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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 110 KB, 680x453, just wanna grill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19723868 No.19723868 [Reply] [Original]

for gods sake edition

>Stock market Words

>Risk Management

>Live Bloomberg Stream

>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings

>Merchandise for better investment

>Links for bears


>Previous Thread

>> No.19723878

Reminder all anons should use meth to make better trades

>> No.19723879

Only Jesus can save you. Seek and as him yourself.

>> No.19723882
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>> No.19723884

pee pee poo poo

>> No.19723891
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Currently tweaked tf out looking at charts and shit

>> No.19723905

Just buy dividend stocks and hold till death.

>> No.19723908

Yeah bro it's gambling when you invest in the fundamentals and hold bro make trades, lose 40% when the underlying is worth 3000%+ and sell at the bottom bro that's how you invest in fundamentals also make sure to be up fudding instead of sleeping to be awake during pre-market fuck you I need to go to bed but your post just made me that angry

>> No.19723915
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>Market will crab slightly down this week
This belief could trigger a much bigger sell off though. Remember, when you think your stocks will be .5% lower by the end of the week, you sell and reenter later. And many people try to do that and dump it all.

I dont think we will see a bigger crash though, but a small down movement to 290 is in the cards. Maybe 280 if something really bad happens

Aqua from Konosuba
Most of the time shes drunk

>> No.19723919

>The only bad thing about life returning to "normal" is that it's only a mater of time before I'll have to go back to work full time.. Wearing a mask till it blows over totally but still at the office instead of going in as needed as it is now.

I'm holding out hope that anyone that was able to work full time from home, that in their company whoever was writing the monthly checks out to pay rent for millions of dollars of office space says
>Wait a minute
>We just had everyone work from home for months
>and we didn't skip a beat
>....why the fuck are we paying for office space?

>> No.19723921

The duality of smg.

>> No.19723924
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absolutely based OP

>> No.19723925

Buy corporate and treasury bonds if you are going to do that garbage.

>> No.19723930

>/smg/ nothing but bull posts
>market crashes a day later
>/smg/ now nothing but bear posts


>> No.19723942

we're all just schizo figments of your imagination. it's a fucking stock market that runs on numbers, statistics. who cares about bears and bulls and crabs. MAKE MONEY STOOPID

>> No.19723943

Dividend stocks are a boomer meme to justify holding F, XOM and KO compared to even the basic QQQ.

>> No.19723947
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>298 breached

WHY GOD???? WHY DID I GO LONG? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????????????????????????????????ITS FUCKING OVER







>> No.19723950

I actually ended up slappin some rock while peaking on acid and dmt and talked to jesus himself and decided he was a gay ass nigger.

>> No.19723951

baby's first stock trade

Nikkei is open and only down 0.5%. We'll be fine.

>> No.19723953

Get help. It is possible become a better person, but you will only be a burden and a well of heartache and pity until you try.

>> No.19723962

some of the dividend stocks may as well be growth equity with how battered they were.
I'm still very bullish on canadian REITs when Trudeau is indirectly keeping them alive with rent subsidies to retail businesses

>> No.19723966

more like
>stock market spikes really hard for 1 and a half weeks
>whoop nevermind
>it goes back down to where it was less than 2 weeks ago
>then continues on it's previous trajectory

meanwhile in /smg/

>> No.19723971
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Apperently about 50% of /smg/ wears diapers to some extent so I really wouldn't try to quantify any of these posts.

>> No.19723973

We are all bots trying to get you to buy in, just so we can take it all away.

Also a lot of the people here are option gambling tards who buy weekly calls and other shit. A 1% market drop just killed 30% of their portfolio. 136.44$ up in smoke.

>> No.19723974

Im a great person fym. Im the most productive guy in my office because i sit in my chair lightning focused sweating buckets autistically doing accounting shit. Noone even notices, i just told them i have whatever the hyperhydroxia shit is called. Nothing compares man youve gotta try it.

>> No.19723978

Dividend stocks are the equivalent of bending the knee to true wealth.

(Look at At&t)

No growth, like being frozen. No movement for 3 years....

Buy growth and ignore for 5 years.

Beyond Meat
Chesapeake Energy

>> No.19723980
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xth for fuck your fundamentals, line go up LMAO

>> No.19723987
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crab day ahead. fuck bobos. fuck bvlls.

>> No.19723990
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>> No.19723991

If you're too mature for this shit then you can go back to whatever the fuck you came from.

>> No.19723993

iron condor is gay

>> No.19723999


>> No.19724002
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*snib snab*

>> No.19724004


>> No.19724007

Someone post the graph of “You are here” with the dips. It definitely if following that trend. We’re entering the second dip tomorrow

>> No.19724016
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>> No.19724017

>One of them literally bankrupt already
Jesus Christ.

>> No.19724024

ASX: PLS and ASX: NVX, tesla annocument on their battery day.

Is going to moon!

>> No.19724027

isn't that why /smg/ is great? you know right away what the fuck is going on at the very minute.
Up to you to also sift through the bullshit and do your due diligence into the picks people mention here. Found out about REITs here and then looked into it myself. Pocketed some nice gains over the last few weeks but my trailing stop triggered so I'm waiting to buy back in once it's less volatile. The stress of trying to time during this volatility is not worth it for my health so I'd rather be fashionably late than too early.

>> No.19724029

Some institution should make an ETF that has the top 50 robinhood stocks weighted by popularity and rebalanced daily. Would love to track it's performance.

>> No.19724037
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Which one of the oil futures is the bullshit landlocked one that went briefly negative, and which is the one worth putting on my watchlist?

>> No.19724038
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welcome to the shill-fud dialectic of /biz/
No matter which side is winning at the time, the dialectic always moves towards maximum losses

>> No.19724040

>website full of autistic NEETs
>nanoscopic analysis by wannabe day-traders
You expected what, exactly?

>> No.19724042

Ask what fucks the most people. I think going up again really fast to FOMO people in who just sold then dumping big again before slowly rising is the move.

>> No.19724045

Something tells me Elon will never do battery day. Makes more sense to tease it and keep it as a trump card if the stock falls. No point doing it at 900+

plenty of people have been waiting for after battery day to short too.

>> No.19724047

Kek, find a better way to cope 'bro'. I realize it is cope or rope in this market, but literally dressing like a woman would be better than what you have going on

>> No.19724048
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>> No.19724049
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I hate women.

>> No.19724051

>buy $5,000 of dividend stocks
>live life
>on death bed
>”hmmm better check my schwab account and see how I did”

>> No.19724054


>> No.19724058

>trying to daytrade
>watching videos
>all of them are infomercial tier

Bro’s I just wanna make it

>> No.19724060

based. fuck diviecucks

>> No.19724064
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Buy WFC calls

>> No.19724066
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>didn't consider selling two fridays ago
>bought puts and calls on friday to try straddling
>sold my puts near 300 because I didn't want to risk losing my gains
>now only stuck with calls
>3/5 of my assets in stocks
>maybe have about 8-10 months left in regular savings

If I have to fucking sell my stocks in 6 months because I'm still out of a job and low on savings and SPY is permacrabbing at 200 I might just kill myself.

