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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19576737 No.19576737 [Reply] [Original]

>Your degree/trade/certs
>Your current job
>Satisfaction with what said degree/trade/certifications has gotten you so far (rant, 1 word answer, 1-10 rating etc whatever you want)

>> No.19576751

Dropped out of college after 3 years and made 240,000 that same year

>> No.19576766

I would suck this guy's dick.

>> No.19576801

Keeps me employed w/ 200K+ salary working from home.

>> No.19576816

dropped out of hs
now 33yo
was it worth it? no.
no job no money no stonks no life

>> No.19576868

Based as fuck. Story?

>> No.19576962

>Degree in Electronic Engineering
>Quality Engineer in semiconductor industry / automotive focused

Working for 7+ years now, I love it. Salary is decent and people treat me like a superior being once they realise I'm an engineer and from Germany

>> No.19577184

>26 years old
>swedish architecture school
> literally useless art degree
>No fucking job. Tons of debt

Made some millions from reddit videos, but that has died out for me.
Trying to be an actual youtuber now lmao, its no good money but fun.
Corona crisis made my profession uselss atm. Maybe i can go into computers. Got a small eth stack to keep me comfy at least

>> No.19577185

Trucking 70k a year not bad

>> No.19577200
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>> No.19577214

day 1 no pmo

>> No.19577216

Aren't you on the wrong board then?

>> No.19577233
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Everyone in this thread making 6 digits or millionares lol

>> No.19577260

>B.Sc. in General Management, about to start my Master in Finance this August
>had awesome internships because I’m at a prestigious German university
>24 years old, 120k portfolio consisting of 1k Bitcoin and the rest is stocks

>> No.19577278

Name pls

>> No.19577313

>tons of debt
>made some millions


>> No.19577379

Knew I was wasting my potential by continuing to stay, had already built most of my models while in school. Grades kept sliding, was paying less attention. Finally decided to pull the trigger, took out a 300,000$ loan, dropped out and turned it into 540K over the course of a year.

I took advantage of a massive arbitrage opportunity in crypto which returns 18-340% in a year and built a quantitative trading model with a win rate >80% over the past 3 years. My networth is 7 figures now.

I have rich parents which is how I was able to secure the loan. Rich get richer.

>> No.19577410

I’ll add my timing was impecable, I wouldn’t have made as much if I dropped out any other year, but the model would have still been majorly profitable.

>> No.19577447

no :)

>> No.19577451

Forgot to list mine:
>Data Sciences
>Associate Director of Analytics (Social Media)
>8/10. Not happy being in social media, but I'm paid well. Pursing some IT certifications to branch out and I have 2 side businesses I'm expanding.

Honestly, he's right where he belongs here. Hope the lad can turn his life around.

>> No.19577458

just finishing bachelors of fine arts in industrial design.
I'll be trying to find a job now, can't wait to see how fucked I am.

>> No.19577469

>cdl driver
>local food delivery
>5/10. I make great money. $1600 a week and I have 2 days off each week. I have no life tho

>> No.19577480

Yes. My job pays six figures, I do fucking nothing.

>> No.19577494

Which crypto are you sitting on nerd?

>> No.19577602


>> No.19577622

Bioengineering degree from top university in the world
Trading bitcoin futures
Degree was great experience, making connections. Working world reality is terrible.

>> No.19577627

What field?

>> No.19577699

>ChemE, hated it, worked in a way to get Masters in eng. management quickly so I could get the most out of my 8 semester scholarship
>5. Project Manager at 25, 75k/yr at a packaging manufacturer (conveyors, labelers, cappers, etc.) Job is very boring until someone comes in with their last second urgent emergency they never brought up before and then it goes MAX STRESS really quick. I'm not interested in the product line. There are a few optics companies near me and I'm currently tailoring my resume to see if I can get my foot in the door as an applications eng, technical writer anything because the tech is cooler. Will probably take a massive pay cut but whatever, work is so much of the week you might as well make it semi-enjoyable.

>> No.19577714

Welche Uni?

>> No.19577757


>> No.19577759

Meme degree it took 7 years to get due to mental illness
Shitty temp job at a bank that I will be made redundant from before september
My mental health and circumstances are so fucked I can't fully leverage the degree from a good UK uni so in terms of time spent and earnings lost, not worth it. But being at uni was better than the alternative at the time so don't regret it.

>> No.19577785

>25 years old
>No education past high school
>work at a nearby factory making 110k yearly

>> No.19577809

wow how can i sign up for your paid trading course and crypto trading tips????

