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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1968323 No.1968323 [Reply] [Original]

What was /biz/ like before the rise of crypto currency?

>> No.1968325

Nonexistent. /biz/ was created to be a crypto containment board to get them off /g/.

>> No.1968343
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This. I barely even come here anymore, /biz/ has nothing to do with business, it's just /r/WallStreetBets - 4chan Edition.

Let's just go through the first couple pages:

>"how much money do I need for a girl"
>"I have x dollars, what should I invest in?"

There's a real estate investment thread with no replies. One thread about Goldman's CEO. No replies. US taxation question, a few replies. Almost no real discussion while the bullshit crypto and daytrading threads shit up this board.

The only reason I still come to /biz/ is because it's just habit to type "4chan.org/biz/" into the address bar. This board and almost everyone on it is fucking stupid and a waste of time. Jacking off is literally more productive than going on this board.

>> No.1968345

>What was /biz/ like before the rise of crypto currency?
It was glorious. We had extensive discussions about indexing, value investing, savings rates, fundamental analysis, early retirement, and long-term financial planning. We all laughed at the day traders, forex jockeys, coinfags, and TA gurus. There were even multi-millionaires who regularly shared their advice and experience out of the goodness of their hearts.

J/k. It was "sell me this pen" and "how do i turn $5 into $50,000 with weed stocks." And the cryptofags were always here.

>> No.1968355

I was here when /biz/ was created. It was made as a containment board to get crypto talk (DOGE especially) off of /g/.

This guy is a full of shit newfag >>1968345

Also if you haven't started making side money thru Crypto, RobinHood, Dropshipping because of this board, no wonder jacking off is more productive for you. You're missing out, too risk averse, or too stupid to figure out why everyone
else is making money from these risky investments

>> No.1968357

There actually was a multi-millionaire though who would talk about indexing. It was always shit though, yes. I left /biz/ for a while and haven't seen him since coming back.

...I should really leave again...

>> No.1968363

Now we have NEETs making the same profits if not more with pennies because it's so damn volatile.

It's literally not fucking fair.

>> No.1968370

Lol this

>> No.1968378
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Yeah, iHaz. He left because this board is toxic bullshit. There was another guy, owner of several businesses (due in no small part to nepotism, but he was still managing the businesses), went by "Wipe". Bit of a cuck, but he and iHaz both have and had more money than just about anyone else on /biz/ and they left because this board is shit.

As a co-owner of a new business with a side income stream already up and running, I have this advice for anybody on /biz/:

1) You can't beat the stock market. Long term investing in low-cost index funds is how you build wealth, outside of starting your own business. Vanguard's VTI index fund is the safest and easiest way to invest.

2) Crypto currencies are, like daytrading, nothing more than gambling. You'd do just as well going to a casino or playing online poker.

3) Leave this board, now, and don't come back. Start working on starting that business, or your niche website, or freelancing career. /biz/ is not just a waste of your time, it is actively detrimental to your success.

Peace out, /biz/.

>> No.1968385


Mostly retards asking how they can make free money online by doing no work.

In other words, it was populated by the same idiots that invest in cryptos today.

>> No.1968386

Nobody cares larpsus

>> No.1968405

Please newfag. /biz/ is dedicated to crypto currencies. We allow wageslaves and dropshippers on our board but they're fucking autistic.

>> No.1968424

This is really bad advice

>Don't do these things that I don't do, heh, worked for some but not for me, so it's a bad idea

If I hadn't discovered this board I would be several thousand dollars poorer. I can't stand having idiots talk down to me because they can't grasp the idea of gambling a little bit on penny stocks/crypto.

"Psh, I'll stick to my index funds!" Cool bro, me too.

But I also have some pie in the sky cash, and when one takes off, I make a new high water mark for my net worth that I wouldn't have seen if I hadn't taken the risk.

I understand if you don't like the risk. I understand if you have a system that works for you. But telling legions of people that you know nothing about blanket advice about something you have obviously never tried? GTFO pal

When people tell me "You can't make money on crypto" or "You can't make money on penny stocks", either
1. They tried and failed. They are either too dumb, or lack determination and the ability to learn from their mistakes.
2. They never tried, and are just parroting what others say. If this is the case, stay out of my goddamn way. You aren't even risk averse enough to risk being wrong about something you know nothing about.

>> No.1968450

>You aren't even risk averse enough to risk being wrong
Classic /biz/ right here. All passion and bluster, and also stated 100% backwards.

>> No.1968475

>2) Crypto currencies are, like daytrading, nothing more than gambling. You'd do just as well going to a casino or playing online poker.

It's always easy to spot someone who doesn't know what they're talking about when they pull out the word 'gambling' as if it adds some illegitimacy to trading.

Funnily enough when living in Thailand I met a shitload of people making a living from online poker.

>> No.1968488
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>It was "sell me this pen" and "how do i turn $5 into $50,000 with weed stocks." And the cryptofags were always here.
This. The sheer persistence of posts that are one derivative or another of "[elaborate setup in which OP acquires X amount of money]. What should I put it in?" astounds me. Even more so is that we STILL don't have a sticky that explains the very fucking basics of investing.

