohol/food over time, they want the money and security more than they want the food/alcohol.
There's no way to argue with desires. I felt the same way, I had no savings, would spend down to my last dime every month on junk food, then the moment I stopped doing that I had tons of savings.
Junk food was almost my entire budget. Once you cut out indulgences, lower your cost of living, it gets much easier to justify saving because you're already living a satisfying life and saving money itself is satisfying too.
I heard about this program in britain where they automatically saved money for your retirement for you, sounded brilliant. I figure that most people know that they should retire, but they want to be forced to do it because they can barely handle the freedom they already have.

>> No.1985216


>> No.1985243

You may want to repeat that last high school year of English, anon.

>> No.1985264

A lot of people will simply be poor no matter how much they earn. I know someone who was making $100k for what I know to be atleast 5 years. She was fired and had to get a loan from her parents within a month. She got another job, and made ~$30k in contract on top of that. She didn't make any estimate payments, and can't come up with the $15k tax bill. She's a little bit of an outlier, but not by much.

>> No.1985269

At OP I do AGREE with you. But at what age is the real problem.

>> No.1985275

Bruh Adderall.

>> No.1985293
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I do not have a retirement fund because as a wagie who has not stayed at a job for more than 2 years, I've yet to find one convincing enough for me

However I do have +8000 in savings, which is better than everyone else around me because I'm very frugal and still live with family

I want to break into some kind of passive income but I have no idea how, and working til (((((retirement))))) or until the robots take my job doesn't interest me

>> No.1985311

>save $900/month
literally impossible for the average joe

>> No.1985420

Shit list, lad. Here's something far more reasonable:

>eliminate sales and property taxes and create a progressive income tax that places the tax burden on the top 0.01% (in other words, poorfags starting out in the world shouldn't be paying taxes since they can't really afford to contribute anything)
>entitlements reform to penalize individuals who abuse them (jail and shame people who attempt to earn welfare when they are capable of working)
>increase minimum wage by small amounts (not $15 an hour outright, but definitely a long term target) to prevent price floors from forming
>get rid of the federal loan program to force colleges to lower prices and compete with one another
>encourage formation of apprenticeship guilds and unions, subject them to third party review at regular intervals
>break up big banks and redistribute them across the United States to prevent a central point of failure for the economy
>bring back Glass-Steigal laws to prevent the smaller banks from colluding and commandeering the economy (basically prevent a 51% style attack on the economy)

>public funds mean public schools, charter schools banned
>develop busing programs to eliminate barriers to entry for disadvantaged students
>hold teacher unions and school officials accountable for their actions
>a school going overbudget repeatedly in a 2-3 year timeframe would trigger a state investigation with the worst punishment mean having their accreditation revoked
>raise the minimum requirements for teaching jobs, raise salaries, make teaching one of the most respected positions out there
>private schools still a choice, but would receive no public funding

social responsibility
>encourage personal responsibility and long term thinking
>increase access to birth control by a billion, teach safe sex practices and family planning
>arrest any "church" that attempts to threaten harm against a person seeking an abortion
>put limits on welfare and actually enforce them

>> No.1985512

Just less vodka anon. Fucks sake...

>> No.1986276


Of course theres gonna be risk with investing. Stocks and home prices CAN go down(historically they always go up), but remember, you don't lose money til you sell. Investing in the whole market and never looking at it is as passive as it gets.

Yes 2008 happened and if you stuck it out all it really did was set you BACK a few years, if you got screwed out of retirement you're a fucking dummy for exposing yourself to that much risk that late in the game.

Shitcoins are essentially penny stocks. You can throw some PLAY MONEY at it, but Bitcoin and ETH are so rare I wouldnt consider it a fucking staple of any portfolio, and I certainly wouldn't expect to get rich off it. Bitcoin was a freak anomaly.

Homes are not technically passive unless you have a management company, but when your making 1200-1500 on each home every month, it'll be worth the 150 bucks each to never even have to think about it.

There must be a lot of low income part time wagies on here for all this shit about "I CANT SCRAP TOGETHER 2 DIMES HOW DO I INVEST?" Jesus guys just budget yourselves, I bought my first home on 25k a year salary and it took my like 2 years yeah but its possible.