>> No.19577813

>Working world reality is terrible
Checked, based, and redpilled. Props for your degree too

>> No.19577824

Yes, I got two (2) full time jobs straight out of university.

>> No.19577943

inb4 Mannheim

>> No.19578047

GL m8

>> No.19578204

Mari Sora

>> No.19578242

In my local currency.
My youtube profit went into paying some debt and taxes.

>> No.19578283

He was just lucky, probably in 2017.

Don't follow the make believe turds. Also don't invest in crypto lmao.

>> No.19578287

>Bachelor's in Mech Engineering, MSc in CS >Unskilled warehouse wagie
>Absolutely hate it and barely have any time to work on my IT certs but I'm slowly grinding.
I'm also destroying my back because I'm a lanklet and I don't exercise at all these days

>> No.19578320

>Economics teacher at a high school
>40K EU a year

I really like my job and have a few side hustles on the sides to make more money. Also got 10k link so will be making it eventually

>> No.19578351

That's a man. Not a meme answer pls

>> No.19578433
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>Your degree/trade/certs
MSC CS and an another MSC AI

>Your current job

>Satisfaction with what said degree/trade/certifications has gotten you so far
If you need a CV at your job, maybe your job is not high specs enough or you are not high specs enough. HR people are basically glorified parser robots that will make a company say no to both the losers and the rockstars.
I created a company with business retards, /biz/ may unironically hear about us next month when we release. No ICO/tokens, those are unnecessary scam. The most reliable way to make it is delivery of a great product to satisfied customers.
It's mixing 10% cash instant return when outbid in an auction, real world celebrities and NFT's. It's gonna be the biggest blockchain exposure to normies since kriptokitties.

>> No.19578447

I'm a chemical engineer.
Graduate school is a meme, work for a year as a crappy analyst and trade up. Cut expenses to 10% and invest everything. Soon I'll never have to work again.

>> No.19578453

What certs are you going for? Working on the Security+ and CCNA myself.

Pretty based.


I have tons of her but I don’t remember the name. I might post a few more pics later itt when the thread is dying off. Not going to now to get the thread deleted so just sit tight.

>> No.19578539

That’s pretty amazing if true. Congrats, Anon. Really good shit.

Interesting. Good luck with the project.

>Graduate school is a meme
Redpilled. Fuck yeah it is. Complete waste of time and money for myself so far.

>> No.19578572

I’m not sitting on any crypto, I actively trade BTC with my model and am building one out for ETH. I do arbitrage a certain crypto trusts shares, which legally I am required to sit on for a set period of time.

I don’t sell a paid training course or even give away any information. I actually have a profitable model, I don’t need donations from shmucks. I trade with my own money.

>> No.19578658

Security+ for now and thinking of going for network or CCNA too. I had an IT job before so I have a base skillset and I hope to get a job in the field again soon

>> No.19578685


BA in Poli Sci
Professional Dungeon Master
12/10 satisfaction

>> No.19578822
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>philosophy BA
>general labourer

I'm going back to school in September to be a teacher. Never expected my philosophy degree to get me anywhere, just had nothing better to do and my parents wanted me to go. Had no life in uni but whatever. I have 80k in crypto so I hope to make it, pay off a property, work part time as a sub...meditate, learn, grow veggies and focus on what truly matters :)

>> No.19578843


>> No.19578883

>Public Relations
>State Government
>40k a year

Got my first big boy job out of college (took me 6 years) in March. It's close to my house so I'm living at home and stacking the cash. Been saving $1500/a little over half my take home pay a month. Filling up my Roth and doing some play stonks on the side. Plan is to continue living at home and stacking money until I get promoted/change jobs because why pay rent to live somewhere further away from my job?

>> No.19578929

>BS Finance from Non-Target
>Performance Analyst at Investment Consulting Firm
>55k year salary

It's not bad but could be better.

>> No.19579202

Good luck with the certs, Anon. Got my Security+ coming up on the 30th.

Good plan. How are you liking your job so far?

You landed a pretty nice job, you deserve a raise though. Would expect you to be hitting near 6 figures.

>> No.19579238

I am liking it so far. It's pretty easy and my bosses seem pleased with my performance. Working from home during coronatime has been comfy as well.

>> No.19579424

English BA
Unemployed neet
I’m debt free at least.

>> No.19579584

My PharmD cost me $140k + interest. It was absolutely worth it.

I only made $110k my first year after graduating, but I paid my loans in 2 years.

After a couple of promotions and regular raises over the last 5 years, I'm now making around $170k per year.

