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File: 48 KB, 1771x781, nanofrens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19695993 No.19695993 [Reply] [Original]

Ready for the next pump lads? this one takes us to ~ 170 000 satoshi.

Why would you be interested in HOLDING nano? yes holding. I said it.

- This asset has been going around for a while, is completely distributed. The Nano Foundation only ever had 5% of the supply and they are running out. Very well spread and decentralized asset.
- No inflation : the non inflationary nature of nano means that there is no constant sell pressure from whales who have been staking since early days and early prices.
- Store of value: Which means that it has serious advantage as store of value and value holding / gaining asset in this market where a lot of coins have huge staking/mining rewards and sell pressure.
- It actually works: in and out you send nano around. in under second confirmation times even.
- Big community and development around nano.
- Sets itself apart from Bitcoin code forks/clones and/or ETH forks/clones and ERC20 tokens. Totally unique.
- meme reason (but maybe not?) No worry about satoshies 1 Million stack. As time goes on, the chance that CSW cracks the 7 last keywords he needs to unlock the million coins approaches 1.
- An incentive model that most people don't (want) to understand.
- Based collinerino is not a Jew
- Lightweight, not energy heavy will attract lots of leftists and environment kids
- Considerably low total supply.

I can go on, should I go on?

>> No.19696007

damn I forgot one important one


>> No.19696025

explaination : while most assets are shitty tokens and chains with extremely shitty distribution, they are also mostly build and held / promoted by big companies. Take a Ripple for example, do you really think those banks and companies running the xrp network are your frens? No. They are not. IOTA for example, they pump on news and are looking to be an "enterprise" asset. Do you think they intend to be a valuable asset for the people? NO the devs just want their product to be used by corporations. Nano differs in this matter. its the people's coin.

>> No.19696224

>- meme reason (but maybe not?) No worry about satoshies 1 Million stack. As time goes on, the chance that CSW cracks the 7 last keywords he needs to unlock the million coins approaches 1.
>- An incentive model that most people don't (want) to understand.

Rather than simply going on would you mind explaining these point a little more? =3

>> No.19696310

Bitcoin maxis always claim "no premine" and technically, yes no premine happened However it should be obvious that satoshi was the first miner of Bitcoin. Satoshi is potentially a group. (might it be secretly the U.S.A (jew) govermint? is this how they will repay their debt? or keep their wealth once the dollar collapses? no body knows. What we do know is that Craig potentially has part of the secret phrase to unlock the 1 million BTC/BCH and BSV. This is a huge threat. if those coins go undormant and satoshi decides to sell cause the project failed. then all sha256 major bitcoin coins ( BTC BCH BSV ) will super tank. That's why half a year ago DASH had a big huge 3x pump from 30 euro to 120 euro. That was bitcoin whales moving out of BTC to avoid getting fucked over by the satoshis 1 million. NANO has no satoshi's 1 million or Ripple tier 60pct of supply holders

- The incentive model -

most blockchain asset networks are directly incentivised by mining and/or fees. NANO has a different model. Some people think that there is no incentive model to run a nano node but they are very close minded and only understand Bitcoin. Since there are no blocks to mine, / fees to collect, who would run a nano node? the BTC maxis shout. Well, as long as its a digital asset with value and users, there will be an incentive to run a node. All exchanges for example have a big incentive to run a nano node. Holders of big amounts have an incentive to run the node. Middle sized merchants have an incentive if there are people that want to pay with nano. The node software is also considerably light weight and cheap to run. I forgot a whole bunch here, but I hope you understand that all the controversial points of nano actually make it a very good competitator and well able to survive and thrive in the crypto market.

>> No.19696365

You've got me interested. I'll keep reading if you want to go more in depth to anything else.

>> No.19696411


>> No.19696466

USA isn't a (Jew) operation.
American ideals are to build strong families, not to destroy them.
((They)) keep their enemies close and want to parasitically dig deep into news, media, and governments.