>> No.19724071

You're so deep in your delusion you can't even see what's coming. I'll pray for you. I've been there, meth is garbage anyway but you'll do better drugs as your life deteriorates. 2 years sober been there get out while you can.

>> No.19724072

Wtf is battery day

>> No.19724080
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are divvies the new balance autism stock

>> No.19724081

Fool, the last two have gained 200%+. Huge growth companies. Are you jealous of those gains ;)?

>> No.19724082

Your expectations of them are just unrealistic.

>> No.19724089
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>> No.19724090

The day we all smack our 2d wimmen

>> No.19724092

what i want is a bro with a vagina
is that too much to ask?

>> No.19724100


>> No.19724106

why are you trading? you're going to be dead soon

>> No.19724108

People that are making it aren't going to start telling the world their top sekrit methods.

>> No.19724109


>> No.19724122
File: 88 KB, 333x360, ballin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daytrading is, for most people, a retarded way of trying to gamble.
You might as well try to figure out pachinko machines or roulette and have the same success. 90% of day traders give up in a year or so.

The best way to make money is long or mid term investing with a small amount of risk. Call spreads, covered calls, butterflies, pure stocks, PMCC, etc.
And never use more than 10% of your money on something that could go to 0 in the blink of an eye.

HTZ can. MSFT cant. They can, but if they do Id worry more about bullets than USD.

>> No.19724137

I don't know what to tell you if you haven't realized yet that 99.9% of posters on this site are overly reactive manchildren with borderline mental retardation.

>> No.19724139

In a way you could have that but you have to be the authority to a woman.
What you are looking for though is some fucking around so you're just in for trouble and turmoil.

>> No.19724141

That's the trick, they don't get rich day trading. the get rich selling to you how to daytrade

>> No.19724142

Based retard poster.

>> No.19724144

any public strategy for something like daytrading would get algo hunted and beaten. Even the biggest firms who leaked their algo strat get eaten up.

Anything formulaic you have to keep secret. Qualitative analysis you can publicly talk about because it's just opinion.

>> No.19724150
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Yeah. But Im not settling for less.
Im quite happy, so a mediocre relationship would just pull me down.
>Are you jealous of those gains ;)?
Not really. No.

>> No.19724153

I don't understand this. Didn't they have their big day already, at the beginning of June? What makes you think there is any more upside? I'd never touch a stock like this.

>> No.19724158

May contract was the negative one. It went to hell on April 20. If you don't want that part messing up the scaling on your chart you can use CL2, continuous:next contract in front.

>> No.19724159

Even better.

>hold dividend stocks till death
>enter stock lending program
>sit back and collect passive income

cha ching.

>> No.19724162

He's right though.

>> No.19724163

Miltos has good videos

>> No.19724165

Holly fuck I haven't seen red futures on Sunday since March, should I sell at open?

>> No.19724166

Im just trying to learn the basics but every video is just the same

I bought some stock for tmrw (only $100) and see what the fuck is up. I’ve been lurking for a few weeks but now I’ll see what happens.

>> No.19724172

They say the Ottoman's made their jannisary soldiers swear an oath of celibacy because they knew virgin men are easy to stir up and take advantage of

>> No.19724182

being authoritative destroy your soul
i want to meet an equal woman like a bro
usually if i treat women as equal they think i'm weak
they're disgusting inside and demand to be put down
they beg to be enslaved, they look for psychopaths

>> No.19724184

That's your ego deciding your subconscious mind is gay...

>> No.19724185

You'd think for the average normie, but even they fuck that up.

>> No.19724186

Just a warning to bulls out there, if you see SPY break 296, then the next support should be 280. Don't fucking get stuck bag holding if SPY is going to close below 296. Since JPOW is talking on Tuesday I expect to see what happened with uncertainty on last Thursday when he spoke. The market will have a conniption fit.

>> No.19724194
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>erm, yeah I knew it
>what's my cost basis? heh
>no I'm not going to show you my 6-month return
>look at my puts that are up 100%
>heh, I knew it

>> No.19724195

peak based

>> No.19724207
File: 136 KB, 1492x996, wallstdoge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy order @ limit price X
>Sell order @ limit price <X

>> No.19724215

Depending on what your expectations of them are, you might not have to lower them. Just understand that they don't exist to sweep you off your feet and provide you with security.

>> No.19724218

Stocks are the bread and butter of the market. Buy some AMD or AMZN and just watch how it behaves. Market times, market lingo, AAAAAAHHHHHHH, training your mind when you lose 5% in a single day, being happy when you gain them back and some, etc.

Go from there to mid or short term strategies like those mentioned above.

And if you think you can do it, start to day trade. But day trading from day 1 is like trying to win chess against a computer without knowing even the moves or openings.

>> No.19724231

>algos drive the stock down for 3 seconds and trip your stop limit. no hard feelings anon

>> No.19724237
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>tfw 27, 280k saved, retired before 30
>from rags
fuck everyone. i fucking made it and i'm done

>> No.19724241

This is why the robinhood pump cannot be sustained. We are about to enter a free fall, or the feds can devalue the usd by another 20% and put money in corporate pockets to weather the storm.

>> No.19724245

You retired on 280k? Do you plan on living under a bridge for the rest of your days?

>> No.19724250

No, good women are naturally subservient. So if you want to attract the right kind of woman you must be the right kind of man.

You are being a weak man, so you will drive away the good subservient women and attract the nasty hateful dominant woman who will treat you poorly. Unlike women, men can be both authoritative, and also patient and loving.

The enslavement and psychopaths and BDSM people are off the other far end opposed to you. Look for a healthy balance in the middle, instead of extremes on both sides which are imbalanced and will not last.

it's kind of hot to have someone who wants to obey you willingly. Take advantage of that and make her a woman of modesty and value.

>> No.19724257

no if his rent is 800 he gets 30 more years

>> No.19724260
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Tomorrow, should l dump all my XSPA to buy more IVR?

>> No.19724270

Take the profits.
>Buy $20 stock.
>Sell order @ $21.
>5% take it and move on to another trade.
Scale to desired position size. Run multiple trades. 3-10 positions at once. small swings.

>> No.19724271

no i retire before 30

>> No.19724273

Security is the least of my issues. I just lose interest way too fast, I dont find most women attractive and women bore me to death. They are like clones. They all do the same stuff, believe the same things and act the same. Once you read a book twice its no longer that enticing desu
He can literally wheel 2 GOOG each week and just pocket 2k while living off half of that like a king in SEA.

No idea why you all want to retire in downtown NYC.

>> No.19724287
File: 761 KB, 1400x1254, mash kyrielight (fate and 1 more) drawn by oumi_(rsag) - 91686ed065bf67b6aa1a3ab54455ce62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, but was that West Texas Intermediary (WTI) or Brent Crude futures?

I guess I found my answer, WTI:


>I hate women.
That's them teaching you how they want to be treated.

>> No.19724291

You need at least 7m to retire early

>> No.19724294
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So guys, how long do you think it'll be before we see SPY above 300 again?

