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File: 1.69 MB, 1600x980, 1592266775751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19743460 No.19743460 [Reply] [Original]

Is self-improvement a meme?

>> No.19743522
File: 686 KB, 783x464, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, just please make sure when you an-hero it is streamed on a good non-laggy platform with links provided well in advance to both /biz/ and /r9k/.

Claim you got Bogged by some random shitcoin and are now 100k in debt.

Also wrong board fgt.

>> No.19743635

people make the same argument for why they don't need to learn math. because some people just get it and it's pointless. they end up not being able to read a simple statistic and super gay

>> No.19743658

Self improvement isn't a meme, but trying to improve yourself to be more 'normal' is a meme and never works.

>> No.19743661

yes. you should never learn anything because it's a waste of time

>> No.19743663

this copy pasta is so stupid. it's the mentality of people who had their "golden years" in high school and don't do anything else except wallow in nostalgia

>> No.19743692
File: 254 KB, 1242x728, 52F31BB4-5490-4B64-838D-7BAAF073CFC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m either going to be rich and continue my “life”

I’m going out in a giant fireball

First person with dubs decides

>> No.19743708

Don't listen to that blackpill bullshit. It's a fetish, and you should have a self-appreciating fetish instead of one that damns you

yes self-improvement is a meme, a very good meme

you just gotta do it, and then fail and then do it again... my story is fucked, from childhood on, but several years ago when I was just about at my worst in every aspect of life I talked to an anonymous girl on omegle for several hours and she told me to stop allowing other people to define me, to make myself into a god, ever since then I've been fully committed.. something as simple as getting out of bed at a decent time and sweeping your apartment goes a long way.. there was many years of my life I wouldn't make eye contact with anyone, I've been through addiction after addiction, I've been scammed out of more money than I care to count by trusting people, I had to learn to take care of myself. I mean there's just so much to fuck up in this life and sometimes I sit and wonder, if there's someone who just had positive reinforcement all their life and got treated like a god, I wonder if they'd just do everything right every time and be a millionaire by 30, I mean really who gives a fuck if such masters of reality do exist? Life is pretty cool anyways. If I need instant motivation, I remember when one anon told me that life is always in HD. I've been on 4chan since '03 when I was 16 years old and I've grown with /b/ and everyone else. I never met anyone in life that wasn't willing to fuck me over, but the collective here on 4chan has always helped me overcome whatever I asked for help with. So set some goals, clean your room, read something and go make eye contact with a girl and say hello and shit like that. Diet is crucial. If your shoes are hurting your feet, get better shoes, and sleep in a proper bed. I can't begin to tell you how much I've improved since I got on the path. Best wishes

t. schizo

>> No.19743709

This. You are who you are, just be a better version of yourself not a new person.

>> No.19743752

Why leave it up to other people? Choose for yourself