If it takes, someone making 25k, 10 years to get 5 homes, and then a total of 15 years from the purchase of the first one for them to all be completely paid off (assuming 15 years to pay off each with a domino effect of rental money into principle, which should be the minimum you strive for) BOOM 60K/yr plus for doing nothing and you have anywhere from 600k-1mil in equity.

>> No.1986761

I make about $1.5k a month online and it's a terrible wage for my city.

I don't live there now but I'm originally from Eastern Europe, hate political correctness and just want to live comfy in an apartment on my laptop.

Apart from Poland, any other cities that I could survive in with my $1.5k? All I'd need is a gym membership & healthy food and fast internet.

>> No.1986960

t.16 year old kid who browses /pol/ and now thinks he knows how to run a country

>> No.1986971

dude fuck,this is legit a really good list

>> No.1987081

everyone taps about running a good business or muh passive income as if it's just some sort of switch that you turn on and you're set. It takes years of work and dedication to make those work, an amount of time most people simply don't have, short of inheriting a small loan of a million dollars.

>> No.1987110


>> No.1987128

how much liquid does /biz/ recommend to have before starting investments? I'd most certainly be looking into long term investing, trying to put together a relatively safe portfolio. I have been fucking with Forex as well, trying to grow 100$ into a couple of hundred each week.

>> No.1987131

If everyone did it wouldn't that make it harder for us?

>> No.1987174

Im 24 years old and making 675 a week USD. My rent is 1000 a month which my girlfriend helps pay, my auto loan is 400, cell phone is 180, other bills usually equal out to 200 or so. How do I begin investing? I started Acorn this weekend and have Robin Hood downloaded

>> No.1987209

>I have been fucking with Forex as well, trying to grow 100$ into a couple of hundred each week.
How have you been doing this? Link tutorials, etc. I can put in a couple hundred $$ here and there.

>> No.1987234

ive been making about 20$ a day following farradays advice, you get a free month sub when you sign on with FOREX and fund an account. Basically just been buying microlot positions and having them sell when i get an email saying to do so. I'm trying to educate myself based off what they're sending me and im kind of getting it, only been doing it for 2 weeks, but ive always made money on Farraday's advice. made about 120$ the first week and like 170 the second week, not bad really. been checking biz too for exchange advice.

>> No.1987249

Nice. You mean this site? https://faradayresearch.com/

How much did you fund your account with?

I know absolutely nothing about this so I feel kinda lost.

>> No.1987258

Yeah, so when you make you account with FOREX and fund an account, they give you the option for a free month sub to Farrady research, which i recommend subbing to and following closely. They give trade advice every morning. Other than that, i'd just look up foreign exchange tips. this one has been pretty informative http://www.babypips.com/ I just put in 100$ originally, which i'd recommend. See if you can grow that into a couple hundred a week(as in, 40-50$ a day on trades) within a few weeks. I wouldn't risk much more than that while you're learning. if you can get where you're making that much then you can start trading fully on that 3-400$ you have in your account and start making like 100$+ a day on trades.

>> No.1987265

Thanks for the advice man.
Do they have their own trading platform too, or do they just send advice?

>> No.1987368
File: 956 KB, 500x375, 1483570575208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure he didn't learn to spend all his money from a Jewish chick in college. If anything he should have learned to save capital from her :p

Sounds like he is just dumb.

pic unrelated

>> No.1987571

>calculate the volume of a cylinder

If you don't use spacial geometry and pattern recognition in your daily life, you are a brainlet.

>> No.1987579

It is for faggots, nevermind the infographic.
Why would you need one anyway, I don't have alzheimer yet.

>> No.1987592

Is everything cheaper in poland, or just national products?

>> No.1987615

How much for an average farm, how much for an middle class apartment?

>> No.1987618

>an middle class

>> No.1987653

As of right now, it is. But high school kids would rather take shitty meme classes like cooking, music, art, and other bullshit. I knew some people in HS who would take multiple art/music classes in a semester despite that having NOTHING to do with their major or what they want to do in life

>> No.1987656

He is trying to prove a point. Nobody makes typing mistakes like this

>> No.1987692

High School isn't the place to pick that kind of stuff. Personal Finance should definitely be a class though. And cooking too, hell I'd argue being able to cook is apart of being financially literate unless you like eating frozen dinners everyday. Going out to eat all the time is expensive.