The job itself is not stressful. Making sure I have the right people to work with can be hard but I've got that on lock for now.

>> No.19579596

B.S. in compsci.
Still attending. It isn't for everyone. I feel like a vast majority of people in these threads are lying. Or apparently I have just seriously missed the boat. Whatever. Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.19579633

Sometimes I felt like I should have gone into medical, both my parents worked medical. Not sure, I am doing in computer science in hope of entrepreneurship of some sort at one point.
But, even just master's degrees in medical are making like 150,000 a year. You can do that in Tech, but you have to be a top priority candidate.

>> No.19579718

>avionics engineer/aviation maintenance technician
>Didn't pay for school (thanks military)
>Have 1 BTC
>30k in monetary assets
>Moving to Japan to work on aircraft, $100k/year tax free
It was worth it

>> No.19579733
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>He's one of those faggots that blame their failures on mental illness

>> No.19579775

That's interesting. Sometimes I wish I had gone into computer science. I'm a minority and decently intelligent so I don't think it would have been too hard for me to get a position at a Big Tech company that pays really well.

>> No.19579833

good plans, brah. Didn't expect to find this here

>Dropped out of uni 3 times
>Do cam porn for short term money, trying to be a pro athlete in the next 5 to 10 years
>I should have pursued an athletic career earlier, but didn't have the insight I have now. IfI hadn't wasted the last 4 years, I'd be golden now.

My ultimate goal is to buy land and start a community

>> No.19579968

how did you start researching to build your model? I'm also a programmer and have wanted to get involved in this but don't really know where to start

as for the OP, my degree was very worth. I went to the best eng school in the US and now work for a FAANG company making 280k a year 3 years out of college. graduated with no debt because my family was kind of poor and I worked hard to get scholarships

>> No.19580058
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>Your degree
Useless (Journalistic). I will graduate the next month. I didn't receive any knowledge at the university desu. Just lost 4 years doing absolutely nothing
>Your current job
I have no job and it probably will be harsh for me to find one. Also, I don't like a perspective of working for 300/month at all
>Satisfaction with what said degree
It was a mistake. I don't really know what to do with my life

>> No.19580061

How is everyone in these threads working for fucking faang? Ffs. I made honors the first semester, do you have to be extremely charismatic or something?
I am doing work on data structures and algorithms, I started doing those without even realizing they are for coding interviews.
What should I focus on in college if I want a higher paying position?

>> No.19580091 [DELETED] 

why is 'desu' automatically replaced by 'desu'. Wtf

>> No.19580118

Welcome to the modern US. The wealth gap is only going to become more extreme. Literally everywhere will be LA. A technocratic elite and slums 5 miles out from the mansions of people who ran into generational wealth from a bye-gone era of opportunity. Seriously, LA is the new paradigm of United States.
Also, enjoy the degrading culture and skyrocketing rates of mental illness that people can't seem to understand because they were fed with a silver spoon outside the gate community and in the cold dystopian world much of the world is becoming.

>> No.19580121

because you have to go back.

>> No.19580203

Yeah, you would've had whatever job you wanted being a minority. It is much easier to get employed as a minority, but most minorities are not seeking employment. For whatever reason is an entirely different debate.
Technically speaking with my GPA and darker skin, yes I would have an advantage with employment and really with the university I chose.

>> No.19580240

my grades were really good but at the end of the day i had success because i got an internship my junior -> senior year summer and got a return offer from that. internship interviews are much easier to nail since you have so few of them in one loop whereas full-time interviews have like 5 interviews onsite alone. if you're still in college i suggest networking and finding someone who can refer you for an internship then, but also do internships beforehand as they can provide good work experience and pay well (for FAANG at least)

>> No.19580255

Economics bsc finance msc . Unemployed 36y. Can't find a job. Didn't learn shit, the market wants more skills. Non us citizen in poorfag eu country

>> No.19580267

also honestly unless you're really good at some specific field in tech i'd suggest just studying the fuck out of interviews/leetcode when you decide to apply to FAANG in case you make it to phone screens. it's also easier to make it to phone screens if you get referred

>> No.19580281

I'm from a third world shithole, not the US (I thought it's obvious by my English). You critisize your country but you should to realize that you are already very lucky if you was born there, even though it has some problems.
Also, what's wrong with LA? It seems like a great city besides the sprawl and traffic jams.

>> No.19580295


>> No.19580382

Not going to deny that being a shit human and mental illness are basically the same thing but it's an easy way to describe the failings I have

>> No.19580449
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>Your degree/trade/certs
>Your current job
5 star hotel, doing inventory and costs management
>Satisfaction with what said degree/trade/certifications
Hate it, thats why im becoming a Firefighter

>> No.19580489

I'm thinking of dropping out anon (summer break but I don't want to go back). Any advice?