>> No.19724299

>trying to retire with 6 figures
I hope you live in a 3rd world country where lunch costs $3

>> No.19724303

>You need at least 7m

>7,000,000 / 800 rent is 8750 months or 729 years

so you could retire with you and 15 of your friends with 7 million

>> No.19724307

10AM tomorrow morning

>> No.19724312

you're weak virgin hoping to be a psychopath

>> No.19724313

After the dark times. When all things are denoted in Neo-Deutschmark and the South Chinese Kingdom has stopped the invasion of the Korean tribes.

>> No.19724314
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>future is red
>crude oil @ 35

>> No.19724316

literal tranny cope

>> No.19724317

That's what I'm doing.
Gonna buy 10,000 shares of at&t in a 10 year time frame and retire.
I already have a growth stock (chainlink)

>> No.19724321

kek, 280,000 is nice where I am. You could buy a house in full and still have over 110,000 left over for example. The tax rate ain't bad either nor is cost of living.

>> No.19724331

Probably the best way to cope, no long lasting damage like with booze, cigarettes, coke, crack, meth, weed, etc. Unless you get your dick cut off but that is just retarded

>> No.19724335

Not even sure what to do. All premiums are high as heck. What do you all plan to do this week?

>> No.19724336

Ow my XOM bags

>> No.19724338

280k is hardly fucking making it. You could barely buy a mid to shit tier home outright.

>> No.19724339

That's why my entire strategy is qualitative analysis.

>> No.19724343

>I am going to put nearly all my money into a zombie corporation during an economic downturn with a corporate debt bubble potentially popping
The link is a better 20 year investment honestly.

>> No.19724348
File: 155 KB, 800x527, ap_20024492276218_custom-05707b2f5f5bcd85e99daf2c9ebc674cbc4920fd-s800-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prophet here, have some insider info:
Slaughter a lamb and paint the outside of your doors with their blood tomorrow. You're welcome

>> No.19724350

A Chad amongst virgins

>> No.19724352

>300k capital
>20k dividends

Better hope they don't go under. It'll take 15 years before you make your initial back.

>> No.19724356


>> No.19724357

That's enough to make it in southeast asia or eastern europe.
Why the fuck would you want to retire in America especially with the blm rioters taking over?

>> No.19724359

I was doing this a few years ago. Buy something for $2000 and take profits after it goes up $100. Was a lot of work and not very rewarding.

>> No.19724364

>rent will not go up each year due to inflation

>> No.19724367

This. It's also why i never reveal my holdings unless i already cashed out or am soon planning to make a move

>> No.19724368

>t. someone who has never in their life lived in a country where everyone will consider them an outsider and will treat them as a subhuman

>> No.19724369

But you’re supposed to buy multiple stocks m8

>> No.19724376
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>paint the outside of your doors with their blood tomorrow
b-but my damage deposit!

>> No.19724377

Not true. You are the weak one who also opposes natural order. You won't ever be at peace as long as you do that.

Strong men are not suckers to weak opinions that will make your life miserable.

>> No.19724385

I bought SQQQ puts

>> No.19724386

>when you think your stocks will be .5% lower by the end of the week, you sell and reenter later
No I don't because I could be wrong and by the time I re-enter my position I'll be down more that if I just held. It helps that I am in value positions for my active account, for my etf account that actually tracks markets/sectors I just hold, buy a bit if it is an up week and bunch if it is a down week.

>> No.19724389

that's why you take 5% and not .5% you fucking moron.

>> No.19724393

>Not having a rotation of several hundred pattern stocks
Not gonna make it.

>> No.19724396
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>my xom puts

>> No.19724402

Why do Americans seem to believe that retiring early with less than 500k is bad or impossible?
I mean its just complete nonsense if you practice a bit of moderation, do not buy a new yacht every week and do not need three houses.

Hell, if you have 300k in equities the return alone will provide you with more money than the median wage.

And once you move to south America or something like Turkey you can cut your costs in half. 300k is what an upper class Indonesian or Indian earns in his whole life I think.

>> No.19724406

Also, indexes work better for these strats. no need to do FA on SPY..

>> No.19724410
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>futures back up to +0.08%

>> No.19724413

I did not mean you specifically but algos that would kill an entire city for a .1% more monthly return.

>> No.19724414

women in this planet are demonic inside
only losers with weak spirits sold their soul to think that is natural and good
satan's trap

>> No.19724416

Why XOM puts instead of XLE puts?

>> No.19724418

you can make it with 280k but you have to buy land, and build your own house which requires materials, equipment, permits, loicenses, etc. if not then buy land then drop a prefab on it. let's say you are left with a cheeky 150k after, that's still enough to buy guns and hunt for food. then to make enough to pay land tax just day trade with 50k.

only city faggot simps who want to be in a relationship with a woman needs over 300k to make it. i can easily survive on 100k in the alaskan wilderness with just me and my palm. i might go insane from loneliness but at least i'll die happy and peaceful. fuck all this cityslicker shit that's how you get sad and depressed and stressed out.

>> No.19724425

This individualistic "just let the world burn, bro" shit is gay. You should be making wealth and building groups to save your race and your civilization. If I become a millionaire it will be with the intent of having the resources and the independence to dedicate myself to saving the white race.

>> No.19724431

take a math class before playing with money

>> No.19724437
File: 373 KB, 1320x1872, jeanne d&#039;arc and jeanne d&#039;arc (fate and 1 more) drawn by yo-chaosangel - 01af4e738fb1f08a32fb77033d778b05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it stays this far above 30, that's bullish
at 30, some serious defaults possible

>blm rioters taking over
this is a blip, a swing of the pendulum, a small storm in an ocean that will be covered up by the stronger flow of the tides.

Are you old enough to remember when the Teabaggers "took over"? They changed the makeup of congress, but what congress does is fundamentally unchanged by that.

This system is excellent at keeping the masses deluded into thinking they have a voice. In no time at all, these people will be a little older, a little fatter, and they will perceive that they have much more to lose than to gain.

And then the value of the dollar and the way statistics are measured will redefine "middle class" and people won't even realized it vanished.

>> No.19724439

Got enough chainlink where if it moons I'm set at&t is my backup divvie plan.
Everyone uses at&t and they got 5g. They will not go under in this lifetime.

I have family in vietnam and can speak vietnamese.
It's dirt cheap to live there and is a homogeneous society unlike blmmerica

>> No.19724440
File: 382 KB, 1418x949, The numbers Apu, what do they mean!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh anon. I dont think most people realize what is going to happen with IVR soon. They'll likely be sub $3 if not $2 by end of next week. Screencap this!

>> No.19724457

this is the allegory of women in the red dress is all about
i'm looking for someone like trinity

>> No.19724460

Actually it's XOP I was shit posting I saw a multimillion $ put spread come across the ticker Thursday decided to hop on

>> No.19724461

Why do you dumb fucks buy options on leveraged indexes?

>> No.19724466

Gods way is good. God says wives should be subservient to their husbands.
Your will is opposed to Gods will. Satan's trap is deception and twisting the word of God and claiming that doing things the wrong way is just. Which you are attempting but failing to do.