>> No.19696564

I was not talking about the people of the u.s.a. I am talking about those who control you. Let's be honest here. Why do you think The U.S.A has the most cucked tax laws on crypto? they want to keep the majority out and poor, they want to keep you working for a slave wage. Then they hope you live frugally and save up that fiat, cause they know it will devalue anyway. The U.S.A imposed annoying tax laws on crypto because they want to keep you the majority hard working drone slaves. Europe is great in that regard. The jews got expelled. U.S.A gave them refuge, now you suffer the concequences.

>> No.19696577

in crypto space, other cryptos are the jews and nano is the non jew. the other cryptos are based on fees and middle men, incentives. Nano is not.

>> No.19696597

This comes off of bad shilling, but NANO is a lot better distributed that BTC when it comes to representation. There is not much that can stop China from seizing server farms and deciding that 21 mil isn't the cap anymore. Fuck, the miners could decide this on their own one day.

>> No.19696605

Either way its going up so relax and send out free nano and ride the wave of exponential growth and gains

>> No.19696712

bad shilling? wtf.
I tried to make a nano thread with value instead of just posting NANOFRENS ASSEMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wtf bud, I must have spent 10 minutes coming up with my arguments why nano will make it.

you are a bad nano fren.

>> No.19696760

Remember when this was called Raiblocks and INDONESIANS got it for free under 1 cent? UNDER a PENNY! That's what you're paying $1 for. lol. and you think it will make you rich....

FUND solves your poorness problem.

>> No.19696839

poo in loo

>> No.19696856

>> very poor people have been saved by getting nano
>> this is a bad thing

ok Jew.

Either way if you really think that the one cent nano has not been sold at 10, 20 or 50 centts you are delusional.

>> No.19696877

Ignore trolls, stack sats

Nano is a good project, and I want to see it succeed, but you will do better making people laugh than posting walls of text that will be gone in a few hours. Don't let your memes just be dreams.

>> No.19696897
File: 22 KB, 1130x147, nanotrade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw, the I hopped in the nanotrade discord the other day. I didn't know there were more bears there than bulls. Looks like a lot of them lost their position due to the pump last week. Pic related.

>> No.19696912

>> shorting it

you can't short nano anywhere lmao
or am I wrong?

>> No.19696930
File: 57 KB, 1173x350, nanotrade2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well not technically shorting it, but being bears. Some of these fuckers were hoping to get in at 2k sats or some shit. Bears can get fucked.

>> No.19696946


Unironically have waited years to buy cheap nanners so I guess its true.

>> No.19696948
File: 12 KB, 667x83, nanotrade3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis our coin now whyte boi

>> No.19696972
File: 261 KB, 554x444, rfr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyways i'm gonna head to /tv/ and watch some body snatchers kino. Come hang out, or enjoi the pajeets and trolls on biz if u want. Throw some nano nickels at them if you want this thread to blow up.

>> No.19697587

Tell me, why is this coin so low in price still..

>> No.19697689

Link and Nano together. I like it.

>> No.19697952

Zero marketing

>> No.19698033

It's the guy who wrights all the Nano Fud threads. Just ignore him. He's SPECIAL

>> No.19698036

Smart contracts and Instant + Feeless transactions are a powerful combination. Consider IoT + m2m technology. For transfers of value to be automatically performed between machines or networks, specifically when these transactions are needed to be performed on a per action basis, any tax or delay will significantly reduce the capabilities of such networks. That is why NANO is needed. For these interactions to be performed in a trustless manner, smart contracts are also required. Whether adoption happens here or elsewhere when larger entities take notice, both technologies are essential pillars for what is to come.

>> No.19698053

I am not, but that dude is legit retarded agreed. Just giving some constructive criticism in regards to marketing. I am bullish on BTC, ETH, LINK, XMR, & NANO. I don't bother with lowcap shitcoins.