>> No.1987712

Which country?

>> No.1987854

> Home prices always go up

The trend in midwestern suburbia has been tracking sub inflation for 20 or so years now.

>> No.1987880

You realize his 1,000,000% annual return is a meme, don't you?

>> No.1987896

>immediate rewards
>future rewards

>> No.1987898
File: 20 KB, 300x450, 1667068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half the people are dead at 65

>> No.1987904

>just be a wageslave for 50 years and when you're a senile grandpa with a rotting mind and body you'll be a millionaire don't worry

>> No.1987908
File: 977 KB, 2000x3006, TDKR_Lucius_Fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that it would make any sense of trying to plan 10 yeards ahead, let alone 40 years. you would not know taxation,

market could have been declining 30 years straight like in japan. and japan was bigger economy than eu.

these passive millionaire threads pop up always after 10 years stock market rally. people think it will go like this next 100 years. when in reality markets are very brutal.

>> No.1987913

Better then blowing all your money on scamcoins, "mug daytrading", and that ilk. I guess you'll have to make do waiting in line for your gutted SS.

You fags are so delusional, despite what your gunt tells you, you'll never make it.

>> No.1987922
File: 330 KB, 1696x730, Snapz-Pro-XScreenSnapz00125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to get upset I just tried to give some solid advice. Personally, I do not have to "make it", or make anything. I have plenty of money already, I have always had.

>> No.1987925

Thanks for the enlightenment wagie.

Now go get back in your cubicle, your 5 minute break is up

>> No.1988035

Never said it beats inflation, but it doesnt need to though. The home is making you money every month with rent, so its value increasing is just a nice bonus, and better than devaluation obviously.

>> No.1988047

If it takes you 50 years to retire then you are a poorfag because now your just getting SS anyway. This thread was against poorfag wagecucks this was questioning why people dont retiring within a reasonable time (ie. The age of 35-45), or EARLY RETIREMENT

>> No.1988267

so what should you do with the money you save from the 50k?

>> No.1988333


>10 years to buy 5 homes on a 25k salary


>> No.1988336

>crying about whites when he didn't even bring it up

Lol stay poor

t. an indian

>> No.1988346

Why is an Indian lecturing me about racism? You're too stupid to even read between the alt-right codewords.

>> No.1988353

>On /biz/ we insist on reasoned arguments supported by objective evidence.


What board have you been on?

We don't have reasoned arguments here, we have crypto coin spammers and penny stock gamblers lmao

>> No.1988374

forex is literally a jew scam, dont be involved in it ffs! I'm serious. Only very experienced traders can make money with it.

>> No.1988377

Life lesson #1, anon: Just because you're a fag doesn't mean the whole world is gay.

>> No.1988398

Because bitch, not all brown people dance on your puppet strings.

We come from a culture of saving and investing as well.

Did you think you would get the red carpet treatment and I'd call you a hero or something? Lmao, he's right; if people in the hood stopped purchasing frivolous things or having children they can't afford many of their economic woes on an individual level would be solved. Now, I'm not saying racism and discrimination does not exist when it comes to other aspects of life, but many of their economic woes are self imposed.

>implying we should hate alt-right

They are just dumb frog posters, Indians in the US have a higher chance of having their property and stores looted/burned by BLM thugs and the Bernie Sanders voters who encourage them than being victimized by some trumptards.

>> No.1988415

>share information and data
Oy vey, good goy, be successful

>> No.1988424

Dubs speak the truth

>> No.1988427

Actually not a bad idea.

My grandma gets like $400/mo income and only spends like half. Food and housing is extremely cheap. The expensive thing is luxury goods, because of 23% VAT. Like an iPhone might cost $1000, which is a lot of fucking money in Poland.

>> No.1988433


>> No.1988436

>get online job in america

Implying there is a such a thing.

If you can do it, someone in Indian can do it for 1000x less.

>> No.1988523

This is some /pol/-tier bullshit, so this'll be my last reply, Pajeet.