>> No.19724475

Do you eat or have electricity or do anything other than sleep? Fucking retard

>> No.19724478

the white race is only in trouble in cucked countries like the usa and uk. the white race is fine in countries like hungary, russia, czech repub. if the US ever gets taken over by the niggers, feminists and trannies it will collapse and they'll starve to death. then the cycle repeats of re-conquering the usa.

there's just too many fucking niggers and cucks in US, UK, canada, and Aus right now. there's even cucks in the mil and police, most of them just follow orders. you are an idiot if you think you and a few buddies can save the white race. look what happened at waco. that guy basically had his own compound, and guns, and still got crushed by ATF.

if you want to save the white race move to West Virginia or Alaska and start the ethno-state there. absolutely no one wants to fuck with those mountain people. but at this point there is no saving shitty places like LA, SD, even Austin. all these comfy warm places attract niggers, whores and wetbacks.

>> No.19724480
File: 99 KB, 640x959, PowerEGTeam-1255575207600848899-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

divvies are for mentally ill people who have zero other ideas of how to make money using your money

that idea that theres no other way to build money from having money besides a literal stock which sends you a check in the mail is mentally ill

that would be the easiest and least thoughtful method

putting ur life savings in at&t because you couldnt think of a better way to use 300k

>> No.19724481
File: 287 KB, 1079x876, Screenshot_20200614-205915_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire European Union just got majorly pajeeted

>> No.19724488

>They will not go under in this lifetime.
In the sense that their lobbyists made it a hard barrier for entry. Unless of course google and amazon enter their isp game in which id say either of those will purposefully outcompete them by providing actual quality service vs garbage tier service because ur choices are limited to like 2 or 3 isps all of whoch likely give crummy internet service (the actual connection i mean as that matters a lot).

>> No.19724490
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>> No.19724493
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BIG KEK if true...
I wonder who the courts would side with, hmmm?

>> No.19724498

>Investing millions in a vaccine that hasn't been proven to work and will take months of trials to get results.

>> No.19724501
File: 3.62 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200601_122125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck big cities desu
Small towns with less than 30k people that still provide every basic need are the best.

>> No.19724503

Reminds me when I stir a pot of noodles.

>> No.19724505

>And once you move to south America or something like Turkey you can cut your costs in half. 300k is what an upper class Indonesian or Indian earns in his whole life I think.

Living in a glum third world shithole doesn't sound very appealing.

>> No.19724508

I've made 86% returns on a dividend fund in the past 5 years

>> No.19724514

Based. All women are stupid whores.

>> No.19724515

Dont know why but i think shes cute in a weird way. Would date. Also think the other girl walking by is pretty.

>> No.19724516
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you could add a food bill and a electric bill and internet bill and still have over 500 years of life payed for

america is the most third world

with ross and mcdonalds and no culture

people pay thousands of dollars just to visit some of those places in europe and latin america on vacation

>> No.19724525
File: 907 KB, 1290x911, Yumemi.Riamu.full.2629928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally got his short thesis from a redd!t post he doesn't understand

What choice do they have? It's likely a conditional agreement, but it's better to bet on hope, and throwing money away. Especially when every government and central bank in the world has the printers on with the infinite money cheats enabled?

*except sweden. The first central bank to implement negative rates ended that experience at the beginning of the year.

>> No.19724526


oh great, not the crypohating gookposter again

>> No.19724528

>Living in a glum third world shithole doesn't sound very appealing.
I dount most anond go out. I could be living in Antartica and as long as the room was temperature controlled life would be quite similiar except when looking out the window or the heavy wind/snow sounds and sounds it would cause.

>> No.19724530

What about if you are able to create a secret group of 1500-2000 heavily armed people like in the Turner Dairies? You don't need much money for that since most people would just buy their own guns.

>> No.19724537

retard, deserved to die poor

>> No.19724538

Does the market go up or down tomorrow?

>> No.19724542

Neither of them look Christian to me and I prioritize value and interest over looks. I don't think it is health to pre-judge people you have no relation with on looks so I stopped doing it.

>> No.19724544

"Why do Americans want to live a higher standard than upper class 3rd worlders? Why would you even want nice things??"

>> No.19724547

So what am I supposed to do? buying stocks or dealing with options right now is unfavorable due to the recent volatility. Could easily result in a large loss.

>> No.19724548


Down. And it probably won't hit 300 again for months. The fed has nothing up its sleeve now and we're about to go for round 2.

>> No.19724550

>tfw been trading on Cash-App because I'm a march corona babby
>Want to move to Robinhood
>It would take until Tuesday for my cash to be transferred
>Really keen on buying Monday
What do I do

>> No.19724554
File: 194 KB, 721x960, roger-the-kangaroo-sanctuary-alice-springs-2_custom-e0dfceba6d2665cc8cc0daa5a57eae2bcda46ad8-s800-c85[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both, the question is where will it land?

>> No.19724566
File: 324 KB, 2048x1364, ggroupszone-1264731679127724032-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i transferred cash app to my bank account and payed the 1.79$ fee to make it instant

and then i trasnfered bank to robinhood instant transfer and had my money from cash app to robin hod in minutes

>> No.19724567

sounds like your hands are tied

>> No.19724570

Hope so. Have lots of puts.

>> No.19724571

Guess what people pay to visit the US

>> No.19724575

I wouldn't be on biz if I had such grand money making business ideas or inventions.
I want to retire and not be a wagie anymore, divvies look like the best way to do that early.

at&t is implementing 5g, they will be in the industry for a long time.
google and amazon don't pay dividends so fuck them.

>> No.19724580

What are the best bearish moves for this upcoming crash? Spy puts? VIX calls? sitting and holding in vix?

>> No.19724582
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>LARGE SPECS win again
>timed it perfectly, unlike last time

Did something happen to rice in April of 2008??

>> No.19724585

>Costa Rica
Im sorry, what?
Youre not moving to Smetrevowsk at the Arctic Circle.
Youre moving to a place much warmer than the US or Europe and in my opinion way more comfy as well. Not caring about any price because its pennies, eating out every day, fresh food and vegetables, beaches, cheap houses, etc.

I mean everyone has different tastes but Id rather live on Crete as a poor Greek than in Smuttsville, Idaho as a well off person.
Its a trade off. You can work 10 years more and retire with 200k more. But are these 10 years worth it? Are these 200k really that much of a deao when you could spend that time already living like a king on some tropical island?

>> No.19724597

We're talking about an $18 fee though
Not sure I want to pay that

Yup. I don't mind waiting till Tuesday to buy but goddammit I'm afraid the market will do something retarded like mooning on Monday for no fucking reason instead of dropping further like it SHOULD.

>> No.19724606
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and then theyre appalled because theres niggers everywhere and dont come back and say how much nicer other countries were on their world tour

i mean if i had 500k i would worry about it more but couldnt you just buy a car and rent it out to people?

and make far more than divvies

>> No.19724622

Absolutely, 2K shares of FCEL 220 shares of GNUS now slowly loading up on MAXR and LAC taking a gamble with 800 shares of TBLT

>> No.19724633
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>I'm afraid the market will do something retarded
No worries, 2nd wave, election, trade deals, etc market provides opportunities all the time, the best is yet to come.

