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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19523915 No.19523915[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

With all the cons of getting married, why would a man ever get married?

Women are nothing but whores looking for the bigger, better deal.

Seriously what's in it for us men?

>> No.19523944

children, social pressure will force you to marry or she will break up with you unless she has no friends and family

>> No.19523946

Before this gets deleted, marriage can ruin a man financially when it comes to divorce, so why do men marry only for some slut woman to cheat on him, divorce him, get half his shit, and get 25% of his income via child support?

Pussy isn't that great. I'd rather jack off.

>> No.19523957

Continuing your lineage that has existed since the dawn of man.

>> No.19523967

prenup anon

>> No.19523972

Prenups are a meme that get ignored by the courts

>> No.19523974

I was married for four years, had two children, separated, and just can't trust women anymore. Like I want to have intelligent conversations about maxing our roth IRAs, saving to buy a house, getting out of debt, and all women my age wanna talk about is what's happening on social media.

>> No.19524000

what was the reason for your breakup, anon?

>> No.19524019
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What if your wife makes 3x your salary?

>> No.19524029

We just weren't compatible. Nothing in common. We were kids, I got her pregnant, we had a kid, got her pregnant again and I thought we'd always be together and that we'd both settle. I made some mistakes and I'm paying for them dearly now.

>> No.19524044

If you marry a high quality woman (under 24, virgin, intelligent) you will get:
- a person who is always on your side during the ups and downs of life
- sex as often as you want it
- a person who will do the thousands of hours of work needed to raise good kids- good kids in turn are a huge improvement in quality of life after they're out of diapers

If you marry a low quality woman (older, non-virgin, low IQ/poor impulse control) you get none of those things and a high likelihood that she makes your life awful

It's really simple: only consider marrying high quality women

>> No.19524045

How can I find a decent looking 30 year old female that makes $300 a year?

>> No.19524077

Shit anon, this was meant for you
Sorry, I've had a few back to back.

>> No.19524127

Anons will call you based on 4chan if you say you're married.

A woman's support commands immediate incel respect and deference.

Do you really say you don't want to be called based on 4chan? Is that not why you are here?

>> No.19524137

Do it for us, bro. Divorce costs half your assets. Child support costs you your freedom, plus monthly payments. But an anon calling you based on 4chan?


>> No.19524143
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Oh no, /r/incel is back

>> No.19524144

Already divorced paying out the nose in child support.

>> No.19524157

India my friend

>> No.19524160

tell us about your mistakes. did you fuck someone else?

>> No.19524166

>Women are nothing but whores looking for the bigger, better deal.

Yes exactly, built into not only women but men as well. Human nature.

Marriage was essentially an insurance policy for many years and you can't blame women. Imagine being influenced and incentivized to be a homemaker with no education or skills. You are with a man and he dumps you after 20 years of relationship. You're now 40 or 50, and as men are visual creatures your relationship "value" is dried up. You are essentially FUCKED. You'll earn table-scraps while your husband has moved on to a younger hotter girl. You "wasted" their prime dating years. That's a major component as to why marriage became so important to women.

The wage gap with the rise of education for women however is solving this issue. Suddenly, who cares about money if you both make the same. There is still the issue of youth with women however so women will always be more interested in a long term relationship. And you can see this in the rates of marriage decreasing and marriage at later age.

To answer your question, it being a great deal is up to the individual. If you decide to marry someone with no ambition career wise, basically a piece of ass trophy wife - then you reap what you sow getting married to them. If you've married them based on them essentially just being "hot", then you are marrying someone who is built and rewarded to be shallow and self centered. You knew the deal so don't fucking whine when they take half your money.

It takes a good judge of character to make a successful marraige.

>> No.19524171

California is the worst. Men have no rights here. I can’t fucking wait for it to collapse and let these worthless grifting whores starve in the street.

>> No.19524176

If you have a strong frame a girl will always be obedient to you. Stop avoiding and taking shortcuts dumbass nigga. Learn game.

>> No.19524209

I just wanted a partnership with a woman. We both make money, have separate checking accounts for our own shit, then contribute $x/month into the joint account for joint expenses, mortgage, light bill, etc.

>> No.19524313

I'm waiting for commiefornia to break off into the pacific.

>> No.19524320

It's also an emotional thing for women that transcends just looking for stability. Marriage is sacred to many women. And so, marriage is sort of a gift to them, and love is when you care about someone else's happiness at least as much as your own.