Feel free to suck the teet of the alt-right if you want, but know that they'll ALWAYS view you as a second-tier, brown inferior. Just because they hate muslims and blacks more doesn't mean they don't hate you. You're just lower on the list, cuck.

>> No.1988566

>asking why poor people remain poor.

Poor people make poor choices. Not just with finances but also with health choices, job choices, transportation choices, entertainment choices, etc

Poor people are poor for a reason.

>> No.1988587


Only whites are into that bullshit my broke friend. Happy investing!

>> No.1988622

It goes like this.

If you are poor, you are told by your parents to "make more money". So instead of making 35k a year you work hard to get a job making 50k a year. Your habits don't change, you just spend a little more and live a little bit more comfortably. You're still fucking yourself over like a poor person by blowing all of your cash, but then you get promoted to making 60k a year and you do the same shit. You never learned any better.

If you are working class you are told by your parents to "save money". So you get that 50k a year job and stick it in a bank. The interest doesn't beat inflation, but you aren't thinking about that. You're thinking about a nest egg to retire on when you get old, and about delaying gratification and maybe being able to afford a vacation instead of spending it on eating out for a month and a big screen tv. So you live a little bit better but not as well as you could.

If you are middle class your parents tell you to "invest money". So you start a 401k, an IRA, and maybe buy some stock options. You already make more money in a comfy job than the people in the working class, and by the time you get ready to retire your investments start to turn into assets which are promptly broken up and squandered by your 2.5 kids.

If you are rich your parents tell you to "acquire assets and make sure that they outweigh your liabilities". So you use your IRA, TSP, and 401k as assets. You leverage your money to buy real estate and businesses. You don't give a shit how much you make, your money isn't measured in terms of your personal earnings but in the cash flow and appreciation of your assets, which must outweigh your liabilities.

People only sometimes know the next step up, they rarely take two steps upward in their lifetimes.

>> No.1988634

Poland is amazing, I have a much better life here than I did in London and I'm so much poorer.

It only required the sacrifice of my lungs, however.

The girls are attractive but also so much more cultivated, encouraging and interesting. The "encouraging" part is significant. If you are a little bit hopeless with women like I was, then coming to Poland will sort you out.

I think the salaries allow you to live a decent life here in the mid-term, it's just that when you reach the point that you have a personal crisis or need to renew a major purchase, you're fucked. I'll be off back to Bongland in such a case.

>> No.1988642


27% of Brits can not change a light bulb. Only 15% of them can change the oil in their car.

You give humanity way way too much credit

>> No.1988645

What do you work as in Poland?

>> No.1988679

you have it easy, my country's average wage is 3k euros
t. balkan

>> No.1988739

at least your ghoulash is good

>> No.1988754

Is it possible to go from like lower middle class to rich? What's the best way to go about this? I can't even fucking afford to go to school right now and I don't want my future kids to have to deal with the same bullshit I've had to.

>> No.1988759

Buy now retard. time in the market>timing the market

>> No.1988862

I did it through the military, I worked with fiber optics and now I have a job earning $70k a year with AT&T plus full benefits, but it's not for everyone.

If you do go to the military, choose a job that will give you skills in a field that has good opportunities. Don't sign the contract to be a janitor or some shit.

>> No.1988882


You have three choices: the military, higher education, or a skilled trade in which you can eventually be your own boss. Incidentally the military helps with those other two, but it's a major risk/sacrifice.

>> No.1988894

The thing is, even if I was in better shape, I wouldn't be able to join the military because of my mental health history. I've been seeing a therapist for the past 5 years or so and I've given given a few medications in the past.

>> No.1988903


Then your choices are higher education or a skilled trade. Good luck.

>> No.1988906

>tfw your fiance makes 42k a year and you make 50k.

>tfw you have a higher household income than most people at ages 21 and 24.

>> No.1988911

Well, I got accepted into a local university but I don't know how I'm going to pay for it. My dad won't help me at all and since he makes $70,000 a year, the government only offered me $5,500 total and the total cost of attendance per year is roughly $23,000. I may have to take out private loans but I don't know if that's a good idea.

>> No.1988914


First grants, then scholarships, then publicly subsidized loans, and then if you must private loans if necessary.