>> No.19724641
File: 65 KB, 512x407, HABEEB_IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S&P 500 futures is down 1.4%
>NASDAQ futures is down .85%
>Dollar index is down .27%

>> No.19724644

I'm seeing so many biz posts saying it will fall that I'm starting to believe it will pump

>> No.19724645

I work for a large global bank in the US and this is exactly what’s happening. This is being seen as a huge transformative moment. Management has all but said we are working from home through the end of the year and they are talking about starting to give generous equipment allowances out so we can be permanently in this arrangement. The cost savings are extraordinary with an office of our size essentially shut down. “We” own the building so there isn’t as much stress versus a company paying monthly rent, but imagine the motivation for companies in that situation.

>> No.19724647

i'm long TQQQ and enjoy music sung by cunny

>> No.19724651


>> No.19724653

That is interesting because for people to not like us they seem infatuated by constantly talking about us or liking us. Japan is smitten by USA and wants to be best friends even after we nuked them twice. Taiwan also loves us very much.

>> No.19724654
File: 170 KB, 500x500, AAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw holding both RTX and AMD which should be immune to fucking coof plague but somehow they're fucking not while analogue stocks like BA and intel are fucking skyrocketing

>> No.19724659
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is the 'daq going to break -1% or not
just let my puts print

>> No.19724663

Buy contracts far out in the future

>> No.19724665

Its going to shoot up .

>> No.19724667
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>> No.19724669
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people who idolize "the west" is because they saw what america used to be like in old movies on vhs tape

they still think its like that but when they actually see how its like mostly black and brown here then they just became assaulted on some level and offended and its a rude awakening

>> No.19724672

>You can work 10 years more and retire with 200k more. But are these 10 years worth it? Are these 200k really that much of a deao when you could spend that time already living like a king on some tropical island?
So which tropical island do you live on? Or are you just making shit up?

>> No.19724673

lost tree fiddy hunny on RTX calls back in early may because i mis-read the chart and just blindly bought after seeing cool /biz/ memes of rockets firing. you fucked up senpai, just baghold for a few more weeks. war with china soon.

>> No.19724675

500k @ 8% = 40k annually. Your done.
>take a year or two of divies
>house down payments
>rent out

>> No.19724688

what poots u have fren? on the qqq?
i have sqqq calls and puts. sitting pretty. win either way. hedged.

>> No.19724692
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>really want to buy the dip in LULU though

>RTX immune but not BA
you're a retard and I'm sick of explaining this to you.
But I just bought back into AMD on friday. If it tanks, that's just too bad. I'm also bagholding TSMC, and I might rather add to that instead.

Buy the dip in LMT if we get one.

>> No.19724693
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we are pumping this week
never doubt donald j pump

>> No.19724699

amd is poopy but RTX has decent dividends.
Accumulate RTX.
I have calls on them but was also thinking about buying shares too alongside at&t for my divvie portfolio

>> No.19724700

unironically, i believe this.

>> No.19724709
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Still doesn't add up Ramanujan

>> No.19724711
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tqqq puts

>> No.19724715
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idk man i disagree

thats wreckless as fuck to just plop your money in stocks like at&t to risk it on this idea that youre just going to collect divvies and be fine

because 500k is no joke that shit could take someone decades to earn that

you would be better off investing it in other things to earn you money some other way

not necessarily being a landlord i think being a landlord is scummy too

>> No.19724727

Konosuba - go for it, it was in the running for my 2016 AOTY. 15 - 17 were pretty good in hindsight.

All i have is ketchup or period blood.

Currently at an older insurance carrier. We're probably going to be a bit slower to move to totally online, maybe never, but I think that the idea of opening a new office are going to be dashed. Some spouses that are in financial services and/or insurance are also having their offices shut down indefinitely.

>> No.19724736
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Is shorting the 3x inverse stocks not just better? I also like being able to go in at 210$ instead of the min of like 450$ when actually throwing puts on SPY.

>> No.19724738
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>> No.19724742

We are not perfect but there is plenty of good here. We are a nation under God, and we don't like any ungodly people whether they are looters and thugs or they are in congress with a deceiving smile.

I don't like disproportionate black on white crime or forced diversity, but I don't play into the enemies hand with hateful and violent retaliation. Instead I simply exercise restraint and move out of the way of their attacks so that they may punch a wall and harm themselves.

You shouldn't fall victim to this blatant race baiting yourself. BLM, Riots, and Antifa are all funded operations who capitalize on useful idiots to bait other people into joining in, because they seek conflict and crisis. There is a force of evil here pushing destruction, but like a person with an illness the illness does not define them or make them bad, it is an issue that needs to be solved.

>> No.19724746

There is plenty of upside, do your DD

>> No.19724750

Boeing is a shitpile while Raytheon produces parts for Boeing and others, WHILE being a defense stock. RTX shouldn't be hit in the magnitude it was at all.

>> No.19724758
File: 341 KB, 1200x1678, HanMiaBrasil-1247920870787551234-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the founders wrote many times theres irreparable differences between the races and you need to ship them back to africa

if you dont do that they will always want to kill and steal and destroy everything until theres nothing left

you cant make up this new idea in 2020 like were all equal and we need to stop being racist, its not biological and the people who made the country already knew it

>> No.19724770

Yeah, I guess. Everything seems to point to a really red monday so I suppose waiting until Tuesday won't be a bad decision after all.

>> No.19724771
File: 138 KB, 821x1000, 5C3248F5-9359-482F-ACDA-0D19FF89C5DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey cuties. Should I hold my 10 spy 295 puts 6/22? What’s the lowest you think spy will go?

>> No.19724776
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Remember, stocks only go up.

>> No.19724777

yes. 3x inverse ETFs get rekt a lot faster than huge shit like SPY, QQQ, etc. which tend to go up because brrrrrrrrrrrrr. just a few weeks ago, the SQQQ was $11. then it hit a low of $7.5 last week.

>> No.19724779

sell for a profit if you're unsure.

>What’s the lowest you think spy will go?
no clue, VIX.

>> No.19724780
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it should be obvious a big crash is coming, market is only being propped right now by masses of uneducated speculators. all big money institutions are sitting on the sidelines with cash

>> No.19724781

at&t has 5g and is a long standing company with a solid dividend pay out history. They are number 1 on dividend aristocrat.
If you have a better idea for early retirement then please share.

>> No.19724783

ehh i wouldn't buy any T. pipelines, big energy, utilities, infrastructure reits. Biggest and the best in class, Hard assets, difficult to come in and replace pipelines, barrier to entry is way to high and way to regulated. Basically Oligopolies. This is where you spread your capital.

>> No.19724791

You have my permission go long when you start to see posts like "is SQQQ at 23 a good buy, just went all in cause SQQQoldiers are making so much money"
We've still got a way to go until peak bobo.