>> No.19580540

To preface, if you are doing the right things with your life you will often be surprised. Also, you are still better off being born an American for the foreseeable future.
However, when you hear people on /Pol/ complaining for example, it is because the social fabric of our country has generally declined. Wealth gap is extremely significant and you can see it. Money cures a lot of problems, but it has been sucked out of the middle class. We don't really have a middle class, we have rich and poor. Our political system has generally become corrupted regardless of partisanship. Lobbying, spying, gerrymandering and foul-play are beyond rampant, again. A lot of people believe we are in for a great depression again, I wouldn't be surprised.
The median income is 35,000 in the US and really raising the minimum wage to fix that involves modern market theory economics that really have enabled these bullshit wealth transfers we have already seen.
That is what is happening. Nobody wants to be in the service economy, but even medical really just seems like glorified service economy when you think about it, right?
I am not a doomer, however I think the corpse of the middle class will continue to be picked over by more corporate and government vultures. Further eroding peoples sanity when they see everyone on media driving new range rovers and 500,000 dollar houses.
There are some definite problems here and our political system is so washed out that we are going to keep doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. What's that called again, oh right, insanity.

>> No.19580554

I remember someone posted with the exact same plan years ago on here or maybe /tv/. Except they were already in Japan.

>> No.19580569

You are not dropping out for the reasons he is. Get an education or you're fucked.

>> No.19580619

Good shit, Anon.

Props on being debt free. Thats pretty huge.


Pretty based career. GL with the move.

Damn. Hope you find your callling. You have any ideas of what you want to pick up?

GL moving forward, Anon.

Respect the career jump. Stay safe out there.

>> No.19580625

>Get an education
Sorry but I have no interest in taking some pozzed bullshit like Nigger History 101 and then fall for the usury trap like everyone else.

>> No.19580660

Assuming hes not LARPing, that Anon accomplished something closer to 10 out of 10 people wouldn't be able to replicate.
If you drop out you better pick up some certifications or something to fall back on. Plan your future before you pull the trigger.

>> No.19580739

More pics please

>> No.19580828
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If you can overcome yourself and work your ass off, it does not matter if you are gifted.
It is fucking hard, usually extremely unfair and might even not seem worth it halfway through. You can do it, you just gotta work hard.
Ask yourself this "what if I went full blast for even just a year, what would my life be like"?
The process of self overcoming, accepting reality and succeeding is always worth it. Everyone has extreme potential, you have to learn to access it. Very few people do and work with what they got.

He is in right in saying the rich stay rich, 99% of the time this is true, statically. That gives us the opportunity to be true individuals, anon.

>> No.19580844
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>B.S. Chem (final year)
>not working due to kung flu keeping everything closed
>pretty fun in general, but I don't know if it's worth doing a masters.

I am considering doing a masters somewhere in between biochemistry and medicine, but I am not sure if anyone in the industry is willing to take someone straight out of university with a B.S.. Biology is my minor which helps I guess. I know academia including the sciences are pozzed, since ideology and everyone who pushes the desired agenda are paid scientific shills looking to make their mark on the world with no integrity. I just want to live comfy offgrid and have a family/homestead instead of participating in this rat race against my will with programmed npcs and minorities who hate me for existing. If any older chem/stemanons in the industry out there can help give advice on how to make it or live a more stable life before link moons, I would appreciate some insight.

>> No.19580867

>You have any ideas of what you want to pick up?
I thought about learning programming a while ago since it's probably the only sphere where you can earn decent money in my country. But I've done nothing to do that and actually have almost no idea about how to code.

>> No.19580913

Similar here, Philosophy BA, currently CNC machinist. Want to write but doubt I'd be published.

Went back to skool, studying Mechanical Design. Might switch to quality control soon and then to full-time design in a year. Also considering law school. DESU I could study my whole life; I also want to do some Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.

>> No.19581095

Everybody has their own problems right? Clearly being American is pretty fucking comfy compared to a being a lot of other people, but the American people have certain expectations to go along with it. Our country is clearly in decline and everybody wonders 'if this is supposed to be the richest most powerful nation on earth why the fuck can I barely make rent?' and such. Living in a nation in decline while you're still watching other people go up through pretty obviously bullshit means in many cases is deleterious to one's good mood and faith in their country.