It's more expensive not to have a degree than to have one.

>> No.1988926

I'll look into everything. I also want to set up an appointment with their financial aid office.

I'm still not sure what to major in as right now I'm undecided. I've heard majoring in engineering is a good idea but I'm really not sure what would make the most money.

>> No.1988932

Work full time and go to school full time, and take 5 years doing it vs 4. (Unless you hate yourself).

If you can't work full time and go to school full time, then you're lying to yourself.

>> No.1988938

Econ/Stats/Finance + CS/CE

Trust me.

>> No.1988939


Engineering is up there, but every major has it's advantages and everyone I know who based major life decisions on a projected salary has come to hate their decision.

>> No.1988978

Listen, a two year trade school may be what you're looking for.

Find what trades are in demand and something that sounds like you'd enjoy doing

>> No.1989002

go to a community college near you, I'm assuming your American right?

DO NOT do all four years at the Public university if you know you can transfer from a community college over to the university, youll be saving a shit load of money.

my CC has 7k for 60 credits
my university is 21,000 per year

going all 4 years is 84k
doing 2 years at CC then transfering to finish my last two years will be 49k.

35k Id save doing CCollege.

Check your options to that man, don't fuck up your classes and apply for all the scholarships you can. Work part time if you can, do not fall for all 4 years meme, youll drown in debt

>> No.1989008


You do save a shit load of money, but at the same time you fail to become acculturated to the norms of the educated and also fail to make as deep of a connection to your peers. Those are both valuable things.

>> No.1989024

>norms of the educated
Explain. I'm already disagreeing with it in my head.

>fail to make as deep of a connection to your peers

in what way? You'll maintain your friendships all 4 years? When they change careers after 1st year electives?

Give me an example, are you referring to connections? That doesn't sound right when you can do that anytime provided you find the opportunity with someone and you stick to your guns by not screwing up.

>> No.1989040


>already disagreeing with it in my head

Middle class people with college educations are socially very different than blue collar people without college educations. Two extra years of dorm life and becoming orientated with a group of friends going through the same classes and acclimation is important to making the shift.

It's not polite to say this, but it is true.

>That doesn't sound right when you can do that anytime provided you find the opportunity with someone

You find those opportunities through immersion in the same environment and social group.

>> No.1989052

>but at the same time you fail to become acculturated to the norms of the educated and also fail to make as deep of a connection to your peers. Those are both valuable things.

>SJW collect culture

>> No.1989064

>Not polite to say this, but it is true.
Hmm, I'm inclined to agree with you there. That is true, but in the end, I wholeheartedly believe if the other anon cannot afford to pay those four years, he should do the CC route. It seems his father will or can not support him, and since I work in the financial aid office, that $5,500 seems to be the public sub loans. I'm under the assumption that $23k might be including room and board. I'd need to check the actual place he plans on studying.

>You find those.....
I can't say I completely agree, but I am willing to understand the point of view. However, the social group is inclined to be created through same classes. Immersion is dependent on the actual anon. I can't assume anything, but if I have to, knowing he browses 4chan, he may be on the more introverted side.

Doesn't help his case. I don't agree that he should continue with this route with the idea of him spending $23k in order to have a test run.

>> No.1989191

t. dumb normie brainlet

>> No.1989336

Seriously dude, unless you're an actual dumb normie, you will not connect with these people

Good luck

>> No.1989447


this is someone who thinks they know what theyre talking about

being a transfer is 100% fine. yes u have maybe 3 months of discomfort initially assimilating socially but guess what? theres hundreds of transfers alongside you

and guess what else? being cool is universal. dress well. lift weights. know how to talk to people. ull be 100x better off than most 4 years.

>> No.1989467

This. Ive transfered 3 times. You feel like youve been somewhere dorever after a week

>> No.1989501

Any material to learn more about assets and liabilities and leveraging? Im young and want to own lots of property later on

>> No.1989537


Damn nigga, you're going to have a rough time.


Some would say that 23k plus interest is worth the ticket, but to each their own.


>college peers
>dumb normie
>you will not connect

Being a venomous aspie doesn't make you smart by default.