>> No.19724796
File: 341 KB, 2048x1228, everglow_stats-1255690061884133385-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just saying relying on dividends to retire on at all is just silly and sloppy

just spent 2 decades making 500k and now im goign to clumsily throw it on at&t and hope they pay me for being rich

instead of making real investments

its just not logical and sane and not even founded in the fact that you earned that 500k originally from the ground up

>> No.19724798

Be careful guys. The market is being heavily manipulated. Obviously the market is going to return to the highs but it doesn't have to do that this year.

>> No.19724803


if they already knew it they shouldn't have founded a country on importing slave labor but they didn't care if it would fuck us all over hundreds of years later they just wanted those short term gainz

>> No.19724808

Watch all the retards panic sell in the morning -4% and then we get bought up to +2%
Im probably buying TVIX anyway.

>> No.19724818
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>the slave trade started in 1791

>> No.19724820

there are differences between races just as there are between sexes. we will always be at conflict it is true.
we have a greater issue than that though. So their strategy has worked on you because it has distracted you from much more important issues. You have been disarmed.

understand, some things are problems that are more expensive to solve than they are to leave as they are. So we leave them. At any given time you only have so much effort and resources to focus on problems, and we have much more pressing issues than dealing with pawns in a chess game. Focusing our efforts on queens, bishops, knights, and rooks is much more important.

Let go of your hate, they use it to pull on you like a stringed puppet. It clouds your vision and judgment and distracts you. Cast it away.

>> No.19724822

cause i'm dumb and i just want to make money, what should i do?

>> No.19724824
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Buying VIX calls is more reliable than puts on the individual indices. That said, I'm still riding green 7/17 300P I bought at the peak of dumb faggot bull euphoria.

>> No.19724826
File: 413 KB, 1200x1748, girlgroupspics-1237478781058723840-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was just in a thread on /pol/ about this and every country in the world was part of slavery including millions of white people were slaves to north africa

and white people were one of the first people to undo slavery

>> No.19724836

If the market doesn’t crash tomorrow I am longing everything
If this doesn’t cash the market nothing will at least for a few years

>> No.19724837

You don't argue or talk rationally with commies. You call them commies and tell them to get a job and to get the fuck out. That's it

>> No.19724843

donnie pump only cared on march because crash means no pension
he doesn't care in normal market or if retail gambler lost their life savings

>> No.19724847

they gave money to a scam company? am i reading this right?

>> No.19724849

This is exactly the scenario I am expecting. Last Friday v2.0

>> No.19724850
File: 51 KB, 640x360, spacedoge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree'd, 60% of my portfolio is growth. 30% solid divs, the rest is risk on and short puts for income(keeps me entertained while i wait on my longs) But if pure divys are someone strat i can understand why

>> No.19724856

but vix only depends on the s&p

>> No.19724857

How about you go talk to Africans, Arabs, Chinese, and Indians about slavery before shitting on the only people who have straight up outlawed it? Ok fucktard?

>> No.19724863

Ktard isn't wrong, surprisingly.
Maybe talk with your accountant. He probably has or knows someone with a CFP designation that can help you out. Odds are that you're going to want to average into different funds. Personally, i'm imagining that a very slow, steady, and conservative move into large caps will be your best bet. It might be over the course of two years with an extra 20% set aside to snap up "cheapies" every once in a while. Go for some T, definitely. Just really really take your time and find yourself a trustworthy fiduciary.

>> No.19724867
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>> No.19724868
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>> No.19724871
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The robinhood normies probably don’t even know futures exist, do you think they will panic sell when they wake up in the morning and see something like this?

>> No.19724875

I've been bullying you for a solid 3 months now. Kill yourself already, thanks.

>> No.19724876

>You don't argue or talk rationally with commies.
I don't even think about these people. Even speaking a single word to them is not worth my time.

That is still not the pressing issue though, they are useful idiots and all they do is tax your time and resources. that is their only use. people running lucrative youtube channels cashing in by ranting about these people over and over are just as harmful if not more than those they rant about. It's all a time sink and a distraction and they profit off it.

>> No.19724877

how do you even manage that lmfao

>> No.19724879

Hey guys. Leaf here needing advice.

I've been goofing around with about $2000 since the april crashes. Im about to recieve around $28,000 in non taxable funds and would like some ideas on my best way to invest this amount. Being a canadian means im going to get fucked investing in US stocks with that much cash, so i'm not sure what my options are. I have a TFSA with $3000 and my current chequing account is sitting at about $4700.

Any advice would be great

>> No.19724881


okay but that doesn't change the fact the founders were idiots who apparently thought that slavery would last forever or that when it ended everybody would be shipped back to africa

>> No.19724889

It will be green by open

>> No.19724892

Throwing money you don’t have on options when you are starting out that retard deserved what he got
Options are all or nothing their is no middle ground like stocks

>> No.19724894


"The founders" did not start the Atlantic Slave Trade. Have you even taken a history class before? Are you 12? Did you drop out of school after the third grade?

>> No.19724901

> then continues on it's previous trajectory
That remains to be seen, bull.

>> No.19724902
File: 242 KB, 1080x1351, forevergluv-1250838251126079490-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no dude the immigration act of 1965 was one of the main reasons why we dont have a country any more

its a large part of why this country is 3rd world

you cant ever fix america until you go back to a white only immigration like for hundreds of years before 1965


no i meant stocks in general are a lazy sloppy method of making money

theres got to be thousands of different ways to make money if you have 500k

it doesnt have to be real estate or it could be real estate but you could do really cheap deals and wait for only extremely good deals

>> No.19724908

The founders gave zero fucks about the slaves. They were facing death from England, the most powerful country on the planet.

>> No.19724913

You know nothing of the founding or the fathers. John Adams while drafting the initial document was going to include about all men being equal. It's not an authoritative document it's guiding doctrine reminding you what to demand.

They had discussions about it and left a portion out that was going to oppose slavery. Due to the time they were in and they knew it would bring conflict, and for the good of the nation they knew they needed to create the union and hold the country together not start more conflict.

These were smart people dealing in much more difficult times with much higher steaks than just sitting back in your armchair spouting off with nothing to risk or lose.

>> No.19724916

what makes you believe that?

>> No.19724918
File: 202 KB, 1000x1199, 6529B5B7-B9CC-414A-AA89-59D228A9DF53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it will be green by open

what did this anon mean by this? He’s trying to say he bought calls on Friday, correct?

>> No.19724923

additionally, don't trust a CPA or CFP that says "oh just buy in to an index". /biz/ might actually steer you better. Anyone who doesn't advise to take your time and to diverisify is not fit to serve you as a fiduciary. Some people might butt heads with me on this, but in this period of volatility, if you have a large sum of cash, you're going to want to really take your time. something like 8k or so twice a month for two years (again, with about 8k of additional ammo for those cheapies and no more than maybe. MAYBE an additional 16k for that buy in).

At 500k, he could diversify into real estate. I would imagine that it's not a bad idea, but given the situation that muni's are in, they're a relatively risky asset. If you need to live in a house in an area for a period of time, debt will definitely serve you well as a tool, but I think that investment property has many more hidden risk at the moment. If he's entrepreneurial to any degree, he wouldn't be saying that he's just slinging it into T like a fucking retard.