>> No.19581128
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>get full ride scholarship to state school
>Yolo it and major in geography
>Do fuck all all 4 years other than smoke weed and day drink
>Have African professor who taught all my upper level courses and he made every exam open book and group work including final
>Get internship at the county to do surveying over the summer
>Expectations at rock bottom so my co-worker and I doing 4hrs of actual work a day receives high praise from the higher ups
> Get in a routine of just working until lunch time and then smoking weed/playing pool at bars in small rural towns we get sent to in the afternoon
>Do this for 2 years and then find my way into an engineering consulting firm for pavement design and management because of my "surveying and GIS experience"
>Learn everything about GIS on the job and now am responsible for creating the maps for every report and setting up shapefiles for surveying
>making $50k/yr 1 year out of college in the rural Midwest
>Rent is $300 a month and I'm dumping the rest of it in stocks and shitcoins
Practically? No my degree was a waste of time. It did get me in the door and set me on a pretty comfy path though. My end goal is to go into urban planning and work at a county/municipal office and oversee GIS projects.

>> No.19581177

okay Trump

>> No.19581275

>Specialization In History
>Military Intelligence (transfer from Infantry)
>Government Job so full benefits and security, travel opportunities, 60,000 a year. Downsides are moving ever 3-4 years and stress of the job Solid 8/10.

>> No.19581530

Pretty damn comfy.

Sick field. You shouldn’t have to worry about landing a job for the rest of your life.

I’ll dump a few shortly. You’ll probably be disappointed, I posted her best angle.

>> No.19581597

excuse me do you not have your larp papers out or what
do you think larping is a game, schmuck?

>> No.19581709

The only German I've ever worked with is an old German Research professor that casually just builds his own analytical equipment when he's not playing volley ball. Do they grow you guys in tubes?

>> No.19581850

Go be a glownigger somewhere else.

>> No.19581941

My fault for wanting to discuss careers and education instead of a fork, of a fork, of a fork shitcoin made by the same Discord Trannies and Pajeets that scam the same 7 retards for 0.5 ETH every other week.

>> No.19582001

I'm in ChemE, about 6 months out of finishing my PhD. with no jobs lined up due to the KungFlu giving everyone cold feet.

The other chemE in this thread hit the nail. Find a job, live like a monk and salt away 90% of your take home into investments until they start feeding themselves with their dividends and the exponential curve takes off. If you find a woman, make sure you discuss this part of your financial plan going in. That you might pull down lots of cash, but you'll not see it for a while.

I'm in a weird space because I had planned to move away from my school for a real job, but now I've started to realize that I don't have anything to come back to, and there's no reason not to start roots in that part of the US. I'm shotgunning applications to every beer brewing, yeast culturing, mining, and soft materials manufacturer in the state.

>> No.19582041

>engineering degree from a state college, probably spent 45k on education
>work stable boring engineering job for 65k a year in a low cost of living state

Nothing spectacular but better than many people. I have a comfy life, no complaints

>> No.19582066

Bioengineering degree from 4 years ago
do odd jobs here and there

>> No.19582081

checked. thanks brah. your story sounds fairly based yourself. very unique to say the least. i must ask though, how could one become a pro sport if you're already an adult? what sport?

i too would like to learn all the time. that is why i crave financial indepence and freedom.

op here from pc

>> No.19582152

>op here from pc
I have to say it’s been a while since I’ve seen someone OP LARP on a board with IDs.
Anyway, what do you do for a living?

Not too shabby.

>> No.19582170

op who posted that i have a philosophy degree and now work general labour.

>> No.19582210

My bad, Anon.

>> No.19582436

graduated in May and have yet to land a job
you tell me buddy

>> No.19582446

>300k starting
Yea worked out great

>> No.19582472

wtf is wrong with her arms?

>> No.19582550
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>Your degree/trade/certs
Sec+, JCAC, a few college classes, TS/SCI Clearance, could easily pick up more certs if I needed them
>Your current job
E-5 in Military Intelligence (much more boring than is sounds)
I love the military for the most part, pay is more than enough to keep me happy, and when I retire I can easily go contract and make more money than I do now plus retirement pay and benefits. Last assignment sucked ass though, if I don't get a good one soon I'm going back to the reserves.

>Hello fellow glowniggers

>> No.19582615
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That sounds about right. The kung flu has made every employer think twice now, and a lot of them are also discovering that working at home is also possible (and thus pay them lower wages). I've been told that most of the chemistry work out there is mostly lab work, and I can see the possibility of said lab work being automated, but I do not know if I can land even the entry level chem jobs given that I will be graduating after this year, depending on its availability and surplus of applicants. I think that maybe I am worrying over nothing because I'm not there yet. My gf has been wanting to do the same in terms of living independently, she is family oriented, and I know I can rely on her in achieving the offgrid lifestyle. We have been quite stingy here and there since we are poorfags to begin with.

