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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19662605 No.19662605 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19662660
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how are basedposters so based and so right ALL the time
how do they do it?

>> No.19662725

By having high iq


>> No.19662729

>dollar will tank but this chink scam propped up by tether/fake dollars that don’t even exist will pump
what did xhe mean by this
you know tether is the only reason why Btc is this high to begin with, right?

>> No.19662782
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why didnt that anon just say

>> No.19662899

stonks do feel like the top of 2017 right now. pigs get slaughtered.

>> No.19662990

Based basedposter

>> No.19663045

LMAO, you seething cryptocucks.
STONKS will continue to go up, because there is no reason for them to go anywhere else but up. Enjoy missing out of fat gains, retards.
>b-but muh bitcoin

>> No.19663063

Anyone have stages 5 and 6 capped?

>> No.19663074
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Right now:
>every major index crashing
>gold and silver kind of dipping but not really
>dollar (as measured by $UUP) slowly going up
>Trump and Mnuchin already discussing next stimulus package

It's like pottery.

>> No.19663089
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GOLD, silver and some buttcoins is all you need. Dump the shitcoins

>> No.19663213

I hope this happens. I was too pussy to buy in the first dip

>> No.19663735

This is retarded.
buying BTC as a poorfag is extremely safe but there's hardly any reward.
What you should do is buy a decent amount of gold and silver to use in twenty years when you're older (which will be a lot more valuable by then) and you take moonshots and hope something moons during alteason, so you can get passive income until you can liquidate portions of your PMs later in life.

If you get like 500k out of an altseason run or just general moonshots, you should be fine for about twenty or thirty years so long as you just live off of the passive income from your gains.
this is why staking is such an important move in the crypto world.

I'm not sure how people are this stupid.

>> No.19663829

dont try to rationlize an irrational market
buy the dip

>> No.19664002
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>> No.19664107

Wow, what a constructive conversation we're having!
Stay poor, moran.

>> No.19664466
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>Stay poor
In other words, you're poor, in other words, you will stay poor cuz u newfag faggot
Now you can leavue again

>> No.19664517

le leavue

>> No.19664623 [DELETED] 

Clicked on this thread wanting to be cynical and shit on it but honestly I agree with every single word of that post. My colleague is holding 25 shares of Tesla and nothing else. I told him months ago he was a spastic - since then he has been mocking me every day saying I am dumb and cowardly blah blah STONKS ONLY GO UP LOLLOOLOL.
I'm going to be proven right and his faggot meme stock is going to hit 420 again in 3 months and you know what, I'm going to buy 26 shares just to piss on his face.

>> No.19665029

What were stage 5 and 6?

>> No.19665041

>BTC begins to take off
OP was onto something until this point

>> No.19665064

the cope is just seeping out of you

>> No.19665134

I have a lot of gold and silver. What price prediction in 2022 per ounce?

>> No.19665317

This depends on several factors.
Will the FED be audited?
Will we see a bimetal or quadmetal standard?
How much private PMs are held?
How much of the debt will be corrected against?
What proportions will be allotted to the four horsemen?
What ways will the digital transaction question be solved?

To put things plainly, Au has to go to something like 100k (conservatively) to match against the national debt alone. This moves Ag to something like 1k with current ratios (will not hold up, mind you, meaning this is still extremely conservative).
The problem with these estimations is that they are using numbers from a couple of years ago (seemingly), which is sort of awkward since the FED has been printing like mad men lately.

In short, absolutely no one knows. We do know, however, that just about every whale out there is stacking Au and Ag right now, which is evidenced by unprecedented physical shortages, and has been for the past few years. You were warned about this a while ago.
With this being the case, we can expect any estimations to be nearly worthless, but we can speculate what prices my be corrected to once we discover how much Au/Ag the country has and match that against the national debt. Of course, this leaves out a lot of other things, so even then it's difficult to shape these estimations.

>> No.19665665

>Wow, what a constructive conversation we're having!
>Stay poor, moran


>> No.19665720

We can always tell you're new.
Every single time.

>> No.19665739

What about phases 5&6?

>> No.19665786

Has the domain changed?
Fuck off newfag

>> No.19665891

both stocks and crypto will crash. gold and silver are only safe havens

>> No.19665961
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>> No.19665980

/biz/ is only newfags.
You have no clue what you're saying.

You're like a little vulture - picking at anything and everything I say.
Why are you getting so emotionally invested in what I have to say? What's prompting you to keep attacking me so much?
Most adults and especially oldfags (no, you newfag, not old people) know better than to keep engaging people that are yanking your chain.

Become based or fall to the ruin cast upon you by those better conditioned for self control.

>> No.19666039


>> No.19666069
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>keep attacking me so much
fuck off newfag

>> No.19666103

this, fuck you OP

>> No.19666105

Quick, slide >>19665317
The goyim might notice!

>> No.19666216
File: 85 KB, 1088x500, phases56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is.

>> No.19666225

Yeah this new generation is dog shit. I don't enjoy their replies or behavior.

>> No.19666329

Too many pajeets found out about this place and it's now just scam pumps and nothing else.
I just wish I didn't take a break for a while so I knew where all of the anons that actually discuss things and help each other went.
Those were the fucking days, anon...

>> No.19666433
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Asuka 2020 version

>> No.19666486
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Stfu newfag tell ur friends too lurk more..

>> No.19666528

fuck off newfag

>> No.19666633

This is all of the chans. /k/ used to actually be a cool place to hang out. /pol/ was obsessed with tptb not just one type of them. /fit/ was... well fit has always been gay.

This place got astroturfed to hell.

>> No.19666682

not just being new to crypto, being an anon in general. those were the days because we felt like we were all on the same page, now it's just a goddamn peasant free for all; like I'm at jury duty or the dmv. just an assortment of turds i want nothing to do with.

>> No.19666976

Sorry was too busy sucking dicks.

>> No.19667065