>> No.19724927

what if you get sick?
we're in the euphoria stage of the bubble

>> No.19724930

this is some grade a copium

>> No.19724939
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>$28,000 in non taxable funds
Lucky cluck. Use a brokerage to open a TFSA and trade in it. Tax free gains.
> Canadian market is literally big 5 banks, oil and oil related services, and companies that pillage the third world for gold and silver.
TSX has good dividend stocks, Shit for growth, unless you got in on SHOP.
> If you want to play with growth, You'll have to go on the US market, and get fucked by exchange.
Cost of playing the game i'm afraid.
Oh and TSX options are a barren wasteland

>> No.19724945

>futures down a paltry 1%
>nazdaq is not even down 1% in futures
>mumufags dead silent
>bobos gloating after finally not getting btfo
every single time. i hope that one faggot who kept shilling TQQQ is sweating and feeling maxx stress right now.

>> No.19724955



>> No.19724956
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>> No.19724957
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>every single time. i hope that one faggot who kept shilling TQQQ is sweating and feeling maxx stress right now.

>> No.19724959
File: 1.15 MB, 980x1400, thebigbagclub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would be surprised at how many retards bought in the market Friday bobo. They were warned.

>> No.19724960

The bubble will pop next week as fear is reborn in the populous.

>> No.19724963
File: 280 KB, 1201x1745, npomvtt-1264690570204794880-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i dont mean "diversify" into real estate

i meant make money with your money

its not that youre buying a house its that youre buying something and selling it for more

it could by motorcycles or boats or something depending on what your knowledge is in

theres thousands of different things you could do i even came up with the idea of renting out cars and buying like a whole fleet of them

you got any ideas?

i think buying any stock at 500k to try to "live off" is a lazy as fuck attitude like theres nothing more than flicking your money into at&t on robinhood after wage slaving for 30 years to have 500k

it seems incredibly lazy and retarded

like you learned nothing that whole time you have no skills of earning money yourself

>> No.19724965

it's retail + the fed.
bigboiz like blackstone sold at the peak and are busy fuckign $10k/night escorts right now whilst we're trying to scalp a few grand here in there.

>> No.19724967


>> No.19724968

Guys I'm not believing these futures numbers. Not enough negative news to justify a 400 point drop at the open.

There is zero evidence of a second wave. New York the hardest hit is reopening. Places like Utah which saw a spike is explained by better testing and a large nursing home having lots of cases in the northern part of the state. Florida spike is also a lie because the numbers until recently were under reported. They fired one of their health care statistics persons because they refused to lie about the numbers to reopen.

>Tldr stocks are going to go up

>> No.19724974

You are mistaken. Entering into that conflict in the state we are in now is not worth it. It would risk destroying the entire nation, risk losing everything.

We are already balancing on a knives edge as it is with conflict, and you think that war is just some game with no consequences? You have no idea how bad things can get and loose cannons like you are responsible for ships who are sunken and civilizations which needlessly crumble. Everyone who thinks they are right and knows how to solve problems will have no power and endlessly rant or will have the power and learn the hard way the reality and cost of being wrong.

>> No.19724979


>> No.19724982
File: 23 KB, 640x425, doge2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no i meant stocks in general are a lazy sloppy method of making money
You mean, sophisticated and magical. Buy, running, creating, scaling a business? that is messy. I'll take fundamental analysis, trading digital paper for more digital paper. Alchemy, money from money.

>> No.19724984

The virus is literally fake news. How could anyone think any shutdown will be accepted if niggers and communists can go out and loot and police do nothing?

>> No.19724988

>nazdaq is not even down 1% in futures
"Domp eet"

>> No.19724991
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>The bubble will pop next week as fear is reborn in the populous.

>> No.19724997

It’s called profit taking you fucking retard. A 50% rise in less than 3 months is unprecedented. Take your fucking profits,

>> No.19725000

It took a pandemic for boomers to realise that "personal computers" and "the internet" existed.

Remind me why we haven't just sent them all on a one way mission to mars again?

>> No.19725001

I’ve literally heard this for 15 years

>> No.19725002
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There are ETFs for investing in the S&P on the TSX. You don't need to take the forex hit to buy SPY. I usually use Vanguard's S&P tracking etf as it's hedged to the canadian dollar and gives slightly better returns than a non-hedged Canadian listed s&p etf. Ticker: VSP.

If you want to mess around with leverage on a portion of that money, HSU is the 2x S&P option. HSD if you want to short it.

>> No.19725003

>schizo dot back in the green
is this bullish?

>> No.19725005

The negative news has been overshadowed by faggots by overvalued stocks, PE ratios have never been this high in history.
>inb4 the markets have the next 100 years priced in.

>> No.19725006

He must of sold naked options with no stock to cover it
Thinking free money Just keep on pressing the sell button and their is no way he could assigned
Fast forward to expiration he is on the hook to to buy thousands of stocks with no money to do so
Gets rekt

>> No.19725015

I still don't understand the dot, even with the explanations.

>> No.19725018

>Remind me why we haven't just sent them all on a one way mission to mars again?
Cost prohibitive and we lack the technology.

>> No.19725023
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don't forget cash. Having 10k in cash might be a life or death difference in the near future. Really consider just leaving 50% somewhere safe, not even stocks or bonds.
>warren is a retarded idiot

>bobos gloating
I'm feeling a bit sweaty desu. I hope i wake up to red because i could shave off some of my positions.

>i think buying any stock at 500k to try to "live off" is a lazy as fuck attitude
nah, 500k returning about 3% annual after tax is enough to have a small quiet life and retirement. capital requirements for startups and small businesses are lower than ever. If he saves another 250k, he should be able to hopefully work on any passion or thing he wants indefinitely. If they happen to be profitable endeavors, then he's set for life. There's no need to employ the 500k like that. As long as your expenses stay beneath your earnings, who gives a shit about how you use the money.

>> No.19725027

Relax, we're shaking out the weak hands before heading back to new highs

>> No.19725028

Because it went down so quick. It is right to recover so quick.

>> No.19725029


Cope as fuck. Numbers surging again in China, surging in a number of southern states, threatening to surge with reopenings, threatening to surge as a result of the riots, continued economic instability, fed running out of options, businesses on the brink. Like what the fuck do you think is going to happen to drive prices up to ATHs in the next month or two? Things are only going to get more unstable as we approach the election, and as much as I want Biden the dementia patient to lose, he's not going to, and the economy will fucking tank from there.

>> No.19725030

Don't fuck around with leverage in this market

Wait until VIX drops significantly for a long period of time

>> No.19725042

All it takes is another red day.

>> No.19725044

>surging in China

So now we believe the Chinese numbers?

>> No.19725050

Regardless of what you believe, every time we see a drop this large in futures at about this time of night, we see a sell off in the morning. Act accordingly

>> No.19725051

>people will comply with stay at home now

Nope. Yikes

>> No.19725053
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TVIX and SWBI big winners tomorrow.