I would wait till you're in your mid 30's (of course always exceptions to the rule). But mid 30's you should have done some bucket list stuff with women, gotten at least some of it out of your system, and know what you're looking for. Again, just a guideline.

Some guys aren't meant for marriage and are totally fine with it, and there are some men that love the idea of marriage just as much as women. But yes, from a logical perspective there's a lot of thought and planning that a lot of people simply don't do, they are caught in the trap of infatuation and youthful naivety and end up wasting a lot of good years.

>> No.19524365


Like it or not, the meaning of life is to survive and reproduce. Regardless of how you perceive women, they are necessary to achieve this objective. Also:
>/biz/ - Business and Finance

>> No.19524372

>divorced baby momma
>got with this other girl, didn't work out
>other girl and I started talking again
>on/off for a while
>break it off, block her on all forms of contact
>she emails me whining blah blah
>take her back, on/off again
>break it off, she files harassment report with popo
>later drops charges

>> No.19524395

Women only decline in market value and are afraid of ending up alone because they waited too long to form a permanent attachment. On the downslope, it becomes less likely that she'll leave - especially if you skew the incentive structure in your favor. Make sure she knows that things would go bad for her if she left, and maintain as much of your market value as possible so she feels pressured to take care of herself just to stay good enough for you.

There are no guarantees, so above all you need an insurance policy. Never tell her about your exit stack. Doesn't matter if it's gold, crypto, whatever. It's great to love your wife, but make sure to provide for your own future first.

>> No.19524405

im lonely to be honest

>> No.19524410

This thread is /biz/ related because I asked why would a man get married its imminent financial ruin for him?

>> No.19524417
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>> No.19524427

>Not marrying a MILF/GILF with more money than you'll make in the next 10-20 years

Seriously, just give them the D and attention and they'll overlook giving other women the D.

>> No.19524431

If there's one thing I know about women, it's that they want to be entertained. You don't have to be rich, you don't have to be handsome, you can be an asshole, you can do anything. But don't bore them. Girls just want to have fun.

>> No.19524449

I hear ya brother.

Was with a girl for about 10 months and I gave her so much money and a car and all this shit. Place to live rent free and what not and she just took took took and in the end She's trying to file a restraining order on me because I obsess over contacting her.

>> No.19524456

just find a girl who doesn't want kids, get her pregnant by "accident" and offer to take full custody of the child and demand no child support, then cut ties with her. raise your child how you want without greedy roastue influence.

>> No.19524461

>Prenups are a meme that get ignored by the courts
Actually true.

>> No.19524474

If he's already in the lower caste he's never getting that upper caste pussy.

>> No.19524481

>not finding a rich milf to divorce for alimony when she ages out of milfdom

>> No.19524482



Note that this is more effective in a state with community property laws aka the net worth of the couple is split in half and any attempts to "hide" assets from the other partner are strongly looked down upon regardless of gender.

If you divorce and she's worth more than you...say hello alimony and half her shit.

>> No.19524483
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I feel you anon. I'm there too
because it's part of the cycle in pic related. you cannot escape it. primal urges and logic take turns steering over your life.

>> No.19524495

All the kikes in this thread are glowing like a radioactive neon sign. You will be outbred and slaughtered like the inbred cattle you all are.

>> No.19524500

At what age do women start feeling insecure if they have not found someone permanent?

The women who has used me and abused me and then turned it around on me to make me look like the bad guy has men flocking to her 24/7 because she is hot.

She's the hottest girl i've ever been with and she knows this and played me like a fiddle.

She's 26

>> No.19524506
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>business and finance
this isn't your feelings journal.
saged and reported.

>> No.19524512

This. Social pressure will get you. It's one of the strongest forces of influence there is.

>> No.19524525


There's a moment when they realize it's harder to snag the type of man they're used to snagging and they realize it's related to their age.

>> No.19524564
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The not wanting kids thing lasts until it doesn't. The hormonal soup of pregnancy changes a lot about what they want. If she's super-serious about not wanting a kid, she wont carry it to term. Also, not wanting kids could be code for being barren, or possibly "I used to have a penis"

>> No.19524567

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times. Slaughter the shekelites like the cattle they think we are and attain paradise.

>> No.19524594

too bad she wants to be part of their lives or I would do that in a heartbeat,
been throwing all my income at the stonks.