Funny enough, one of my instructors was telling me how he wants to stop teaching and do something technical like the jobs you have stated. He has been doing the same in applying to those fields and finally got in on some biotechnology startup that he is interested in because he can apply his skills very well in that job. I suppose investment from salary is the key as you said, because I will be entering the field in a unique time. Thank you fren, I wish you the best in finding something that makes you happy in salary and comfy.

>> No.19582800

Honestly, it sounds like your home front is solid which already puts you ahead of the morass of retards in America that decided to shack up with rank strangers. I wouldn't be that worried about anything but intern tier pipetting being automated in the near term. Synthetic organic chemistry that isn't bucket level 1-pot needs a human to at least baby sit it. And anything that requires research and development is too small scale to really mechanize.

>Tardo corp. decides to completely automate their batch process involving pyrophorics.
>Tardo corp. becomes my new favorite CSB post mortem video.

>> No.19582877

>BA, really just a waste of 4 years of my life, no debt at least
>work for the post office, dead end job but take home pay is like $550 a week, live with parents so no rent, most of my money goes into savings to move
>learning moonrunes and planning to do a tesol course over the summer, end goal of enroling in JET
i know everyone in japan is gonna hate me for being a teacher, short of enroling in the military i don't see any other way of moving over there

>> No.19583177

>Your degree/trade/certs
Bachelor of science in computer science
>Your current job
Senior software architect
>Satisfaction with what said degree/trade/certifications has gotten you so far
Pretty happy. I make more than 90% of families in my state and have enough to fuck around with stocks to try to speed run retirement without any of the meme methods.

>> No.19583234

>accounting taking CPA exams
>staff accountant
>okay money and job right out of college, but the work and cubicle make me question if I want to continue with life if this is what's left for the next 30-40 years

>> No.19583253

Oh yes. I have purchased one degree and one masters and I can 100% say they are worth every penny. Awarded to me based on 'past life experiences ' I have worked at a university as a lecturer and then promoted to head of the faculty (at a prominent asian university abroad) it has gained me work as a journalist and assistant editor at a foreign newspaper and along with several name changes has suppressed the uncovering of my lengthy criminal record. Allowing me the opportunity to create a new self that is truly helping the world. Gotta luv that 'edumication'.

>> No.19583297

>>Your degree/trade/certs
B.S., math. Did some numerical research and open source contribution, too.
>>Your current job
Software dev for small government (sub)contractor. I make 70k + 10k SEP IRA + 3k HSA usd contributions (my first real job, right out of school, though I'm 25),
>>Satisfaction with what said degree/trade/certifications has gotten you so far (rant, 1 word answer, 1-10 rating etc whatever you want)
I'm happy with the pay. It's boring as shit though and I moved to the middle of nowhere to work here. I am tempted to quit, focus on an online CS master's focusing on ML / learn more stats, and try getting a data sci oriented role.

>> No.19583391

>I might post a few more pics later itt
I'm just waiting for this OP

>Not going to now to get the thread deleted
You could upload it to somewhere like imgur and post the album link here, I do that when linking nsfw content on blue boards.

>> No.19584009
File: 134 KB, 1080x1350, 101145090_1088822731495369_4849237931842921875_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your service, Anon.

You have my dream job honestly. Good shit.

Prob a LARP, if not thats pretty damn based.

Based. Really good money for your age and fresh out of Uni.

I always get threads deleted because of thot posting. Sadly, I single handily post more thots than any Anon or Discord shill group by a mile. I get hundreds to thousands a day from work and dump them here in certain threads or my own.

Let me find a few of her. Pic related is one. Told you I posted 1 of her best pics.

>> No.19584061

who is this... those skinny shoulders with those milkers. my god thats a man. pls more.

>> No.19584112

>100k LINK hodler
>250K LOKI accumulater

>> No.19584117

Was looking at the CPA 2 years ago but decided against it because of what you said. Good luck moving up the ladder or finding a more worthwhile position elsewhere.

Its the same girl from OP. I'll post more in my responses and as I find them.

>> No.19584149

BS, Business Information Technology (CS for non-autists)
Took $80k for a $100k job out of desperation. Money is fine, but the work is soul sucking for me, probably won't be doing it for much longer.