A 4 year window of meeting people, only one or two years of which you'll be in a dorm, is different than two years of meeting people, of which you might spend no time at all in a dorm really bonding with campus communities.

>> No.1989565

Either that or we drag the (((1%))) down to our level.

A man can only dream.

>> No.1989568


I want (((/pol/))) to go away forever.

>> No.1989569

This. Dropped out of juco twice. Party at 4 years with friends. Only difference is more people and twice the pretentious faggot ratio.

Not liking joh butler trio because everuone else does doesnt make u cool. It males u a normie cuck

>> No.1989573

The fuck? Brainlet my ass i can barely string together a sentance. Lol

>> No.1989657

the people I met in my four years at a large mediocre state university were not worth ANYTHING

your "peers" are worthless and the only "networking" you need to do is with your professors, career centers, recruiters, and internship managers

>> No.1989699


So what I'm hearing is that YOUR peers were worthless and that in that time you didn't associate with any students who went on to do anything of worth or have family connections in any industry at all.

...that reflects on you buddy.

>> No.1989762

I only have $500 and i want into crypto. Any tips because I also want to go to the moon

>> No.1989771
File: 80 KB, 396x594, Ivanka-Trump-Bra-Size-Wiki-Hot-Images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why can't people make money?
Holy shit what yuppy planet are you from?

Why don't you teach us all how to make passive income and get a job for fucking 50Kin this nightmare world when you have ZERO throw away money and the average bad credit for anyone who attended school or had to go to a hospital ever; tell us all how to throw money at the wall and see if it sticks -- money that could go to paying your rent. And then you'll get rich from teaching.


>> No.1989781

minn wage is a meme and you're only disadvantaging skilless young people and continuing to cripple small businesses. inflation is far more harmful to wageslaves.

"Breaking up" big banks is moronic and unnecessary. repealing dodd-frank, and govt's ability to rescue bad banks would already solve the problem. once they realize they don't have a lifeline they will spend responsibly. this would also require people to actually research a bank before opening an account. glass-steigal won't mean anything unless you take away govt insurance as well.

>public funds mean public schools, charter schools banned
>develop busing programs to eliminate barriers to entry for disadvantaged students
>hold teacher unions and school officials accountable for their actions
>a school going overbudget repeatedly in a 2-3 year timeframe would trigger a state investigation with the worst punishment mean having their accreditation revoked
>raise the minimum requirements for teaching jobs, raise salaries, make teaching one of the most respected positions out there
>private schools still a choice, but would receive no public funding

You're kicking a dead horse. more regulations for an overregulated education system won't fix the problem. Superior schools with superior teaching, provided they meet certain criteria, shouldn't be excluded from state funding. Competition and free choice increases the quality of a product, while lowering its cost.

>increase access to birth control by a billion, teach safe sex practices and family planning
as long as I don't have to fund it. condoms cost pocket change. just remove the age restriction. abstinence has been taught for decades and doesn't work.
>put limits on welfare and actually enforce them
strangers in washington spending other strangers money on other strangers will never spend it as responsibly as you spend your own money. a simple negative income tax would be far more effective as combating poverty.

>> No.1989813
File: 42 KB, 414x496, O_Magazine_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That meme is Oprah tier bullshit. It would make anyone into a walking doormat until they get screwed enough.

>Take responsibility for my actions!
OK, Boomer.

>> No.1989821
File: 28 KB, 400x400, baby boomers america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take responsibility for my actions!
I meant "YOU must take responsibility for MY actions!"

>> No.1989843
File: 155 KB, 634x952, cultural marxism miley money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't had less than $500 since I was 14. My lowest since was $1500... And I'm born-poor lived-poor hyper-poorfag who has been barely employed the whole time.
No you're a spoiled kid who has the world laid out for him on a silver platter. Because of this you look at Upperclass people and think you're poor. Then you look at niggers who spend their money on crap (because they're never going anywhere in life anyway - so fuck it) and then think how smart you are.

Every single thread on chans about financial improvement ends with spoiled kids who grew up knowing nothing else but a safe middle class lifestyle screeching "It's your fault you're not comfy, loser, I'm just smart and better than you!"