I fucking hate half of you guys.

The other of you are cool though. We should get a round of beers.

It's a shame about the environment.

>> No.1968489

>Jacking off is literally more productive than going on this board.
Technically this could be said about every board on this site

>> No.1968490

I have no problem with crypto/alt stuff, but it's unnecessary to make so many threads at once. Just sticking to general threads is fine. The board gets turned to shit otherwise, and good questions get ignored. I also have no problem with women/escort threads, that's actually of significance to many modern business people.

>> No.1968494

Yeah, ihaz was legit. Wipe was decently smart, but all his money and his job came from his wife's father. Not sure how much wisdom he had to share. There was also this anon called himself "Guy with 9 Bikes" who always gave decent advice. They all left ....

And there's at least a few qualify non-tripfags/namefags too. You seem to have your shit together.

>Leave this board
Why is that harder than it sounds?

>> No.1968502

there were a lot of "ENTREPRENEURS" but now they admit to being NEETs with crypto holdings

>> No.1968504

What about /gif/?

>> No.1968533

I've been wondering about this, technically you can just assume that the most popular topic is going to be people discussing something they are excited about or trying to rope others into their pumpcoin. However, the people who actually care about making money are probably on average busy reading about how to make money or serious research instead of spending time here.
I come around because sometimes there's a thread where there's someone who's ridiculously intelligent drops in and just drops a bomb of insight and it's like finding the missing link in my understanding of the markets.
The two things I found most useful/interesting so far:
1)taxes are why currency is valuable, people need that currency to pay their taxes so it creates demand for a currency
2)keeping all of your money in a bank account with high interest and paying everything with a cashback creditcard, then autopaying the card with the account at the end of the month

I'm sure that, eventually, if I think and research enough about the things I learn here it might actually make me some money down the line, and that's the reason I'm still here. I just want to see what could possibly happen on a 4chan business board, I don't think I actually care about making real money as much as fantasizing about making money off some memecoin.
Like that guy spamming for THC coin, he might actually make money on that just because he's been spamming here and the culture behind it, but there's no way I would do such a speculative investment like that.

>> No.1968616
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>> No.1969178

>There's a real estate investment thread with no replies. One thread about Goldman's CEO. No replies. US taxation question, a few replies. Almost no real discussion while the bullshit crypto and daytrading threads shit up this board.
That's because if you voice an opinion on those things you get BTFO as a LARPer. This board has a really toxic culture of instant gratification (18 year olds who want to be spoonfed an entire University course in a thread and riches in weeks with no effort) and aversion to constructive discussion.

As a result even if you know a little bit about real estate you're not gonna contribute to the discussion because you'll just get shouted down.

>> No.1969221
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that pic.. living the dream

you poor loser crypto neets HAHAHA

yes, this is my cope

>> No.1969230


I know people from Thailand that make a living playing Magic The Gathering online. They win online tickets worth $1.00 of in game currency and sell them outside of the game for ~$0.92 USD. Respect the hustle

>> No.1969261

There was a period of time it was dominated by oil speculation threads. A lot more budget/frugal threads, regular "things poor people do/say" threads. Investment advice.

I'd really like to be a janitor on this board so I could instantly delete anything with "moon" in the OP

>> No.1969425
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pick 1

>> No.1969429
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u mad bro?

>> No.1969578

>What was /biz/ like before the rise of crypto currency?
Fun fact:
/biz/ was founded as a containment board for crypto-fags shitting up /g/ when /g/ had as many shitcoin threads as /biz/ has now.
But upon opening, /biz/ soon developed into a board, where - among a high amount of shitcoins - anons discussed - and shitposted, thfam - real business and the stockmarket.
So we all had fun and high hopes for some civilzued discussion, but, 4chan being 4chan, it turned to shit.
I dont mind crypto and i feel it belongs here, but jesus christ, can you faggots please use the fucking catalog first!?
No need to have 5 threads for every new memecoin and 10 nocoiner threads and 20 threads with a stupid question or comment that can be easily added to the crypto general.

>> No.1969800

It was actually pretty good. There were crypto threads but they were much rarer than now. Mostly threads about investing, education, work-from-home stuff, etc.

>> No.1970793

How about the mods make a crypto general thread and pin it

>> No.1970831
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as >>1968325 said, nonexistent.

However, during late 2016, start of 2017, most of the cryptofags were pretty damn silent since most of the coins they shilled were all dumped, including Ethereum. I think it hit like $6 at one point in January. NONE of you fags spammed threads about buying back then. ONLY when the pumps happened did you idiots shill coins till it has become unbearable where a lot of people dumped money into Eth at $50 and hardly made a cent while I bet many of you sold... myself included.

As for me, I invested conservatively as fuck. Kept a massive reserve in USD waiting to buy. Already tripled my portfolio in the last month doing long holds.

>> No.1970837

crypto was always here, but there were quality content, like the lithium guy that created the whole investing hype in 2015, then the shenlong "are you chinese" options kung-fu guy, the MGT before the normies sucked the dick etc. honestly /biz made me money

>> No.1970865

is the sales and bread guy still here

i think he went by the name of some fag or some shit

He was pretty based though