>> No.19584165

Patent lawyer, job is fun deal with glowniggers and other secret stuff/hidden patents, you lads wouldn’t even believe the type of shit they already have patents for
Dumping everything into LINK

>> No.19584197

What's depressing about the job? I've always wondered the stresses are with a software development job. Deadlines? Pajeets?

>> No.19584215

Real estate agent just closed a 1.5 million dollar home.

I'm 26 and already have 3 homes.

You guys are stupid trading time for money punching in and out every day.

>> No.19584229

Also to add I only graduated high school. And only been selling homes for 3 years

40k link stack

>> No.19584416

How long have you been in real estate?

>> No.19584749

She looks like a deranged and it’s fucking hot? Moar or name!

>> No.19584781

>Medicine here
>Still a student although almost final year
>Pay right now is still money my parents give me monthly to sustain myself but I'm able to save some and invest them and stuff

The pay once I'm in residency will be around 18-20k a month but without taxes. The specialty I'm choosing should make me around 150 to 200k in the lower end without being too stressing even though it's very competitive.

>> No.19584802

I might add that I'm also learning two more languages because I'm giving a shot to getting into Switzerland since the pay is more than 3 times the one here in Italy

>> No.19584892

Not a larp if it was I would com up with much more fanciful things than a uni lecturer.
I currently am a project manager for a CHarity and was nearly 'uncovered'. I came cleam with my CEO and as I had not actually lied' I did have a masters - just it was purchased from a uni mill , I was never asked about a criminal record because my initial check under a new name came up clean so again I did not lie. and I LOVE my joba nd the new Identity I am , I was very fortunate to have him keep me on. He as an employer now has my 100% loyalty and the job as I said is a charity. I still have not told my wife or my kids as I dont want them to think that this kind of thing is 'good' or something to look up to. When they are grown I will tell them and they may well say they always knew... I dont know. I would say to any of you though... VET your employees. If qualifications are essential to the job.. check them. There are many like me, I am far from alone. Also if you are going to fake a qualification best fake it about something you are actually quite the expert about. Good luck to all of you who are working hard. its the way to go.

>> No.19585177

Thanks for sharing, Anon. I respect it, that's insanely based in its own way. Best of luck to you going forward.

>> No.19586303
File: 223 KB, 927x635, 1587408499162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow truckfags. Wouldn't recommend this job to any normies, only for anti social autists (and even then it made me want to kill myself with 130's IQ doing a 80 iq pajeet job). But, for 2 weeks "training/cert" I made 77, 75, 73 my first 3 years...albeit living in my truck and working 350 days a year so basically min wage.

Now I own my own truck and do oversized for 175-225 a year (and ~1600 a week for my pilot driver). Would probably only make 120-140 OTR, but it's still a pretty reasonable roi over getting a nigger history degree and teaching niglets they wuz kangz for 40k a year.

Best part is once you make the jump to o/o and are in the top 10% intelligence for the industry (so like >90) you can quickly make other retards drive for you and semi retire into office work by year 5 or so. Very repeatable business model once you understand the basics.

Pretty good deal for lazy fuckups to unfuck their situation and/or cant deal with sjw degree mills.

>> No.19586691

You could make 500k a year if you team drove with him instead. Split it 60% 40%

>> No.19586827

doesn't work that way for oversized (hos is daylight only) and getting return loads is a bitch/delays time sensitive construction shit we haul. 140 was an otr hard running team estimation.

Pretty comfy as is working 4.5 days a week on semi-dedicated runs for 3x my previous 7 days a week job.

>> No.19586851

dropped out after 3 and a half years (im just a few credits away from earning bachelors in studio art film and animation + minor in film studies)
no real job
im happy, probably not going back to school ever

>> No.19587103

Any more pics of her?

>> No.19587537
File: 672 KB, 600x600, 1583844910010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Automation Engineering
Automation engineer
I love it, good pay, get to travel a lot, goofball coworkers and pretty good benefits like company boat, holiday apartment and free gym membership.

>> No.19587599

> Computer Engineering
> Software Engineer
> 9
Great degree, facinating field to be in, great jobs with good salaries if you are flexible with your location.