>> No.1990541

Jesus and I thought I had it bad at 20k a year. I'll have to become an expat if I ever hope to achieve 50 to 70k.

>> No.1990550

I can relate to this. Thank you for opening my eyes anon.

>> No.1990552

and yet here I am
a professional with six figure income

networking is a b-school meme for poors

>> No.1990562

>these passive millionaire threads pop up always after 10 years stock market rally.

Jesus how long have you been around?

>> No.1990597

>go to university
>pay to 'learn' for 4 years
>take out loan with interest
>maybe get shitty retail or fast food job on the side
>graduate into an unpredictable job market with very little experience

>get a trade
>get paid money to learn
>able to get a second job to stash away money to invest
>no loan
>already have years of experience when you finish
>probably stay with your existing employer
>trade skills probably more lucrative because Mexicans are leaving/not coming

>> No.1990651

Not only are you being dishonest but not everyone wants to work a trade. I get you love being around sweaty men all day and love that your job is very susceptible to economic downturn but I'm just not a fan.

Notice I just did exactly what you did, faggot.

>> No.1990673

Most people don't even want to work in the field that they're studying. Does working around sweaty men make you uncomfortable faggot? It's like you've never worked a day in your life. Accountants, consultants, people that work in finance etc are walked out the door as soon as a downturn hits. People still need to have faults repaired, they need to have their heating serviced, they need to have their taps fixed.

>> No.1990683

>Most people don't even want to work in the field that they're studying.

What? Even if that were true, most people are retarded. Doesn't mean you need to be.

>Does working around sweaty men make you uncomfortable faggot?

No, I don't get off on it like you do though.

>People still need to have faults repaired, they need to have their heating serviced, they need to have their taps fixed.

People still need to know their companies books follow regulation, they need to to the project they are undertaking is being managed well, etc etc.

My whole how point was that you are painting something black and white when it's not while also conveniently picking the shittiest road map for finishing a degree. Trades are good work though, but they aren't without their faults as well but you conveniently left those out.

>> No.1990741

Fucking faggot ass boomers and their shitty out dated advice.

Faggits havent been relevent since the berlin wall went down.


>> No.1991194

>Everybody can be rich

LOL no they can't retard. Count your lucky stars that you lucked out.

>> No.1991195

Fuck you all.

I'll go to medic school and enjoy my 100k income when I'm 40.

>> No.1991245

low energy post.

>> No.1991261


>rationalizing your bitch work job this hard

Nothing wrong with making a living in trades, but people who rag on white collars jobs with incomes several times higher than theirs for half the effort is just sad.

>> No.1991342

Not as low energy as yours you dumb faggot.

>> No.1991361

because you're using your own anecdotal assumptions backed by no facts

>> No.1991394

In this order:

Adding knowledge allows you to understand the methods behind investing
-income limitations
understanding that you should not exceed your gross income in costs or debt
-rewarding yourself first
will that item you purchase now have a lasting effect on you or is it better to sock it away for your future? Excessive purchases will look a lot different if you view each dollar as something more.
-controlling costs
Do you really need television and big data plans? investigate what you really need when the internet can replace most information networks and newspapers
-multiple revenue streams
the concept of working a job and investing your money is boring, until it starts paying you back

be fiscally responsible and let yourself be paid for it.

>> No.1991410

>Born in Poland
>Know that wages are shit and anything non-local such as technology or even just branded food cost most of a monthly earning
>Have the choice to move anywhere within europe and do anything
>Decide to become a Polish translator so that your entire professional life is bound to staying in or relating to this country
Haha, oh wow. Swefag here, I could probably live a normal life if I took a ferry across to Poland and got on some gibs back here (currently only on unemployment, which is real shitty at 4000 sek/$456 or roughly 1764 Zloty). But then I'd be living in Poland so there's that.

>> No.1991421

>45 years
You're forgetting the part where inflation eats most of that. 3% is what you should aim just for inflation alone, to not outright lose money.

>> No.1991589

>Hurrdurr you were lucky I were not that's why I'm poor hurrdurr
>Everybody (((can))) be rich, but not (((everybody))) can be rich.
Outta here poorfag

>> No.1991617
File: 159 KB, 800x505, PoorFag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a job you lazy fuck