>> No.19725054
File: 321 KB, 1363x2047, giirlgrouplooks-1268866882414579712-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody has to pay you 3% or 8% from at&t

money doesnt grow on trees dude

if you think you can just retire by flicking your money into a fund after a certain amount of time i dont think the world works like that

theyre not going to pay you unless youre doing something

its possible but thats temporary as long as theyre winning

>> No.19725058

Says who? Do you make the rules all of a sudden? We’ve gone up 50% in 3 months, take your profits and be happy or get fucking slaughtered like the greedy pig you are.

>> No.19725059
File: 36 KB, 410x223, Screen Shot 2020-06-14 at 10.54.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't forget cash.

>> No.19725060

Maybe the cops want the protest looters to get the virus?

>> No.19725065
File: 7 KB, 205x246, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Companies will have shit earnings whether or not corona is BS. These overvaluations are fucking ridiculous, and the FED is printing itself into a corner.

>> No.19725067

It's a theory that randomness has a measurable baseline and when that randomness is more chaotic than normal, or more ordered than the normal background noise that everything is effected by that force.

So if you normally get 50% on a coin toss and measure it constantly it would be around ~47% to 52% or so, but getting a run of 50 heads in a row would not be very random, and they believe that some force influences that can influence other things as well.

I put my faith in God personally, not some pseudo random number generator on the internet.

>> No.19725068

>we lack the technology
Oh my no. It's entirely within the abilities of current tech to send a convoy of boomers to Mars with okay chance of landing them successfully. They'll all die once they're there of course but, ya know, problem solved?

That's pretty. I would feel bad about shooting it for fear of messing up the finish.

>> No.19725069
File: 74 KB, 812x1088, dow nasdaq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go. check the volume. that's the smoking gun. that's the undeniable proof that it's just retail and fed QE propping it up. and when i say retail i'm not talking about little fags with $1k in their trading account. it's also the 401k boomers, the GenX wagies who are permanently long and plan to sell when they retire. i have relatives who are above age 35 and their mindset is exactly like boomers (never sell stocks, just buy and hold). that strategy worked from 2009 to start of 2020. but it's starting to look like they will get REKT if they continue holding from here. worst economic situation since 2008. we're dipping hard. at least retesting march lows. starting tomorrow.

>b-but, the reopening! the virus is over!
yeah but the nigger riots are just getting started and the chinks are reporting a rise in cases. another fresh dead nigger this weekend. imagine reopening shops and malls only for them to get trashed and your workers beaten up for no reason. no one can even go shopping right now in big cities because you might get mugged in broad daylight by a pack of feral urban youth.

>> No.19725075

There is no act accordingly. Too late to buy puts without paying out the ass.

>> No.19725078

there's your problem, you bought United Technologies with a segment of its business devoted to defense, and the rest elsewhere

Does it deserve to be hit "by this magnitude"? who the fuck knows, but it went up very fast, on hopes of a V recovery, so naturally it's gotta tank when the V thesis falls out of favor with the market.

>market is only being propped right now by masses of uneducated speculators
yeah no
these individual traders are mostly just pumping memes in the premarket to sell to the greater fools, triggering short covering.

>is redd!t
>is an shitposting faggot bear

dear god...
What're the likelihoods something similar is playing out now? I better read up.

>> No.19725085

No we dont. Those lying chinks always downplay the situation so we can reasonably assume that things are much worse than what the chinks are saying

>> No.19725087

Lmao okay retarded faggot see you in a year

>> No.19725092

Dot green: people are not paying attention to the same thing(s)
Dot red or blue: people are paying attention to the same thing(s)

>> No.19725099


>> No.19725100

I am buying TVIX to hedge, plus covered calls so I'm good.

>> No.19725101

I'm not certain. Ignorance is frustrating but boomers as a whole have much better values than this new wave.
We're currently working on technology just to make it to the moon, mars is much farther. We're not there yet.

>> No.19725104

you won't be here in a year. you'll be dangling within the next 3-4 months. dumbfuck.

>> No.19725105

>theyre not going to pay you unless youre doing something
Reits are required by law to pay out a majority of their earnings in dividends. all you gotta do, is hold em

>> No.19725106
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>> No.19725108

>What're the likelihoods something similar is playing out now?
High. You literally cannot predict what shitskins will do that will crash markets all over the world. Entire world's economy is held up by ducttape and robots not being set on ruining everything.

>> No.19725109

Statement was mostly for people to sell. But that's not necessarily true. There are still some very good put prices out there that will only increase as the day goes on. Sell them within a day, make a few hundred dollars

>> No.19725115

I take the risk by investing into at&t and they reward me with dividends.
It's the same with any other company that offers dividends, at&t in this case offers really good ones and their stock price is cheap that is why I pick at&t, I will probably pick others as well down the road like RTX.

>> No.19725123
File: 516 KB, 719x402, youreafaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're buying right now, you're wrong.

>> No.19725124

Why does robinhood even let new traders write naked options, especially at the quantity he would need to lose over 700k?
You'd think some alarm bells would ring if some dude with 10k in his account wrote 200 spy calls

>> No.19725135

>open a Robin Hood account
>yes I want a free share of stock
>get one share of facebook
>sell and get $230 for downloading an app
So how do they make money off this shit?

>> No.19725148

Seen a lot more than you nigger faggot and you’ll be screaming about muh market is rigged when you’re still on the sidelines after losing all your parents money gambling on OTM puts

>> No.19725161
File: 82 KB, 558x491, 31E04780-5258-47B7-A256-21AEC4E1485B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, I wanted out on Monday.

>> No.19725176
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Futures are deteriorating rapidly... Can someone call Jerome and ask him to restart the printer?

>> No.19725182

I'd rather be starving in a ditch in the dead of winter bleeding from my eyes after a gas attack fighting the communist jews than watching them burn my country without doing anything. War is preferable to slavery.

>> No.19725187
File: 292 KB, 1108x1704, stocks_only_go_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a bull. I just don't trust myself to know when to be in cash VS when to be in stocks. so i just hold every stock I buy forever.

>> No.19725189

coping loser, get rekt tomorrow bitch.

>> No.19725251

Only oil future you should ever mess with is WTI. Brent is slightly "better" but in a war with Russia and Europe it'll get knocked offline, while WTI is in the US heartland, in Texas of all places, and is perfectly secure against all threats.

>> No.19725259

They warn you when you apply for options trading

>> No.19725343

Never bet against thots

>> No.19725351

Former dealer here, that's amphetamine psychosis. Get clean for a week or a bit longer. If you're feeling counterproductive at work just tell people you're sick with some gastrointestinal bullshit. See how you feel about it in a fortnight

>> No.19725458


It's called a race because you're supposed to win it. If white people are superior, then I'm the most superior white person so fuck all of you cum-skinned retards. Last man standing bitch. I'll use your bones to make armor once I leave the Bottomless Pit to recolonise

>> No.19725515

I got fucking GLUU :(

>> No.19725553
File: 90 KB, 1125x1000, 338CA697-30CD-471D-AABC-1CEBF57706C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMRX then HPE, which enterprise is cheaper then HPQ and gives better dividends. God, I need a Monday morning pump. Then fuckall.