>> No.19588873

> Bachelor of Architecture
> Draftsman
> 3

Dogshit pay in an industry full of women, poofters and drama queens while getting undercut by pajeets. Should've done construction management or a trade

>> No.19589268
File: 479 KB, 700x874, 1591298479560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hardware Engineer at a tech company all of you know /traded its stock. Making roughly 100k a year, excluding company stocks
The job is interesting (from an engineering stand point) and its my first job after being an intern, but i want to eventually launch a startup company of my own.
Currently learning how to day trade, already grew my initial account by 20-30% from where i started.
I am probably gonna open an FBA amazon seller account soon.
>Inb4 its a meme
Yeah i thought so too, like its the same as shopify shit or dropshitting, but i know someone closely that made himself a very comfy passive income from FBA (something like 200-250k annualy, mostly passive from sales) so it seems to be not such a meme after all.

>> No.19590149
File: 40 KB, 720x671, 1589971540676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BS in Electrical Engineering
>Design engineer for a fairly well known brand of consumer goods
>Started at 8-9/10, now down to 4/10

I interned here and got a job straight out of college. It's now been 4 years and my passion for the job and company has faded. I've been slowly progressing to a "leadership" role which essentially means being an overly accountable middle management fuckwad. I've had a taste of that and it's not my thing.

I'm looking at alternate opportunities.
1. Possibly going to make a jump to software development, but need some training before doing that. I was fairly competent and enjoyed my programming classes, but I was a dumb for not following that interest and instead went the EE route focusing on hardware, shoehorning me into my current position.

2. Interviewing with a startup brewery as an entry level assistant brewer but the pay cut would be massive and I still have student loans + a home mortgage so the only way I could feasibly do it is by selling my LINK stack and paying off my student debt. But the upside is possibly starting a career in an entirely new field where I think I could be successful.

Any details on the FBA gig? What to sell? Where to start?

>> No.19591122

Should I throw away my 90k/yr salary cuck job or what?

>> No.19592142

>Your degree/trade/certs
Civil engineering
>Your current job
Engineer level I doing a lot of water resource design stuff
>Satisfaction with what said degree/trade/certifications has gotten you so far (rant, 1 word answer, 1-10 rating etc whatever you want)
9/10 - I'm probably in the 115-120 IQ range so engineering school was hard for me. I busted my ass and happy to be where I'm at in life.

>> No.19592190

>Public Administration
>Contract Specialist
I initially considered being a lawfag during undergrad only to realize that the market was still reeling from the Great Recession. After some gap time and researching my options, I chose my program and am satisfied with the educational and work experience I encountered these past two years. Although I was limited to simpler tasks during my internship due to working part-time, I'll be continuing my development with my agency once I convert to full-time status later this year. It will take 4-5 years before I have been adequately developed in my position, but it will be a worthwhile investment as a career seeing how much my occupation is in demand.
Even as an intern I have solid pay and benefits from a great agency, so I am enjoying my last "free" summer before I start working full-time and start getting aggressive with my investing.

>> No.19592490

Did biology at uni, graduated 2013, bunch of digital marketing jobs. Couldn't be bothered with a masters or some lab job.

Quit mid 2018, made $450k profit in affiliate marketing since.

Got 9 BTC and around 58 ETH too.

No stocks. Bit of silver bullion.

>> No.19592594

>BS in physics/math from ivy league, 23
>English teacher in southern japan, also a trader. Make more trading lol. Probably 70k this year. Gonna go home next year and become a real wagie but idk what I'll do. Probably some gay software development shit, I can code nice. I'd love to make it and just retire somewhere cheap and peaceful though.
>8/10 I guess. Japan is kinda lame, but has its upsides.

>> No.19592800

Just take a course on FBA and/or watch youtube videos. There are some cheap courses online that give you the general idea on how to start, and the rest is up to you basically.

>> No.19592823

> makes 70k a year trading while working, presumably, from home
> wants to wagecuck

if you arent bullshiting do you use any math to trade? and do you use a bot that you programmed according to some model?

>> No.19593189

Sorry miswrote that, 70k total, my job pays below most US minimum wages tho. Probably ~60% from trading last year. I def ain't ballin out, but I'm not living abroad to make bank either. I don't work from home, I mainly swing trade and hold for days to weeks. and ya I also have (two) bots that trade for me. Mainly momentum based, all in python, trades on bitmex. Tbh though the math is dogshit simple. I think most people on biz could code a profitable bot but are too lazy to do the research. It's not really hard to make something semi decent in crypto. I built up a pretty decent stack in 2017 that's the only reason I can bankroll my trading. I'm definitely not a god trader, but a man can dream. I think I'll probably have to wagecuck for a little though, or forever if I can't level up my trading.

>> No.19593748

could you please help me out, i know math and cs, by sharing some resources like websites, yt vids, books, anything on making these bots?

and if you have any books in general that cover the topic of trading i would really appreciate it. i willing to do whatever it takes. thanks for the response